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Showing results 561-564 / 628

Dimethyl ether process

DME is an alternative automotive fuel solution and can be used as fuel in diesel engines, gasoline and gas turbines. Johnson Matthey offers the DAVY™ DME process, which uses methanol feed, as an extension to our methanol flowsheet.


Methylamines process

Johnson Matthey's DAVY™ methylamines (MA) flowsheet is the most extensively licensed process of its kind in the world. As such, it is well-proven through extensive use across a majority of operating MA plants. We have continued to improve our process and today offer an improved derivative of our original design.



[Me4tBuXPhos Pd(allyl)]OTf | CAS Number: 1798782-29-2


Oxo alcohols process

Johnson Matthey offers oxo-alcohol processes and a complete range of catalysts suitable for oxo-alcohol manufacture. The LP OxoSM technology is the world’s leading technology for use in the manufacture of oxo alcohols from olefins.
