the net zero
Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Our approach to reporting
We believe in being as transparent as possible in our reporting on sustainability
performance and strive to make public all the information our stakeholders require
through adopting the most well respected independent reporting standards and
ratings services.
This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Standards 2021 and also aligns with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
(SASB) chemical sector reporting requirements (version 2018-10). Our Task Force
onClimate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report is included on pages 45-52
and complies fully with the TCFD disclosure recommendations. The numbers included
in this section cover the entire Johnson Matthey group.
ERM Certification and Verification Services Limited (ERM CVS) were engaged
toprovide limited assurance of selected information as presented on page 228.
Pleasesee ERM CVS' full assurance statement on pages 229-230 for more details.
Find more information online
Sustainability Performance Databook: matthey.com/sustainability-databook
GRI Content Index: matthey.com/gri-content-index
SASB Index: matthey.com/sasb-index
PAI Statement: matthey.com/pai-statement
TCFD Compliance Table: matthey.com/tcfd-compliance-table
Assurance Statement: matthey.com/assurance-statement
Our products and services are where we believe we can have most positive impact
onsociety and we have aligned our strategy with four of the UN SDGs
Cautionary statement
The strategic report and certain other sections of this annual report contain forward
looking statements that are subject to risk factors associated with, among other
things, the economic and business circumstances occurring from time to time in the
countries and sectors in which the group operates. It is believed that the expectations
reflected in these statements are reasonable, but they may be affected by a wide
range of variables which could cause actual results to differ materially from those
currently anticipated.
We are Johnson Matthey
Watch: our latest company film, describing JM in two minutes
Catalytic converters: fighting pollution
for50years and beyond
Sustainable aviation fuel: ready for take off
PGMs: a circular solution for a net zero future
Hydrogen: ramping up to reach net zero
Strategic report 01
Our business at a glance 02
Key performance indicators 03
Our purpose 04
Chair’s statement 05
The drivers of our changing world 06
Our business model 08
Chief Executive Officer’s statement 10
Our strategy 12
Clean Air 14
Platinum Group Metal Services 16
Catalyst Technologies 18
Hydrogen Technologies 20
Sustainability 22
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures 45
Chief Financial Officer’s review 53
Financial performance review 55
Risk report 62
Going concern and viability 70
Non-financial and sustainability information statement 71
Section 172 statement 72
Icons within this report
Read more
Content available online
Key performance indicator
Principal risk
Click this link to see our glossary: matthey.com/ARA-glossary
Governance 73
Chair’s introduction 74
Board at a glance 75
Board of Directors 76
Our governance structure 78
Corporate governance report 80
Board activities 82
Stakeholder engagement 84
Board and committee effectiveness 87
Societal Value Committee report 88
Nomination Committee report 90
Audit Committee report 94
Remuneration Committee report 103
Directors’ report 128
Responsibilities of directors 132
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc 133
Financial statements 144
Other information 222
Cover image: Fanesa Fernandes, Production Operator, checks a hydrogen fuel cell
component at our Hydrogen Technologies site in Swindon
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Our business at a glance
Our businesses
Read more on pages 14-21
A global footprint
Clean Air
Designs and manufactures emission control catalysts to reduce harmful pollutants ,
e.g. NOx, from vehicle exhausts and a range of stationary sources.
Platinum Group Metal Services (PGMS)
Metals management: supporting customers with short and long term metal planning
through leading market research and price risk management.
PGM (platinum group metals) applications: processing metal into more complex, value
added products for a vast array of uses. This includes providing PGM-based products for all
ourother businesses.
Refining: recycling used PGMs including spent auto-catalysts and taking mined PGMs
to purity.
Catalyst Technologies
Designs and licences process technology and designs and manufactures catalysts for a wide
range of processes used in the energy and chemicals industries to create products used
intransportation fuels, fertilisers, wood products, paints, coatings and polymers.
Hydrogen Technologies
Designs and manufactures the key performance-defining components (catalyst-coated
membranes) used at the heart of fuel cells and electrolysers.
In addition, we have three Value Businesses that are not within the core portfolio:
Battery Systems, Medical Components and Diagnostic Services.
North America
29% of Group sales
17% of employees
42% of Group sales
55% of employees
Rest of Asia
13% of Group sales
11% of employees
10% of Group sales
8% of employees
Rest of World
6% of Group sales 9% of employees
Supported by our values
We are a truly purpose-driven organisation – and our values provide the foundation for
everything we do.
12,600 employees worldwide
Protecting people and the planet
Acting with integrity Innovating and improving
Working together Owning what we do
Revenue split (%)
Platinum Group Metal ServicesClean Air Catalyst Technologies
Value Businesses
Hydrogen Technologies represents less than 1% of total revenue
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Key performance indicators
Financial performance
2021/22: £16,025m
Underlying operating profit
2021/22: £553m
(excluding precious metals)
2021/22: £3,778m
Operating profit
2021/22: £255m
Sales contributing toour
four priority UN SDGs
2021/22: 83.8%
Total Scope 3 (Category 1)
Purchased Goods and Services
GHG emissions
2,495,475 tCO
2021/22: 2,978,197 tCO
Recycled PGM content in
JM’s manufactured products
2021/22: 70%
D&I – female representation
across all management levels
2021/22: 27%
R&D spend contributing
toour four prioritySDGs
2021/22: 88.1%
GHG emissions avoided from
our technologies (compared
toconventional offerings)
848,643 tCO
2021/22: 470,706 tCO
Total Recordable Injury and
Illness Rate(TRIIR) employees
+ contractors
2021/22: 0.59
Total Scope 1 and 2 GHG
emissions (market-based)
363,686 tCO
2021/22: 410,110 tCO
Sustainability performance
For more information on our ESG ratings please see page 23 For more information on our sustainability targets please see page 24
(Loss)/earnings per share
2021/22: (52.6)p
Ordinary dividend pershare
2021/22: 77.0p
Clean Air cash flow
2021/22: £772m
Underlying earnings pershare
2021/22: 213.2p
1. Non-GAAP measures are defined and reconciled in note 34 of the financial statements, refer to pages 206 - 209
2. Prior year rebaselined to remove divested businesses, please see page 222 for more information
3. Prior year restated due to calculation refinement, please see page 222 for more information
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Catalysing the
net zero transition
As a global society we face big challenges. Many of the
world’s leading energy, chemicals and automotive
companies depend on Johnson Matthey’s technology and
expertise to decarbonise, reduce harmful emissions and
improve their sustainability.
Our purpose is to catalyse the net zero transition for our
customers, and our strategy is derived from this purpose.
In this report we explain some of the ways our solutions
are already helping our customers meet their ambitions,
and how we will create value for them and wider society
over the coming years. Even while we reduce our own
operational footprint to achieve net zero by 2040.
We know it’s not enough to be purpose-led: we also need
to be performance-driven. If we are to enable this
transformation for our customers, we must transform too.
Patrick Thomas
Liam Condon
Chief Executive Officer
Our purpose
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
It’s a great privilege to be Chair of Johnson Matthey,
a company with a rich history, world-class scientific skills
and incredibly talented people. Over the last year, the
Board has enjoyed working with Liam and his refreshed
leadership team as they have injected pace and
commercial thinking into the company’s new strategy.
In May 2022, we launched a transformation programme to strengthen our commercial focus,
ensuring that we concentrate on the technologies and markets where we have the greatest
strength and competitive advantage.
This isn’t an overnight fix, but it is already starting to deliver. By creating a more focused
portfolio with four business areas, we are driving value creation, taking a much more
customer-centric approach in order to seize opportunities with a simplified operating model
to drive execution. The Board’s challenge was how to measure and track progress, and I am
pleased that we are seeing strong performance, delivering against strategic milestones.
Thereis more information on this on page 13.
We are transforming our business at a time when our markets are coming at us faster than
ever before. For example, the pace of decarbonisation activities in China have accelerated as
it becomes the world’s biggest fuel cell market. The EU has adopted a climate law enshrining
its new climate targets of at least a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
by2030 compared to 1990 levels. And in the US, it is a completely changed regulatory
landscape. There has been a lot of noise about the Inflation Reduction Act – it’s quite simply
aglobal game-changer, offering $369 billion in subsidies.
We will always follow the markets and our customer demand – in the examples above,
wearedeveloping partnerships, winning business and helping customers catalyse the net
zero transition. I am confident that this will continue to grow over the coming years.
Shareholder engagement
This year, I have spent a significant amount of time talking to our shareholders about the
direction of travel. I am pleased that they support our vision, and we are aligned on our
strategic focus on the right growth markets.
In addition, we engaged Rothschilds to undertake an independent perception study with
investors. The purpose was to understand investors’ perceptions of, and market sentiment
towards JM. The study included in-depth discussions with investors representing 33% of JM’s
issued share capital and some of our core analysts. Covering strategy, business streams,
management, valuation and environmental, social and governance (ESG), the study has been
hugely useful for the Board and showed that we are on track and delivering in the right areas.
The study also highlighted the needs of different shareholders, with long-term shareholders
focusing on our growth businesses and the future prospects of our Hydrogen Technologies
and Catalyst Technologies businesses, while others are looking more for shorter-term
performance including the ongoing success of Clean Air. But overall, the main message
isthat we have the building blocks in place to reinvigorate the investment case, underpinned
by strong synergies between our businesses. I am confident that over the coming months,
wewill be able to show further strong evidence of delivery against our strategic milestones.
We really do understand the need to prove we can maximise shareholder value in the Clean
Air business, including plans for site rationalisation. We are working on other efficiencies,
tidying the portfolio and delivering cost efficiencies. I am sure that we have the right strategy
in place to maximise shareholder value in both the short and long term.
Board focus and changes
I believe that the role of the Board is twofold: to constructively challenge, and encourage and
support. The effectiveness of this approach could be viewed in how we navigated some of the
challenges this year, including the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and inflationary pressures.
Chris Mottershead will be retiring from the Board in January 2024, and I would like to thank
him for all his hard work and dedication over the last eight years. With Chris’s departure, John
O’Higgins will take over the role as Chair of the Remuneration Committee.
I am very pleased that in July, Barbara Jeremiah will be joining the board as Senior
Independent Director. Barbara brings strong leadership, deep understanding of metals, and
has extensive experience in North American markets which will be important for JM as the
group evolves.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to colleagues across the
business who are at the heart of our strategy. It is because of their tireless work that JM is
transforming into a company that is fit for the future and enabling our customers to catalyse
the net zero transition.
Patrick Thomas
Chair’s statement
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
The drivers
of our changing
Throughout the world, 2022/23 was marked by
volatility. But underneath the spikes in energy prices,
inflation, conflict and extreme weather, there is
a deeper shift happening towards creating more
sustainable ways of living. The transition to net zero
requires a range of technological innovations. From
hydrogen fuel cells to sustainable chemical feedstocks,
from new sustainable fuels to advanced emission
control solutions with circularity embedded – all have
an important part to play in transforming energy,
mobility and industrial systems.
Johnson Matthey is not simply reacting to a changing
world; we are actively contributing to catalysing the net
zero transition, providing solutions for our customers
that will have a positive impact.
Our Materiality Statement
Johnson Matthey’s sustainability framework and targets cover all ESG topics considered
important by our stakeholders. But we have also gone further to set targets on issues such
as human rights, community impact and recycling which are not typically seen in the
chemicals industry.
You can read more about our Materiality Statement on page 23
Decarbonising modern life
It’s time for the world to move beyond fossil fuels and harness the power of more sustainable
low carbon fuels, chemicals and industrial processes.
Sustainable fuels
Many countries are setting transport
targets for sustainable fuels or to phase out
internal combustion engines. JM’s
technology helps create low carbon
options such as renewable (green) or low
carbon (blue) hydrogen and fuel cell
technology, as well as developing entirely
new types of fuel from alternative
feedstocks, such as waste.
Opportunities and challenges
The demand for sustainable fuels is
expected to grow significantly over the
next 20 years. But a lot of work is still
needed to find low carbon solutions for
the aviation, maritime and heavy duty
vehicle sectors in particular.
What we are doing
Our methanol process and catalyst
technology used in Chile’s Haru Oni project
converts CO
captured from the air to
produce 550 million litres of e-fuels
annually, enough for approximately
220,000 gasoline vehicles. Our Fischer
Tropsch (FT) CANS™ technology (co-
developed with bp) and HyCOgen™, which
also use CO
and green hydrogen, were
selected by Aramco and Repsol for one of
the earliest synthetic fuel plants, in Spain.
We continue our research into using
alternative feedstocks for aviation and other
fuels, innovating to maintain technology
leadership in these emerging markets.
Sustainable chemicals
Demand for primary chemicals is expected
to grow by 25% by 2030. The industry
currently accounts for 18% of the world’s
emissions. Increasingly, customers are
looking to combine alternative,
sustainable feedstocks with catalyst
technologies that can turn them into
useful products.
Opportunities and challenges
There are two pillars of decarbonisation
forthe chemical industry. The first pillar
iscarbon reduction through process
optimisation and adding carbon capture
and storage technology to current
processes. The second is carbon
replacement, using more sustainable
feedstocks. We have been turning
traditional feedstocks into synthesis gas
(syngas) for decades. Syngas, a mix of
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and
hydrogen, is essential in enabling the
decarbonisation of chemical processes,
since it can also be made from alternative,
more sustainable feedstocks.
What we are doing
For both pillars of decarbonisation,
wehave developed leading process
technologies. For example, under the
CLEANPACE brand, we can retrofit existing
assets, enabling the reduction of carbon
emissions from those processes
by up to 95%.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Creating a circular
Cleaner air, healthier
An evolving regulatory
Geopolitical and
economic volatility
If global consumption levels continue to
grow at the current pace, there will simply
not be enough natural resources to go
around. So we need to put the right
processes in place and embed circularity
into how we source and use materials.
Opportunities and challenges
We are already the world’s largest PGM
recycler by volume. The amount of CO
an ounce of recycled PGM is 30-50 times
lower than newly mined PGM. We can
reduce the carbon footprint of our
products but also our customers’ too in
automotive, industrial, chemical and life
sciences applications. We are applying our
longstanding recycling expertise to
emerging technologies, including fuel cell
and electrolyser stacks to enable circularity
in the hydrogeneconomy.
What we are doing
We understand the full life cycle of the
PGMs in our products and continue to
work with our partners to enable greater
recycling and refining at the end of their
life. We are investing in our global refining
capabilities so that we are better
positioned to deal with the increasing
volume and range of materials we will
need to recycle in the future. And in our
innovation and R&D processes, we take
”design for recycling” into account right
from the start.
Air pollution kills millions of people every
year and the majority of the world’s
population are continually exposed to poor
air quality. With increasing urbanisation,
this problem looks set to intensify unless
significant action is taken to reduce
harmful emissions.
Opportunities and challenges
We know that transitioning the world’s
transport systems to net zero is a long
andcomplex process. While alternative
powertrains, such as fuel cell and battery
electric, continue to develop, automotive
catalysts will be needed in engines using
drop-in sustainable fuels. We need to be
doing all we can to ensure the vehicles
onour roads now are as clean as possible.
What we are doing
Today, one in three cars worldwide carries
JM’s emission control technology. And we
continue to invest and innovate to ensure
that our technologies help customers meet
the higher standards demanded by new
legislations. We are investing in our plants
throughout the world, and continue to
innovate to further optimise performance
of gasoline and diesel autocatalysts, as well
as how best to control emissions from
alternative fuel sources in the future.
All over the world, governments are
bringing in legislation to incentivise
investments in sustainable technology
andbusiness practices. For example,
2022sawthe introduction of the Inflation
Reduction Act (IRA) in the US and the
Green Deal Industrial Plan in Europe.
These sit alongside a growing body
ofnational legislation and targets to reach
net zero by2050.
Opportunities and challenges
The market is moving in our direction
faster than expected. Across the energy,
chemicals and transport sectors, the
transition being driven by these new
requirements is likely to involve a mosaic
of different technologies and solutions.
Inaddition, governments are increasingly
focused on security of supply for critical
minerals, including PGMs, which is aligned
to our recycling strategies.
What we are doing
We work alongside our partners and peers
to create a unified voice to help influence
policy in a way that accelerates the energy
transition. For example, we are working
closely with the Association for Emissions
Control by Catalyst (AECC) and parties
across the industry to ensure that the
European Commission enables a swift
adoption of the ambitious Euro
Global GDP is predicted to slow in
2023/24, with some countries potentially
entering recession. Inflationary pressures,
supply chain challenges as well as the
ongoing impact of the conflict in Ukraine
might affect activity.
Opportunities and challenges
While Johnson Matthey continues to deal
with economic headwinds, the
macroeconomic picture demonstrates
more than ever the importance of
accelerating the energy transition. This
hassharpened our focus, enabling us to
belaser-clear on our strengths, and make
progress towards our 2030 goals.
What we are doing
Our transformation and commitment to
catalysing the net zero transition for our
customers enables us to take full
advantage of the opportunities we see
being created in a more volatile and
complex world. We have also adapted
asnecessary. In 2022, we ceased all new
opportunities in Russia, closed our Moscow
office and evaluated all other activities
ona case by case basis. Our business
unitsalso made significant progress
inrecovering inflation costs
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
The drivers of our changing world continued
Our business model
Addressing three markets… We deliver through our four businesses…
Process and catalyst technologies that
enable the production of chemicals,
helping customers lower their carbon
andenvironmental footprint.
Designing technologies for a range
ofsustainable energy sources, including
hydrogen, sustainable aviation fuel,
methanol and ammonia.
Emission control systems that reduce
and other particulates that harm
people and the environment.
Leading in autocatalyst
See page 14-15 for where
ourcatalysts are being used
#1 in syngas-based
chemicals and fuels
See page 18-19 for
howwe are leading
intoday’s markets
Market leader in
components for fuel
cells and electrolysers
See more on page 20-21
onhow we are developing
the Hydrogen economy
c. 80%
PGMs used in our products are internally refined
Platinum Group Metal Services
#1 global PGM refiner
See page 16-17 on the PGM ecosystem
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
By leveraging synergies and competitive advantages… To create value for stakeholders.
Expertise in metal chemistry
Everything we do across our four businesses is underpinned by our leadership
in complex metal chemistry, catalysis and process engineering.
Mutual customers and partners
As our customers transition to net zero, we provide a fully integrated and
comprehensive offering through collaboration across our business units.
Shared technology and capabilities
We have more than 1,600 scientists and engineers and common
technology capabilities across all our businesses – with more than
4,000 patents granted and around 2,000 applications pending.
Foundational PGM ecosystem
We have deep insights into PGM markets through our
PreciousMetal Management team and our refining operations.
Around80% of the PGMs we use are sourced internally from
ourrefineries. This shared resource creates a resilient supply,
lower exposure to price risk and efficient working capital.
Security of supply
Our customers count on us for a reliable supply of PGMs and recycling
services – around 50% of our Clean Air customers ask us to source their
PGMs. This is because we are a metal hub for PGMs, underpinned by our
status as the leading recycler of PGMs.
A comprehensive sustainability offering
Every part of our business is committed to helping our customers adapt
processes and products to reach the sustainability goals our society and planet
are depending on.
Customers and strategic partners
Our customers gave us an average rating
of 8.3 out of 10 in our annual customer
satisfaction surveys. This is ahead of the
industry average of 7.8. They highlight
thedepth of relationships and our
technical capabilities.
out of 10
Our catalytic converters have been helping
to improve air quality since 1974. 92,000
additional tonnes of NO
were removed
from tailpipes in 2022/23.
Premature deaths prevented
Our performance-driven culture and
play-to-win strategy create sustainable
value for investors looking to support
thenet zero transition.
Dividend maintained at the same level
We work with a range of partners on
charitable giving and employee
volunteering schemes.
volunteering days in 2022/23
Our teams are building a more sustainable
future every day – and we ensure they
aresafe, supported and able to create
rewarding careers at Johnson Matthey.
employees as of 31
March 2023
We partner with our suppliers to embed
the highest standards to deliver for
supplier spend (excl pgms) has EcoVadis
medal for good ESG performance
Our business model continued
For more information on our s172 statement please see page 72
For more information on our Board’s engagement please see page 84
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Chief Executive Officer’s statement
This time last year I was very new to Johnson Matthey, and
I wrote in the 2022 Annual Report how energised I was by
JM’s purpose and the way our people use their expertise to
help catalyse the net zero transition. In the past year I have
been immensely privileged to visit many of our sites around
the world and see for myself the extraordinary science,
refining and manufacturing capabilities that have been
the bedrock of our company for over 200 years.
Equally importantly, I have personally visited many of our key customers and have been
encouraged by their feedback, but also motivated to ensure JM continues to transform
tomeet the needs of our customers and continue to lead in our chosen markets.
Despite the global macro-economic challenges, I’m proud that Johnson Matthey has made
good progress in delivering on our strategy and our milestones, with results in line with
market expectations. There is more detail on the strategy on pages 12-13, but I am pleased
that several regulatory tailwinds for renewable energy and decarbonisation mean that our
chosen growth markets are going to be even bigger and are coming at us faster than
originally anticipated.
Winning in our markets
In our strategy refresh in May 2022, we outlined how we would focus only on the markets
where we can win, serving our customers through our four core businesses: Clean Air, PGMS,
CT and HT. We said we would divest businesses that are not within the core portfolio and this
is well on track, with the divestment of Piezo Products and Diagnostic Services.
Our core businesses have done very well in securing new customer commitments. Clean Air
secured a number of important Euro 7 targeted customer wins, including all of Mercedes
Benz’s light duty diesel business in Europe.
CT business achieved its commercial milestones and signed several significant licences,
including H
H Saltend, one of the UK’s largest low carbon (blue) hydrogen projects. In
addition, our FT CANS™ technology has been selected by Strategic Biofuels for their Louisana
project which aims to produce the world’s lowest carbon footprint liquid fuel.
HT secured a transformational strategic partnership with Plug Power, including a co-
investment in what is expected to be the largest (5GW scaling to 10GW over time) catalyst
coated membrane (CCM) manufacturing facility in the world.
In our PGMS refining business we have won new contracts with a large miner, and increased
our market share with some key recyclers. We have also won new contracts across our
products business, most notably with our pharmaceutical and agro-chemical customers.
Financial performance in 2022/23
Our financial performance for the year was in line with market expectations, albeit below the
prior year. The three main factors driving performance were lower precious metal prices
(c.£55 million impact), cost inflation (particularly energy, raw materials and labour) and
weak automotive and truck end markets which continued to be impacted by supply chain
disruption. We experienced c.£150 million cost inflation, of which c.£95 million was
recovered from customers in the year. As we sharpened our commercial focus and took
action to increase efficiency, the recovery rate improved through the year as expected. I am
pleased to confirm the total ordinary dividend will be 77.0 pence per share, maintained at the
same level as last year.
Focus, simplify, execute
Over the year, we have achieved significant commercial progress and now have in place an
internal commercial council to drive further progress across the company and create value for
both our customers and JM. We have introduced customer-centricity training for all our
leaders to put the voice of the customer front and centre, and improved our customer survey
and feedback process. We have invested in our sales teams and have built coordinated key
global account teams to enable better synergies across JM.
Our manufacturing and refining expansion activities are on track, particularly for PGMS
andHT, as we made significant investments to not only increase capacity but create
world-class assets. This is really important as we are expecting strong growth for our
businesses thatcatalyse the net zero transition, combined with higher recycling demand
aswe shift to amore circular economy. We have also invested significantly in our capital
project planning and engineering capabilities, which were identified last year as key enablers
to help drive ourstrategy.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Detailed results
commentary online
Last year, I also outlined how we would simplify to become more cost-efficient and less
bureaucratic. We have accelerated our efforts to streamline our corporate cost base and real
estate footprint. We are also simplifying our business processes, which includes a new finance
shared service centre in Kuala Lumpur to service all our regions in a much more standardised
and efficient manner. This all gives me confidence that we’re building a stronger, more resilient
business, fit for the future.
Solid foundations for 2023/24
The global macro-economic situation remains challenging with continued high inflation,
intermittent supply chain disruption and fluctuating metals pricing. But since we launched
the new strategy, our growth markets have been accelerating towards us at a much faster
pace than we anticipated even a year ago. This has been driven by energy-related challenges
and subsequent regulatory changes, the most significant being the IRA in the US.
By incentivising the production of low carbon production technologies, the IRA has drawn
massive investment to the US and created a knock-on effect on green policy-making
worldwide. In Europe, the EU has published the Green Deal Industrial Plan, the Net Zero Act
and the Critical Raw Materials Act while the UK announced £20 billion of support for CCUS.
This is a pivotal moment for clean energy, and we are more than ready to seize the opportunity.
Our customers tell us we have some of the best, and often the very best, technology available for
their needs, and we continue to invest strongly in R&D to support our growth.
Growing responsibly
As we deliver against our strategy, it’s important we do so responsibly. We have made good
progress against our sustainability targets, and significantly increased our climate ambition to
ensure we are fully aligned with the 1.5 degree pathway to net zero. This year we were awarded
the EcoVadis platinum rating, putting us in the top one percentile of 90,000 companies.
Thisisgreat recognition of our commitments and the progress we’re making so far.
Our people are at the heart of our plans. We recognised that employees were not immune
tothe cost-of-living crisis, so as a responsible employer we took steps to play our part. This
included awarding pay increases, giving temporary supplementary allowances and providing
support through Assist, giving our employees access to a team of highly trained and qualified
professionals on a variety of financial well-being topics.
We are disappointed that our employee engagement scores did not improve this year,
although this is perhaps to be expected given the degree of transformation the company
isgoing through. We have increased the training and support to leadership teams to help
them build engagement, and we have revamped our performance management, reward
andrecognition schemes.
We continue to make safety our top priority, and improved safety leadership across all levels
in the company. This has resulted in better occupational and process safety performance
compared to last year.
During the year we welcomed three new members to our Group Leadership Team (GLT):
Anne Chassagnette joined in May as our first Chief Sustainability Officer, and in July we
welcomed Anish Taneja as CEO for Clean Air and Mark Wilson as CEO for Hydrogen Technologies.
Ron Gerrard, Chief EHS and Operations Officer retired in February, and I am very grateful
tohim for his service to JM. Ron’s role was not replaced on the GLT, with his responsibilities
divided among the existing members.
In summary, the refreshed strategy; more focused businesses where we play to win; a strong
focus on efficiency and important investments for the future have created a strong foundation
for sustainable growth. We are enhancing our competitiveness and I’m confident that our
strategy will create significant value in the coming years.
I would like to thank the Board for its strong support over the last year, and I would especially
like to thank all our employees for their hard work, passion and commitment to make our
strategy a success.
Liam Condon
Chief Executive Officer
“We are building a stronger,
more resilient business,
fit for the future”
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Chief Executive Officer’s statement continued
Our strategy
We are playing to win in exciting growth markets where our core competencies
and technology portfolio can have maximum impact.
Disciplined capital allocation
From 2022/23 to 2024/25, we expect to spend £1.1 billion on capital expenditure.
Thisisfocused on the core activities where we have the right to win and need to invest
todrive growth – our PGM refineries, CT and HT.
We are maintaining a strong balance sheet and allocating capital in a disciplined way.
Thismeans investing for growth and attractive returns, ensuring a reliable dividend and
returning excess cash to shareholders.
Over the past 12 months, we have made progress to develop our people, enhance
customer focus and simplify processes and organisational structure.
We launched our revised strategy last year, focusing our portfolio on our core
competencies in metal chemistry, catalysis and process technology and divesting
Value Businesses. Our goal is to achieve a top three position in all our markets.
Our business structure supports this by allowing us to maximise synergies across
our four business units.
Somenotable achievements include:
Launch of the JM Production System
(JMPS), a common methodology and
framework for driving continuous
improvement in manufacturing, built
around Clean Air’s automotive know-
Reduction of global policies by 75% so
they are now shorter, simpler and more
Deployment of Workday as a single
platform for managing employee and
organisational data
Eliminating 170 management roles,
enabling investment in new capabilities
and growth business.
Launch of a new finance shared service
centre in Kuala Lumpur serving all
Started to rationalise our sites, which is
already delivering reductions in business
rates, procurement and facilities
management costs.
In total, these actions realised
c.£45 million in new transformation
savings in-year relative to 2021/22 actuals.
In the coming year, the drive to simplify
and improve business processes will
further accelerate. It will do so through our
wide-ranging transformation programme
that is fundamentally upgrading JM’s
business processes and operating model.
This includes actions to:
Accelerate consolidation of the Clean Air
manufacturing footprint, focusing
production on the highest productivity
lines in North Macedonia, Poland,
the US, China and India
Deploy a common procurement
management platform, driving spend to
fewer strategic suppliers and increasing
competitive sourcing on all commodities
Transition delivery of major capital
projects to a global team with enhanced
capabilities in project, contract and
partner management
Implement a strengthened approach
toperformance management
Deliver more than c. £65 million
intransformation and procurement
savings in 2023/24.
Leading in
#1 in syngas-
based chemicals
and fuels
Market leader in
components for
hydrogen fuel cells
and electrolysers
#1 global PGM refiner
Our strategic priorities
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Strategic milestones End of
End of
Progress in 2022/23 Status
Win at least 2 large scale strategic partnerships
in Hydrogen Technologies
Partnerships announced with Plug Power and Hystar
Win targeted Euro 7 business and deliver
on£4 billion+ trajectory for Clean Air
Firmly on track to win on targeted Euro 7 business AND
deliver £4 billion+ cash
Win >10 additional large scale projects
Won five additional large scale projects to date
Expand PGM Services refining capacity in China
PGM Services refining capability in China is complete
and ramping up
Complete construction of Hydrogen Technologies
CCM plant in UK
New CCM plant in UK is on time and on budget
Targeted capacity expansion (fuel cells catalyst,
formaldehyde catalyst)
On track
Complete divestment of Value Businesses Divestment of Piezo Products, Diagnostic Services
Achieve >70% employee engagement score
Employee engagement score has not improved in 2022/23
due to transformation programme
Achieve c. 10% reduction in Scope 1+2 GHG
emissions against 2019/20 baseline
Achieved 13% reduction in Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions
Help customers reduce GHG emissions by >1mt
p.a. through use of our products
Reduced customers’ GHG emissions by 850,000 p.a.
through use of our products
Our strategy is underpinned by
amaturing performance culture.
By combining science and purpose
with a more commercial mindset,
we are driving stronger execution,
unlocking near-term cost opportunities
and positioning ourselves for
long-term growth.
We have committed to reaching
10 strategic milestones by the end of
2023/24 that evidence the execution
of our strategy. Focused on customers,
investments, people and sustainability,
ourstrong progress across these
milestones highlights the success of
ourperformance culture.
1. Includes Catalyst Technologies and Hydrogen Technologies projects
2. To expand total capacity from 2GW to 5GW
3. New methodology for measuring employee engagement (Workday Peakon) now in place
Baseline score of 6.9 achieved in 2022/23, with new target of 7.2 by 2024/25
On track
Requires focus
Group Commercial Council
We created a commercial council
to strengthen our commercial
capabilities and cross-JM synergies,
with a strong focus on value
creation. The council is harnessing
the power of all our businesses
bytaking an integrated oneJM
approach to our customers,
maximising our current
partnerships and building new
profitable business.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Our strategy continued
Clean Air
Improving air quality, transforming mobility
Our catalytic converters have been helping
improve air quality since 1974. Today, our
products are installed in around one-third of
all new cars on the road, as well as a significant
number of trucks and buses around the world. They
actively deliver cleaner air to billions of people globally.
Climate change and a growing body of air quality
regulations are pushing the automotive
industry to build cleaner engines and deliver
new powertrain options. With our decades
of experience in the industry and long
history of innovation, we aim to be
the lasting partner for our customers,
playing a significant role in the
transformation of mobility.
Positioning ourselves to win big
Our leading role in auto-catalysts is underpinned by deep expertise in complex PGM
chemistry and catalysis, distinctive technology, longstanding relationships and a global
state-of-the-art production footprint. As the auto industry goes through unprecedented
change, transitioning towards zero-emission vehicles, clean and efficient internal combustion
engine vehicles have a big role to play for decades to come. We aim to be the lasting partner
that our customers can rely on at each step of their journey towards sustainable mobility.
Customer facing and market-focused
The global regulatory landscape will continue to be favourable to our business. Our best-
in-class technology is ready to help our customers meet more challenging regulations that
improve air quality and ultimately save lives. Our use of modelling is increasing the speed
andaccuracy of our product and system designs – helping to create more value for existing
customers and win new ones.
Our catalysts enable our customers’ flexibility in fuel choice – from traditional diesel
orgasoline, to hydrogen, to e-fuels. Our catalysts also reduce emissions from marine and
stationary sources, for example, in data centres. These are markets that will continue to grow
over the next decade.
additional tonnes of
removed from
tailpipes in 2022/23
We play a leading role in heavy
duty diesel technology
Around 1 out of 3 new cars on
the road use our catalysts
Our marine catalysts reduce
100k tonnes of NO
Our industrial catalysts reduce
11k tonnes of NO
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Synergy in action
The energy transition will require a mosaic of different technologies and processes.
This is why it’s vital our Clean Air customers are aware of the full offer from Johnson
Matthey so our new sales approach will provide customers with a much more
comprehensive and holistic service. For example, we may be in discussion with a
customer about emissions control and find that their hydrogen division needs support
in optimising existing infrastructure to support deployment at scale going forward.
This is something our Hydrogen Technologies team can support. We know how these
customers operate, and we can help them transition as the powertrain evolves.
Our performance in 2022/23
In Clean Air, we are focused on our target of generating at least £4 billion of cash to 2030/31,
which is underpinned by tightening emission control legislation, business wins,
manufacturing footprint consolidation and other fixed cost reductions. In 2022/23 we
generated around £600 million of cash, taking our cumulative cash generation over two
years to £1.4 billion. However, underlying operating profit declined 28% to £230 million and
margins decreased to 8.7%. This largely reflected cost inflation, product mix, lower volumes,
and the transactional impact of exchange rates. We saw an improvement in margins during
the year due to an acceleration in our pricing, and we are expecting strong growth in
operating performance in 2023/24.
We continued to build our commercial muscle, improving our inflation recovery rate with the
majority of the recovery in the second half of the year, while also winning our targeted business
linked to Euro 7 and equivalent legislation globally. During the year we won all of Mercedes
Benz’s light duty diesel business in Europe, and the global contracts covering light duty gasoline
and diesel with a leading automotive OEM. As further evidence of our stronger commercial
muscle, these wins were achieved whilst negotiating inflationary cost increases and improving
our customer satisfaction score by five points. Consequently, we are outperforming the rate of
business wins required to achieve our cash generation target of at least £4 billion by 2030/31.
Supply chain disruption, semiconductor shortages and the ongoing consequences of the global
pandemic all affected our customers, creating additional challenges around variability and
predictability of demand. Our logistics partners also experienced continued pressure around
capacity, cost and lead times. We worked hard to support our entire value chain and our
efforts led to us winning several customer awards, including the 2022 General Motors Overdrive
Award for Relationship.
We are optimising our manufacturing footprint to not only drive efficiencies but strengthen
ourdevelopment, manufacturing and delivery processes. Our optimised footprint will be more
agile and flexible, allowing us to respond quickly to market changes.
In China, we have adapted our commercial and technology structure to have more of a local
focus. This improved our chances of successful delivery to the local market and provides even
more growth potential for the region moving forward.
Continuing to win big with some of the
world’s largest companies
All over the world, governments are
introducing increasingly stringent
airquality and pollution legislation.
Thiscreates a big opportunity for Clean
Air, and the last year has seen us continue
to win new business and strengthen
existing relationships.
In an increasingly challenging and
competitive market environment, our
investment in our sales capabilities and
new focus on value and pricing, led by the
commercial council, is generating positive
results. To deliver £4 billion cash by
2030/31, we will need to continue to build
on the momentum generated this year.
Among our big wins in 2022/23 were:
Breaking the record for the largest
business deal in JM’s history with a new
£1.2 billion deal with a leading
automotive company
Securing a 10-year deal worth
£450 million with a world-famous
automotive brand’s three European
Awarded the entire Euro 7 light duty
diesel business of one of our long-
standing automotive clients
Securing £50 million and £180 million
deals with two of India’s largest
commercial vehicle manufacturers.
Watch: fighting pollution
for 50 years and beyond: matthey.com/
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Clean Air continued
Platinum Group Metal Services
The industry-leading, growth-focused
bedrock of Johnson Matthey
We apply our deep expertise and long history
in platinum group metals (PGMs) to provide
solutions to the complex challenges our customers
face. Our chemistry facilitates the transition to
net zero, delivering products to our customers across the
chemical, energy and transport industries and beyond.
We are the largest refiner of secondary PGMs (by volume)
and account for circa 20% of all global PGMs refined
(primary and secondary). This makes us a vital cog in the
global economy and a partner of choice for customers who
want an end-to-end service for PGMs. Our expertise in
PGM catalysis and performance underpins much of the
innovation across Johnson Matthey, drives synergies
across our business and strengthens our global position
in our key markets.
Leaders in circularity
Circularity of PGMs is an essential part of the net zero transition. With limited quantities
ofthese critical minerals available, recycling plays a crucial role in securing the metal needed
to supply existing and future demand. Recycled metal also significantly reduces waste and
energy usage compared to primary mining, minimising the environmental impact of global
PGM value chains.
c. 80%
of PGMs used in JM products are internally refined
Recovery of PGMs
Spent products from
automotive and industrial
The PGM ecosystem
We optimise the use of these critical materials, sourcing, fabricating and recycling them to
enable their circular use.
Efficient metal separation
Full seven metal separation
Refining to commercial grade purity
Full refining
cycle with metal
management options
and ongoing
technical support
Manufacture of value
added applications
PGM supply and
up to 95%
lower carbon footprint of PGMs from secondary refined metals compared to primary
1. IPA website link https://ipa-news.de/index/sustainability/
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Our performance in 2022/23
As with businesses across the globe, adverse macro-economic trends are impacting our
performance. Underlying operating profit declined 21% mainly impacted by lower average
PGM prices (c.£55 million impact*) and reduced refinery volumes. Cost inflation was more
than offset by efficiency benefits, as well as higher pricing across both our refining and
products businesses.
We continued to invest in the long term future of our refineries, updating our assets so that
we are fully positioned to capture the opportunities in the coming decades. In China, we have
expanded our capabilities and now provide a full refinery offering, consolidating our position
as a global leader in PGMs.
Globally we continue to make progress towards an integrated closed loop solution for CCM
recycling for Hydrogen Technologies. This will allow us to once again be a leading innovator
in making circularity a reality in our markets, and in doing so, we will add to our value
proposition to Hydrogen Technologies customers.
Throughout 2022/23 we consulted with a range of government agencies around the world
onmatters relating to critical material supply, circularity and the transition to net zero. Our
expertise is actively helping to drive forward the global green economy through contributing
to policy development and technological progress.
Positioning ourselves for long-term success
In the longer term, we see significant opportunities for PGMS. Platinum and iridium in
particular are growth areas given they are critical enablers of the hydrogen economy. We also
see new opportunities for palladium in industrial applications, including sustainable aviation
fuels. We have world-leading expertise in securing a sustainable supply, through responsible
sourcing and recycling. In addition, our ability to provide low carbon refined metals will
beincreasingly important to our customers and society over time.
PGMS is also a critical enabler for our other core businesses. We offer them an integrated
ecosystem with expert knowledge of the PGM markets, responsible and sustainable metal
sourcing, value added PGM catalysts and solutions for end-of-life recycling of their products.
Our R&D priorities include a closed loop solution for CCMs used in fuel cells and electrolysers,
recovering the PGMs and ionomers, making it more sustainable and cost-effective for
* £55 million adverse impact represents a gross PGM price impact before any foreign exchange movement
Synergy in action
We’ve advised, supplied and facilitated recycling for big OEMs in the automotive industry for
the last 30-40 years, working closely with the Clean Air business. We have created a model
that enables us to work in partnership with our customers, offering a full range of services.
This is a blueprint that we will leverage as the CT and HT businesses continue to grow.
Efficiency, performance and circularity
in our products
PGMs are essential to the processes and
technologies that enhance our daily lives,
but it’s not always obvious where they’re
used. One example is pharmaceutical
manufacturing. PGM catalysts and
biocatalysts are used across a vast range
ofdrug synthesis processes to enable
complex chemical structures to be formed.
They also help reduce the overall number
of process steps in the synthesis, along
with waste.
We work with our pharmaceutical
customers to develop tailored solutions
and optimise catalyst performance for
awide range of drug synthesis steps.
Thisincludes reducing the metal loadings
through catalyst thrifting. Using less metal
not only lowers costs, but can also reduce
the CO₂ footprint of production processes.
Our unique end-to-end offering means
that while we source PGMs and use them
to create products for specialist
applications, we also maximise their value
by recovering and refining them. For our
pharmaceutical customers, this happens
ina closed loop, giving them a sustainable
supply of PGMs.
If you’ve bought or been prescribed
medication, you may well have benefitted
from our expertise in PGMs and catalysis.
Watch: a circular solution
for a net zero future: matthey.com/circular-
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Platinum Group Metal Services continued
Catalyst Technologies
Enabling the chemicals and fuels
industries to operate efficiently and
transition to net zero
Our Catalyst Technologies business focuses on
our core expertise in process technology and
catalysis. Our products enable our customers
to create the chemicals and fuels of today and
the future which positively impact the everyday
lives of millions of people.
We have worked for decades in partnership with our customers to improve the efficiency
andsustainability of their processes, but there is more we can do to reduce the environmental
impact of these chemicals and fuels across their full lifecycle. So we are developing robust
solutions with our customers that reduce their process emissions today while enabling them
to replace fossil-based feedstocks with more sustainable options.
Sharpening our commercial focus in a changing world
Catalyst Technologies has segment-leading positions in methanol, formaldehyde, and
hydrogen – all technologies that build on our core strengths in syngas production, purification
and conversion.
We’ve adapted our approach to our customers to make sure that we are creating value for
both them and us in a high inflationary and energy cost environment.
We are also driving awareness among current and new customers to the many ways Johnson
Matthey as a whole can partner with them as their industries evolve.
Our expertise underpins our suite of decarbonisation technologies, led by our low carbon
(blue) hydrogen and our sustainable fuels offering. We are well placed to capture the sizeable
opportunity presented by valorising non-fossil feedstocks like biomass, renewable (green)
hydrogen and captured CO
over the coming decades. But we can also help customers with
existing assets to minimise their environmental footprint as regulations tighten and carbon
taxes increase.
In line with our new strategy, we are transforming how we work so that we can take
full advantage of the opportunities generated by the chemical industry’s decarbonisation
journey and positioning our technologies to lie at the heart of the energy transition.
How Catalyst Technologies helps our customers
World-class catalysts and chemicalprocesses – to get the most of their assets; increasing
efficiency, maximising output, reducing both operational and capital expenditure
Carbon managementhelping current asset owners reduce their environmental footprint
and mitigate future financial impacts
Low carbon newenergyhelping customers catalyse their plans for the energy transition
with technologies that can be deployed at scale now.
Synergy in action
We are ensuring that all our customers are aware of the benefits brought by the shared
technology, insight and ecosystem across Johnson Matthey.
We all know that transportation needs to decarbonise. However, there is no one technology
that meets the needs of every market. But we can provide a range of solutions, whether it’s
hydrogen fuel cells, drop-in liquid hydrocarbon fuels, or emission control solutions for engines
running on sustainable fuels. Our Bioforming™ technology, co-developed with Virent,
produces sustainable gasoline and aviation fuel, and in January, Emirates operated a
milestone demonstration flight, using fuel produced by our process blended to create 100%
sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in one of the engines of a Boeing 777-300ER. This is only
made possible by JM’s deep understanding of PGM chemistry and circularity, leveraging skills
in PGMS. It’s why JM is better together.
Another synergy is in hydrogen, covering both production and use. From reducing the carbon
intensity of current customers’ assets to producing components for green hydrogen that can
be used in e-fuels and chemicals, we’re ready to support our customers wherever they are
inthe journey.
Industrial and consumer Fuels
Including paints,
coatings and
global segment
Including wood
global segment
Including fertilizers
Top 3
global segment
Transportation fuels Natural gas
Natural gas
global segment
Top 2
global segment
Leading in today’s markets
global segment
In the submarket segments in which we operate
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Reputation. Innovation. Commercialisation at scale
Ourreputation in process technology, coupled with our deep knowledge of metal chemistry
and catalysis, is generating value today for our customers. And a growing part of our business
will be to innovate and deliver the technologies at scale to address tomorrow’s challenges.
Building strong partnerships, both commercially and technically, is key to success in the move
to a net zero world. A great example of this is our work with Honeywell UOP to integrate leading
carbon capture technology into our syngas decarbonisation technologies. In the case of our
LCH™ technology, this collaboration creates a solution that delivers a 99% CO
capture rate that
is ready to be deployed today.
Many of the critical innovations inside our emerging syngas offers, such as our HyCOgen™
reverse water gas shift and ammonia cracking licences, have their basis in technologies with
proven real-world operation over decades in other markets. So our customers can be confident
we can help them decarbonise successfully. For example, the H
H Saltend project in the UK will
use JM’s LCH™ technology in its 600MW low carbon hydrogen production plant with carbon
capture. This is just one of several leading-edge decarbonisation projects in Europe and North
America that show the value we bring to partnerships.
Our performance in 2022/23
Like the rest of the business, Catalyst Technologies continued to deal with economic
headwinds in 2022/23. Underlying operating profit of £51 million was in line with the prior
year. Margins declined to 9.1%; however we saw good improvement from the first to the
second half of the year. Higher pricing, improved product mix and the benefits of our
transformation programme offset significant cost inflation and the loss of business in Russia.
Despite these challenges, sales during the period were up 17%, with strong growth in
licensing and growth in first fills and refills reflecting higher pricing and positive mix. We
continued to deliver on our commercial and strategic goals. Our sharper commercial focus
has resulted in us winning 12 new licences. We are also making good progress towards CT
and HT’s 2023/24 goal of winning more than ten additional large-scale projects, with five
added to our portfolio. Our continued investment in our business is exemplified by the
formaldehyde catalyst capacity expansion in our facility in Perstorp, Sweden. This is
progressing well and is on track to be fully operational in early 2024/25, increasing the site’s
capacity by around 50%.
We will focus on further strengthening the value creation from our core catalyst businesses and
leveraging our strong customer satisfaction scores. Internally, we will maintain the momentum
we created in 2022/23 around simplifying our operations, creating clearer accountability and
setting performance targets that deliver value today and growth for the future.
Our R&D teams continue to innovate on the catalysts, reactors and process concepts that
together enable technology leadership in low carbon (blue) hydrogen and sustainable
aviation fuels as well as ammonia cracking and other e-fuels. We are creating cost-effective
solutions with low carbon intensity tailored to the feedstocks of the future. We are also
investing in sustainable catalyst manufacturing technologies across the portfolio.
Catalyst Technologies continued
Pioneering the use of household waste
as a feedstock with Fulcrum Sierra
Along with international energy company
bp, we are enabling the world’s first
commercial-scale plant to use household
rubbish as a feedstock for the production
of synthetic crude oil. Using our FT CANS™
technology, the Fulcrum Sierra Biofuels
Plant in Reno, Nevada, is expected to
produce around 11 million gallons of
product annually from 175,000 tonnes
oflandfill waste that can be refined into
renewable, low carbon transportation fuel.
JM and bp have worked with waste-to-
fuels developer Fulcrum to use FT CANS
technology since 2018.
This project lays important foundations
forthe transition to a less carbon-intensive
economy. In order to reach its climate
goals of achieving net zero by 2050,
theaviation industry needs reliable and
scalable sources of alternative fuels. Using
waste as feedstock will also help to reduce
both the amount of waste sent to landfill
and the methane produced through
Watch: ready for take off: matthey.com/
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Hydrogen Technologies
Providing critical components for the
emerging hydrogen economy
Renewable (green) hydrogen has the potential
to transform energy systems. As a fuel, it creates
no carbon emissions, and if the electricity used
to produce it comes from renewable sources, the
environmental benefits are tremendous. Global
investment, innovation and demand for green
hydrogen solutions is growing rapidly. To make
the hydrogen economy viable, businesses need two
processes: a way to use renewable electricity to split water
into hydrogen and oxygen, and fuel cells to turn that
hydrogen back into electricity when and where it is
needed. Our specialist catalyst coated membranes (CCMs)
are essential to both of these processes.
Customer-led growth
Johnson Matthey has been active in hydrogen in fuel cells for over 20 years, and our Hydrogen
Technologies business is playing to win in the hydrogen market. In order to fully capitalise on
this fast growth market, we need to be able to move quickly, scale effectively and efficiently
manage the risks inherent in doing so. As the market becomes increasingly crowded, being
able to demonstrate the competitiveness of our offer and the scale of our capabilities will be
hugely important.
Partnerships and strategic relationships with customers are critical to our goal of becoming
amarket leader. We aim to partner with the expected winners in the markets for fuel
cellsand electrolysis, and to do this we have put customer-led growth at the heart of our
commercial strategy. We look to partner with strategic customers early in their development
cycle. These are partners that we believe have the capabilities to win in their markets.
Ourpartnership with Plug Power is proof that this approach is working.
Raw materials
Stack assembly and
systems integration
Fuel cells
Electric current
Electric current
End-user markets
Precious metal recycling
Focused on delivering performance-defining components for the hydrogen economy
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Accelerating the hydrogen economy
with Plug Power
Synergy in action
Businesses across the global economy are looking at hydrogen as a way of decarbonising.
Wework to leverage existing relationships with Clean Air customers to provide a range
ofsustainability technologies to the automotive industry. Many of Catalyst Technologies’
customers are also exploring hydrogen as a cleaner fuel alternative to hydrocarbons.
Theyface a choice between blue hydrogen and carbon capture or powering themselves
withgreen hydrogen. We can then complete the end-to-end value chain through our
PGMScapabilities, from sourcing to end-of-life recycling. Whatever our customers choose,
Johnson Matthey is there to support them.
In early 2023, we announced a new,
long-term partnership with Plug Power,
aglobal leader in the hydrogen value
chain. As the company’s strategic partner,
we will provide the catalysts, membranes
and catalyst coated membranes
Plugneeds to reach its revenue target
ofUS$20 billion by 2030.
Not only are we bringing our catalysis
expertise, precious metal supply security
and unique recycling capabilities to the
table, but we are also co-investing in what
will likely be the largest CCM manufacturing
facility in the world – expected to begin
production in the US in 2025.
The partnership is a game-changer for
thehydrogen economy. Plug Power is a
leading player in building an end-to-end
green hydrogen ecosystem, helping
companies like Amazon and BMW
decarbonise. Its decision to partner with
usis not only a demonstration of our
expertise in CCMs – but proof that our
manufacturing capabilities have the
potential to bring new scale and volume
tothe emerging hydrogen economy.
An essential part of the transition to net zero
Achieving net zero requires a range of technologies. Fuel cells using hydrogen provide an
alternative to diesel, without the associated emissions. We believe the market for hydrogen-
powered heavy duty trucks and stationary systems will see significant growth towards 2030.
The predicted rapid market growth and demand are coming at us faster than ever before,
partlydue to significant regulatory changes to support commercial scale projects for production
and infrastructure – such as the Inflation Reduction Act in the US and the UK’s Automotive
Transition Fund. The convergence of these market changes shines a spotlight on our
technologies, builds rapid growth and moves the dial on the transition to net zero.
Our performance in 2022/23
We made major progress towards all of our strategic goals this year. Our sales have doubled
over the course of 2022/23, and we achieved our goals of expanding our customer base,
announcing long-term strategic partnerships with Plug Power and Hystar. We are seeing
atrend of businesses that have previously tried to manufacture CCMs by themselves talking
tous about working together in the future. Demand from existing customers is increasing too.
The underlying operating loss of £45 million primarily reflects increased investment into
product development and building capability as we scale the business to meet customer
demand, partly offset by higher volumes.
Although we faced the same inflationary pressures as the rest of Johnson Matthey in 2022/23,
our business was less impacted by volatility and economic headwinds. This is due to us
operating in a rapidly growing market that has benefited from regulatory support.
We have three main priorities for 2023/24. One, to continue focusing on commercial
performance and developing new and existing partnerships; two, increasing our production
capacity, with our major site in Royston completing construction, as well as projects starting
in the US and China. Finally, we continue to invest in the next generation of our technology,
both on our own and alongside our partners. Our R&D will focus on continuing to improve
product efficiencies, including reducing utilisation of precious metals such as iridium within
electrolysis CCM as well as optimising activity of platinum catalysts in fuel cells.
Watch: ramping up to reach net zero:
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Hydrogen Technologies continued
Embedding sustainability into everything we do
We are a global leader in sustainable technologies. Through inspiring science and
continued innovation, we are catalysing the net zero transition for millions of people
every day. Our skills andtechnologies are important today as businesses and communities
adapt to the challenges of climate change. But advancing sustainability isn’t just about
our portfolio of technologies, it’salso about our own operations, how we work together
and hold ourselves accountable for our impacts on society.
OurSocietal Value Committee (SVC), which is made up of the full board, met four times this
year to review progress in delivering on our sustainability commitments see page 88.
Our Sustainability Council, which is made up of our Group Leadership Team (GLT), met four
times this year to decide the direction of our sustainability strategy and monitor progress.
Oursenior leaders and directors are incentivised to deliver on our sustainability ambitions
through sustainability objectives included in our long-term Performance Share Plan (PSP)
– see page 122 for details.
SDG 3 – Good health and wellbeing
SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy
SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production
SDG 13 – Climate action
Not assigned to priority SDGs
Emission control technologies that reduce harmful oxides of nitrogen (NO
and particulates from vehicle tailpipes and stationary engines
Purification technologies that reduce harmful contaminants, such as mercury,
from industrial processes
Refinery additives to mitigate NO
and oxides of sulphur (SO
) emissions
Catalysts used to make pharmaceutical ingredients
Renewable (green) hydrogen technologies that will support the drive to zero
carbon hydrogen production using renewable energy and electrolysis
Low-carbon (blue) hydrogen technologies that are available today to help
make low-carbon hydrogen at scale
Technologies that turn high sources of carbon, such as household waste,
into sustainable aviation fuels
Fuel cell components for low-carbon transportation and distributed power units
Nitrous oxide (N
O) abatement systems
PGM recycling to recover and reuse scarce resources
Chloride guards to prevent corrosion
services to reduce maintenance lifetime and end-of-life recovery
products to extend catalyst life
Our products and services are where we believe we can have most positive impact on society and we have aligned our
strategy with four of the UN SDGs.
89.5% R&D
to priority
82.0% sales
from products
to priority
We track our sales and investment in R&D against these global priorities.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
the net zero
Leading ESG ratings
A new focus on our
core material topics
This year, the whole of Johnson Matthey has
been making changes to become a more
customer-facing, commercially minded
andagile business with the strategy simplify,
focus, execute.
To support this, in partnership with an
independent third-party, we refreshed our
materiality assessment to ensure that our
sustainability strategy, goals and targets
arefocused both on our biggest impacts
onsociety and those areas of most
importance to our stakeholders. We
benchmarked our existing strategy against
industry ESG standards, legislation
requirements and sector peers. As a result,
wereorganised our existing sustainability
goals and targets for 2030 under new themes
to better articulate the most material benefits
that we believe we can bring to society.
Weincreased the ambition in our climate-
related 2030 targets to focus and align them
better with our company purpose.
See page 222 for our list of material topics as
approved in the SVC meeting in September 2022
AAA rated
top percentile
top six European
Medium risk
(22.8) 13
percentile, where
is top, in
Chemicals sector
‘B’ Climate
’B’ Water rated
Platinum rated
/ 4000 3
/ 54
the climate
Drive lower global greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions
Achieve net zero by 2040
Protecting nature
and advancing the
circular economy
Conserve scarce resources
Minimise our environmental
Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society
Keep people safe
Create a diverse, inclusive and engaged company
Uphold human rights
Invest in our local communities
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Goals Key performance indicators (KPIs) 2030 target 2022/23 performance Progress towards 2030 target
from baseline
0% 100%
Planet: Protecting the climate
Our goal: Drive lower global greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions
1. GHG emissions avoided per year using technologies enabled by
JM’s products and solutions, compared to conventional offerings
50 million
tonnes CO
0.85 million
tonnes CO
Our goal: Achieve net zero by 2040 2. Reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions 42% 13% reduction against baseline
3. Reduction in Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and
42% 27% reduction against baseline
Planet: Protecting nature and advancing the circular economy
Our goal: Conserve scarce resources 4. Recycled PGM content in JM’s manufactured products 75% 69%
Our goal: Minimise our environmental
5. Reduction in total hazardous waste 50% 1% reduction against baseline
6. Reduction in net water usage 25% 5% reduction against baseline
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society
Our goal: Keep people safe 7. Total recordable injury and illness rate (TRIIR) for employees and
<0.25 0.47
8. ICCA process safety event severity rate (PSESR) 0.4 1.0
Our goal: Create a diverse, inclusive
and engaged company
9. Employee engagement score >8.0 6.9 new methodology this year
10. Female representation across all management levels 40% 28%
Our goal: Uphold human rights % supplier spend assessed for human rights risk and remedial plans
in place where high risks identified
22% no target set for 2030
Our goal: Invest in our local communities Number of days of volunteering in our local communities
by our employees
2,063 days no target set for 2030
Our sustainability targets for 2030 are ambitious, but they build off the incredible impact our
products and services already have. Our growing business of coated membranes is enabling
the next generation of low carbon hydrogen technology, and our catalysts reduce pollution
and help the global chemical industry de-fossilise. All this is underpinned by our circular PGM
economy that helps reduce waste and make the most of scarce resources. Fordecades our
expertise in metal chemistry has helped to solve the complex challenges ofair pollution, and
now our technologies are accelerating the transition to net zero.
This year we have decided to scale up our ambition and announce tougher GHG reduction
targets for 2030 which will firmly put us on Science Based Targets initiative’s (SBTi)1.5°C
trajectory and place us among the leading group of global businesses aiming for a rise of
nomore than 1.5°C. Wehave submitted them to SBTi for validation, as part of our Net Zero
Standard application.
ERM Certification and Verification Services have provide limited assurance to ISAE3000
standard of selected KPIs with 2030 targets. Please see pages 228-230 for more details.
Our sustainability targets for 2030
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Our goal: Drive lower global greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions
Sales of our fuel cell components already help our customers avoid GHG emissions every
year and are on track to achieve our milestone of 1 million tonnes saved by end of 2023/24.
This currently only represents 1.1% of our sales (excl platinum group metals, PGM), but we
want to amplify our impact considerably over the next decade. Our capabilities, experience
and scale put us in a great position to play to win in additional emerging markets, such as
clean hydrogen and sustainable fuels.
Last year we set ourselves the target that Johnson Matthey technologies would contribute
towards avoiding 50 million tonnes of GHGs entering the atmosphere per year by 2030,
compared to conventional technologies in 2020. This is equivalent to avoiding the
emissions from half of UK transport
. During the year we have signed significant
partnerships, and our major partnership with Plug Power will enable the manufacturing of
significant volumes of catalyst-coated membranes for hydrogen production and fuel cells in
the US and accelerate progress towards our 2030 target.
the net zero
Planet: Protecting the climate
2030 target 2021/22 2022/23 % change
prior year
Our goal: Drive lower global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
50 million tonnes
of GHG
emissions avoided per year using
technologies enabled by JM’s products
and solutions, compared to
conventional offerings
0.49 million
tonnes CO
0.85 million
tonnes CO
Our goal: Achieve net zero by 2040
Reduction in Scope 1
and Scope 2 GHG emissions
tonnes CO
tonnes CO
42% Reduction in Scope 3 GHG
emissions from purchased goods and
tonnes CO
tonnes CO
Our company purpose
is to catalyse the net zero
transition because we believe
this represents the biggest
benefit we can bring to
society. This mainly comes
through sales of our products
and services, which when
used by our customers, will
bring about millions of tonnes
of GHG avoided. We are also committed to net zero by
2040 for our operations.
You can read more about how climate change is bringing opportunity and risks to our business
in our TCFD report on pages 45-52
50 million tonnes of GHG emissions avoided
per year by our
customers using our products by 2030
Sustainable fuels for
aviation and marine use
Low-carbon (blue)
hydrogen technology
Renewable (green)
hydrogen technology
Fuel cell components for
distributed power
Fuel cell components
for hydrogen powered
Solutions to decarbonise
chemical products, like
ammonia, methanol or
Solutions to decarbonise
chemical and industrial
1. Rebaselined to remove divested businesses, please see page 222 for more information
2. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/provisional-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-national-statistics-2021
3. Using technologies enabled by our products and solutions: avoided emissions compared to conventional technologies in 2020
SASB Resource efficiency indicator: We have also identified our revenues that align with the SASB
Chemicals Sustainability Accounting Standard’s definition of products that, when used, improve
energy efficiency, eliminate or reduce GHG emissions, reduce raw materials consumption, lower
water consumption and / or increase product life. In 2022/23, those sales were £1.01 billion (with
sales excl. precious metals as £4.2bn) compared with £812 million in 2021/22.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Our goal: Achieve net zero by 2040
We have updated our net zero roadmap for Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in line with our more ambitious 2030 target, putting it firmly on the 1.5°C pathway to net zero. We have also submitted
our 2040 goal as our long-term net zero target for approval by Science-based targets Initiative (SBTi) under their Net Zero Standard. During the year, each of our businesses has developed a
detailed roadmap for improving energy efficiency, switching to lower-carbon forms of energy and reducing the emissions our chemical processes generate. These roadmaps are used for making
business investment decisions and monitoring progress to our targets.
Principles for net zero
Baseline Target:
60% renewable electricity
-42% GHGs
-100% GHGs
2020 2030 20402025
Grow manufacturing footprint for Hydrogen Technologies and other new businesses in line with our net zero commitment
Net zero growth
Underpinning work Delivery
Net zero roadmap for Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions
Planet: Protecting the climate continued
% reductions indicative only against a 2020 baseline
Natural gas
Assess equipment-level gas usage
and suitability for conversion to
sustainable fuel sources
Develop natural gas replacement roadmap
Overlay green energy developments and
asset replacement / upgrade plans
Phase out use of other fossil fuels in India and CA test facilities
Natural gas replacement projects
Capex – electrification of lower-grade heat ovens at high-usage sites
Conversion to biomethane / hydrogen or add carbon capture technology
Abate process
GHG emissions
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) ‘discovery’ work
emissions data profiling on key sites
Partner to establish appropriate CCS solutions at strategic locations
Investigate opportunities to switch to alternative process chemistry
process emissions
Eliminate through process chemistry change or capture
O abatement
technical studies
O process emissions
abatement projects
Switch to renewable electricity
in the US, Europe, India
and China
Renewable electricity sourcing
in remaining locations
Switch to low-carbon fuel or switch off
gas-fired combined heat and power plant (CHP) generators
Renewable electricity sourcing in remaining locations
Pilot SMART metering at key sites ISO 50001 accreditation
at top energy-using sites
Energy efficiency improvements through continuous improvement
and equipment upgrades
Footprint rationalisation to scale down old and less efficient assets
Energy efficiency improvements continued
Continuous improvement optimisation and equipmentupgrades
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Our progress in 2022/23
This year we saw a 11.3% fall in our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from last year, as well as a
8.1% drop in our total Scope 1 and 2 carbon intensity as we began to deliver on our roadmap
to net zero by 2040. We have principally achieved this through energy efficiency and
renewable electricity procurement, although we did also have an overall drop in production
output due to COVID-related disruptions to the automotive industry in China.
Overall our GHG emissions from Scope 3 purchased goods and services decreased by 16%
in2022/23 compared to the previous year, and we reached our previous target for 2030
seven years early. This was achieved through a combination of reduced procurement of
primary PGM and through the decarbonisation efforts of our supply chain partners in the
PGM mining sector.
Non-renewable, grid-supplied electricity
Certified renewable electricity from the grid
Renewable electricity generated locally
Natural gas used on site
Other fossil fuels used on site
Non-renewable steam procured
Fuel used on public roads by JM vehicles
on company business
Energy mix
Total: 1,185,612 MWh
Planet: Protecting the climate continued
Energy efficiency and security
To ensure we drive energy efficiency in our operations, and underpin our net zero strategy,
thisyear we worked with a third-party provider to create an energy management framework for
the whole business in line with ISO 50001. Training relating to this was provided through global
sessions along with focused training to our most energy-intensive sites. Four sites already have
ISO 50001 and we have completed our gap analysis for another 16 of our largest sites.
Implementation of recommendations has already started, and will continue in the year ahead.
For example, at our largest energy-using site, through process and control improvements on
two of their larger assets, we were able to demonstrate savings of approximately 2% of the site’s
total fuel consumption. At our UK refinery, we are carrying out feasibility and heat studies to
look at how they can recover more energy. Three of our largest manufacturing sites also make
electricity using combined heat and power plants (CHPs) to optimise our energy efficiency.
Although these run off natural gas, our CHPs generated 26,974 MWh (5.6% of ourtotal)
electricity this year minimising our energy demand.
We established a Winter Energy Taskforce to focus and co-ordinate our efforts to mitigate
therisk to our operation from headwinds in the energy markets created by the Ukraine war.
Weminimised energy cost rises to 82%. We continue to focus on measures to improve our
resilience at key locations, including beginning negotiations on direct supply of electricity
through power purchase agreements (PPA).
Renewable energy
This year 41% of our electricity consumption came from certified renewable sources, compared
to 32% in 2021/22. We remain on track to achieve our target of purchasing 60% of our
electricity from certified renewable sources by 2025.
Over the past year we assessed additional renewable energy procurement opportunities and the
inherent risks, challenges, gaps or legal changes that may occur along our journey to net zero.
Currently we are using green tariffs to ensure renewable electricity consumption in Europe and
the US, and going forward we will focus on Power and Renewable Gas Purchase Agreements
inthese regions and others where this procurement scheme is available.
In regions like India and China we will continue to purchase recognised Energy Attribute
Certificates in the short term. We have also deployed some on-site generation as part of the
current energy portfolio in sites in India.
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3 – Purchased goods and services
Scope 3 – All other categories
Total greenhouse gas emissions
Total: 3.3million tonnes CO
For more information on our calculation methodology
please see our Basis of reporting on pages 222-227
Increasing our energy efficiency with no additional investment
We are always exploring ways to improve our energy efficiency. Our Clean Air site in Poland
demonstrates the kind of positive results that can be achieved through innovative thinking
and process optimisation. Through adding new logic controls to our existing systems, we
have enabled waste heat recirculation from downstream zones of the ovens to upstream
zones. We expect this improvement to reduce annual fuel usage on our site by about 10%
without the need for any additional capital investment. We are replicating this low-cost
improvement across other Clean Air sites globally, with similar savings expected.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint and energy efficiency
2022/23 2021/22
Global UK only Global (excl UK) Global UK only Global (excl UK) % change (global)
Total Scope 1 GHG emissions (tonnes CO
e) 233,300 100,461 132,839 239,862 103,534 136,328 -2.7%
Total Scope 2 GHG emissions (market-based) (tonnes CO
e) 130,386 1,024 129,362 170,248 1,265 168,983 -23.4%
Total Scope 2 GHG emissions (location-based) (tonnes CO
e) 204,848 21,696 183,152 225,712 24,942 200,770 -9.2%
Total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions (market-based) (tonnes CO
e) 363,686 101,485 262,201 410,110 104,799 305,311 -11.3%
Total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions (location-based) (tonnes CO
e) 438,148 122,157 315,991 465,574 128,475 337,099 -5.9%
Total Scope 1 and 2 carbon intensity (market-based) (tonnes CO
e/tonne sales) 3.4 22.3 2.5 3.7 19.9 2.9 -8.1%
2022/23 2021/22
Global UK only Global (excl UK) Global UK only Global (excl UK) % change (global)
Total energy consumption (MWh)
1,185,612 337,488 848,124 1,241,806 373,347 868,458 -4.5%
Total energy efficiency (MWh/tonne)
11.0 74.2 8.2 11.3 70.7 8.3 -3.0%
Scope 3 GHG emissions by category
(tonnes CO
Category Category number 2022/23 2021/22
Purchased goods and services 1 2,495,475 2,978,197 2,812,518 3,433,660
Capital goods 2 177,329 163,641 242,456 367,141
Fuel and energy-related activities 3 41,018 43,505 36,695 38,199
Upstream transportation and distribution 4 81,999 158,625 94,348 97,424
Waste generated in operations 5 4,004 5,220 4,549 3,439
Business travel 6 5,077 1,336 67 9,202
Employee commuting 7 13,627 13,517 25,763 25,763
Upstream leased assets 8 523 698 602 5,094
Use of sold products 11 0 0 0 0
Investments 15 125,196 118,356 119,005 129,337
Total 2,944,248 3,483,095 3,336,003 4,109,259
Four-year performance table 2022/23 2021/22
Total energy consumption (MWh)
1,185,612 1,241,806 1,168,338 1,202,121
Total energy efficiency (MWh/tonne)
11.0 11.3 11.0 10.6
Total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions (market-based) (tonnes CO
e) 363,686 410,110 409,584 417,818
Total Scope 1 and 2 carbon intensity (market based) (tonnes CO
e/tonne sales) 3.4 3.7 3.9 3.7
Total Scope 3 GHG emissions (tonnes CO
e) 2,944,248 3,483,095 3,336,003 4,109,259
1. Rebaselined to remove divested businesses, please see page 222 for more information
2. Energy consumption is reported here in MWh, which is equal to 1,000kWh. Total global energy consumption for 2022/23 is 1,185,612,237kWh
3. This is the total energy used by the business divided by amount of materials sold to customers
For more information on our calculation methodology please see our Basis of reporting on pages 222-227
Planet: Protecting the climate continued
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Johnson Matthey is
committed to minimising our
environmental footprint and
conserving scarce mineral
resources through our
manufacturing choices.
In advance of COP15, in Dec
2022 we signed the ”Business
Pledge for Nature” and the
Terra Carta Charter, which
guides organisations in how to put nature, people and
planet at the heart of value creation.
Planet: Protecting nature and advancing the circular economy
2030 target 2021/22 2022/23 % change
against prior
Our goal: Conserve scarce resources
of recycled PGMs content in
JM’s manufactured products
69% -1%
Our goal: Minimise our environmental footprint
Reduction in total
25% Reduction in net water usage
1,833 ML
1,752 ML -4%
the net zero
Our goal: Conserve scarce resources
We helped create one of the world’s first circular economies – and our increasing use
ofsecondary, or recycled, PGMs is helping to significantly reduce the emissions and
environmental impact associated with mining these vital materials. Please see page 226
for a definition of secondary PGMs.
We can also apply our longstanding recycling expertise to emerging technologies that utilise
PGMs, like fuel cells and electrolyser stacks. We are upgrading our infrastructure to allow us to
recover and refine the PGMs used in these technologies to a very high purity in the same way
we do today with production scrap. This will allow us to create an endless loop of PGMs availability.
Our performance in 2022/23
Our ability to meet our target of 75% of our products using secondary PGMs depends on
working with our customers and market research team to understand both supply and
demand as well as the total volume of secondary PGMs available through our refining circuits
and the broader PGMs market. Our focus is on closing the PGMs loop to meet our customers’
evolving sustainability demands. But we acknowledge that primary, or new, supply is still
critical to maintain market balances and will play an important role in the transition to net
zero. Customer demand will help to drive this balance. We are perfecting our secondary
offering to customers and working with both internal and external subject matter experts
tocertify our methodology.
Our performance in this area this year was impacted by the economic headwinds faced
bytheglobal economy, more specifically in the auto market supply chain. Secondary scrap
availability and a large share of the PGMs products that are manufactured depend on the
health of the global automotive market. 2022 presented many challenges to both sides
ofthesecondary metal equation, as global auto sales struggled to maintain post-pandemic
momentum. This eventually led to a downturn in automotive scrap being sent back through
PGMs recycling channels, but also impacted demand for fresh PGMs products. Despite these
challenges, we have been able to manage our metal intake portfolio to remain on track
tomeet our 2030 target.
1. Restated due to calculation refinement, please see page 222 for more information
2. Total hazardous waste produced and sent off site for treatment by a third party
3. Rebaselined to remove divested businesses, please see page 222 for more information
4. Net freshwater consumption
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Our goal: Minimising our environmental footprint
Our operations span the globe – with 45 major manufacturing sites in over 30 countries
supporting our customers in a huge number of ways. We are committed to protecting
the ecosystems around our plants and minimising all our potentially harmful interactions.
The Societal Value Committee is responsible for our overall approach to environmental
Our global environmental, health and safety (EHS) policies, processes and management
system help us maintain a high level of environmental performance. All our sites are
assessed against these standards by our centralised EHS audit team at least once every
three years. 89% of our manufacturing sites use environmental management systems
that are certified as meeting ISO 14001 standard, as of 31
March 2023.
We measure progress against our environmental KPIs monthly and use the data to improve
Minimising waste: reduce, reuse, recycle
We are committed to minimising waste generation and recycling as much as possible.
Our operations create waste, which is always treated in line with local regulations.
But beyond that we are committed to disposing of it responsibly. We work with specialist
treatment companies to ensure this waste is managed safely.
We are always looking for ways to improve. For example this year:
At our UK refinery, improvements in process operations allowed flue dusts to be reworked
into furnaces which eliminated a waste stream. There were general reductions in waste
from improving production processes so that less off-specification material was produced.
At our Smithfield site in the US we upgraded our NO
abatement system. This reduced
ouremissions and hazardous waste on site and helped us towards our 2030 target.
Working with our third-party waste provider in the UK, we also increased the proportion
ofwaste streams being recycled by 5%.
We continue to recycle the majority of our production waste containing PGMs in our
Our most significant progress towards our 2030 target on hazardous waste reduction
comes this year with the ongoing investment in our new Third Century PGM refinery
inRoyston. This is due to be operational later in the decade.
Using water responsibly
Climate change and population growth are bringing ever greater stress to availability
offreshwater supplies globally. 2022 saw us launch our first global water policy to help
sitesadopt effective water management plans, improve measurement and reduce water
consumption, driving us towards our 2030 water target.
To understand where we need to act most quickly for most benefit, we used the World
Resource Institute’s (WRI) Water Risk Atlas tool to analyse usage at our sites. The tool
identified 12 manufacturing facilities, which are located in regions with a high or extremely
high baseline water stress level. This means that they are at higher risk of declining water
availability or increased cost in the future due to drought or groundwater table decline.
The12 manufacturing facilities accounted for 399,174m
(23%) of our net fresh water
consumption in 2022/23.
We discharged 1.36 million m
wastewater during the year, 96% to municipal treatment
plants and the remainder back to its original freshwater source after treatment. We treated
1.05 million m
of waste water on-site, of which we recycled 23% back into our
manufacturing processes instead of discharging.
We seek to minimise the chemical burden in our wastewater discharged. 1.36 million m
was discharged from our sites with an average chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 242 mg/L.
Reducing emissions to air
Some of our operations produce other air emissions as by-products of chemical reactions,
including nitrogen oxides (NO
), sulphur oxides (SO
) and volatile organic compounds
(VOCs). All our permitted sites monitor these emissions to ensure they comply with
This year we saw a decrease in our year-on-year NO
emissions, despite increasing our
coverage of reporting. We fitted an enhanced NO
abatement at our Smithfield site, US to
help reduce them even further in future. We also continued to improve our methodologies
around measuring and reporting the emissions we produce globally in a standardised way.
We have reviewed the new UK BAT waste gas for chemicals (UKWGC) and are making
preparations to ensure we will be in compliance with the stricter emissions to air limits ahead
of the significant change in emissions legislation in the UK in 2027.
We don’t produce ozone-depleting substances (ODS) through our operations, however,
anysmall leaks of refrigerant gases are reported in our Scope 1 GHG emissions.
Planet: Protecting nature and advancing the circular economy continued
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Water consumption
2022/23 2021/22
Net freshwater consumption (000’s m
) 1,752 1,833 1,711 1,849
Total wastewater discharged (000’s m
) 1,356 1,400 1,506 1,394
Average direct Chemical Oxygen
Demand of wastewater (COD)(mg/L) 242 220 112 104
Types of waste produced and sent off site for treatment by a third party
Type of waste (tonnes) 2022/23 2021/22
Liquid hazardous waste 38,520 45,151 41,025 40,017
Solid hazardous waste 3,340 2,640 2,622 2,469
Liquid non-hazardous waste 7,059 8,560 7,013 7,815
Solid non-hazardous waste 13,967 15,290 11,538 13,630
Total hazardous waste sent off site
for treatment 41,860 47,791 43,647 42,486
Total waste sent off site 62,885 71,641 62,198 63,931
Methods of waste treatment applied by our third party providers
Type of treatment (tonnes) 2022/23 2021/22
Off site reuse 1,057 1,020 1,031 720
Off site recycling 36,873 38,277 23,390 19,452
Off site incineration with energy recovery 1,075 2,041 1,023 1,698
Incineration or other off site treatment 19,533 26,161 33,579 38,976
Total waste disposed off site to landfill 4,347 4,142 3,175 3,086
Total waste sent off site 62,885 71,641 62,198 63,931
Emissions to air
Type of emissions (tonnes) 2022/23 2021/22
Nitrogen oxides (NO
) emissions to air 336 358 338 320
Sulphur oxides (SO
) emissions to air 31 73 42 16
Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)
emissions to air 42 50 39 47
Coverage for NO
reporting 86% 85% 85% 82%
Coverage for SO
reporting 36% 34% 36% 32%
Coverage for VOCs reporting 57% 56% 54% 53%
Using algae to clean up plant wastewater
at our Taloja site
Our catalyst manufacturing site in
Taloja, India, is using the power of algae
to clean up the waste water created
asaby-product ofour processes.
Theimpact of this innovative approach
could have wide-reaching effects
The wastewater created by the plant is
fed into six algae ponds. Using the sun’s
energy, the microalgae convert the
waste discharge into oxygen and
renewable biomass. This biomass can
then be used for fuel and fertilisers,
andthe richly oxygenated water is a
boost forlocal aquatic life.
The project has been a huge success.
Weno longer need to outsource
ourwastewater treatment – saving us
hundreds of thousands of pounds so far.
The process offers uninterrupted
performance, with no freshwater
consumption, and the end results help
support the local environment. That’s
why the project was awarded an internal
Johnson Matthey award in 2022.
Planet: Protecting nature and advancing the circular economy continued
1. Rebaselined to remove divested businesses, please see page 222 for more information
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Management of hazardous chemicals
The nature of the complex chemistry in our products and manufacturing means that we
sometimes have to use chemicals that are potentially hazardous to the environment.
Productstewardship is a crucial part of our approach to minimising our environmental impact.
By delivering product insight and assured regulatory compliance, we can better manage
thesustainability of our portfolio.
Our efforts to improve our environmental and human health performance are recognised
through our rating 3
out of 54 chemical companies in the 2022 Chemscore report. They
alsoget us a seat at the table with policy makers, regulators and industry bodies. This global
engagement is allowing us to share our expertise around catalysis, product stewardship,
PGMsupply and sustainable technologies and contribute to the important discussion about
what net zero looks like in practice. It also helps us maintain high standards and adapt
tocontinually evolving regulation in our markets. In the UK we are working with the
government, directly and through the Chemicals Industry Association (CIA), on potential
revisions to the UK’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
(UKREACH) regulation. We also work with a range of EU industry consortia such as
EuropeanChemical Industry Council (Cefic), Eurometaux and European Precious Metals
Federation (EPMF).
Product life cycle analysis
Product life cycle analysis (LCA) is an
important way in which we can
demonstrate how the environmental
benefits of our products outweigh the
impact of making them in the first place.
We are committed to making cradle-to-
gate LCAs of our products available to
our customers on request.
We also contribute to the International
Platinum Group Metals Association
(IPA)'s publicly available industry
standard LCA for the five platinum group
metals – Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir and Ru – which is
updated annually to ISO 14001
Visit the IPA website for more
information: ipa-news.de
Planet: Protecting nature and advancing the circular economy continued
Finding safer alternatives and reducing risk
Our product stewardship reporting programme helps us track product performance every
year. This year, we found no reports of significant health effects from the use of our products,
and we continue to comply with all health and safety, labelling and marketing regulations,
and voluntary codes. We engage with customers to promote understanding of the hazards of
our products, and our New Product Introduction (NPI) framework requires teams to consider
ways to reduce hazardous raw material use.
Alongside the broader transformation of Johnson Matthey, we are also upgrading our
processes around product stewardship. We have initiated work to roll out a company-wide
inventory and information management platform. This will allow us to better track chemicals
through our manufacturing processes and understand the impacts of changing regulation or
new hazard information faster, which would allow us to identify safer and / or more
sustainable material choices.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a very broad group of 9,000+ chemicals,
including fluoropolymers, that are widely used in industrial and consumer applications due
totheir unique thermal and chemical stability. They are under significant scientific and
regulatory scrutiny because some PFAS are persistent and mobile in the environment and are
associated with certain potential adverse health effects. Chemical manufacturing processes,
including some in JM, often rely on parts, such as process piping and seals that contain these
fluoropolymers. Some fluoropolymers are also, currently, essential to the proper functioning
of certain electrolysers and fuel cells technologies. In JM, we are aware of the increasing levels
of concern over potential risks posed by a subset of PFAS and are committed to reducing our
uses, developing alternatives, fully understanding and limiting impacts on human health and
the environment from PFAS in our operations and products. We are also working directly with
suppliers, customers, peers, business associations, NGOs and regulators to ensure responsible
use and proportionate regulations of PFAS.
Working with genetically engineered microorganisms
Genetically engineered microorganisms in our biocatalysts (enzymes) represent just 0.01% of
our sales. None of our products contain live organisms at the point of supply to our customers.
Biocatalysts are important chemical intermediates in our manufacturing because they can
help us make more of a desired chemical product with fewer undesirable by-products.
Raw materials and extraction
End of life /
Recycling / circularity
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society
Our goal: Keep people safe
Our ability to catalyse the net zero transition depends on the safe operation of our manufacturing
sites. The processes and policies we put in place are one part of our approach, but we are also
improving our insight and the tools we provide our people so that they can contribute to our safety
culture every day. We have complex chemical processes that often involve heavy machinery and
hazardous chemicals. As part of our focus on simplification, we continued embedding the new digital
tools we introduced in 2021/22. These are streamlining existing processes and enabling a more
data-led approach. To reduce our ergonomic injuries we are using a video tool to highlight
ergonomic stress points while carrying out activities and then taking necessary actions to reduce
these stress points. Rather than wait for an incident to occur, we are able to proactively spot potential
issues and take preventative action. A new central industrial hygiene reporting database is due to go
live in the first half of 2023/24.
The Take 5 programme was launched in 2021/22 to help make sure everyone acts in a responsible
and safe way at all times. It reminds people to take some time before starting a new activity to make
sure they are working in a safe and secure environment. This simple action helps reduce incidents
and drive continued improvements in our processes. This year saw the further embedding of this
programme. During Q4, we tend to see an increase in the number of incidents across all sites. To
help address this we created a toolkit with a range of discussion guides and materials for safety
briefings and safety moments focused on ‘Make Time to TAKE 5’, so that everyone can discuss what
we can do to mitigate risks. This resulted in over a 50% reduction in recordable incidences compared
to final quarter 2021/22. We further improved our safety performance through engagement and
safety leadership by launching our first global safety day and additional regional EHS conferences
with the main topic being safety leadership – further details below.
Our strategy focuses on
the core strengths that allow
us to play to win in the
markets we operate in. We
rely on our 12,600+ talented
and passionate employees to
drive our purpose. Ensuring
that they are fulfilled in their
careers, work safely and
return home well to their
families each day is our
number one priority.
2030 target 2021/22 2022/23 % change against
prior year
Our goal: Keep people safe
Total recordable injury and
illness rate (TRIIR) for employees and
0.59 0.47 -20%
0.4 ICCA process safety event severity
rate (PSESR)
1.02 -23%
Our goal: Create a diverse, inclusive and engaged company
Employee engagement score
>40% Female representation across
all management levels
27% 28% +1%
Our goal: Uphold human rights
% supplier spend assessed for human
rights risk and remedial plans in
place where high risks identified
- 22% -
Our goal: Invest in our local communities
Increase volunteering leave (days) 1,322 2,063 +56%
1. Restated value based on improved reporting of historical process safety events.
(Employees and
the net zero
Our occupational health and
safety performance
Lost time injury and illness rate (LTIIR) reduced from 0.30 last
year to 0.24. We saw a 20% improvement in our all personnel
(employees and contractors) TRIIR from the previous year.
This is a demonstration of the effectiveness of our Take 5
programme and the impact of having our first Global Safety
Day, as well as additional local campaigns at site level which
have focused on site-specific safety issues. We have had
nofatalities since 2015.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Global Safety Day
As part of the new strategy introduced
by our CEO in last year’s report, just like
the rest of our business, 2022/23 saw all
our line managers and our EHS team
examine our approach to ensuring the
safety of our people.
Our first annual Global Safety Day was a
huge success – helping to bring our
organisational transformation to life by
providing site managers with resources
and insights into overcoming common
barriers to workplace safety. Dedicating
a specific day to safety across the whole
organisation helped focus everyone’s
minds on the importance of safety in
everything we do and create an
opportunity to celebrate our
performance and efforts taken in
support of safety.
The event was attended by all
employees, who took part in activities
and talks around the central theme of
how to have effective safety
conversations. The global event was
bolstered by two regional EHS
conferences which were attended by site
managers and other key functional
people with the main theme around
safety leadership.
Stronger audits. Stronger oversight
This year saw a return to full on-site auditing as COVID-related restrictions relaxed globally.
A total of 17 corporate audits were undertaken during 2022/23. These included four
Process Safety-specific audits. All of our high hazard facilities have now been subject to
aformal corporate environmental, health and safety (EHS) audit within the last three years
and a process safety audit within the last five years.
An independent review and audit of the JM Process Safety Management System, sponsored
by the JM Board, has been timetabled for 2023/24 in order to assess the prioritisation
of programme implementation and major risk management. The review comprises a review
of the corporate process safety systems against industry best practices plus more focused
engagements at selected JM sites to audit implementation and progress on recommendations
to address the major process safety risks.
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
Our process safety performance
Our International Council of Chemicals Association (ICCA) process safety event severity rate
(PSESR) has decreased by 23% from 1.32
last year to 1.02 PSESR per 200,000 hours worked.
There were nine Tier 1 process safety events this year, compared to 11 the previous year. See
Basis of reporting on page 227 for a definition of a Tier 1 process safety event.
We continue to embed process safety training across JM. In the last 3 years safety training has
been completed by over 2,870 operations-based staff, which is c. 90% of employees who
have been identified as needing process safety training. We have also completed individual
process safety competency assessments for 305 managers and engineers in process safety-
critical roles at facilities rated as ‘high hazard’. All roles that have been identified in this
category, for our high hazard sites, have now been trained.
Despite these improvements, a significant explosion occurred at one of our US sites
inJuly2022. Thankfully the incident resulted in no injuries, but we did receive a citation
fromthe regulator and the site’s performance remains impacted. Our investigation and
rootcause analysis highlighted several areas that could be improved – and we continue
toimplement those changes.
1. Restated value based on improved reporting of historical process safety events.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Our goal: Create a diverse, inclusive and engaged company
As a global company, it is essential that our organisation is reflective of the communities
welive and work in as well as a place where people are safe, thriving and building rewarding,
long-term careers. Ensuring we have a high-performance culture is critical to the execution
ofour new strategy. We are creating a more market-focused, agile and less bureaucratic
Johnson Matthey – one where our people can be truly customer focused and thrive in their
roles. Like our peers, as well as businesses across the global economy, the labour market
weoperate within remained competitive in 2022/23. This makes attracting the best talent
aswell as supporting, engaging and developing the people we have hugely important.
Building an engaged, high-performance culture
Immediately after the launch of our refreshed strategy this year, we initiated town halls and
team sessions at all levels in the organisation with the purpose of fully communicating the
overall strategy and our three core play to win behaviours:
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
Take accountability Keep it simple Drive results
To accentuate these behaviours we initiated a leader-led culture change programme focused
onupskilling people managers and leaders in key areas such as giving feedback to drive
performance, and we started work on a new approach to performance management that
focuses on the outcomes and results we want to achieve.
An engaged, passionate workforce is the fuel for our transformation. It underpins our whole
play to win philosophy and drives us forward in our purpose of catalysing the net zero transition,
becoming more customer-focused and unlocking the full value of our operations. We recognise
that an important vehicle to driving engagement is all people managers having the ability to
regularly track status, progression and provide input for areas of focus relevant to their teams.
To this end, we have adopted ‘WorkDay Peakon’, a globally recognised tool for our regular
employee engagement surveys. Further we have decided to increase the frequency of the full
survey to annual, and to conduct regular pulse surveys to keep on top of any issues.
Our first full Workday Peakon survey was conducted in March 2023 and we achieved a score
of6.9. The methodology used by Workday Peakon is not directly comparable with the tool we
used previously and thus we have not compared the results with past engagement surveys at JM.
However, we do recognise that 6.9 places us below the industry average of Workday Peakon
users. Whilst this is not where we want to be, this is not surprising given the pace and depth
oftransformation we are currently undergoing. We have set ourselves targets of 7.2 by end of
2024/25 and a score of greater than 8 by 2030, to move us into an industry leadership position.
We also recognise that engagement is primarily built in the day-to-day interactions with
colleagues, which is why many engagement initiatives have also been run locally at sites and
inoffices. The initiatives take many shapes and forms and adapt to the local opportunities.
To accelerate our work on building engagement in the coming year, we will be increasing
ourtraining and support to help managers build engagement across their teams, as well
ascontinuing to examine our employee proposition and culture and making improvements.
A step change in leadership skills and critical capabilities
Winning requires us to build critical capabilities, ensure we retain experienced colleagues in JM
today and provide them with opportunities to develop and progress. We have looked to build
the leadership capabilities of the organisation this year. We put in place processes to build
amore robust and diverse leadership pipeline.
A big success this year were the leadership masterclasses in which 135 of our senior leaders
participated. These brought our new strategy to life and drove our culture transformation
forward. The workshops focused on the behavioural change that underpins transformation
–storytelling, coaching for performance, accountability and setting objectives. Another 1,663
employees participated in one or more of our general business skill courses.
We have 53 graduates in our two-year graduate programmes, who we continue to develop to
become the leaders of the future as they complete eight-month rotations around the company.
We have also focused on building our commercial muscle, through the creation of the Group
Commercial Council, which aims to make the voice of the customer front and centre across JM.
With the deployment of our play to win strategy, our whole leadership population will be
receiving commercial training in the coming year.
In order to win, we must operate efficiently and make the most of our investments for the
future. We know from feedback through our benchmarking that our current organisation needs
to change to deliver our new strategy. During the year we worked to transform the operating
models for our enabling functions, putting in place new organisations for engineering and
capital projects. More work is being progressed to sharpen further and reduce costs more
quickly in 2023/24.
Building engagement takes time. Activities we initiated this year to start this journey include:
We re-clarified our expectations of people managers and their role in engaging and
developing their people. We have developed a programme of work to educate and train all
our managers and equip them to motivate and develop their people
We have reviewed our approach to major elements of our reward and incentives programmes
to drive and recognise high-performance outcomes and are implementing the changes for
We introduced Workday as a global platform for our people data, giving managers valuable
insight into how we can increase retention and streamline processes around activities such as
succession planning
We rolled out our digital platform Say Thanks to the whole of JM where colleagues can
express their appreciation of support or contribution from another colleague. In the first six
months 18,739 recognitions were provided through the portal
We refreshed our annual JM Awards, a global competition to allow individuals and teams to
be recognised, to be aligned to our new play to win behaviours. Over 190 nominations were
received, showcasing many fantastic achievements of our employees globally.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
At the core of work to promote DI&B is the work of our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).
Aswell as giving our people spaces to connect and share experiences, they directly feed into
our culture development activities. We now have nine ERGs, following the launch of our
Hispanic/Latinx Organisation for Leadership and Advancement (HOLA). Throughout the year,
theyorganised webinars on topics such as LGBT+ paths to parenting, menopause and
neurodiversity. Pride in JM and the Black Employee Network continued to lead our reverse
mentoringefforts this year. These pairings give our leaders the chance to be mentored
byjunior colleagues on their lived experiences in the company.
Disability inclusion
Our work on advancing disability inclusion is informed by the DiversAbility ERG. With Liam
joining as CEO, we updated and re-signed our commitment to the Valuable 500. We also
joined the Business Disability Forum, a leading business membership organisation in disability
inclusion. Our first site accessibility audit was completed, and actions taken to improve the
accessibility for employees and visitors at our headquarters, and largest manufacturing site,
inRoyston, UK. An accessibility audit has since been completed at Clitheroe, UK, and plans
are being developed to roll out the audits across our other sites.
Our new DI&B policy commits us to:
Giving full and fair consideration to applications for employment by disabled persons,
having regard to particular aptitude and abilities
Continuing the employment of and arranging appropriate training for employees who have
become disabled during employment
Training, career development and promotion of disabled persons.
Promoting ethnic diversity
We have three ERGs that are helping us to advance ethnic minority groups in different
geographies: Asian Network, Black Employee Network (BEN), Hispanic / Latinx Organisation
for Leadership and Advancement (HOLA).
To support the development of our Black, Asian and ethnic minority employees, we continued
to participate in the Black British Business Awards talent acceleration programme in the UK.
In the US, we ran another cycle of the management accelerator programme with McKinsey
&Company – this time with participants on all three, Black, Hispanic / Latinx, and Asian
The additional focus for next year is on upskilling hiring managers to ensure a fully inclusive
hiring process.
In 2022, we partnered with the Association for Black Engineers and the Royal Academy
ofEngineering on its annual Graduate Engineering Engagement Programme, which aims to
improve the transition of engineering graduates from diverse backgrounds into engineering
employment. Members of our team supported the mentoring programme, skills and
competency workshops, and networking sessions, reaching over 200 diverse candidates.
We also partnered with the Royal Society of Chemistry for its Broadening Horizons in the
Chemical Sciences programme, a new three-year pilot to support chemistry students and
graduates from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds to pursue careers in chemistry.
InSeptember 2022, we joined nine other partners in hosting a taster event to showcase the breadth
of careers in the chemical sciences and are now working on visits to our sites across the UK.
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
1. All employees whether they are a people manager or not at a minimum pay grade
Our Global Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Policy
Johnson Matthey recruits, trains and develops employees who are best suited to the
requirements of the job, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, age, religion or belief,
marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, sexual orientation, gender
identity or disability.
Balancing gender representation
Our female representation at all management levels
is 28%, a slight improvement on last
year, and a step forward towards our target of 40% by 2030, with a milestone of 31% in 2025.
Embedding diversity data into the application process is driving insights on where to attract
diverse candidates.
Alongside our Talent Acquisition (TA) team, our DI&B team has built partnerships with
organisations like the Society of Women in Engineering to ensure we can source and attract
the best talent from a range of diverse backgrounds in the market.
To support our LGBTQ+ colleagues, we published a Transitioning at Work guidance
document. It is essential that our trans colleagues can be themselves at work and that we
support them, their manager and HR colleagues.
Advancing diversity, inclusion and belonging
Innovation requires diversity of thought, background and representation as well as a culture
of inclusion and belonging. Our success depends on people feeling that they can speak up,
talk about ideas, challenge norms and create more value for our customers.
This year we replaced our Equal Opportunities Policy with a Global Diversity, Inclusion
&Belonging (DI&B) Policy.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
Fair pay
Ensuring our employees are paid fairly for their work also forms part of our core value to
protect people and the planet. In the UK, we are an accredited Living Wage Employer and
weare exploring to what extent we can apply a living wage policy globally.
We recognise that employees are facing a cost-of-living crisis, and in our most recent pay
reviews we increased our pay budgets to recognise this. For non-unionised employees our
global salary budget was split for management and non-management roles with non-
management roles receiving a higher budget. In addition to their pay increase, employees
who fell below the average JM wage in a country where price inflation was abnormally high
were given a temporary supplementary allowance. For example, in the UK the non-
management budget was 4.5% and the management budget was 3.75%. In the UK, this
equated to £50 per month until 31
March 2023 for employees earning £40,000 or less
(on a full-time basis). The lowest salary agreement made with our UK unions was a 4.5%
salary increase and a £600 lump sum, among other local arrangements
In addition to our employees’ pay, we have provided support through Assist, which provides
JM employees and dependants with access to a team of highly trained and qualified
professionals on a variety of financial well-being topics such as debt management, mortgages
and loans; in addition to broader mental, physical and social well-being topics. Our temporary
employees received the same benefits as our permanent employees.
Freedom of association
We respect and promote the rights of people to freedom of association. In 2022/23 a quarter
of our people globally were covered by collective bargaining agreements and / or represented
by trade unions.
We work collaboratively with 23 trade unions across our sites, focusing on a range of topics,
such as health & safety, well-being, business change needs, employee training and improving
the way we work at our local sites. Cost-of-living was a significant part of our union
negotiations this year and, for those negotiations that have already concluded, we have
agreed larger wage increases than normal and an additional special cost of living lump sum.
We also support engagement at regional and national levels where needed.
2022/23 Union representation % represented
Average number of
Total average
number of
UK 21%
Rest of Europe 24% 668 2,734
North America 17% 397 2,271
Asia 27% 660 2,442
Rest of World 52% 545 1,057
Workforce globally 25% 3,163 12,666
We issue a gender pay gap report in accordance with UK law. In 2022/23 our UK gender pay
gap was 5.6% which puts us ahead of the national average of 14.9%.
View our Gender Pay Gap Report: matthey.com/gender-pay-gap
Parental Leave
We recognise the significance to our employees of starting and supporting a growing family.
Fully encouraging, facilitating and supporting employees to take parental leave is a
fundamental part of our employee value proposition. To support employees, we maintain
aGlobal Parental Leave Standard. This standard provides a global minimum standard of
16weeks fully paid leave for new parents (including adoptive parents) who are regarded
asthe primary caregiver.
1. Including Health
2. Within JM our senior managers are defined as direct reports of the GLT. The UK Corporate Governance Code 2018 requires companies to
disclose the gender balance of senior management, which is defined in the Code as a company's executive committee and the Company
Secretary, the statistics for this are included in the GLT row above. Some individuals are included in more than one category.
Gender diversity statistics
(as at 31
March 2023)
% Female Female Male Total
Board 33% 3 6 9
Group leadership team (GLT) 25% 3 9 12
Subsidiary directors 13% 13 86 99
Senior managers
37% 31 52 83
All management levels 28% 478 1,223 1,701
New recruits 33% 748 1,496 2,244
All employees 30% 3,773 8,865 12,638
Key workforce statistics
2022/23 2021/22 2020/21
12-month average headcount 12,666 13,497 13,546
Voluntary leavers turnover rate 12.2% 11.6% 8.2%
Involuntary leavers turnover rate 10.9% 3.8% 7.5%
Total leavers turnover rate 23.1% 15.4% 15.7%
Please see Sustainability Performance Databook for more information on employee by region,
ageand gender
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Our goal: Upholding human rights and high ethical
We support the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International
Labour Organisation (ILO) Core Conventions. We are aligned with key frameworks that define
human rights principles for businesses, including UN Guiding Principles on Business and
Human Rights and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Modern Slavery Statement
We are committed to ensuring no modern slavery exists in our business and to
identify, mitigate and remediate any issues we find in our value chain. We publish our
Modern Slavery Statement annually to demonstrate our progress.
Full statement: matthey.com/modern-slavery
Ensuring high ethical standards
We are playing to win in the right way – which means holding ourselves to the highest ethical
standards in everything we do. This year, we focused on supporting a culture which goes
beyond technical legal compliance to include every employee taking accountability for
behaving ethically and making good decisions in our everyday work.
Our ethical culture is led from the top by our Board and GLT. An example of this was our
annual Ethics Week, where our CEO shared a personal example of how he handled an ethical
dilemma during his career. It was a powerful demonstration of his commitment to doing
theright thing, even in challenging circumstances. Where instances of serious misconduct
are revealed, our Board strongly supports exiting those individuals from our organisation
– no matter their level of seniority or the short-term disruption it might cause.
More than 50 sites took part in our annual Ethics Week celebrations. This year the theme
wascollaboration between senior leaders, site managers and Ethics Ambassadors to generate
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
We are a signatory to the UN Global Compact
and remain committed to its principles and aims.
As part of our membership, this year we took part in
the UN’s Business & Human Rights Accelerator training
programme to build upon our internal knowledge.
We published our first UNGP Annual report to
“Comprehensive” standard in December 2022
UNGP Annual Report: matthey.com/UNGP-progress
We have the potential to positively impact billions of lives around the world. The benefits of
Johnson Matthey should not only be felt by our customers, but by everyone that comes into
contact with our business.
This year we published our first standalone human rights policy. It highlights a core group
ofrights which we believe we impact the most as an organisation and that we have the
potential to positively address. It has been reviewed by external specialists to ensure that it
meets best practice principles and has been signed off by the Board.
View our Human Rights Policy: matthey.com/human-rights-policy
Our approach to human rights considers our entire value chain – including our own
operations, suppliers and customers. We have set ourselves an ambitious commitment to
assess all of our value chain partners for human rights risks by 2030. To make that happen,
we developed a tailored human rights risk assessment framework in 2021/22 in partnership
with KPMG and which we have begun to roll out across our own operations and supply
chainthis year.
For our own operations
This process identified five high-risk countries where we have operating sites. After applying
our assessment to several sites in these countries, we are in the process of raising concerns
with local teams and putting remedial actions in place where required.
For our suppliers
We identified 100 key suppliers that accounted for 22% of our annual procurement spend
(excluding PGMs). These suppliers were assessed using our human rights risk framework and
those identified as higher risk went through enhanced due diligence using third party
services. Where required, mitigations and remedial actions have been put in place and
continued monitoring has been implemented. Key issues identified with higher-risk suppliers
have been escalated to our human rights steering group, consisting of relevant senior leaders.
Human rights awareness formed part of our annual Code of Ethics training offered to all eligible
employees. Additional, targeted awareness and training sessions on human rights and conflict
minerals were made available to our relevant staff throughout the year.
Our independent Speak Up helpline is available for anyone wishing to raise a human
See page 42 for more information on our Speak Up culture
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Our industry-leading ethical culture heatmap
This year we continued to embed the ethical culture heatmap tool we launched
in2021/22. It is enhancing the ways we can feed ethics and compliance data back
tothe business and giving us valuable oversight over our operations.
The heatmap focuses on essential ethical culture indicators. Our leaders can see how
each of our larger facilities is currently performing and address weaker metrics,
suggestive of potential ethical culture issues, more proactively.
The heatmap has been recognised by the wider business community. The Institute
ofBusiness Ethics used it as an example of what good looks like in a recent report
onethical culture.
Supporting our suppliers to improve their
ESG performance
We have been supporting one of our
strategic suppliers, who is located in a
higher risk region, and did not have any
previous engagement with EcoVadis or
other sustainability ratings agencies. As
part of our supplier partnering
programme, the supplier decided to join
EcoVadis at their own cost and
completed the assessment. The outcome
was a score two points lower than the
industry average. We are now supporting
the supplier in the development of their
policies and processes with an aim to
significantly increase their score and
achieve an EcoVadis silver medal. We
have quarterly reviews with the supplier
to monitor their progress. This is a
demonstration of how we can partner
with suppliers to improve sustainability
and drive improvements in our wider
value chain.
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
real-life conversations about what doing the right thing means for employees in their roles.
Inaddition to Ethics Week, we launched monthly communications to highlight the
importance of ethics and integrity in our everyday work.
In line with our strategy we refreshed our annual Code of Ethics training to focus on our
values, ethical decision making and scenarios that are applicable to all employees. It has been
offered to 11,100 employees
and contractors during the year and 87% have completed it.
We received positive feedback from our employees.
We also run targeted training courses for our relevant managers and externally facing
employees in competition law and our anti-bribery and corruption policies.
Responsible sourcing
We are a multinational company with a global, multi-tiered supply chain. We rely on
oursuppliers to provide raw materials as well as goods and services ranging from equipment
toutilities and transport. Every year we work with thousands of suppliers and in 2022/23
wespent £3 billion with them (excl PGMs). We increased the ways we support our
As a values-driven organisation, we work closely with our value chain to uphold human rights
and maintain the highest standards in procurement.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out our expectations, and is embedded into our New
Supplier Selection Process. All new suppliers complete a self-assessment as part of our
on-boarding process. Our most important existing suppliers are assessed annually against
ourSupplier Code of Conduct using the services of sustainability rating provider EcoVadis.
During this year, suppliers accounting for 48% spend (excluding PGMs) in our portfolio have
been assessed through EcoVadis, and we plan to increase this further in the coming year.
In addition to that, we started to monitor specific KPIs in EcoVadis that help us to better
understand our supplier’s performance in human rights and health and safety as well as their
journey to net zero. To help our suppliers improve their own sustainability performance,
wehave embedded sustainability metrics into our supplier partnership programme.
Supplier Code of Conduct: matthey.com/supplier-code
EcoVadis KPIs
% procurement
% procurement
Suppliers who have current EcoVadis medal 38% 25%
Suppliers who have a good score with EcoVadis but no
medal due to adverse media in the past three years 3% 1.5%
Suppliers with current EcoVadis rating below medal-
achieving level 7% 0.2%
Suppliers without an active EcoVadis rating, have declined
to share their rating or we have not yet requested it 52% 73%
Areas of concern where risks were identified by low scores in EcoVadis
Number of supplier
risk identified
Number of supplier
risk identified
Environmental 14 6
Labour and Human Rights 14 6
Ethics 13 11
Sustainable Procurement 6 1
Child Labour 0 0
1. All eligible employees are offered the Code of Ethics training, subject to local laws, union agreements, long-term leave arrangements
andstart date before the cutoff period
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
During the year we have taken big steps regarding supplier diversity. Through our partnership
with Tealbook and Minority Supplier Development UK (MSDUK), we conducted a baseline
assessment of our supplier base. We have identified that 3% of our spend with suppliers is
allocated to diverse / small business, and we identified several opportunities to improve our
sourcing practices to be more inclusive as well as enhance our internal training and adoption
of the programme. We look forward to evolving this partnership with Tealbook and MSDUK
during the coming year.
This year, we also signed an agreement with Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Supply Chain
toengage with 500 of our most important suppliers, throughout the next financial year,
tobetter understand their carbon footprint and net zero plans.
Conflict minerals and cobalt
We have improved oversight of our conflict minerals and cobalt portfolio of suppliers – in line
with both our Conflict Minerals & Cobalt Policy and the OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance for
Responsible Supply Chains or Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.
Current global regulation defines “conflict minerals” as tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold
(3TG). This year, we voluntarily updated our existing policy and due diligence process to
include cobalt as well. We believe this puts us in a good position for future legislation that is
expected to classify this metal as a conflict mineral in years to come. To support this, we have
provided refresher training sessions to our employees, who are involved in the collection and
verification of Conflict Minerals Reporting Templates (CMRTs) and Extended Minerals
Reporting Templates (EMRTs) of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI). We are actively
engaging in conversation through our supplier partnering programmes to understand greater
detail about the content of 3TGs and cobalt supplied in products to us.
Of the 3TGs, we principally buy tungsten for use in our autocatalyst products, though we
recognise we may have small amounts of the others in finished goods and refining intakes.
For calendar year 2022, we identified 79 suppliers providing 3TGs and cobalt going into our
products. All have provided us with due diligence industry standard reporting templates. Out
of the responses, seven of these suppliers did not fully meet our policy expectations (two for
3TG, three for cobalt and two for both 3TG and cobalt). Where non-compliance with our
policy has been identified, we are working with suppliers to remediate this.
Platinum group metals
Along with our customers, we work with industry associations like the International Platinum Group
Metals Association (IPA) to ensure we source our PGMs in an ethical way. We are pleased to support
members’ adoption of the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) responsible mining
standard. We recognise it is a significant undertaking to achieve full IRMA certification for mining
operations and continue to support our suppliers on this journey.
More on the IRMA responsible mining standard: matthey.com/IRMA
Our own UK and US refineries are on the London Platinum and Palladium Market’s (LPPM)
‘Good Delivery’ lists for platinum and palladium and are subject to its Responsible Platinum
and Palladium Guidance (RPPG). This standard requires us to demonstrate that we have high
ethical standards and traceability of metal in our supply chains. We are third-party audited,
byRCS Global, annually to confirm our ongoing compliance.
Annual LLP compliance: matthey.com/LPP-compliance
Forestry products
After identifying the presence of palm oil in our supply chain, we moved to ensure we only
purchase palm oil from sustainable sources, as set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct. We
are now certified members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and expect to
be audited against the RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard by an accredited certification
body in the next financial year.
Doing business in higher-risk jurisdictions
In 2022, we ceased all new commercial sales activity in Russia and closed our Moscow office.
During 2022/23, we also put our production facility in Krasnoyarsk in dormant status.
We source a number of raw materials critical to our products from China, including PGMs,
rare earth metals and zeolites. During the year we conducted due diligence on Tier 1 raw
material suppliers with a presence in China. No major concerns have been identified. We
continue the process of reviewing the detailed due diligence and will implement mitigations
or put remedial actions in place, as required.
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
Primary PGMs
Secondary PGMs
Rare earth materials
Ceramic substrates
Where we source strategic raw materials
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
A Speak Up alleged the
most senior manager
at one of JM’s sites tried
to retaliate against an
Upon investigation, a
series of serious
misconduct was
proven, including
threats of retaliation,
financial irregularities,
systemic bullying, and
labour rights violations.
We separated with the
manager and
remedial measures
were put in place
regarding financial
controls and
strengthening the
ethical culture on site.
Speak Up – Retaliation by a manager
Find out more about our Speak Up process: matthey.com/speak-up
Our Speak Up culture
It is essential that our employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders feel they can
speak freely when they have an ethical concern. We have various channels for them to do this
including our independent Speak Up line. In 2022/23 we received 153 Speak Up reports
compared to158 in 2021/22. We see this as a positive sign that our people and other
stakeholders feel comfortable raising concerns and have faith in our process.
We analyse Speak Up metrics quarterly to identify key themes and significant trends and
share these with the Ethics Panel and relevant senior leaders. This year members of senior
management were invited to Ethics Panel meetings to address themes, trends and lessons
learned in their business to drive further business accountability.
Our Ethics Panel is chaired by our General Counsel and comprised of independent members
of the GLT and other senior leaders. It meets quarterly, oversees all Speak Ups and takes
appropriate action where necessary. The Board is updated on key Speak Up trends and the
most significant cases during Societal Value Committee meetings. See pages 80-89 for more
Categories of recommendations made in Speak Up cases closed during the year are
summarised in the table opposite.
During the financial year, 14 Speak Ups relating to bribery and corruption were reported,
though in some instances multiple reports were raised about the same alleged conduct. JM
has a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption, and our Ethics & Compliance team
thoroughly investigated to determine whether the allegations could be proven or whether
any recommendations should be made, as it does with all categories of Speak Ups. Even
where allegations of bribery and corruption are not proven, an assessment was made to
ensure the risk of bribery and corruption taking place in the future is properly mitigated.
During the financial year no legal cases regarding bribery and corruption were brought
against JM or its employees.
Speak Up reports 2022/23
Concern / allegation Number of cases
Bribery and corruption 14
Conflict of interest 6
Discrimination, harassment, bullying or retaliation 47
Employee rights 56
Enquiry 5
Environmental protection, product stewardship or health and safety 11
Financial crime 2
Insider trading, financial reporting and other securities violations 1
Theft or misuse of assets 6
Trade and export controls 1
Other 4
Recommendations following investigated reports in 2022/23
Recommendation (please note there could be more than one recommendation per report,
or in some cases none) Number of cases
Separation with employee 4
Verbal or written warning 3
Coaching / training 21
Communication 34
Internal review of processes 28
Update / create new standards / controls 16
Senior leadership or management actions 21
Remedy for the reporter 6
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Our goal: Investing in our communities
As a company driven by our shared purpose, we have a duty to all our stakeholders, including
our local communities. Not only do our products and services deliver significant positive
impact for society and for our customers, but we recognise the important role our people play
in communities too.
Refocusing our approach
Our reinvigorated community investment strategy builds on two core beliefs. Firstly, we
believe that science will be key in tackling many of the biggest challenges the world is facing.
That’s why we remain committed to removing the barriers that exist for young people in
accessing and staying in high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics
(STEM) education. We also know that building a positive legacy in the communities where
weoperate is of the highest importance to our people. So we are introducing a second strand
to our strategy: sustainable communities, which is all about our contribution to green
initiatives or other local needs.
Our volunteering and match funding efforts have had an enormous positive impact over the
many years we have been offering this support. Our new approach focuses these efforts and
resources, and aligns them behind our purpose to catalyse the net zero transition. By 2030
weaim to reach 10,000 young people, typically excluded from science, through quality
STEM-related interactions and experiences involving our employees. To get there, we’ll be
focusing on fewer, stronger, multi-year partnerships with community organisations, better
tracking and reporting on the impact of our activities, and establishing clear roadmaps for
how we will achieve our objectives.
volunteering days (+56%)
Our performance in 2022/23
A large part of our work this year has been forming our
new approach – but that doesn’t mean that there haven’t
been some great achievements too. We have been able to
react to some of the challenges people across our
communities faced in 2022/23.
The impacts of the cost-of-living crisis caused by rising inflation and energy costs have been
felt across the world. As part of our response, we donated to six organisations tackling food
poverty: The Trussell Trust, Feeding America, Stacja 6 – Fundacja, Fuel Macedonia, UNICEF
India and Action Aid. We also responded to the Turkish and Syrian earthquake disaster with
adonation to The Disaster Emergency Committee appeal and matched any employee
donations to the appeal throughout February 2023.
Our people continued to offer their time to volunteer and have a direct impact on their local
communities. This year, we recorded our strongest ever numbers of volunteering, and the
first year where volunteering activity has exceeded pre-COVID levels. We recorded 2,063 days
of volunteering overall, up 56% on the previous year, and our #JMVolunteers campaign saw
over 800 of our people come together for two focused weeks of volunteering efforts in
December 2022, across 33 sites and 14 countries.
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Providing shelter and support for Ukrainian refugees
Building on our support for Ukraine from
last year, over 125 Johnson Matthey
team members in Gliwice, Poland,
joined the local community to refurbish
a former school dormitory. The site can
now house up to 130 Ukrainian refugees
in a safe, community-focused space.
The team also helped to renovate a
community centre for displaced children
and turned an ice rink into a donation
redistribution centre. We donated
kitchen equipment and IKEA gave
furnishings to help the project – but
arguably the most important
contribution was the time given by our
people and other selfless volunteers.
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
Community Investment summary
£’000 2022/23 2021/22 % change
Direct expenditure 594 168 254%
Indirect expenditure 479 283 69%
Total 1,073 451 138%
STEM outreach
Throughout the year we continued our focus on removing the barriers for young people
accessing quality STEM education. We have now awarded £338,000 through 19 grants as part
of our flagship Science and Me programme, building lasting local partnerships and delivering
projects including Mangorolla Community Interest Group, where we funded their ‘I’m a Scientist
Get Me Out of Here’ online STEM enrichment activity. This allowed school learners to connect to
and ask questions of a diverse range of STEM professions and engaged 2,179 learners aged
10-18 years old from schools in Detroit, US and from state schools across the UK.
Our STEM education efforts through Science and Me are on track to impact 24,000 students,
and 118 teachers by the end of this calendar year.
Moving into the next year, we will connect with local schools to widen our volunteering
efforts, boost engagement as well as tap into opportunities such as micro-volunteering, which
means offering shorter volunteering opportunities for example participating in a one-hour
STEM careers webinar.
1. For calculation methodology please see page 227
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
How we engage with our external stakeholders
Business associations
Key focus of engagement on Sustainability in 2022/23
We actively participate in sustainability focused policy advocacy papers.
Active CEO engagement promoting the future of hydrogen
Promoting adoption of IRMA’s responsible mining standard and common
standards on carbon footprint of PGMs. Engaging with EU policy makers on
introduction of Euro 7 standards and the Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Act.
Active role in the Sustainability Committee, particularly focusing on position on
sustainable chemicals.
Active engagement in sustainable financing task force shaping EU’s taxonomy
and sustainable financing legislative framework.
Provided input to their information-gathering on PGMs for the CRM
Active engagement on environmental regulations promoting clean air, health
benefits and sustainable solutions in transport.
We re-joined Corporate Leaders Group in 2022 and our CEO signed their pledge
to net zero letter to UK prime minister in September.
We increased our engagement with leading organisations in the last year. Where possible, we
ensure we are aligned on sustainability priorities; when there is not full alignment we actively
participate in discussions to inform and shape policies and positions.
We joined CBI in the UK during 2022/23, but like many companies suspended our
membership in April 2023.
People: Promoting a safe, diverse and equitable society continued
Membership of global alliances
Key focus of engagement on Sustainability in 2022/23
We became a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (WBCSD) and joined their SOS1.5 project in January 2023.
We are members of UN Global Compact and we published our first UNGP Annual
report to “Comprehensive” standard in December 2022
UNGP Annual Report: matthey.com/UNGP-progress
We also joined Business & Human rights accelerator and attended UNGC Climate
Action Summit.
Having suspended our membership of the World Economic Forum,
we rejoined in 2022/23 and support their sustainability goals.
On Industry Day at COP 26 (9
November, 2021), the World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (WBCSD) and the Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) gathered ambitious
companies to drive growth in the demand for, and supply of, low-carbon (blue) hydrogen
an essential part of the future net-zero energy system. Pledges were made by 28 companies
representing different sectors from mining to energy, vehicle and equipment manufacturers,
and financial services. The number of pledging companies has now increased to 35.
We were one of the original 28 pioneering companies, and the our pledge reads: “JM is
putting its science and experience at the heart of solutions that support a cost-effective
transition to a secure and environmentally sustainable energy system. By 2030, Johnson
Matthey pledges to invest c.£1billion in the research, development and deployment of clean
hydrogen technologies.”
As part of the Pledge, JM committed to provide an update annually, and we can report that
our planned investment in this area is well on track to meet the Pledge. These investments
include research, development and deployment of processes and catalysts underpinning the
production of CCS-enabled (blue) hydrogen, components for the production of renewable
electrolytic (green) hydrogen, components for hydrogen fuel cell technologies and the
optimisation of refining technologies to recycle platinum group metals from these and other
hydrogen-related applications.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Sustainability continued
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
In this section
Introduction 45
Governance 45
Strategy 46
Risk management 51
Metrics and targets 52
Climate change is one of the most pressing threats facing our planet today. It is affecting our
environment and poses a growing risk for people and businesses alike. We recognise that
what we do at Johnson Matthey has impacts – both positive and negative. Our products and
services help our customers to reduce greenhouse emissions and the new technologies
wearedesigning will help further accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future. But the
manufacturing and chemical processes we use have their own environmental impact,
creating greenhouse gas emissions and using water.
Our company purpose is catalysing the net zero transition. Therefore, our strategy is shaped
around the opportunities and the risks that our changing climate presents. We have set
ourselves the target of achieving net zero by 2040 with a series of challenging short-term
science-based targets (SBTs) on the 1.5
C pathway as well as an avoided GHG emissions
target for benefits to our customers for 2030 (see page 24 for a full table of targets), to
ensure we keep driving up the benefits of our products while reducing their environmental
The disclosures in this report are consistent with the TCFD recommendations.
Given the nature of our business, and how closely aligned our strategy is to a warming world,
climate-related risks and opportunities have been on the board’s agenda for many years.
Role of the Board and its committees
The Board is responsible for setting and overseeing the implementation of the group’s
strategy, including the annual budget and detailed business plans. In doing so, it considers
climate-related issues, including when approving requests for capital expenditure or new
As a result of our internal board effectiveness review, the responsibilities of the Board and its
committees in relation to climate-related issues and the broader sustainability agenda have
been refined and clarified during the year.
The Societal Value Committee (SVC) is a meeting of the full Johnson Matthey board that
focuses more closely on the governance of sustainability matters, including our response
toclimate change. The SVC meets four times a year, see pages 88-89 for more information
about their work in 2022/23. The SVC has been driving the development and validation
ofroadmaps to deliver on our 2030 GHG reduction targets and the integration of carbon
accounting into the company’s budgeting and capital allocation exercises, to ensure the right
resources were allocated to deliver on our objectives. Given how fast society’s response to
climate change is developing, the SVC receives papers on emerging issues related to climate
at each meeting, such as legislation and stakeholders’ expectations. During the year the
Committee has invited external experts to get an ‘outside-in’ view on climate regulation,
including Inflation Reduction Action in the US and Green Deal in Europe.
Together with the Nomination Committee, the Board ensures that, among the directors,
ithas the necessary sustainability and climate-related expertise.
For more details of our non-executive directors’ skills and experience, see pages 76-77
The Audit Committee monitors and assesses the level of assurance over TCFD and climate-
related issues and performance metrics as we continue to develop our reporting in this area.
The Audit Committee is also responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of internal control
and risk management, which includes climate-related risk.
The Remuneration Committee set two climate-related targets within the group’s Long-term
Performance Share Plan (PSP) in early 2022. Our senior leaders and directors participate
inthis PSP. This clearly reflects our intent to contribute to an acceleration of the transition
toa net zero world. The development of the sustainability roadmaps to our 2030 GHG
reduction targets were also embedded in the GLT members’ shared incentives for this year.
Role of management
The Board delegates responsibility for running the business to the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO); this includes overall responsibility for climate-related issues. The CEO is supported
bythe Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), who chairs the Sustainability Council which is made
up of members from the GLT and the Sustainability Director who together, develop our
sustainability vision, goals and targets.
The CSO is responsible for prioritising our sustainability agenda and threading all elements
into our business, providing updates to the GLT on the steps taken to develop or implement
our sustainability strategy, including key metrics, risks, opportunities and our roadmaps to
netzero by 2040.
At a business / working level, there are work streams for advancing specific aspects of
sustainability. See our governance structure for climate-related issues for more details.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Coordination and transparency
between Businesses and Functions and
Sustainability team
Representation for sustainability topics
in parallel board committees – e.g.
Audit, Nomination and Remuneration
Sustainability leads by business
and function
Governance structure for climate-related issues
Our business strategy is based on our purpose of catalysing the net zero transition for our
customers through enabling the necessary transitions in transport, energy, industry and the
circular economy. Climate change offers us many business growth opportunities through our
products and services, as well as some risks. The pace at which the world will adapt to the
impacts of climate change is uncertain. So that we properly understand and are resilient
tothese uncertainties we maintain climate-change scenarios to frame the ambiguities
in our long-term business strategy of an increasingly volatile and complex environment.
Climate scenarios for evaluating transition risks and opportunities
Our climate scenarios are used by all of our businesses as a common basis for planning,
forecasting and stress testing their strategy and assumptions on growth. These scenarios,
which project the impact of climate change on our operational and commercial performance,
are essential in informing our strategic decisions, such as how we invest in R&D and assets,
orwhich new products to develop. We also use climate scenarios to consider the resilience
tochanging weather patterns of our own operations, those of our strategic suppliers and our
core supply routes.
Our three transition scenarios represent three global temperature rise pathways.
Rapid transition scenario (aligned to 1.5
C) – net zero achieved globally by 2050, in line
with the goal of the Paris Agreement to limit the world’s temperature rise to well below
C. This reflects swift and decisive action regarding policy interventions and
decarbonisation commitments.
Pragmatic evolution scenario (aligned to 2
C) – net zero achieved globally by 2080, which
reflects a step-up in policy interventions and decarbonisation commitments compared with
today, but not as decisive as under the rapid transition scenario.
Slow transition scenario (aligned to 3
C) – net zero not achieved by 2100, reflecting
aglobal lack of urgency on climate change with limited policy or legislative interventions.
We developed our climate scenarios internally, with support from an external expert,
reflecting the latest available research from the International Energy Agency (IEA). The IEA
research we used included three scenarios: the Net Zero Emissions Scenario, the Announced
Pledges Scenario, and the Stated Policies Scenario. Our methodology breaks down the
different energy sources (electricity, hydrogen, gas, coal, oil, renewables, biomass and others)
Board level
Level Committee / forum Attendees Frequency Objectives
GLT level
Business /
Working level
Sustainability Director
Operations and Commercial
sustainability leads
Sustainability initiative owners
from global functions
work streams
Build and agree roadmaps to targets
Ensure delivery of roadmaps
Discuss new and emerging topics
Ensure customer needs on sustainability are
proactively met
Chaired by CSO
GLT members
Sustainability Director
Driving broader sustainability
Decide on adjustments to the sustainability
programme and strategy
Monitor sustainability targets
Other ad hoc topics
CEO – responsible overall
for climate-related issues
Other GLT members
Agree and formally approve global sustainability
strategy and goals
Monitor roadmaps and ensure resources in place
to deliver strategy and targets
Monthly (CSO updates
as required)
Full board
External experts
Formal board governance committee
on Sustainability
Gives direction and oversight of ESG strategy,
goals, performance
4 times a year
Societal Value
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures continued
and considers forecasts for each source by demand type: transport, buildings, industry, power
and heat. We developed in-house forecasts for specific source / demand combinations close
toour areas of expertise in automotive, chemicals, hydrogen and other industries, while
ensuring that, at a macro level, we remained within IEA’s forecasts.
We update our scenarios annually to reflect changes in external drivers, incorporating
thelatest from internationally recognised sources alongside our own forecasts. Our updates
inthelast year point towards an acceleration in demand for low-carbon hydrogen.
We model scenarios up to 2100 (see chart below), but look at shorter-term horizons,
specifically 2030 and 2040, to inform our strategic and operational decisions. The table below
details the main qualitative and quantitative assumptions we used for our 2040 scenarios.
Weuse the pragmatic evolution scenario as our base case for our strategic planning.
Market Sector Metric (2040) Unit Rapid transition Pragmatic evolution Slow transition
Global Total primary energy demand Exajoules (EJ) 500-550 600-650 700-750
Renewables supply (excluding use of biomass) % of total energy supply c. 55% c. 35% c. 25%
Automotive Global sales of zero-emissions vehicles % of total automotive sales c. 90% c. 70% c. 40%
Global sales of fuel cell electric vehicles % of total automotive sales c. 20% c. 15% c. 10%
Hydrogen Global hydrogen production Mt p.a 350-400 200-250 150-200
Total anthropogenic emissions (GtCO
Pragmatic evolutionSlow transition Rapid transition
2060 2065 2070
2075 2080 2085 2090 2095
2050 205520452040203520302025
Climate scenarios for evaluating physical risks
Changing weather patterns as the climate warms may result in physical risks to our assets and
supply chains. We have evaluated the exposure of all our assets and those of our strategic
suppliers to these risks.
We used the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs), the latest climate change modelling
scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The SSPs produce
forward-looking climate data by running climate models driven by assumptions about future
global GHG emissions, together with plausible future socio-economic development metrics
(economic growth / GDP, demographics, land use and urbanisation), and incorporating the
likely implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures.
We looked at three SSPs for the locations of all our own operations and those of our strategic
suppliers. We considered four time horizons – 2020 (our baseline), 2030, 2040 and 2050
toidentify the top hazards and how they are likely to change.
Scenario Assumed temperature increase (relative to 1850-1900)
SSP 1-2.6 Best estimate of 1.7
C warming by 2041-2060, and 1.8
C by 2081-2100
SSP 2-4.5 Best estimate of 2.0
C warming by 2041-2060, and 2.7
C by 2081-2100
SSP 5-8.5 Best estimate of 2.4
C warming by 2041-2060, and 4.4
C by 2081-2100
SSP 5-8.5 is an extreme scenario that is unlikely to arise, but it is useful for stress testing.
Weuse it to test the resilience of our most important sites.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures continued
Through our scenario work, we identified three distinct potential climate-related impacts, which represent both risks and opportunities for our business. We have added the first climate impact risk
to our principal risks because it is of strategic importance to our business (see page 62).
We use our climate scenarios to evaluate these risks and opportunities in the short (0–3 years), medium (3–10 years) and long term (10+ years), in line with our usual business planning
timescales. We believe the pragmatic evolution climate scenario is most likely to occur, so have used it as the base case for assessing our transition impacts, and the other two scenarios to stress
test the sensitivity and resilience of our business plans.
Primary driver
(with time horizons)
(with time horizons)
of impacts
Financial impacts
KPIs to
monitor impacts
1. Changing customer demand for our products due to climate awareness
Tightening GHG
emissions standards
for vehicles.
incentives or
taxation for energy
production or use
based on carbon
footprint (e.g. IRA
and ETS).
Requirements for
use of bio-based
Shifts in customer
Opportunities for new products in the
medium and long term:
Sales of products & services
torapidly growing low-carbon
hydrogen generation sector
Products for hydrogen-powered
vehicles (FCEV & ICE) and
sustainable aviation fuels
Low-carbon solutions for the
chemicals industry
Increasing regulations and the
introduction of carbon taxes will
accelerate growth in our new
target markets – sustainable
chemicals, sustainable fuels and
clean energy (medium term)
Sustained sales of existing products
for internal combustion engine
vehicles as tighter GHG emissions
standards (Euro 7) demand
state-of-the-art technology for
exhaust pipe catalysts (medium
Without adaptation of our
portfolio, there is a
long-term risk that we may
not have a financially viable
future business model as
society transitions away
from fossilfuels.
Ability to invest and
scale up rapidly to
manufacture new
products for new markets
(short/medium term).
Uncertainty in the rate of
market evolution from
existing to new
technology options and
penetration of hydrogen
technologies affecting
profitability (medium/
long term).
Reduced demand for
existing autocatalyst
products for ICE vehicles
We focus on managing our existing businesses
effectively, while pivoting away from fossil
fuels-based industries to ones based on clean
hydrogen, sustainable chemicals and bio-based fuels.
We are closely monitoring the changing market
environment drivers including evolving
government policy on hydrogen, emissions
standards, carbon taxation and incentives such
Updating our climate scenarios at least once a year
to inform our strategic decisions.
For our growth businesses we are investing in new
production assets, forming long-term upstream
and downstream strategic partnerships to enable
us to play to our strengths to accelerate growth and
maintain capital expenditure in line with market
expectations e.g PlugPower & Fulcrum.
For our maturing businesses, we have a plan to
reduce our cost base to improve efficiency and
cash flow.
Divesting businesses not core to our growth
strategy to simplify & focus.
We keep investing in innovation to make sure
we have products that differentiate us in all
Accelerating profit growth
coming from businesses
related to the net zero
Clean Air remains on track
todeliver our cash generation
target of at least £4 billion
by2030/31 in base case
Investments and Costs
c. £0.4 billion of cumulative
capital expenditures
dedicated to businesses
related to the net zero
transition in 3 years
Progress towards our 2030
sustainability targets for
products and services:
Tonnes of GHGs avoided
by customers using our
% Revenue and R&D and
revenues aligned with
SDG7 and SDG13
Economic activity aligned
with EU taxonomy
regulation – climate
delegated act.
Our climate-related transition risks and opportunities
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures continued
Primary driver
(with time horizons)
(with time horizons)
of impacts
Financial impacts
KPIs to
monitor impacts
2. Increasing demand for low-carbon manufacturing
Shift in customer
preferences towards
products with a
low-carbon footprint.
Carbon taxation
mechanisms in
countries of operation
e.g. ETS.
Emerging rules
onrecycled content
of consumer goods
andthe need for
companies to declare
the carbon footprint
Commercial advantage if
weadapt our manufacturing
plants to low-carbon
operation faster than our
competitors (short/medium
Save future carbon taxation
costs, which will reduce
operating costs and give us
price advantage as schemes
become more widespread
and expensive (short/
medium term).
As the world’s largest
recycler of secondary PGMs,
we could benefit from
theincreased demand
forgoods with low-carbon
and/or recycled critical
rawmaterial content
(short/medium term).
Medium-term risk that we cannot transition
our operations for net zero at the correct
pace to meet customer demand of
Loss of customers and failure to attract new
customers due to reputational damage if we
do not transition fast enough to cleaner
energy solutions in our operations (medium/
long term).
Greater capital required to upgrade our
assets and site infrastructure to transition to
low-carbon manufacturing (medium term).
Inability to access the alternative renewable
energy sources needed to reduce natural gas
use in our operations (medium/long term).
Loss of competitive advantage due to
increased costs to us and our suppliers of
goods and logistics due to carbon taxation
on raw materials and fossil-fuel derived
energy (medium term).
We have set challenging 2030 GHG
reduction targets in line with the 1.5⁰C
pathway and published roadmaps to
decarbonise our manufacturing operations.
We use an internal carbon price for our
capital investment decisions and the Board
consider sustainability reviews of all
investment decisions £5million and above to
help us make the right choices for
decarbonising our operations for net zero in
thelong term.
We review global carbon pricing trends
annually and have embedded carbon price
forecasts into our three- and ten-year
Monitor trends in customer requests for
product carbon footprint, Life-Cycle analysis
(LCA) and recycling information.
Exposure to direct
carbon taxation on our
operation is not forecast
to be material
in our 3 year viability
period, see page 70.
Progress towards our
2030 sustainability
targets for products
Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG
% recycled PGM
content in our
Number of customer
requests for
low-carbon and
recycled content
Current and forecast
direct exposure
tocarbon taxation
in2030 for our
3. Increasing stakeholder expectations of corporate climate policy and performance
Increased concerns or
negative feedback from
Exposure to litigation.
Developing and delivering
robust climate policy will
increase our long-term
business resilience,
attracting shareholders
andemployees aligned
Delivering our net zero
commitment and science-
based targets will help us
demonstrate sustainability
leadership, and increase our
profile with new customers
and shareholders.
Investors, employees and wider society are
scrutinising companies’ sustainability
commitments ever more closely. Failing to
meet their expectations could damage our
reputation, losing us customers, making it
difficult to attract and retain staff, and
ultimately increasing the risk of shareholder
action (medium/long term).
Our climate policy, net zero ambitions
andsustainability targets do not keep
upwith stakeholder expectations.
Our plans for meeting these commitments
are not deemed sufficiently detailed
We fail to meet these commitments.
We continue to monitor and manage the
expectations of our stakeholders as follows:
SVC and Sustainability Council monitor our
governance of climate- related issues at
every meeting.
Close monitoring of the latest case law and
developments in climate litigation.
Developing and monitoring net zero
roadmaps to 2040.
This year we have increased the ambition in
our Scope1,2 & 3 targets to be in line with
1.5°C pathway and SBTi Net Zero standard.
Maintaining regular dialogue with investors.
Market scanning and benchmarking
oftargets to ensure our climate-related
polices and commitments meet the
Reputational risk is not
How we score on
leading ESGplatforms:
CDP Investor score
DJSI, Sustainalytics
and MSCI
Progress towards
sustainability targets
for GHG emissions.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures continued
Our climate-related physical risks and opportunities
Changing weather patterns as the climate warms may result in physical risks to our assets and supply chains. They could damage our sites and disrupt production, leading to loss of sales and
increased costs, as well as posing risks to our employees. They could also hamper our access to strategic raw materials through supply chain disruption, either at our suppliers’ sites or in transit.
These physical risks can be grouped into two categories:
Acute, which are extreme events such as tropical cyclones, thunderstorms, severe flooding events, droughts, heatwaves and wildfires.
Chronic, which are gradual changes like rising sea levels that damage coastal property, or sustained changes to temperature and rainfall.
Primary driver of
(with time horizons)
(with time horizons)
of impacts
Financial impacts
(after management)
KPIs to
monitor impacts
4. Disruption to our operations resulting in damage to or loss of assets, increased costs and harm to our employees.
Physical risks
(acute and chronic).
Increased frequency,
severity and variability of
extreme weather events
and natural disasters.
Competitive advantage
by improving our business
resilience and controls
through diligent climate-
related screening of assets,
and integration with business
continuity plans
Damage to our key sites, equipment or
stock from severe weather (wind, rain
and drought) if any increased risk is not
effectively mitigated, leading to
disruption of supply to our customers
(medium term).
Insurance of our sites could become
inadequate or more expensive if a site
is at very high risk of weather-related
disruption (medium term).
Increased employee EHS incidents if
sites not adapted to increased risk of
heat wave.
Our ten most important manufacturing sites
identified as being located in areas with
increasing risk from high rainfall are
undergoing deep-dive assessments of their
resilience and implementing mitigation as
required, please see case study on page 51.
Integration of weather-related risks in business
continuity plans and follow-up action plans.
Climate change assessment considered
as part of due diligence for new investments
We use the WRI tool to monitor where clean
water availability could be at risk in the
long-term, see page 46.
We regularly review the type and limit
ofinsurance available for climate risks to
High level analysis of our ten
most critical locations shows
that there is no material
financial impact from climate
change risks on the
quantifiable hazards (flood
and windstorm in the
medium term).
Proportion of physical asset
value exposed to a climate
change related high or very
high hazard levels by 2030:
Number of sites in
water-stressed areas.
Amount of water consumed
in areas or high or extremely
high baseline water stress.
5. Disruption to our supply chain (upstream and downstream) hampering our access to strategic raw materials (including metals) and products, and increasing costs.
Physical risks
(acute and chronic).
Increased frequency,
severity and variability of
extreme weather events
and natural disasters.
Engaging with our suppliers to
help them manage climate
risks to their sites could
enhance our relationships
with them and save us money
(medium term).
Increase in business resilience
through more diligent and
frequent screening of our
suppliers’ assets (e.g. through
integration with business
continuity plans)
Disruption of supply of key raw
materials risks our ability to deliver
goods on time to customers, resulting
in loss of sales and future business
and damage to our reputation
(medium term).
Insurance cover of suppliers is
inadequate, and uncertainty over
the future level of increased risk
responsibility that will be assumed by
suppliers and / or JM relating to climate
risks, or if physical risks should be
transferred (medium term, three to
Climate risk is integrated into our principal risk
management structure and Supplier
Partnering framework (SRM). We undertake
quarterly reviews of the risks identified,
supplier remediation plans and alignment
withcompany and category strategies.
We work with strategic suppliers to integrate
specific climate mitigating actions where high
risks are identified to improve their resilience
or we switch to alternative partners for
high-risk delivery routes (short /
We ensure that the type and limit of
our suppliers’ insurance is in line with
our own risks and external obligations
(medium term).
We continue to develop a diversified supply
portfolio, with emphasis on dual sourcing
atsupplier and site levels.
No issues identified in the
Number of weather-related
supply chain disruptions.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures continued
Risk management
All our climate-related risks are subject to our global enterprise risk management process,
which provides a systematic approach of understanding, evaluating and addressing all
identified risks (see page 62 for more information).
Identifying climate-related risks
Over the last year we continued to review and evaluate our climate-related risks against
industry best practice, peer benchmarking and risks identified by business leads and subject
matter experts as well as new and emerging risks.
We believe our climate-risks are in line with industry and legislative expectations. During the
year, we have not identified any new climate-related risks but we have combined two risks
which were previously reported separately as we recognised they were strongly
interconnected with both being influenced by pricing and carbon markets.
Assessing those risks
Our enterprise risk framework provides the tools and guidance to our businesses on how
toassess all risk types. The framework allows the comparison of risks using the metrics
oflikelihood, time horizon and financial impact to determine most material risks to our
During the year climate risks have been approached with renewed focus through evaluating
potential impact and velocity – immediacy of impact. Use of this extra metric has allowed the
determination of which climate risks pose most immediate material impact to our operations.
This evolution from a reactive to a proactive strategic approach is essential for maturing our
assessment and integration of climate risk mitigation into our business strategy.
We also use external third parties to evaluate physical climate risks at our locations and those
of our suppliers. Following on from our assessment in 2021, in 2022 we began to carry out
detailed site resilience assessments on our top ten highest risk manufacturing locations.
Wewill continue this throughout 2023 to determine the requirements for areas we need
tofocus on in the short, medium and long term.
Integrating those risks
Through our enterprise risk framework, climate-related risks and opportunities are integrated
into our strategic decision making. Climate change considerations are part of how we
operate, and climate is included in our bottom-up operational risk management process,
providing a clear view of climate-related risks across the organisation.
Managing those risks
The Sustainability Council oversees our sustainability strategy, including managing our
climate-related risks. These risks may have a direct or indirect impact on our principal risks
and are therefore managed alongside and integrated within our principal risk process.
To drive consistency, each of our climate risks has been assigned a risk owner and sponsor as
per our principal risk approach. These individuals are senior stakeholders who are accountable
for reviewing, monitoring and assessing the magnitude of the risk as well as overseeing the
implementation of appropriate mitigations.
All of our principal risks are reviewed formally, twice a year, by the GLT and the Board.
In the coming year, we aim to develop detailed mitigation plans for each identified climate
risk with distinct intermediarygoals.
For more information on our risk management approach, please see pages 62-69
Preparing for weather-related issues at our sites
Last year, we completed a global review
of our assets to assess the degree of
exposure to physical climate risks and
identify the high-risk sites. This year, we
selected one of those high-risk sites, in
the UK, and worked with a 3
party to
conduct a more detailed climate change
risk assessment. The assessment covered
the site, buildings and processes, and
assessed the likely impact from climate
change now and in future years. The
climate risk assessment identified several
climate hazards, and a total of 31 risks.
The highest risks were associated with
surface-water flooding and damage
from high winds. Several measures for
adaption and mitigation have since been
implemented at the site, which address
those high-priority risks, and the
lower- priority risk actions have been
incorporated into the ongoing site
maintenance plans. Further rollout
of these climate change risk assessments
will be planned at strategic sites
this year.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures continued
Metrics and targets
The metrics and targets we use to help us manage our climate risks and opportunities effectively are shown below. They were identified in climate-impact tables on pages 48-50 and their values
are summarised here. Our Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions targets have been submitted to the Science-based Targets initiative for independent verification that they are consistent with the UN
Paris agreement on climate change’s 1.5°C pathway, and a full breakdown of performance in all categories over the last four years can be found on page 28.
Metric description Climate-
related risk
Target type Baseline year Baseline value 2030 target 2022/23
More on page
Tonnes GHGs avoided by customers when using our technologies
1 Absolute 2020/21 200,932
50 million 848,643 25
% sales aligned with SDG7 and SDG13 1 Intensity 2020/21 6.1% No target 8% 22
% R&D spend aligned with SDG7 and SDG13 1 Intensity 2020/21 22.3% No target 19.2% 22
Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions (market-based) (tonnes CO
2,3 Absolute 2019/20 417,818
242,334 363,686 25
Scope 3 GHG purchased goods and services (tonnes CO
e) 2,3 Absolute 2019/20 3,433,660
1,991,523 2,495,475 25
% recycled PGM content in our products 2 Intensity 2021/22 70.1% 75% 69.2% 29
Potential exposure to carbon taxation in 2030 2 Intensity 2021/22 not disclosed no target not disclosed 70
CDP climate score 3 Absolute 2019/20 B A B 23
% physical asset value exposed to high weather-related hazard by 2030 4 Intensity 2020/21 35% no target 35% 50
Water consumed in regions of high baseline water stress (m
) 4 Absolute 2020/21 406,037
no target 399,174 30
Number of supply chain disruptions due to severe weather 5 Absolute 2020/21 not disclosed 0 0 50
1. Metrics are linked to long-term Performance Share Plan (PSP) for senior directors
2. Rebaselined to remove divested businesses, please see page 222 for more information
Internal carbon pricing (ICP)
Last year, we introduced a shadow carbon price to our capital investment business case
assessment process, as recommended by the Bank of England. The intention is that this will
incentivise us to reach net zero by ensuring all investments are made in the context of a
low-carbon world where the price of carbon is higher than it is today. Although the ICP is not
a real cost of the investment, it demonstrates what the impact would be of carbon taxation
forecast for 2030 and beyond, and we use it to evaluate and compare potential investments.
We have implemented the ICP for Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the asset when operational.
The intention is to extend this to Scope 3 (raw material and supply chain impacts emissions)
in the future. We chose not to apply ICP to emissions related to the development of the
project itself, such as equipment manufacture, or to construction-related emissions, since
such emissions are both short term and generally minor in relation to the overall life of the
asset. The price applied in 2022/23 was £100/tonnes CO
e, with sensitivity analysis conducted
at £50/tonnes CO
e and £150/tonnes CO
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures continued
Chief Financial Officer’s review
Despite challenging markets, we have made steady
progress in implementing our new strategy – doing
exactly what we set out to do and starting to win back
the trust of stakeholders.
Executing with discipline
During this year, I have spent a lot of time speaking with our internal and external
stakeholders, and the message is clear. They see the pathway for strong ongoing cash
generation from our mature businesses, as well as the exciting potential of our growth
opportunities in hydrogen and catalyst technologies, all underpinned by our leading
technology. But they have also been repeatedly disappointed by our performance and
investment decisions in recent years and want to know why it will be different this time.
So, 2022/23, with our new leadership team, has been about doing what we said we would
doat the start of the year. We have achieved the key milestones we set for this year, and
ourstrategic scorecard is in good shape. This is an important part of showing ourselves,
ourinvestors and other stakeholders that we not only have market-leading technology and
expertise – but we are positioned for long-term value creation too. While still early days in
executing our strategy, I am encouraged by the progress that has been made to date and
more convinced than ever that we have set the right path to growth for Johnson Matthey.
We have continued to simplify our portfolio during the year, announcing the sale of Piezo
Products and the Diagnostics Services business. We are on track on our remaining
divestments. Simplifying the business removes complexity and allows us to focus on our core
strengths and the engines of growth within the business.
Internally, our cost-reduction programme is making inroads by simplifying, standardising and
getting greater value from our back-office functions. We have delivered c. £45 million in cost
savings this year and will further accelerate our efforts on this front in the coming years
tomore than deliver our £150 million savings target.
Our transformation, including the simplification of the portfolio and streamlining of
processes, is further building a strong platform for growth. As Liam has noted, our growth
opportunities are even greater than initially anticipated and they are approaching fast.
Tocapture these opportunities we need to invest, and we will do so in a disciplined way,
focusing on returns and keeping capex under control. I’m pleased to see the progress
wehavemade with our large projects on time and on budget. And of course, we are focused
oninvesting behind customer demand, which gives us more confidence in the returns from
these investments.
It is particularly encouraging that we were able to make so much headway towards our
strategic objectives despite a challenging macroeconomic backdrop and difficult operating
environment. This is testament to the dedication and hard work of the team at JM, and that
we see encouraging signs that our efforts are paying off.
Navigating economic headwinds
JM’s underlying operating profit was £465 million, down 21% from 2021/22 as we were
impacted by lower auto production, higher inflation and lower platinum group metal prices.
As expected, we saw a stronger second half of the year with operating profit down 12%
asweincreased prices and saw the benefits of our efficiency programmes. Our balance sheet
remains strong: net debt to EBITDA was 1.6x, towards the bottom of our stated range,
whilefree cash flow was £74 million. We delivered c. £45 million in efficiency savings during
the year, well on the way to achieving our target of £150 million annualised savings by end
2024/25. Our capital projects programme is also on track in terms of the amount invested,
expected returns and timing of execution.
We acted quickly to get costs down when the war in Ukraine disrupted supply chains and
added to significant inflation. But inflation has impacted a range of inputs to our operations,
including energy. Importantly, we did not allow the short-term impacts to deter us from
making strategic investments to position JM for long-term growth. These investments are
incredibly important as many future opportunities will rely on the expanded capacity we are
currently building.
Platinum group metal prices were volatile during 2022/23 and lower on average than the
prior year. The PGMS business also saw lower volumes of automotive scrap, which impacted
the performance of our refining business. This was partially offset by efficiency savings made
during the year. Meanwhile, we continued to invest in updating our infrastructure assets
andexpanding our capacity.
Catalyst Technologies is making good progress towards its goal of winning large-scale
projects, with five added to its portfolio during the year. Higher prices, improved mix and cost
savings offset cost inflation and the impact of the loss of business in Russia. Investment
continued, however, with the capacity expansion project at our facility in Perstorp, Sweden,
proceeding to plan.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
The Hydrogen Technologies business was insulated from some of the market headwinds that
impacted our other businesses, with sales more than doubling over the course of 2022/23 to
reach £55 million. The business is benefiting from rapid growth in interest in hydrogen fuel
cells and clean hydrogen production, and we announced a large-scale partnership with
PlugPower, which will see us jointly build a significant new facility in the US. HT is already
investing to expand its capacity in the UK, with our new major site in Royston in the UK due
to complete construction in 2023/24.
While Clean Air’s results were below the prior year impacted by lower auto and truck
production and significant cost inflation, we underpinned the longer-term future of that
business with some key business wins. Notably, we won all of Mercedes-Benz’s light duty
diesel business in Europe. Looking ahead, the Euro 7 proposals and updated US EPA
legislation are expected to act as tailwinds for the business. Clean Air increased sales during
2022/23 to £2.6 billion and the business is on track to achieve its target of more than
£4 billion of cash in the decade to 2030/31, having delivered cumulative cashflow of
£1.4 billion to date.
In the year, we completed the sale of Piezo Products while the sale of Diagnostic Services
isexpected to complete in the third quarter of calendar 2023. These represent good progress
against our strategic milestone of divesting our Value Businesses by the end of 2023/24
andgenerating at least £300 million in proceeds.
Strengthening our commercial muscle
We have made encouraging progress in bringing greater commerciality into the business.
This has included reinvigorating the incentive programme for our sales teams and sharpening
our focus on pricing discipline. The fruits of these efforts can be seen in the results for the
second half of the year, not least in the increasing recovery of significant cost inflation – such
that by the end of the year we had recovered £95 million, of inflation through increased pricing.
The actions we have already taken as part of the transformation programme have laid strong
foundations. This is only the beginning of the process, and there is much more work to be
done to drive efficiency, remove complexity and further reduce costs. To become a more
commercially minded and customer-focused business, we will remain focused on disciplined
execution of our strategy and pursuing our purpose of catalysing the net zero transition
forour customers.
A bright future ahead
The significant customer wins during 2022/23 are testament to the size of the opportunity
ahead for JM. They are also confirmation that our strategy is focused on the right areas.
Withunprecedented interest (and growing urgency) around the energy transition,
themarket is well and truly moving towards JM.
It is a great position to be in, but one that we need to be prepared for. We will continue
toexecute our strategy, cautiously increasing the scale and the pace of our ambition while at
the same time driving the transformation of the business for growth and increased profitability.
I can honestly say I am more excited now about the prospects for JM than at any time since
Ijoined two years ago. As we emerge from a difficult economic environment in stronger
shape, I’m confident a much brighter future is within our reach, and as we help the world
build a more sustainable future.
Finally, I would like to say thank you to our teams for the hard work and dedication they have
again shown this year. The transformation of our company is beginning to bear fruit which
isa testament to their focus and commitment.
Stephen Oxley
Chief Financial Officer
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Chief Financial Officer’s review continued
Financial performance review
Reported results Underlying results (continuing)¹
Year ended 31
March Year ended 31
% change,
constant FX rates2023 2022 % change 2023 2022 % change
Revenue £m 14,933 16,025 -7
Sales excluding precious metals³ £m 4,201 3,778 +11 +6
Operating profit £m 406 255 +59 465 553 -16 -21
Profit before tax (continuing) £m 344 195 +76 404 493 -18
Profit after tax (continuing) £m 264 116 n/a 326 407 -20
Basic earnings per share (continuing) pence 144.2 30.9 n/a 178.6 213.2 -16
Ordinary dividend per share pence 77.0 77.0 -
Underlying performance – continuing operations
Sales of £4.2 billion, up 6%, with higher prices to partially recover cost inflation, partly
offset by lower average PGM prices
Underlying operating profit of £465 million, down 21%. Almost half was due to lower
average PGM prices with the remainder largely due to cost inflation and lower volumes
inPGM Services and Clean Air. This was partly offset by transformation benefits
Underlying earnings per share of 178.6p, down 16% due to lower underlying
Free cash flow of £74 million, compared to £221 million in the prior year largely reflecting
lower underlying operating profit and working capital movements
Strong balance sheet with net debt of £1.0 billion; net debt to EBITDA of 1.6 times
1. Underlying is before profit or loss on disposal of businesses, gain or loss on significant legal proceedings together with associated legal costs, amortisation of acquired intangibles, share of profits or losses from non-strategic equity investments, major impairment and restructuring
chargesand, where relevant, related tax effects. For definitions and reconciliations of other non-GAAP measures, see pages 206-209
2. Unless otherwise stated, sales and operating profit commentary refers to performance at constant exchange rates. Growth at constant rates excludes the translation impact of foreign exchange movements, with 2021/22 results converted at 2022/23 average rates. In 2022/23,
thetranslational impact of exchange rates on group sales and underlying operating profit was a benefit of £193 million and £38 million respectively
3. Revenue excluding sales of precious metals to customers and the precious metal content of products sold to customers
Reported results
Revenue down 7%, driven by lower average PGM prices
Operating profit of £406 million, up materially, largely due to the absence of a one-off
impairment in the prior period relating to Battery Materials
Profit before tax (continuing) of £344 million, compared to £195 million in the prior
period, reflecting higher operating profit due to the absence of the Battery Materials
Reported earnings per share (continuing) of 144.2 pence
Cash inflow from operating activities of £291 million (2021/22: £605 million)
Ordinary dividend of 77.0 pence per share stable year-on-year
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Summary of underlying operating results from
continuing operations
Unless otherwise stated, commentary refers to performance at constant rates¹. Percentage
changes in the tables are calculated on rounded numbers.
(£ million)
Year ended 31
% change
% change,
constant FX rates2023 2022²
Clean Air 2,644 2,457 +8 +2
PGM Services 570 587 -3 -8
Catalyst Technologies 560 454 +23 +17
Hydrogen Technologies 55 25 +120 +112
Value Businesses³
470 354 +33 +28
Eliminations (98) (99)
Sales (continuing) 4,201 3,778 +11 +6
Underlying operating profit
(£ million)
Year ended 31
% change
% change,
constant FX rates2023 2022²
Clean Air 230 302 -24 -28
PGM Services 257 308 -17 -21
Catalyst Technologies 51 50 +2 -2
Hydrogen Technologies (45) (33) n/a n/a
Value Businesses³
40 12 n/a n/a
Corporate (68) (86)
Underlying operating profit (continuing) 465 553 -16 -21
Reconciliation of underlying operating profit to operating profit
(£ million)
Year ended 31
2023 2022²
Underlying operating profit (continuing) 465 553
Profit on disposal of businesses
12 106
Major impairment and restructuring charges
(41) (440)
Amortisation of acquired intangibles (5) (6)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings
(25) 42
Operating profit (continuing) 406 255
1. Growth at constant rates excludes the translation impact of foreign exchange movements, with 2021/22 results converted at 2022/23
average rates. In 2022/23, the translational impact of exchange rates on group sales and underlying operating profit was a benefit of
£193 million and £38 million respectively
2. 2021/22 is restated to reflect the group’s new reporting structure
3. Includes Battery Systems, Medical Device Components, Diagnostic Services, Battery Materials and Advanced Glass Technologies
4. Sales relating to divestments: Advanced Glass Technologies (2021/22: £62 million, 2022/23: nil) and Battery Materials
(2021/22: £12 million, 2022/23: £21 million)
5. Operating profit or loss related to divestments: Advanced Glass Technologies (2021/22: £16 million,
2022/23: -£1 million) and Battery Materials (2021/22: -£22 million, 2022/23: £3 million)
6. For further detail on these items please see page 168
Full year operating results by sector
Clean Air
Improved sequential performance supported by increased inflation recovery
Sales up 2% supported by pricing as we partially recovered higher input costs
Underlying operating profit decreased 28% impacted by cost inflation, product mix and
lower volumes
Margins saw an improvement during the second half resulting from increased inflation
recovery and benefits from our transformation programme
On track to deliver at least £4 billion of cash in the decade to 2030/31, having delivered
£1.4 billion since 2020/21 at actual precious metal prices
Year ended 31
% change
% change,
constant FX
£ million
£ million
Light duty diesel 1,075 1,005 +7 +4
Light duty gasoline 599 574 +4 -1
Heavy duty diesel 970 878 +10 +3
Total sales 2,644 2,457 +8 +2
Underlying operating profit 230 302 -24 -28
Underlying margin 8.7% 12.3%
Reported operating profit 191 273
Clean Air provides catalysts for emission control after-treatment systems used in light and
heavy duty vehicles powered by internal combustion engines.
Sales during the period were up 2%. Vehicle production was impacted by a challenging supply
chain environment as well as COVID-related lockdowns in China. Although semiconductor
shortages have gradually eased, other supply chain disruptions such as labour availability
andlogistic bottlenecks have continued to affect vehicle production. As the year progressed,
pent-up demand and the easing of supply chain issues led to an improvement in
Light duty catalysts – diesel and gasoline
Light duty diesel
Light duty diesel sales were up 4%, outperforming a declining market. We saw strong
performance in the Americas and good performance in Europe, partly offset by a decline in
Asia. In Europe, which represents around 60% of our total light duty diesel sales, our growth
was driven by strong platform performance despite some automotive OEMs continuing to
prioritise commercial vehicles over the passenger car platforms that we serve. In the Americas
we significantly outperformed a growing market, driven by the ramp up of a new platform
and strong platform performance.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Financial performance review continued
In Asia, our performance was in line with a declining market, which was impacted by a weak
commercial vehicle market in China and an increase in electric vehicle penetration. Our sales
decline in the region was also the result of lower revenue per unit as a result of product mix.
Light duty gasoline
Light duty gasoline sales were down 1%, underperforming the overall global market. In Europe
and Asia, previous platform losses led to a decline in sales in both regions. In the Americas,
sales grew slightly ahead of a strong underlying market as we benefited from the ramp up
ofnew platforms. We continue to invest in light duty gasoline to support our future growth
with early signs of success. For example, two OEMs in the high performance sports car
segment have chosen JM to be sole supplier which validates the strength of our technology
and gives confidence in winning future light duty gasoline platforms.
Heavy duty diesel catalysts
In heavy duty diesel sales were up 3%, significantly outperforming a declining market.
Wesaw strong performance in Europe and the Americas, partly offset by a decline in Asia.
InEurope our sales significantly outperformed a growing market due to higher revenue per
vehicle and we also benefited from good performance in our off road platforms. In the
Americas, the high value Class 8 truck cycle peaked during the last quarter of our fiscal year.
As expected, our heavy duty sales benefited from this cycle and were also supported by
improved product mix. Sales in Asia declined as COVID lockdowns in China significantly
impacted vehicle production and led to customers building stock in the prior year in
anticipation of these lockdowns. Looking ahead, our leading position in heavy duty means
weare well placed to benefit from future developments including hydrogen powered internal
combustion engines.
Underlying operating profit
Underlying operating profit declined 28% to £230 million and margins decreased to 8.7%.
This largely reflected cost inflation, product mix, lower volumes, and the transactional
impactof exchange rates. We saw a sequential improvement in margins during the year,
benefiting from an acceleration in the recovery of cost inflation and benefits from our
transformation programme.
On track to deliver at least £4 billion of cash in the decade to 2030/31
We delivered another year of strong cash flow as we continue to focus on driving efficiencies,
optimising capital expenditure and working capital. We generated around £600² million
ofcash and a cumulative £1.4 billion² since 2021/22, the first year of this guidance.
PGM Services
Performance reflects lower average PGM prices and reduced refinery volumes
Sales performance primarily reflects lower average PGM prices and reduced refinery volumes
due to lower auto scrap levels as a result of the continued buoyant used car market
Underlying operating profit was down mainly due to lower average PGM prices and reduced
refinery volumes
Cost inflation was more than offset by efficiencies as well as higher pricing across both our
refining and products businesses
Year ended 31
% change
% change,
constant FX
£ million
£ million
PGM Services 570 587 -3 -8
Underlying operating profit 257 308 -17 -21
Underlying margin 45.1% 52.5%
Reported operating profit 257 307
PGM Services is the world’s largest recycler of platinum group metals (PGMs). This business
has an important role in enabling the energy transition through providing circular solutions
as demand for scarce critical materials increases. PGM Services provides a strategic service
tothe group, supporting Clean Air, Catalyst Technologies and Hydrogen Technologies with
security of metal supply in a volatile market, recycling capabilities and manufactures value
added PGM products for both internal and external customers.
In PGM Services, sales declined 8% against a strong prior year. This was primarily driven
bylower average PGM prices, where average prices for platinum, palladium and rhodium
declined around 10%, 20% and 30% compared to the prior year. Recent PGM price weakness
has been driven by lower auto demand and also liquidation of some excess rhodium positions
in an illiquid market.
In our refineries, intake volumes were down as expected due to lower auto scrap resulting
from a buoyant used car market. Sales were partly offset by benefits from operational
efficiency and higher pricing. In a volatile market, our metal trading business had another
good year, with sales only moderately down against a strong prior period.
Across our PGM products businesses, sales were moderately down. This was primarily driven
by lower sales of catalysts for the pharmaceutical and agricultural chemicals markets due
tothe phasing of customers’ orders.
Underlying operating profit
Underlying operating profit declined 21% mainly impacted by lower average PGM prices
(c. £55 million impact
) and reduced refinery volumes. Cost inflation was more than offset
byefficiency benefits, as well as higher pricing across both our refining and products businesses.
1. At least £4 billion of cash under our range of scenarios from 1
April 2021 to 31
March 2031. Cash target pre-tax and post
2. Delivered around £600 million of cash in 2022/23 at actual precious metal prices, which equates to just over £400 million at constant
prices (March 2022). Delivered around £1.4 billion cumulatively since 2021/22 at actual metal prices
3. Gross PGM price impact was c. £55 million, which was partly offset by foreign exchange benefits. Foreign exchange benefit reflects
thepricing of PGMs in US dollars
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Financial performance review continued
Catalyst Technologies
Strong sales growth and improved performance in the second half
Sales up 17% largely reflecting growth in licensing and catalyst refills, as well as
Strong performance in licensing with five licence wins within low carbon hydrogen
andsustainable fuels (includes one win in May 2023)
Underlying operating profit was in line with the prior year. Improved pricing, licensing and
transformation benefits offset significant cost inflation and the loss of Russian business
Year ended
% change
% change,
constant FX
£ million
£ million
Catalyst Technologies 560 454 +23 +17
Underlying operating profit 51 50 +2 -2
Underlying margin 9.1% 11.0%
Reported operating profit 43 78
Catalyst Technologies is focused on enabling the decarbonisation of chemical and fuels value
chains and we have leading positions in syngas: methanol, ammonia, hydrogen and
formaldehyde. Catalyst Technologies has three key segments: industrial and consumer,
traditional fuels and sustainable solutions that help catalyse the transition to net zero.
Ourrevenue streams include licensing and engineering income, first fill and refill catalysts.
Sales during the period were up 17%, with strong growth in licensing and growth in first fills
and refills reflecting higher pricing and positive mix.
Industrial and consumer
Industrial and consumer includes our traditional syngas (methanol, ammonia and
formaldehyde) catalyst offerings as well as the majority of our current licensing business.
Wesaw double digit sales growth reflecting strong growth in licensing and first fills as new
plants came on stream following licence wins in recent years. In the year, we signed six new
licences (2021/22: three licences). Refills also grew well supported by growth in ammonia
and formaldehyde.
Traditional fuels
Traditional fuels includes our refining additives, hydrogen and natural gas purification
offerings. Growth in the segment was mainly driven by refills. High global demand
forliquified natural gas has led to strong sales of our natural gas purification catalysts.
Sustainable solutions
Sustainable solutions includes our new growth markets with our technology in low carbon
hydrogen, sustainable fuels and low carbon solutions. In the period to May 2023, we won five
large scale projects across low carbon hydrogen and sustainable fuels:
H2H Saltend, expected to be one of the UK’s largest low carbon hydrogen projects
A large scale low carbon hydrogen licence in North America
A sustainable fuels project with Strategic Biofuels, also in North America
A commercial scale sustainable fuels project in North America
A commercial scale sustainable fuels project in Europe
In addition, we won a low carbon solutions licence in the year which will enable the
decarbonisation of one of our customer’s existing assets.
Underlying operating profit
Underlying operating profit of £51 million was in line with the prior year and margins
declined to 9.1%. However, we saw good improvement in operating margin from the first
tothe second half of the year (1H: 7.6% and 2H: 10.5%). Higher pricing, licensing and the
benefits of our transformation programme offset significant cost inflation and the loss
ofcatalyst sales and higher margin licensing income in Russia (c. £10 million loss of profit).
Hydrogen Technologies
Sales more than doubled and continued investment to scale the business
Agreed strategic partnerships with Plug Power and Hystar
Sales more than doubled driven by higher volumes for new and existing customers in fuel
cells, growth in electrolysers and increased manufacturing output as we focused
onimproving operational performance
Underlying operating loss reflects continued investment to scale the business to meet
demand partly offset by higher volumes
Year ended 31
% change
% change,
constant FX
£ million
£ million
Hydrogen Technologies 55 25 +120 +112
Underlying operating loss (45) (33) n/a n/a
Underlying margin n/a n/a
Reported operating loss (46) (33)
In Hydrogen Technologies, we provide catalyst coated membranes that are critical
performance defining components of fuel cells and electrolysers.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Financial performance review continued
In Hydrogen Technologies, sales in the year more than doubled to £55 million. This was
primarily driven by growth in fuel cells where we delivered higher commercial volumes
fornew and existing customers, enabled by improved operational performance. We continue
tofocus our fuel cell business towards strategic customers to develop deeper and longer
relationships. This trend will continue given the recent strategic partnership announcements,
for example with Plug Power which entails a long-term supply agreement, joint development
agreement and co-investment into new manufacturing capacity. In electrolysers, we
sawhigher sales from the supply of samples, prototypes and components as we develop
strategic partners.
In the year, we saw higher manufacturing output as we focused on operational performance
to improve our processes and drive efficiency. Sales also benefited as constraints eased
following the greater use of capacity in the prior period to qualify new customer products.
Underlying operating loss
Underlying operating loss of £45 million primarily reflects increased investment into product
development and building capability as we scale the business to meet customer demand,
partly offset by higher volumes.
Value Businesses
Comparable performance materially improved
Market recovery and structural improvements driving improved performance
Completed the sale of Piezo Products, part of Medical Device Components, and agreed the
sale of Diagnostic Services with completion expected in the third quarter of calendar 2023
Year ended 31
% change
% change,
constant FX
£ million
£ million
Value Businesses¹ 470 354 +33 +28
Underlying operating profit² 40 12 n/a n/a
Underlying margin 8.5% 3.4%
Reported operating profit / (loss) 38 (276)
Value Businesses is managed to drive shareholder value from activities considered to be
non-core to JM, and now principally comprises Battery Systems, Medical Device Components
and Diagnostic Services. In the year, we completed the sale of Piezo Products, part of Medical
Device Components, and we have also agreed the sale of DiagnosticServices and Battery
Materials. In 2021/22, we completed the sale of AdvancedGlass Technologies.
Overall, sales in Value Businesses were up 28% in the year. On a like for like basis
(i.e.excluding Advanced Glass Technologies and Battery Materials), sales were up 55%.
In Battery Systems, sales almost doubled. We ramped up production of higher value next
generation e-bike products and satisfied a backlog of orders as supply chain constraints eased.
Medical Device Components also saw strong sales growth as we gained market share
following recent project wins, and benefited from higher effective production capacity
following investments to upgrade assets and drive efficiency. Diagnostic Services also grew
strongly reflecting a continued recovery in demand as COVID-related travel disruption eased
and a stronger commercial focus, supported by a higher oil price which drove increased
customer activity.
Underlying operating profit
Underlying operating profit of £40 million, an improvement of £28 million on the prior year,
reflecting both a supportive market environment and the execution of comprehensive value
creation plans that each business is driving forward.
Excluding the results of Advanced Glass Technologies and Battery Materials, underlying
operating profit was £38 million², an improvement of £20 million.
Corporate costs were £68 million, a decrease of £18 million from the prior period, largely
reflecting transformation benefits as well as a one-off benefit from lower pension charges.
1. Sales relating to divestments: Advanced Glass Technologies (2021/22: £62 million, 2022/23: £nil) and Battery Materials (2021/22: £12 million, 2022/23: £21 million)
2. Operating profit or loss related to divestments: Advanced Glass Technologies (2021/22: £16 million, 2022/23: -£1 million) and Battery Materials (2021/22: -£22 million, 2022/23: £3 million)
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Financial performance review continued
Financial review – continuing operations
Research and development (R&D)
R&D spend was £213 million in the year. This was up from £201 million in the prior year and
represents c. 5% of sales excluding precious metals. We are investing in our growth areas,
including Catalyst Technologies and also Hydrogen Technologies as we continue to
commercialise our fuel cell and electrolyser offerings. In addition, we are also investing
inourClean Air business to support future platform wins ahead of new emission regulations.
Foreign exchange
The calculation of growth at constant rates excludes the impact of foreign exchange
movements arising from the translation of overseas subsidiaries’ profit into sterling.
Thegroupdoes not hedge the impact of translation effects on the income statement.
Theprincipal overseas currencies, which represented 79% of the non-sterling denominated
underlying operating profit in the year ended 31
March 2023, were:
Share of 2022/23
non-sterling denominated
underlying operating profit
Average exchange rate
Year ended 31
% change2023 2022
US dollar 34% 1.20 1.36 -12%
Euro 37% 1.16 1.18 -2%
Chinese renminbi 8% 8.26 8.75 -6%
For the year, the impact of exchange rates increased sales by £193 million and underlying
operating profit by £38 million.
If current exchange rates (£:US$ 1.25, £:€ 1.14, £:RMB 8.70) are maintained throughout
theyear ending 31
March 2024, foreign currency translation will have an adverse impact
ofc.£10 million on underlying operating profit. A one cent change in the average US dollar
and euro exchange rates have an impact of approximately £2 million on operating profit
whilst a ten fen change in the average rate of the Chinese renminbi approximately has
a£1 million impact on full year underlying operating profit.
Efficiency savings
We have commenced our new group transformation programme as part of which we expect
to deliver efficiencies of at least £150 million by 2024/25. Associated costs to deliver the
programme are around £100 million, all of which are cash. In 2022/23, we delivered
c.£45 million of savings, ahead of our target of c. £35 million.
£ million
delivered in
costs incurred
Transformation programme 45 20
Items outside underlying operating profit
Non-underlying (charge) / income
(£ million)
As at
As at
Profit on disposal of businesses 12 106
Major impairment and restructuring charges (41) (440)
Amortisation of acquired intangibles (5) (6)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings (25) 42
Total (59) (298)
A gain of £12 million was recognised relating to the sale of our Battery Materials Canada and
Piezo Product businesses.
There was a £41 million charge relating to major impairment and restructuring charges
comprised of a net impairment charge of £10 million and restructuring charges of
£31 million. The impairment charge includes impact from further consolidation of our Clean
Air manufacturing footprint to create a simplified and agile structure, as well as an
impairment of goodwill in Diagnostic Services and further impairment charges in relation to
parts of the Battery Materials business. Restructuring charges were also recognised in relation
to our Clean Air manufacturing footprint as well as the transformation initiatives announced
in May 2022 which largely comprise redundancy and implementation costs.
The group paid £25 million in respect of a settlement with a customer on mutually acceptable
terms with no admission of fault relating to failures in certain engine systems for which the
group supplied a particular coated substrate as a component for that customer’s emissions
after-treatment systems.
Finance charges
Net finance charges in the period amounted to £61 million, broadly in line with the prior year
charge of £60 million.
The tax charge on underlying profit before tax for the year ended 31
March 2023
was£78million, an effective underlying tax rate of 19.3%, up from 17.4% in 2021/22.
Thislargely reflects the settlement of provisions for uncertain tax positions in the prior year.
The effective tax rate on reported profit for the year ended 31
March 2023 was 23.2%.
Thisrepresents a tax charge of £73 million, compared with £57 million in the prior period.
We currently expect the effective tax rate on underlying profit for the year ending 31
2024 to be around 20% reflecting the increase to the UK corporate tax rate.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Financial performance review continued
Post-employment benefits
IFRS – accounting basis
At 31
March 2023, the group’s net post-employment benefit position, was a surplus
of£165 million.
The cost of providing post-employment benefits in the year was £40 million, down from
£62 million last year.
Capital expenditure
Capital expenditure was £303 million in the year, 1.6 times depreciation and amortisation
(excluding amortisation of acquired intangibles). In the period, key projects included:
Hydrogen Technologiesinvesting to increase manufacturing capacity in the UK
PGM Servicesinvesting in the resilience, efficiency and long-term sustainability of our
refinery assets, and also our fuel cells capacity expansion
Strong balance sheet
Net debt as at 31
March 2023 was £1,023 million, an increase from £856 million at
March 2022 and £963 million at 30
September 2022. Net debt is £19 million higher
at£1,042 million when post tax pension deficits are included. The group’s net debt
(includingpost tax pension deficits) to EBITDA was 1.6 times (31
March 2022: 1.2 times,
September 2022: 1.5 times), which was at the lower end of our target range of 1.5
We use short-term metal leases as part of our mix of funding for working capital, which
areoutside the scope of IFRS 16 as they qualify as short-term leases. Precious metal leases
amounted to £138million as at 31
March 2023 (31
March 2022: £140 million,
September 2022: £129 million).
Free cash flow and working capital
Free cash flow was £74 million in the year, compared to £221 million in the prior period,
largely reflecting lower underlying operating profit and working capital movements.
Excluding precious metal, average working capital days to 31
March 2023 increased
to42days compared to 36 days to 31
March 2022.
Outlook for the year ending 31
March 2024
For 2023/24, we expect at least mid-single digit growth in operating performance at constant
precious metal prices and constant currency. This is underpinned by efficiency benefits of
c.£55 million in the year.
In Clean Air, we expect strong growth in operating performance. Whilst external data suggest
limited growth in vehicle production for 2023/24, margin expansion should mainly be driven
by efficiency benefits. PGM Services’ performance will be largely driven by precious metal
prices, with recycling volumes expected to be subdued. We expect strong growth in operating
performance for Catalyst Technologies. This reflects an improvement in licensing income
anda significant uplift in margins, benefiting from pricing and efficiencies. We expect sales
togrow strongly in Hydrogen Technologies and we will continue to invest for growth resulting
in an operating loss at a similar level to 2022/23.
Precious metal prices have been volatile and consequently it is difficult to predict how they
may develop. To illustrate the impact they may have on our results, assuming prices remain
attheir current level
for the remainder of 2023/24 there would be an adverse impact
ofc.£50 million
on full year operating performance compared with the prior year. We are
focused on mitigating the potential impact on our performance.
At current foreign exchange rates
, translational foreign exchange movements for the year
ending 31
March 2024 are expected to adversely impact underlying operating profit by
c.£10 million.
The board will propose a final ordinary dividend for the year of 55.0 pence per share at the
Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 20
July 2023. Together with the interim dividend of
22.0pence per share, this gives a total ordinary dividend of 77.0 pence per share, maintained
at the same level as the prior year. Subject to approval by shareholders, the final dividend will
be paid on 1
August 2023, with an ex-dividend date of 8
June 2023.
Contingent liabilities
See note 32 of the financial statements on page 206.
1. Outlook commentary for Clean Air, PGM Services, Catalyst Technologies and Hydrogen Technologies assumes constant precious metal prices and constant currency
2. Based on average precious metal prices in May 2023 (month to date)
3. c. £50 million adverse impact represents a gross PGM price impact before any foreign exchange movement. A US$100 per troy ounce change in the average annual platinum, palladium and rhodium metal prices each have an impact of approximately £1 million, £1.5 million and
£0.75 million respectively on full year underlying operating profit. This assumes no foreign exchange movement
4. At average foreign exchange rates for May 2023 month to date (£:US$ 1.25, £:€ 1.14, £:RMB 8.70) translational foreign exchange movements for the year ending 31
March 2024 are expected to adversely impact underlying operating profit by c. £10 million
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Financial performance review continued
Risk report
Risk management is important for JM as it enables
protection, facilitates value-added insights, helps identify
competitive opportunities and supports the growth
afforded by the net zero transition. During the
year we have refined our principal risks to provide
further clarity and reflect progress made so far.
Managing risks effectively
Our ability to effectively manage the risks that we encounter is an enabler of our strategic
performance and owning what we do. Risk management is an essential component of our
governance and operations throughout the organisation. We continue to invest in awareness
initiatives and the training of our employees to stay ahead of various threats. We manage
ourrisks, procedures and controls with the aid of JMProtect, a comprehensive governance,
risk, and compliance (GRC) platform.
‘Perma-crisis’ is one of the characteristics that is used to describe the world around us, and
itiswithin this environment that risk management helps JM navigate delivery of strategy.
Theongoing war in Ukraine, energy supply instability, cyber-attacks and inflationary pressures
all impact us or our customers. Our ability to be prepared has been tested, and we responded
through taskforces and solutions to mitigate some of the impacts, or with additional efforts
totest our resilience and continuity plans.
Climate-related risks and opportunities
We continue to support the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD) and disclose how effectively we are managing climate-related risks and
opportunities. Further details are included on page 48.
Risk management framework
Challenges and helps the
Board, Audit Committee,
the Group Leadership
Team (GLT), businesses
and functions to consider
the range and materiality
of risks identified
Monitors how well
mitigating actions or
projects are implemented,
and how effectively they
reduce risk to ensure
alignment with our
Top down
Bottom up
Sponsors our approach to risk management and internal controls
Sets the tone for risk management culture
Approves risk management policies and processes
Audit Committee
Reviews the effectiveness of our risk management framework and internal controls
Regularly carries out top-down
reviewsof risk
Develops strategy in line with our
Manages our definitions of risks
andmitigation plans
Monitors whether risks are within
ourrisk appetite
Regularly carries out bottom-up reviews of operational activities
Ensures sites and functions have risk registers in place
Reports to the GLT about business risk and issues
Sites / functional areas / programmes / projects
Reports key risks to businesses
Regularly carries out reviews as to how controls are implemented and
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Risk management framework
Our risk management methodology identifies and considers principal risks, including severe yet
plausible scenarios. Its purpose is to reassure stakeholders that we have fully considered and
understand a broad range of risks and are managing them in line with defined risk appetites.
The Board, which is ultimately accountable for risk management and internal controls,
evaluates how effective these systems are at mitigating principal and emerging risks at least
once every year. The GLT provides support for the Board’s reviews, which ensures the risks
we’ve identified are relevant to our current aims and strategic goals. The Audit Committee
supports the Board in assessing the effectiveness of our risk management and internal control
systems, processes and policies.
Our risk management methodology takes a top-down approach to identify our principal risks
(i.e. from board level down) and a bottom-up approach to identify operational risks (i.e. from
day-to-day level up). We’re constantly looking to improve how connected and aligned these
approaches are as they operate in parallel.
How we manage risk
We apply the three-lines-of-defence methodology. The first line represents business
operations, or the individuals who, employing effective internal controls, own and manage
risk daily. Governance and compliance, the second line, are represented by the functions and
businesses of the group that oversee and monitor these operations. The third line refers to the
independent assurance that our Group Assurance function provides over these activities.
Functions, businesses and site teams are responsible for identifying, assessing and prioritising
their risks. They also consider how likely it is that a risk will materialise and what effect that
would have on our objectives. This includes reviewing whether a risk has changed, how strong
the controls we use to manage the risk are and whether mitigating actions are in place.
Weuse a self-assessment and management attestation processes to report, at least once
ayear, on whether the relevant controls are effective. This is a maturing process with several
initiatives in progress to improve our controls environment.
In the past 12 months, we have continued to improve how we address and monitor risks
inanumber of ways, including:
Making continued enhancements to our GRC platform, JMProtect, which offers a combined
and centralised view of our risk universe and controls framework
Incorporating JMProtect risk data into our audit planning process to make sure the highest
risk areas of the business are prioritised for assurance activities
Introducing an Integrated Assurance model that aligns second- and third-line assurance
activities for easier collaboration and more effective risk-based assurance.
We prioritise insurance cover for the most significant areas of risk across the Group, and areas
where insurance is a legal or contractual requirement. If insurance is available on
commercially reasonable terms, we also utilise it as a risk mitigation tool across our wider
business. Where appropriate, we get advice from industry to help us assess risks and develop
mitigation plans.
Emerging risks and opportunities
We continually monitor our external risk landscape using a mixture of key risk indicators, third
party reports, findings from internal and external assurance providers, and feedback from both
customers and suppliers. This information allows us to identify emerging risks and prepare
reasonable mitigations.
For any identified emerging risks, considered to be a threat to JM or its value chain, we tailor our
response to the size of the risk to ensure our mitigation strategy is proportionate. For example,
in 2022, we identified significant emerging risks in relation to geopolitical tensions, the
macroeconomic downturn and energy availability. We have chosen to include geopolitical
andmacroeconomic events as a principal risk given our global presence and strategic plans
invarious geographies including China and USA. This will also ensure we incorporate lessons
learned from ceasing operations in Russia.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Risk report continued
Principal Risks
IncreasedNo change /
Alignment to our strategy: Focus Simplify Execute
Failure to deliver
business value from
strategic capital
A low-performing
culture undermines
our strategy
A significant
work-related EHS
Disruption to
inbound goods or
services provided
Security of metal and
failure to manage
metal commitments
Failure in one or
more of JM’s critical
operational assets
Strategic Operational
Unsuccessful delivery
of key business
Development of
products that do not
meet the future
needs of customers
Business failure
through cyber-attack
or other IT incidents
A significant geopolitical
or macroeconomic
event impacting JM’s
Significant shift in
demand and / or
commoditisation of
sustainable technology
Principal risks and uncertainties
In the following section, we have outlined our principal risks and how we manage them.
Weregularly review our risk landscape to best determine our principal risks and key
mitigating actions, while also assigning appropriate GLT sponsors to help us overcome our
biggest challenges and continue to meet our strategic ambitions. Our GLT sponsors evaluate
changes to their risks to better understand our exposure. When necessary, they order these
risks by importance and create targeted mitigation strategies.
Over the last year, we have continued to update our principal risks, clarifying associated
opportunities and priority actions:
Three risks have been removed as principal risks – ‘Intellectual Property’ (IP), ‘Ethics and
Compliance’ and ‘Customer Contract Liability’. We consider the controls put in place over
the past year to be effectively mitigating the risks
We have introduced two new principal risks: ‘A significant geopolitical or macroeconomic
event impacting JM’s operations’ and ‘Failure to deliver business value from strategic
The principal risks we face are listed alongside the measures we’ve taken to reduce them on
the following pages. These risks could materially harm our company’s operations, either alone
or in combination.
Each of our strategic principal risks, if handled effectively, carries a significant opportunity
todeliver above stakeholder expectations. Some of these opportunities have been identified
in the table in the following section.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Risk report continued
Strategic risks and opportunities
To execute our strategy, we must be mindful of the risks that may undermine us, while ensuring we capture most of the opportunity they present.
Significant shift in demand and / or commoditisation of sustainable technology
GLT sponsor: Liam Condon
Risk Opportunity Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
JM’s strategy is focused on our ability to develop solutions
for sustainable chemicals, fuels and energy and catalysing
the net zero transition for our customers, pivoting away
from fossil fuel-based industries.
JM faces two main risks as part of the global transition to
alow-carbon economy:
Risk that we fail to correctly anticipate climate-related
shifts in demand for our products (e.g. driven by
regulation, customer needs, societal expectations), as
well as the pace of commoditisation. These shifts could
impact both our existing products (e.g. in Clean Air) and
products which are expected to drive JM’s future growth
(e.g. in Hydrogen Technologies); there is a risk that
theseshifts could be slower or faster than anticipated
Risk that we fail to make the right decisions in response
to these shifts, mostly in terms of capital allocation
(e.g.R&D, capital expenditure).
If we correctly anticipate future
market shifts and respond adequately,
we can create value from the
transition to the low-carbon economy
through increased revenues
Through our products and services we
have an opportunity to affect climate
change, nature and society.
We continue to monitor the changing market
environment (e.g. technology choices, pace
ofcommoditisation) and our customers’
requirements. Using this information and our
scenario-based approach, we can update our
strategic plans and actions where needed
We keep investing in innovation to make sure
wehave products that differentiate us in all our
markets, meeting our customers’ specific needs
when required
For our maturing businesses, we have a plan
toreduce our cost base to improve efficiency and
cash flow
For our growth businesses, we plan to invest in our
production assets and are working to mitigate the
risks associated with this (principal risk 3)
Formerly ‘Strategic growth: business transition
tolow-carbon economy’.
Risk re-titled to reflect the risk that we may not
have a viable business model in the face of
rapidly commoditising sustainable technologies,
posing a risk to some legacy products and
services that are designed for a declining market.
Risk reduced due to the achievements of some
strategic objectives, e.g. partnership with
We have continued our investment in growth
platforms – particularly in Hydrogen
Technologies and Catalyst Technologies.
A significant geopolitical or macroeconomic event impacting JM’s operations
GLT sponsor: Christian Günther
Risk Opportunity Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
Due to the nature of JM’s global footprint, there is a risk that
we may face disruption in our operations, supply chain and
/ or customer markets due to geopolitical events. This
includes conflict, trade disputes, sanctions, pandemics,
macroeconomic events or financial crises in specific
countries or regions where we operate, or where parts
ofour supply chains are located.
A properly mitigated risk may provide
some level of competitive advantage,
even in the event the risk fails to
become an issue – e.g. security of
supply for our customers, local
content and participation benefits.
Ongoing identification, monitoring, assessment
ofand mitigation of key geopolitical risks
Our strategic planning considers various aspects of
this risk when making future investment decisions
We set up taskforces to deal with specific risks when
we identify them as a material risk
New principal risk promoted in response
toheightened geopolitical tensions.
We completed a review of the countries key
toour operations and / or value chains with
respect to their geopolitical and macroeconomic
landscape, making adjustments to our strategy
where necessary.
Failure to deliver business value from strategic capital projects
GLT sponsor: Maurits van Tol
Risk Opportunity Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
The success of our strategy, especially in growth areas,
depends on our ability to effectively prioritise and deliver
our strategic capital investment pipeline. There is a risk that
we will be unable to meet production capacity
expectations, breach budgeted costs or lose our competitive
position in markets.
Robust portfolio planning,
management and governance,
combined with enhanced competence
in capital project delivery, will provide
us with the platform we need to meet
the growth ambitions of our growing
businesses and deliver on our
Delivering high-priority projects on
time, within budget and to
benchmarked costs will enable JM
togrow further and faster.
Continuously strengthening our central engineering
and project organisation and eliminating functional
competency gaps
Enhanced portfolio management and project
frameworks, with business-wide compliance as key
value driver and a foundation of governance
Transformed role and confirmed accountability
ofsponsors for project value
Established project teams with all key functions
New principal risk added due to the high capital
investment being made, especially in high-
growth areas such as Hydrogen Technologies.
A transformation programme for Engineering
and Capital Projects has now been defined and
incorporated into our operating model.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Risk report continued
Development of products that do not meet the future needs of customers
GLT sponsor: Maurits van Tol and Anish Taneja
Risk Opportunity Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
There is a risk that we are unable to develop products that
are competitive enough to meet our market ambitions and
the needs of customers. This includes our ability to identify
and understand customer expectations, translating this into
effective R&D and developing our technologies into an
industrial production scale.
A strong product portfolio, effectively
designed in line with our customers’
future needs, will enable us to win
inour chosen markets for the years
Effective product development will
continue to improve our brand and
enable us to win in new markets as
they are identified.
We aim to maintain strong customer and partner
relationships, involving them in the development
We leverage New Product Introduction (NPI)
andpeople processes from our mature businesses
to build capability in our growth businesses
We continue to strongly invest in our R&D
OneJM strategy ensures a cross-business strategic
approach to markets
Formerly ‘Maintaining competitive advantage
ofour products and operations’.
Improved business systems and processes
toenhance planning effectiveness
Simplification of product development
workstreams to improve focus
Introduction of Group Commercial Council to
better understand customer needs and develop
the JM value proposition
A low-performing culture undermines our strategy
GLT sponsor: Annette Kelleher
Risk Opportunity Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
A low-performing culture characterised by an insufficiently
engaged and inclusive workforce, lacking commitment to
taking accountability, keeping it simple and driving results
could impact on our ability to attract and retain key talent,
and therefore successfully execute our strategy.
A high-performance culture is
essential to executing our strategy,
delivering growth and being more
efficient. High-quality leaders can
build diverse, inclusive and engaged
teams in which everyone can deliver
better results.
We have implemented an ongoing campaign
across JM to create a clear understanding of our
people leadership expectations and their
importance in delivering our play to win strategy
We have put in place a global digital platform –
Workday – to underpin standard HR processes and
to provide meaningful insights into our business
We have relaunched our global employee
engagement survey, utilising Workday Peakon
technology, helping to ensure that everyone in our
company can share their views
We regularly review how we work across the
business to find ways of working more simply and
Formerly ‘People, culture and leadership’.
Risk increased due to high levels of
organisational change.
Our new HR platform enables better talent
development and engagement.
We are improving our talent management
processes – particularly our approach to diversity
and inclusion – so that we’re creating the right
environment and capabilities to deliver the next
phase of our strategy.
During 2023/24 we will be implementing a new
approach to performance management.
We continue to prioritise our people’s health,
safety and wellbeing.
Unsuccessful delivery of key business transformation programme
GLT sponsor: Christian Günther
Risk Opportunity Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
JM’s transformation is scoped to implement the strategy
ofcatalysing the net zero transition for our customers
inautomotive, chemicals and energy. There are currently
more than 30 programmes, across group functions and the
four core businesses, driving business growth, people
growth and efficiency.
Failure to successfully deliver these programmes may delay
the expected benefits, disrupt services to customers or
trigger a loss of key talent.
Together the transformation
programmes will address capability
gaps and poor competitiveness in key
markets. Through the transformation,
JM will develop and strengthen its
capability for ongoing continuous
improvement, delivery of complex
projects and agility to respond
tofuture external trends.
We have established a robust framework for the
planning and delivery of transformational change
projects, including stage gates to structure key
The JM-wide transformation office provides
specialist support to programme teams, tracks
progress and ensures effective oversight by senior
Third-line assurance is provided by JM’s Group
Assurance function, with a focus on the most
critical and sensitive programmes
Formerly ‘Business Transformation’.
The overall rating of this risk has not changed.
Over the past 12 months we have established
stronger programme and change management
capability. This will allow us to expand the scope
of changes and accelerate delivery.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Risk report continued
Operational risks
Our day-to-day operations carry a level of risk that must be managed effectively to ensure that we are able to keep our people safe and meet our strategic goals.
A significant work-related EHS incident
GLT sponsor: Mark Wilson
Risk Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
If we fail to operate safely, we could injure people, incur significant
financial loss or breach applicable laws, which could have a negative
effect on our people, the environment or our reputation. This could also
mean we lose production time and attract negative interest from the
media and regulators, which could lead to fines and penalties.
Like other high-hazard manufacturing companies, our business
iscontrolled by a wide range of challenging health, safety and
environmental laws, standards and regulations, which are set
bygovernments and regulatory agencies around the world.
We have a strong health and safety culture across the
business. This is based on clear policies, guidelines and
standards, continual training and awareness activities
and audits
We regularly review process safety hazards at relevant
sites by carrying out deep-dive safety audits
We thoroughly investigate incidents or accidents to
identify their root cause and then develop plans to
remediate the problem
We monitor our environmental risk, report on
environmental data associated with our sites and always
look for opportunities to improve
We regularly review our regulatory and reputational risks
and put mitigation plans in place where we need to
Formerly ‘Environment, health and safety (EHS)‘.
Overall, JM’s EHS risk is considered to have reduced due to:
Several actions from high-priority Process Hazard Reviews (PHRs)
andprocess safety audits have been completed
Over 98% of actions from maximum credible event assessments
Ongoing asset replacement programmes
Training of over 90% of operational staff in process safety has been
Divestment of the Health business, which had all its sites classified
ashigh process safety risk sites
Nevertheless, we continue to review any emerging EHS risks (especially
process safety) across all our businesses, which we are fully evaluating
and mitigating.
Disruption to inbound goods or services provided
GLT sponsor: Anish Taneja
Risk Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
Given the types of products and services we provide, there are only a few
suppliers that are approved to source certain important raw materials. If
there was a significant breakdown in our multi-tiered supply chains, how
we supply to customers’ demand would be affected or disrupted.
We continually review our relationships with our
strategic and high-impact suppliers
We are well connected in the market to anticipate
disruption and engage our businesses in proactive
scenario planning
We carry strategic stocks of raw materials, including
PGMs, and regularly monitor those stock levels against
demand forecasts
We regularly investigate alternative materials to use,
aspart of our research and development work
We complete due diligence when selecting our suppliers
to ensure they meet our expectations and all regulations
with regard to ethics and sustainability
When designing our supply base, we consider agility
toensure we are able to overcome geopolitical risks
– e.g. through local sourcing
Formerly ‘Supply Failure’.
Risk increased, reflective of the challenging macro environment,
including potential supply issues due to second-tier supplier failure,
energy shortages and pricing fluctuations.
Following our refreshed JM strategy, we have better defined JM’s
procurement priorities for each of the businesses. Each business has
varying priorities. There are overarching common themes such as supply
resilience, where we want to aim for ‘resilience by design’ and prevent
bottlenecks, by building out our supply ecosystem.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Risk report continued
Security of metal and failure to manage metal commitments
GLT sponsor: Alastair Judge
Risk Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
JM uses significant quantities of high-value precious metals, which are
transported, stored and processed across our operations. We do not carry
significant exposure to price risk as we hedge all our metal transactions
centrally looking at overall group supply and demand.
Our PMM business ensures the group has sufficient metal to meet
business demands and manages our metal liquidity levels. There is a risk
that we do not have sufficient metal available. Therefore, we operate
within tight trading limits and defined liquidity levels to manage the
demand volatility. Metal price volatility affects how much our Trading
business earns. The precious metal industry globally is susceptible to
criminal activity resulting in the risk of theft, and we share those
challenges. Loss or theft due to a failure of the security management
systems associated with the protection of metal may result in financial
loss and / or a failure to satisfy our customers which could reduce our
customers’ confidence in JM and potential legal action. Failure to mitigate
this risk can have a significant impact on our working capital, financial
viability and/or undermine our ability to meet our customer
Long-term strategic planning around metal
requirements of the group is undertaken to ensure
appropriate positioning for the future
We run a strong operational control environment within
our metal trading business
We hedge the majority of our metal transactions
centrally through looking at the overall group supply
anddemand, minimising our exposure to metal price
We maintain a robust security management system
toprotect our metal holdings
We have appropriate insurance cover in place
Formerly ‘Managing our metal commitments’.
Due to increased crime within the global precious metal industry, the
overall rating of the risk is increasing.
We have continued to strengthen physical security and the operational
environment to ensure we have a proportionate control structure
tomanage and optimise our metal holdings.
Furthermore, we have launched a metal finance academy to continue
strengthening appreciation and understanding of our metal risks across
the group.
Failure in one or more of JM’s critical operational assets
GLT sponsor: Alastair Judge
Risk Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
A critical asset failure may have a material effect on our supply chains,
performance, share value and reputation.
Our work on the effects of climate change means we understand that
more frequent extreme weather events and natural disasters may disrupt
our operations and increase our costs.
We continue to monitor and prioritise critical spare parts
and capital expenditure for any ageing assets and
The multi-year capital investment programme across
PGM Services continues to progress with focus on asset
renewal and replacement
We continue to implement robust mitigation's at our
sites, including business impact assessments, business
continuity management plans, asset management
programmes and rigorous support systems for our
operational technology
Group Assurance function reviews business continuity
planning (BCP) as part of the Site Extended Audits
Formerly ‘Asset failure’.
We assess this risk based on the high level of exposure faced by our PGMs
business. The nature of this business means it would suffer the greatest
potential effect of a critical asset failure.
A climate resilience site assessment has been completed at one of our
sites. The report is being reviewed and action plans are being formulated
to address the recommendations and the requirements of future
site assessments.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Risk report continued
Business failure through cyber-attack or other IT incidents
GLT sponsor: Stephen Oxley
Risk Key mitigations Updates made to principal risk
A failure to adapt our Information Technology to changing business
requirements, the occurrence of significant disruption to our systems or
amajor cyber security incident may adversely affect our financial position,
harm our reputation and could lead to regulatory penalties or non-
compliance with laws.
We continue to refresh and standardise our core systems
and applications on an ongoing basis to reduce reliance
on legacy systems
We are delivering a programme of work to identify and
reduce risk in operational technology
We provide regular cyber security training for employees
to raise awareness of cyber risks
We continue to adapt and respond to the increasingly complex and
heightened external threat landscape by enhancing cyber-security
technologies and processes to improve our ability to Predict, Prevent,
Detect, Respond and Recover to cyber risks, aligned to industry standards.
Dedicated IT projects have supported our divestment activities, helping
usto balance the value of the sale against transitional risks, including
theintegrity and availability of data.
Managing Intellectual
In 2022/23 we removed ‘Intellectual
Property’ as a principal risk. Thiswas due to
the implementation of mitigating actions
that reduced our risk exposure to a level the
GLT assessed to be satisfactory. Implemented
mitigating actionsincluded:
Robust process for
product introduction that
ensures we capture our
own IP with
the appropriate
‘freedom to operate’
Launch of standardised
IP awareness e-learning
programmes across JM
for all employees and
new starters
Improvement of our
trade secret management
process, allowing us
to monitor and protect
our trade secrets
across the globe
As a result, our IP risks are now
managed on a ‘business as usual’ basis
and will only be escalated back to the
GLT if there is a material increase in our
risk exposure. This allows our senior
leaders to focus their resources on the
highest priority risks to JM.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Risk report continued
Going concern
In adopting the going concern basis for preparing the accounts, the directors have considered
the business activities as set out in the Strategic report and Financial review, pages 1 to 72,
aswell as the group’s principal risks and uncertainties, pages 62 to 69. As part of this
assessment, we have considered a base case and severe but plausible trading scenario.
Bothscenarios showed sufficient headroom under our committed facilities and financial
covenants. The directors therefore believe that the group has adequate resources to fund
itsoperations for the period of 12 months following the date of this announcement, making
it appropriate to prepare the accounts on a going concern basis. Further details on going
concern, viability and facilities can be found in Note 1 on page 150 respectively of the
We have assessed how viable we are as a business over a three-year period, in line with our
annual planning horizon. During the year, the Board carried out a robust assessment of the
principal and emerging risks affecting our business, particularly those that could threaten
ourbusiness model. The risks, and the actions taken to mitigate them, are described in the
Riskreport on pages 62-69.
We assess our prospects through our annual strategic and business planning process.
Thisprocess includes a review of assumptions made including market, vehicle and production
outlooks, customer demand, underlying growth / cost assumptions, metal prices, key risks
and opportunities as well as an appraisal of our strategy and significant capital investment
decisions. The Group Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer lead these reviews,
along with the Chief Executives of each business.
The Board also reviews each sector’s strategy throughout the year, looking at our current
position and prospects for the coming years. This allows us to reaffirm our overall strategy
andreassess the risks that could impact its success.
We do not expect climate change risks to have a material near-term effect on our
forward-looking forecasts for going concern or viability. See scenarios opposite for more
details of ouranalysis.
Analysis through four stress scenarios
In making the viability assessment, we have analysed each of the principal risks facing the
group – as described in the Risk report on pages 64 to 69 – and identified the items within
each principal risk category that might significantly affect cash flow and viability. We have
then modelled these in four stress scenarios.
Scenario 1 – Maintaining competitive advantage of our products
and operations
This scenario considers the failure to maintain our competitive advantage in existing markets,
mostly because of poor execution of key initiatives or operations. It includes the effect of
a six- month delay to key capital projects, delays to deliver the transformation savings and
atemporary one-month shutdown of a refinery, which leads to higher working capital
andlower profits.
Scenario 2 – Geopolitical risks impacting JM’s operations
This scenario considers the increased risk presented by geopolitical risks, such as a one-year
slowdown in our operations in China, and increased inflation across the period.
Scenario 3 – Disruption to the platinum group metals value chain
This scenario considers the failure to source sufficient metal to manage and satisfy our
internal and external obligations. We modelled a shortage in the supply of metal, an increase
in individual metal prices to 12-month highs over the period April 2022 to March 2023 of our
key metals, and an increase in our metal holdings.
Scenario 4 – Other risks
This scenario includes the effect of all our other principal risks – outlined in the Risk report
onpages 64 to 69 where not already considered in the scenarios above. For each risk,
wehave estimated a financial effect, which considers the impact and likelihood of the risk.
Given the wide range of risks we face, we have then applied an overall probability weighting
of 20% which allows us to work out the potential financial impact. We have also included
impacts of carbon pricing and a one-month temporary shutdown of a key site due to an
extreme weather event.
In evaluating our viability under each of these scenarios, we considered our current financing
arrangements, see page 150, and assumed we would not refinance any maturing debt –
although, in reality, we would expect to refinance our debts well ahead of maturity thereby
increasing headroom. Our stress testing shows that, under each of the scenarios described
above, we have ample headroom under our committed facilities and financial covenants.
Asafinal review, given the climate of greater political and economic certainty, we have also
undertaken a reverse stress test to identify what additional or alternative scenarios and
circumstances would threaten our financial covenants or headroom. This shows that we have
headroom against either a further decline in profitability of more than 40% in the financial
year to March 2024, well beyond the severe-but-plausible scenario, or a significant increase
inborrowings (net debt would need to more than double in the financial year to March
2024). In this unlikely scenario, we still have other mitigating actions available, including
reducing capital expenditure, renegotiating payment terms or reducing our dividend. Based
on this assessment, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the company and group
will be able to continue operating, and meet its liabilities as they fall due, making it
appropriate to prepare the accounts on a going concern basis.
Going concern and viability
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Non-financial and sustainability information statement
The table below outlines how we meet the non-financial reporting requirements set out in the Companies Act 2006. Our business model is set out on pages 8 and 9. Our purpose described
onpage 4 and our sustainability strategy on pages 22 to 44 set out how we act as a responsible business. Our non-financial KPIs which support the delivery of our strategic priorities are shown
onpages 3 and 12. We have a range of different policies and standards in place to manage our principal risks, pages 62 to 69, which form part of our internal control framework.
A description of all matters relating to climate-related risks and opportunities, including the governance arrangements, scenario testing and metrics and targets, are included within the TaskForce
on Climate-related Financial Disclosures on pages 45 to 52.
Reporting requirement Information necessary to understand our business,
policies and due diligence activities and outcomes
Policies, guidance and standards which govern our approach.
Some of which are only published internally
Environmental matters
Our group policies that govern environmental matters support our commitment
to sustainability and help keep our people and the communities we serve safe.
Sustainability – see pages 22 - 44
Environment, Health and Safety Policy +
Procurement Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures – see pages 45 - 54
Societal Value Committee report – see pages 88 - 89
At Johnson Matthey, we want our employees to feel safe, promote a culture of
inclusion and diversity, and build long-term fulfilling careers. Our HR, Ethics and
Compliance and EHS polices help support this.
Our people – see pages 33 - 34
Health and safety – see pages 33 - 34
Employee engagement – see page 35
Gender pay gap report – see page 37
Diversity – see pages 37 - 38
Speak Up – see page 41
Code of Ethics
Employee Leave Policy
Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Belonging Policy
Board Diversity Policy
Smart Working Policy
Substance Misuse Policy
Working Together Policy
Environment, Health and Safety Policy
Speak Up Policy
Human Rights
We consider our entire value chain when looking at human rights, including
ourown operations, suppliers and customers.
Suppliers – see page 39
Modern Slavery Statement – see page 39
Responsible sourcing – see pages 39 - 40
Ethical standards – see page 38 - 39
Speak Up – see page 41
Code of Ethics
Modern Slavery Statement
Data Protection Policy and Employee Privacy Notice
Procurement Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct
Human Rights Policy
Speak Up Policy
Social matters
Our Code of Ethics helps our people do the right things and helps us put into
practice the principles by which the group operates; it also provides a framework
for responsible business practices. We ensure that our suppliers are also held
tohigh standards and adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Our stakeholders – see pages 44 and 84
Ethical standards – see pages 38 - 39
Engaging with our communities – see page 42
Sustainability – see page 33
Code of Ethics
Supplier Code of Conduct
Environmental, Health and Safety Policy
Anti-bribery and
Our global policies support the group with compliance with various laws relating
to anti-bribery and corruption. We strive to act with openness, fairness and
honesty and expect our stakeholders to do the same.
Suppliers – see page 39
Our people – see pages 38 - 39
Ethical standards – see page 38
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Code of Ethics
Gifts Hospitality and Charitable Donations Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Global Tax Policy
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Section 172 statement
Our Section 172 statement comprises this section and pages 84 to 86 of the Governance report; it describes how the directors have had regard to stakeholders’ interests when discharging their
duties under Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006. The mechanisms used to engage with shareholders are described on page 84. You can also read more on how the Board considered each
matter during the year asfollows:
s.172(1) considerations Relevant disclosures Page reference
The likely consequences of any decision in the long term
During the year, the directors focused on the execution of our strategy and strategic milestones to ensure
we are positioned to create long-term value for shareholders. This recognises the role we play in wider
society helping the transition to a greener economy.
Our purpose
Business model
Our strategy
The drivers of our changing world
Financial review
8 - 9
12 - 13
6 - 7
53 - 54
22 to 44
Interests of employees
The directors recognise the importance of attracting, retaining and motivating high-performing
individuals. The directors consider the implications for our people where possible. They also seek to
ensure we remain committed to promoting a safe and inclusive working environment for all our people.
Our people
Employee engagement
Diversity, inclusion and belonging
Speak Up
33 - 38
35 - 36
Fostering the company’s business relationships with suppliers, customers and others
Our relationship with customers, suppliers, governments and partners is essential to ensure the success
ofour strategy and the long-term success of the Company. The board receives updates on engagement
across the group at meetings.
Financial review
Modern slavery statement
Business model
Human rights and ethical standards
53 - 54
8 - 9
22 - 44
38 - 39
Impact of operations on the community and the environment
Sustainability is at the heart of our strategy, and the impact we have on the community and environment
is carefully considered by the Board. The Board closely monitors decisions relating to our sustainability
strategy through the Societal Value Committee.
Our purpose
The drives of our changing world
Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures
Societal Value Committee report
6 - 7
22 - 44
45 - 52
88 - 89
Maintaining a reputation for high standards of businessconduct
Our Code of Ethics, Supplier Code of Conduct and Modern Slavery Statement are reviewed regularly
bythe Board. This ensures the high standards of conduct we expect are upheld by all levels of the
business. The Board monitors compliance with these through the internal control framework.
Our purpose
Speak Up
Human rights and ethical standards
Internal controls
Modern slavery statement
Ethics and compliance
38 - 39
38 - 39
The need to act fairly between members of the company
Following careful consideration of all relevant factors including the impact on our stakeholders, the
directors assess the course of action that enables the delivery of our strategy and the long-term success
Stakeholder engagement
Board activities
Annual General Meeting
84 - 86
82 - 83
The Strategic report from pages 1 to 72 was approved by the Board on
May 2023 and is signed on its behalf by:
Liam Condon
Chief Executive Officer
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
In this section
Compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code 73
Chair’s introduction 74
Board at a glance 75
Board of directors 76
Our governance structure 78
Corporate governance report 80
Board activities 82
Stakeholder engagement 84
Board and committee effectiveness review 87
Societal Value Committee report 88
Nomination Committee report 90
Audit Committee report 94
Remuneration Committee report 103
Remuneration at a glance 106
Remuneration Policy 107
Annual Report on remuneration 118
Directors’ report 128
Responsibilities of directors 132
Compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018
During the year under review, we have applied all the principles and complied with all the provisions of the 2018 UK
Corporate Governance Code (the Code) except the following:
provision 5 – engagement with the workforce: The Board has not engaged with the workforce using the
methods prescribed by the Code. Following our strategic review last year, global town halls were held across
thegroup to communicate our new strategy and business priorities. It was felt that this method of engagement
would be the most effective for this financial year to ensure that all colleagues had the opportunity to ask detailed
questions about the strategy, values and cultural ambition to the Group Leadership Team (GLT). We intend to
resume our engagement focus groups in certain countries where JM has a significant footprint during 2023/24.
These focus groups will be attended by a non-executive director
provision 41– engagement with the workforce on alignment of executive pay with the wider company pay
policy: While we inform our employees of global changes to pay and benefits, we have not actively sought a
two-way dialogue over executive pay. We benchmark remuneration against our peers to ensure we offer
competitive pay and benefits, so we continue to attract and retain the highest-calibre candidates. During the
year, all employees were able to provide feedback on a range of matters, including remuneration, as part of our
annual employee engagement survey. Read more in our Remuneration Committee report on page 103.
The Code is publicly available on the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) website, frc.org.uk
How we apply the principles of the Code
Board leadership and company purpose
The role of the Board Pages 78, 82-83
Purpose and culture Pages 35, 80
Resources and controls Pages 80, 100
Stakeholder engagement Pages 72, 84-85
Workforce engagement Page 80
Division of responsibilities
Role of the Chair, non-executive directors and Company Secretary Pages 78-79
Composition of the Board Pages 76-77
Composition, succession and evaluation
Appointments to the Board and succession planning Pages 90-92
Skills, experience and knowledge of the Board Pages 75-77
Board evaluation Page 87
Audit, risk and internal control
Audit Committee report Pages 94-102
Risk report Pages 62-69
Remuneration Committee report Pages 103-127
Fair, balanced and understandable
In accordance with the Code, the Board considers that, taken
as a whole, the 2022/23 Annual Report and Accounts is fair,
balanced and understandable, and provides the information
necessary for shareholders to assess Johnson Matthey’s
position, performance, business model and strategy. The
Audit Committee assesses the process that management
uses to support the recommendation to the Board. More
details are on page 100.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Following Liam Condon’s appointment as Chief Executive Officer in March 2022, the Board
began the year with several meetings focused on strategy. We discussed, challenged and
provided feedback on the strategic review, and our revised strategy was announced in May
2022. It followed a long and detailed process of reviewing our strengths, the markets in which
we operate, and getting feedback from our investors, customers and employees. Since then,
theBoard has overseen the implementation and delivery of our strategy, which is underpinned
by our transformation programme. As we move to a faster-paced, more customer-focused
culture, we have approved key strategic partnerships, and won business and large-scale projects,
delivering against our promises for each of our businesses to accelerate our growth and drive
value creation.
Read more about our strategy and progress against our milestones on pages 12 and 13
Readmore about the Board’s activities during the year on pages 82 and 83
“The Board’s debate and challenge supports the delivery
of our strategy”
Governance highlights
Assessed and approved a refreshed group strategy
Monitored the transformation programme
Appointed Barbara Jeremiah as an independent non-executive director
Approved investments and strategic partnerships linked to our strategic milestones
Reviewed previous strategic decisions and evaluated the learnings to further
improve governance processes
Chair’s introduction
Sustainability is an integral part of Johnson Matthey and embedded into our strategy. We are committed
to achieving net zero by 2040, and our progress against the 2030 targets (set out on page 24) is closely
monitored by the Societal Value Committee. We are on track for a reduction in scope 1+2 CO
e (carbon
dioxide equivalent) emissions from a 2019/20 baseline. And through our products, we have continued
to helped our customers reduce CO
e emissions.
More information about our Societal Value Committee’s work is on page 88
The Audit Committee assessed JM’s readiness to implement recommendations from the
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) white paper on restoring trust in
audit and corporate governance. This included reviewing our climate-related assurance processes
and the creation of our sustainability assurance framework.
More information about our Audit Committee’s work is on page 94
During the year, we have continued to focus on succession planning, and the Nomination
Committee undertook a search for a new non-executive director. We look forward to welcoming
Barbara Jeremiah to the Board in July 2023. Barbara’s appointment will further enhance our
Board’s skills and experience, and she will also take on the role of Senior Independent Director.
Further information on the changes to the Board members’ roles and responsibilities can be
found in the Nomination Committee report on page 90.
The Board understands the importance of diversity and inclusivity, and the innovative thinking and
challenge it brings to the boardroom. I am pleased to report that plans are in place for the Board’s
composition to meet the ambitions set out in the FTSE Women Leaders Review for listed companies
to have at least 40% of female representation on the board with at least one of the senior board
positions (chair, chief executive officer, senior independent director or chief financial officer)
tobeheld by a woman by the end of 2025.
Read more about the Board’s composition and Board diversity policy on page 93
We have spent much of our time discussing the future of Johnson Matthey, our strategy, current
performance and the plans in place to catalyse the net zero transition. We have supported and
challenged senior leadership to ensure the continued acceleration of our transformation programme.
We have also reviewed some of our previous strategic decisions and evaluated the learnings from these
processes to continuously improve and challenge management in a robust and constructive way. As a
result of these discussions, there are several actions we will be taking to improve the Board’s governance
processes. In addition, the Board reviewed some of the wider governance processes to ensure they
supported our fast-paced cultural ambition. As part of that review, we approved a simplified delegation
ofauthority framework.
I am pleased to report that this year’s board effectiveness review confirmed that we continue to
operate effectively and have made good progress against the actions recommended in last year’s
review. In accordance with the Code, the next review will be externally facilitated.
Read more about our board effectiveness review on page 87
Patrick Thomas
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Board at a glance
as at 31
March 2023
Board and committee attendance
Board attendance Board
Societal Value
Patrick Thomas
9/9 5/5 7/7 7/8
Liam Condon 9/9 5/5
Stephen Oxley 9/9 5/5
Rita Forst
8/9 5/5 6/7 5/6 8/8
Jane Griffiths 9/9 5/5 7/7 6/6 8/8
John O’Higgins 9/9 5/5 7/7 6/6 8/8
Xiaozhi Liu
9/9 5/5 7/7 6/6 7/8
Chris Mottershead
8/9 4/5 6/7 5/6 7/8
Doug Webb 9/9 5/5 7/7 6/6 8/8
1. Patrick Thomas was unable to attend one committee meeting due to unforeseen travel issues
2. Rita Forst was unable to attend one board meeting, two committee meetings and part of another board meeting due to serious illness
3. Xiaozhi Liu was unable to attend part of one board meeting and one committee meeting due to short-notice scheduling changes
4. Chris Mottershead was unable to attend one board meeting and four committee meetings due to serious illness
Non-executive director industry leadership
and experience
Oil and gas
Professional services
Board composition
Female directors: three
Male directors: six
Gender diversity
Chair and non-executive director tenure
Chair: one
Executive: two
Non-executive: six
0-3 years: one
4-6 years: five
7-9 years: one
British: five
Irish: two
German: two
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Board of Directors
Appointed to the Board: March 2022
Skills and experience
Liam was previously a member of the Board
of Management of Bayer AG and President
of the Crop Science Division, a role he held
for nine years. He has also served in senior
roles at Schering AG and Bayer HealthCare.
Liam is a dynamic and values-driven leader,
with an impressive track record of leading
science-based businesses while delivering
consistent high-quality performance.
Hebalances commercial ability with
astrong strategic perspective. He has
aproven track record of driving growth
andmodernising organisations.
Appointed to the Board: April 2021
Skills and experience
Stephen joined from KPMG, where he was
a partner. He is experienced in both audit
and advisory roles for large, complex
international companies across a variety of
sectors including FMCG, healthcare, natural
resources and industrials. Stephen is a
chartered accountant.
Stephen brings operational and technical
understanding of Johnson Matthey
andsignificant experience working
withcompanies going through major
change programmes.
External appointments
Non-Executive Member of the Audit
andRisk Assurance Committee for the
Sovereign Grant and Trustee of Care
International UK.
Appointed to the Board: October 2021
Skills and experience
Rita has spent more than 35 years at the
Opel European division of General Motors
in senior engineering, product
development and management positions,
including Vice President, Engineering,
forGeneral Motors Europe. She was also a
member of Opel’s Management Board from
2010 to 2012. Rita was responsible for the
development of new generations of engines
and car models for Opel and General
Motors, as well as European research
anddevelopment activities.
Rita has a deep understanding of the
automotive and powertrain sectors.
Herextensive knowledge includes research
and development of conventional and
alternative powertrains, as well as future
vehicle technologies.
External appointments
Non-Executive Director of Westport Fuel
Systems Inc and member of Technology
and Product Strategy Committee,
Non-Executive Director of AerCap Holdings
N.V. and member of ESG Committee and
Portfolio Management Committee,
Member of the Supervisory Board of
NORMA Group SE and Chair of Group
Strategy Committee, andMember
oftheAdvisory Board of iwis SE &Co.KG.
Appointed to the Board: January 2017
Skills and experience
Jane held various roles at Johnson
&Johnson (J&J) from 1982 until her
retirement in 2019, with experience
ininternational and affiliate strategic
marketing, sales management, product
management, general management
andclinical research. Most recently, she
was Global Head of Actelion, a Janssen
pharmaceutical subsidiary of J&J.
Jane has significant experience and
understanding of global strategy
management across a variety of markets,
and a strong interest in sustainability
External appointments
Chair of Redx Pharma Plc, Non-Executive
Director and Sustainability Committee
Chair of BAE Systems plc.
Patrick Thomas
Liam Condon
Chief Executive Officer
Stephen Oxley
Chief Financial Officer
Rita Forst
Independent Non-Executive
Jane Griffiths
Independent Non-Executive
Societal Value Committee member
Nomination Committee member
Audit Committee member
Remuneration Committee member
Committee Chair
Board committees
Appointed to the Board: June 2018
Skills and experience
Between 2015 and May 2018, Patrick
wasChief Executive Officer and Chair of
theBoard of Management at Covestro AG.
Between 2007 and 2015, he was Chief
Executive Officer of its predecessor, Bayer
MaterialScience, before its demerger
fromBayer AG. He is a fellow of the Royal
Academy of Engineering.
Patrick has deep experience of leading
international speciality chemical businesses.
He also has a track record in driving growth
through science and innovation across global
markets, with a strong focus on sustainability.
External appointments
Non-Executive Director at AkzoNobel
and member of Covestro AG’s
Supervisory Board.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Appointed to the Board: November 2017
Skills and experience
John was Chief Executive of Spectris plc
from January 2006 to September 2018,
leading the business through a period of
significant transformation. He previously
worked for Honeywell as President of
Automation and Control Solutions, Asia
Pacific, and in other management roles.
From 2010 to 2015, John was a Non-
Executive Director at Exide Technologies
Inc, a battery technology supplier to
automotive and industrial users. He began
his career as a design engineer at
Daimler-Benz in Stuttgart.
John has extensive business and industrial
experience, as well as a track record of
portfolio analysis and realignment,
drivinggrowth and improving
External appointments
Chair of Elementis plc, Non-Executive
Director of Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Plc, member of the Supervisory Board of
ENVEA Global SA and Trustee of the
Appointed to the Board: April 2019
Skills and experience
Xiaozhi is the founder and Chief Executive
of ASL Automobile Science & Technology,
aposition she has held since 2009. She
waspreviously a senior executive in several
automotive companies, including Chair and
Chief Executive of General Motors Taiwan.
Xiaozhi has deep knowledge and
perspective on sustainable and technology-
driven businesses, and strong experience
ofthe global automotive sector, particularly
in China, as well as Europe and the US.
External appointments
Chief Executive of ASL Automobile Science
& Technology, Non-Executive Director
ofAutoliv Inc and InBev SA/NV.
Appointed to the Board: January 2015
Skills and experience
Chris held roles at King’s College London
until his retirement in 2021, including
Senior Vice President of Quality, Strategy
and Innovation, and Director of King’s
College London Business Limited. Before
this, Chris had a 30-year career at BP,
including as Global Advisor on Energy
Security and Climate Change. He was also
Technology Vice President for BP’s Global
Gas, Power and Renewables businesses.
Heis a chartered engineer and fellow
of the Royal Society of Arts.
Chris has a wealth of industrial and
academic knowledge, as well as experience
in energy technology and related global
sustainability issues. As Chair of the
Remuneration Committee, Chris is
asounding board for JM’s HRfunction.
External appointments
Member of the Audit Committee
of the Crick Institute.
Appointed to the Board: September 2019
Skills and experience
Doug was Chief Financial Officer at Meggitt
plc from 2013 to 2018, and was previously
Chief Financial Officer at London Stock
Exchange Group plc and QinetiQ Group plc.
Before that, he held senior finance roles at
Logica plc. Doug began his career in Price
Waterhouse’s audit and business advisory
team. He is a fellow of the Institute
ofChartered Accountants in England
Doug has a strong background in corporate
financial management and a deep
understanding of the technology and
engineering sectors. Doug chaired the
Audit Committee at SEGRO plc for nine
years until April 2019, making him ideally
suited to chairing our Audit Committee
andacting as its financial expert.
External appointments
Non-Executive Director, Audit Committee
Chair and Treasury Committee Chair
ofUnited Utilities Group PLC and Senior
Independent Director of BMT Group Ltd.
Appointed as General Counsel and
Company Secretary: June 2020
Skills and experience
Nick has strong experience
working across a diverse range
of sectors. After qualifying
as a solicitor, he worked in
general counsel and company
secretarial roles across the retail,
software, hospitality and
telecommunications sectors.
More recently, as Corporate
Services Director of Cable &
Wireless, he led the migration
of its central operations from
London to the US.
Nick’s wide knowledge of
corporate law, governance and
operational experience means
heis ideally placed to support
External appointments
Non-Executive Director of
Springfield Properties PLC,
Director of Veranova Parent
Holdco, L.P.*
* JM holds 30% of the share capital
ofthis company
John O’Higgins
Senior Independent Director
Xiaozhi Liu
Independent Non-Executive
Doug Webb
Independent Non-Executive
Nick Cooper
General Counsel and
Company Secretary
Chris Mottershead
Independent Non-Executive
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Board of Directors continued
Our board of directors
At the date of this report, the Board comprises nine directors: the Chair, two executive
directors, the Senior Independent Director and five independent non-executive directors.
The Board is responsible for our long-term success. It provides leadership, direction and
monitors Johnson Matthey’s culture and values. The Board also sets our strategy and oversees its
implementation, ensuring we are managing risks appropriately and acting in the interests
ofour stakeholders. The responsibilities we do not delegate as a board are included in the
matters reserved for the Board in our Governance Framework.
Read JM’s Governance Framework on our website, matthey.com/governance-framework
Our governance structure
Board composition and roles
Our non-executive directors are determined to be independent by the Board, in accordance with the Code’s criteria. The Board members’ respective skills, experience and knowledge enable them
to discharge their respective duties and responsibilities effectively. Further details can be found on pages 75-77.The Chair was considered independent on appointment.
Leads the Board
Ensures an effective Board, including welcoming contributions
andchallenges from directors
Maintains regular and effective shareholder communications
sothat the Board has a clear understanding of their views
Chairs the Nomination Committee, initiating change and
succession planning for the Board and senior management
Promotes high standards of integrity, probity and corporate
governance throughout JM
Patrick Thomas
Constructively challenge the executive directors
Scrutinise management’s performance
Provide independent advice on strategy proposals
Satisfy themselves on the integrity of financial information and on
the effectiveness of financial controls and risk management systems
Determine appropriate executive director remuneration
Non-Executive Directors
Rita Forst, Jane Griffiths,
Xiaozhi Liu, Chris Mottershead
and Doug Webb
Provides a sounding board for the Chair
Acts, if necessary, as a focal point and intermediary for the
other directors
Ensures any key issues not being addressed by the Chair or senior
management are acted upon
Is available to shareholders should they have concerns
Leads the annual appraisal of the Chair’s performance
Senior Independent Director
John O’Higgins
Day-to-day responsibility for running the group’s operations
Recommends and implements group strategy
Applies group policies
Promotes JM’s culture and standards
Chief Executive Officer
Liam Condon
Has day-to-day responsibility for managing the finance, IT,
security and real estate functions
Leads the group’s finance activities, risks and controls
Chief Financial Officer
Together with the Chair, keeps the effectiveness of the company’s
and the Board’s governance processes under review
Provides advice on corporate governance matters
General Counsel and
Company Secretary
Nick Cooper
Key responsibilitiesBoard role
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Audit Committee
Read more on pages – 94-102
Other committees
The Board has delegated specific responsibilities to the Disclosure Committee and the Ethics Panel.
These committees comprise executive directors or GLT members and relevant senior management.
Group Leadership Team
The Board delegates responsibility for implementing operational decisions and for the day-to-day management of the business to the Chief Executive Officer, who is supported by the GLT.
OurDelegation of Authorities Framework sets out levels of authority for decision-making throughout the group.
Details of GLT members and their relevant experience are on our website: matthey.com/GLT
Disclosure Committee
Identifies and controls inside information. Determines how or when that information is
disclosed, in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Ethics Panel
Oversees concerns raised relating to our Speak Up process and ensures the effective review
and investigation of these concerns.
Nomination Committee
Read more on pages – 90-93
Remuneration Committee
Read more on pages – 103-127
Societal Value Committee
Read more on pages – 88-89
Our board committees
All independent non-executive directors are members of the principal board committees.
TheChair is a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Societal Value Committee,
and he also chairs the Nomination Committee.
The number of board and committee meetings held during the financial year is included
on page 75. The Board keeps the number of meetings under review to ensure that
non-executive directors have sufficient time to discharge their duties.
Governance Framework: matthey.com/governance-framework
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Our governance structure continued
Corporate governance report
Purpose and culture
Our purpose, culture and vision are underpinned by our values
The Board monitors culture using a range of metrics, including our global employee
engagement survey, customer satisfaction scores, customer behaviour statistics, health and
safety reports, financial results, internal audit reports and progress against our key
transformation project milestones. Our Speak Up process is our formal channel for employees
to raise concerns. Any material issues or key themes arising from Speak Ups are discussed
bythe Ethics Panel and Societal Value Committee and escalated to the Board as appropriate.
As part of the strategic review, the Board set new cultural priorities aligned to our purpose
and values, to drive a simpler, higher-performing and more commercial organisation.
Duringthe year, we continued to transform our culture with a focus on efficiency, high
performance and commercialism. These new cultural priorities also helped us review some
ofour own governance practices, to ensure they enabled these behavioural changes and
supported thedelivery of our strategy.
Our Chief Executive Officer continues to focus on the key themes of people, culture and
commercial performance in his board reports throughout the year. This provides us with
avaluable insight into the day-to-day operations and the cultural context in which our
colleagues work. All our board directors go on site visits to engage with colleagues
atalllevelsof the business and gain a better understanding of the culture at our sites.
Read more about how our purpose and culture impacts our decisions on pages 82-83
Our board committees play an important role in monitoring our culture
The Societal Value Committee ensures we are
a truly inclusive organisation with a diverse
workforce. It monitors any key themes
andissues arising from our Speak Up process
See pages 88-89
The Nomination Committee makes sure
succession planning supports our culture
and promotes diversity
See pages 90-93
The Audit Committee has oversight of
internal controls that safeguard our culture
See pages 94-102
The Remuneration Committee steers the
group’s approach to reward and benefits
toensure it promotes our culture and
long-term success
See pages 103-127
Employee engagement
We are committed to engaging with employees to better understand the issues, challenges
and opportunities across the group. In 2022, the Board focused on reviewing our strategy
andconsidered employee feedback from The Big Listen. This employee survey was designed
to uncover strengths and barriers to our success from the bottom up. Since The Big Listen,
employee engagement has continued to be led by management, as we communicated our
refreshed strategy. Town halls and team sessions took place at all levels across the group
toshare our vision, play to win behaviours and provide progress updates on the execution
ofour strategy. This was an essential part of ensuring our people had the chance to discuss
andquestion management to better understand their role in delivering our ambitions.
Thetown halls also provided a platform to communicate the cultural and behavioural
changes that are vital for the successful delivery of our strategy.
Each year the Board conducts site visits to see operations first hand, meet colleagues and
develop a better understanding of the culture. During the Board’s visit to our Technology
Centre in Sonning in September 2022, the directors met with employees informally over
lunch, providing an opportunity for open discussion and the chance for directors to hear
theviews of our colleagues without having structured topics of discussion.
As described on page 73, this is an area where the Board has not complied with the Code.
Itwas felt that following the strategic review, direct engagement between management and
our employees was paramount to ensure the new cultural ambition and strategy was well
understood. The Board had previously considered employee engagement methods specified
by the Code and felt that our global and diverse employee network required a different
approach. We established engagement focus groups in countries where we have a significant
footprint, each led by a board member. Following the communication of our strategy, the
Board intends to re-establish simplified groups for 2023/24 to obtain a greater insight into
the views of our employees. The directors will report back to the Board on the key messages
they have heard from their engagement focus group and any actions arising will be
monitored through the year by regular reports.
Protecting people and the planet
Acting with integrity Innovating and improving
Working together Owning what we do
Catalysing the net zero transition
Our culture
Our values
Focus Simplify Execute
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Induction and training
All new directors receive comprehensive and tailored inductions during their first year at JM
togain a deeper understanding of how we work. Induction plans are adapted to support
eachdirector in meeting their statutory duties. Through the plan, directors develop a deep
understanding of our strategic priorities, as well as an insight into our purpose, values
Following their induction, each director receives regular briefings from external advisers
orteach-ins on items of strategic importance as part of regular board training. In September
2022, as part of continuous development, the Board received a schedule of teach-ins, which
were delivered by subject matter experts from across the group. These covered Hydrogen
Technologies, PGM chemistry and applications, renewables and electrochemical
transformations, Clean Air (specifically, ammonia cracking, hydrogen ICE and methane
abatement), digitalisation of R&D, and metals. This provided the Board with insights into
thebusiness and an opportunity to ask questions of the wider workforce about the detailed
areas in which they work.
During the year, external legal advisors also provided an update on the UK Market Abuse
Regulation. All board members receive regular training on climate-related issues through the
Societal Value Committee, where external specialists are invited to present at each meeting.
The auditors also presented regulatory updates to the Audit Committee, including the key
changes for the next financial year.
Throughout each year, all directors receive information on mandatory training topics, including
on health and safety, information security and ethics and compliance matters. Legal and
governance updates are regularly provided by the General Counsel and Company Secretary.
The skills and experience of our board members are regularly assessed to ensure they
continue to be well placed to provide insight on our purpose and strategy. This, alongside
theannual board effectiveness review, informs our training agenda for the year.
Introduction to key management personnel
Detailed strategic review
Sector deep dives
Detailed strategic review
Mandatory training to ensure the directors
have a clear understanding of our
External experts provide training on relevant
topics to enhance technical knowledge
Identify areas of improvement for future
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Corporate governance report continued
Our annual agenda plan reflects our strategy and gives us sufficient time to discuss and develop strategic proposals and monitor board performance. Below, we have set out some of the matters we
considered during the year, different stakeholder groups central to those decisions, as well as the outcomes. Our Stakeholder engagement on pages 84 to 86 (including our Section 172 statement
on page 72), illustrates how the Board considers stakeholder views and the outcome of those considerations.
Read more about our strategy on pages 12 and 13 and risk on pages 62 to 69
Matters considered Stakeholders considered How the Board received
stakeholder feedback
Outcomes Links to risk
Strategy and
Strategic discussions included:
Review of a refreshed strategy
Delivery of our transformation
Investments and strategic
Reviews by business Chief
Customers and strategic
Chief Executive Officer
Business updates
M&A updates
Strategy and
transformation updates
Adopted a refreshed strategy, which
waspresented to the market in May
2022 and agreed a new cultural
ambition tosupport the successful
delivery ofthestrategy
Monitored the progress of the
transformation programme
Reviewed each business’sstrategic
update assessing the market, risks
Agreed a strategic partnership with
PlugPower and investment in a new
Approved the investment in 3CR
Approved several smaller investments
that help deliver against our
Scrutinised and monitored financial
data and performance, including:
Trading and performance
Full-year and half-year results
Going concern and viability
Dividend payments
Annual Report including
reporting against the Task Force
on Climate-related Financial
Disclosure (TCFD) requirements
Customers and strategic
Chief Financial Officer
PGM reports
Regular broker reports
Investor perception study
Feedback following
full-year and half-year
results presentations
Reviewed in detail the group’s financial
position, including working capital
Agreed the budget for 2023/24 and our
three-year plan
Assessed the proposed dividend payment
Approved the going concern and viability
Reviewed and approved the full-year
andhalf-year results and annual report
and accounts
We received regular updates from
the Chief Executive Officer on:
Group operations
Capital project execution
Environmental, Health and Safety
(EHS) performance
Business continuity and ongoing
site management
Supply chain management
Customers and strategic
Procurement update
Payment practices
EHS updates
Modern Slavery Statement
Conflict Minerals Disclosure
Challenged group operations, including
capital projects, procurement, security,
EHS, IT and supply chain management
Discussed process safety and instructed
an independent audit
Board activities
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Matters considered Stakeholders considered How the Board received
stakeholder feedback
Outcomes Links to risk
Governance Governance is at the heart of the
board agenda, including
consideration of:
Stakeholder engagement
Board effectiveness
Our Governance Framework
Our Delegation of Authority
Policies and processes
Customers and strategic
Attendance and
engagement at the AGM
Investor perception survey
Feedback following
meetings and direct
engagement with investors
Review material news or
regulatory announcements
through the Disclosure
Progressed the actions from the last
year’s internally facilitated board
effectiveness review and conducted
another internal board
Reviewed the investor perception study
and associated actions
Implemented changes to improve the
Governance Framework and simplified
committees at GLT level
Approved changes to simplify the
Delegation of Authority Framework
Approved updates to policies to ensure
alignment with best practice
People and
The Board focused on:
Our people strategy and
Diversity, inclusion and
Employee engagement
Insights gained from
Annual talent review by the
Nomination Committee
People strategy and culture
updates from the Chief
Executive Officer and Chief
Results and feedback
fromour internal
engagement surveys
Reviewed the feedback from employee
engagement surveys and agreed an
action plan
Reviewed progress on changing
behaviours to support our cultural
ambition through the transformation
programme updates
Risk The Board reviewed the group’s
approach to risk management
and completed deep dives of
principal risks
Customers and strategic
Board reports on the
full-year and half-year risk
Deep dive reports into
certain principal risks
andareas of emerging risks
Considered any emerging risks as a result
of the external environment
Reviewed each principal risk to ensure
they remained appropriate
Approved the risk appetite for each
principal risk
Reviewed mitigating activities
Key to principal risks
Significant shift in demand and / or commoditisation of sustainable technology
A significant work-related EHS incident
A significant geopolitical or macroeconomic event impacting JM's operations
Disruption to inbound goods or services provided
Failure to deliver business value from strategic capital projects
Security of metal and failure to manage metal commitments
Development of products that do not meet the future needs of customers
Failure in one or more of JM’s critical operational assets
Unsuccessful delivery of key business transformation programme
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Board activities continued
How we engage at board level How we engage across the company
Customers and strategic partners
Customer relationships are discussed at every
board meeting
Several key strategic partnerships were
approved by the Board during the year, and
the Board assesses potential partnerships
against our strategic ambitions and milestones
Customer satisfaction surveys
Tracking customer perceptions against
Engaging customers in the development
process of new products
Regular investor updates are presented
atboard meetings, including the results
ofaninvestor perception study
Investors have the chance to ask directors
questions at the AGM
The Board approves trading statements, full-
and half-year results and the Annual Report
and accounts
The Chair, Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer have regular engagement
with major shareholders
The Remuneration Committee Chair engages
directly on remuneration matters and changes
of policy
The SID and Committee Chairs are available
tomeet with investors
Regular dialogue with shareholders to support
them in their investments
Investor roadshows
Roundtable teach-ins
Review the results of the employee
engagement surveys
Monitor culture and the impact of the
transformation programme on our people
Regular visits to JM sites to meet colleagues
Review process safety and EHS processes
toensure they keep our people safe
The Nomination Committee receive talent
andsuccession updates
The Societal Value Committee review matters
raised through our independent Speak Up process
The Remuneration Committee sets the reward
and benefits framework
Regular internal communications and
Employee engagement survey
Policies, processes, and events to keep our
people safe and promote a culture of diversity,
inclusivity and belonging
Annual JM Awards
Stakeholder engagement
How we engage at board level How we engage across the company
Ensure the delivery of our strategy, which
addresses key societal issues
Through the Societal Value Committee review
the progress towards our sustainability targets
Play an active role in global associations,
including a leading role as UK Hydrogen
Champion, an independent advisory role to the
The Societal Value Committee receives reports
on ESG and actions to support our
Employee volunteering
Match funding for employee donations
tocertain charitable causes. In 2022/23 JM
matched charitable donations made to the
Disaster Emergency Committee following
theTurkish and Syrian earthquake disaster
Company donations to support communities
inthe regions that we operate in
Review payment practices reporting and areas
of improvement
Review and approve the Modern Slavery
Promote an ethical culture
Continually review relationships with our
strategic and high-impact suppliers
Policies and processes to ensure an ethical
supply chain, including the Global Human
Rights Policy and Conflict Minerals and
Annual Ethics Week to raise awareness
of the importance of our suppliers
We are focused on driving long-term sustainable success for the benefit of our stakeholders. This section provides an insight into how we as a board engage with our stakeholders to understand
what matters to them. Examples of some of the principal decisions taken by the Board during the year and the stakeholder views and inputs considered as part of these decisions are on
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Stakeholder engagement in action
Stakeholder engagement is vital to building a sustainable business. The Board recognises
the need to foster positive business relationships with suppliers, customers and governments.
This section provides more details on how the directors have fulfilled their duties.
The matters we consider differ in relevance for each stakeholder, and sometimes stakeholders
may have conflicting interests. We aim to consider the key issues relevant to each stakeholder
group, and our decisions will ultimately promote the group’s long-term success and support
our vision, purpose and strategy. In making decisions, we consider the interests of
stakeholders across the company – not just at board level.
Transforming the way we operate
Our transformation programme is driving greater efficiency and cost savings through simplifying and
modernising the way we work. Following the strategic review, our focus has been structured around key pillars,
including external milestones, culture, efficiency and growth. The Board receives updates on transformational
workstreams associated with each of these pillars at every meeting. This allows the Board to maintain effective
oversight and an opportunity to assess the impact on our different stakeholders.
Stakeholder considerations
Our people: We understand the impact that transformation can have on our people and that driving cultural
and behavioural changes takes time. We listened to our people through our employee engagement surveys.
These helped shape our discussions during our strategic review last year. As a board we have reviewed our
owngovernance processes and approved a simplified delegation of authority and changes to the Governance
Framework, which reduced the number of GLT sub-committees.
Investors: Through our transformation programme updates, we closely monitor performance against external
milestones. This allows us to challenge management and demand greater accountability, ensuring the effective
delivery of our strategy for our investors and wider stakeholders. Our transformation programme will accelerate
our growth, drive efficiencies and cost savings across the group, ultimately providing better long-term returns
forour investors.
Suppliers: The Board has considered how best to support suppliers and by simplifying and clarifying processes
and systems, it allows greater ability to support smaller suppliers with shorter payment terms. This in turn
supports the Board’s commitment to prompt payment.
Outcomes and impact on our long-term success
We believe that JM needs to become simpler, more agile and more cost-effective in order to focus on longer-
term, sustainable value growth. The transformation programme will drive stronger execution, unlock
near-term cost opportunities and strengthen our capabilities in capital project execution and cross-group
Safeguarding our people and our operations
As part of the Board’s deep dives, we reviewed process safety across the group. Process safety relates to the risk
ofmajor accidents during processing of hazardous chemicals or substances. Such accidents, typically fires,
explosions and toxic releases, have the potential to cause severe harm to people and the environment, both
onand off-site. Several actions were identified in the review and an independent third party was engaged
toundertake an audit of the process safety management programme and major risk priorities.
Stakeholder considerations
Our people, investors and communities: Our process safety and wider EHS procedures keep our people safe in
the workplace. Accidents can have a catastrophic impact on people, the environment and business. Whilst these
significant catastrophic events are rare within JM and the wider chemical industry, the Board wanted to ensure
that the management system was robust, with leadership driving a strong process safety culture. The audit
reviewed our practices against industry best practices enabling us to monitor their implementation across
various JM sites.
Outcomes and impact on our long-term success
The independent audit commenced in January 2023 and the results will be reported to the Board. As part of the
audit, the third party met with group, business and site leadership, covering various topics agreed by the Board,
including protocols, process safety performance indicators and escalation methods to management. Following
the completion of the meetings with leadership and the final report to the Board, a detailed action plan will
becreated to ensure that our process safety is in line with industry best practice.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Stakeholder engagement continued
Strategic partnerships that deliver against our milestones
The Board approved a long-term strategic partnership with Plug Power to accelerate the green hydrogen
economy. This partnership creates a volume and scale for green hydrogen that has not existed until now.
Itbrings together one of the largest green hydrogen and fuel cells companies in the world with our technology
and manufacturing capabilities.
Stakeholder considerations
Our people: Plug Power and JM will co-invest in what is expected to be the largest catalyst coated membranes
(CCMs) manufacturing facility in the world. The facility will be built in the US and is likely to begin production
in2025. To support this, we are already increasing our manufacturing capability in the UK through a new 3GW
gigafactory in Royston, UK. As part of this project and the scale-up of our manufacturing capabilities, there will
inevitably be new opportunities created for our people to transfer to different roles as we refocus and redirect
thegroup to support our strategic ambitions.
Investors: Our long-term partnership with Plug Power is a key deliverable in our strategic growth plan for our
Hydrogen Technologies business. This partnership confirms our world-class position in catalyst coated
membranes, the key performance-defining components of electrolyzers and fuel cells. It further emphasises the
key role we have to play in the green hydrogen economy. The Board considered that this partnership would
positively contribute to investors’ long-term returns.
Customers and innovation partners: JM will become an important strategic supplier of MEA components,
providing a substantial portion of Plug’s demand for catalysts, membranes, and catalyst coated membranes. This
is an incredibly important validation of our technology and our ability to deliver for our customers as we support
the rapid scale-up of key raw material value chains by contributing expertise in sourcing, managing and
recycling PGMs.
Governments and trade associations: A £400 million government-backed loan (unrelated to the Plug Power
partnership) was granted to JM in April 2022. The long-term strategic plan for JM’s hydrogen products will
further help to deliver the UK government’s Ten Point Plan for a green industrial revolution, to help develop
global solutions to the climate crisis.
Communities: This partnership will contribute significantly towards our 2030 target for 50 million tonnes
ofgreenhouse gas emissions avoided per year. It will also help Plug Power meet its strategic ambitions, and
therefore will help its customers – including Amazon, Carrefour, Walmart and BMW – to meet their business
goals, helping to decarbonise the economy.
Outcomes and impact on our long-term success
The partnership enables each company to leverage its specific areas of expertise, working together to accelerate
itsgrowth. It also delivers on a key strategic milestone for partnerships for Hydrogen Technologies and materially
accelerates our ambition to be a leading provider of CCMs globally.
The partnership will support Plug Power in delivering its targeted revenue of US$5 billion and US$20 billion by
2026 and 2030 respectively. To help achieve these targets, Plug Power and JM will co-invest in what is expected
to be the largest (5GW scaling to 10GW over time) CCMs manufacturing facility in the world. Plug Power and
JMwill also continue to leverage government incentives where possible, including from the Inflation Reduction
Act in the US and REPowerEU in Europe to push for exponential growth across the hydrogen industry.
Investing in our future and securing our
leadership position
We are investing for growth and generating attractive returns. As part of our plans to invest £1.1 billion in
capital expenditure from 2022/23 to 2024/25, the Board approved several investments to expand and improve
our existing infrastructure in a number of our businesses.
The Board approved a gigafactory to scale up the manufacture of hydrogen fuel cell components.
Thegigafactory will initially be capable of manufacturing 3GW of proton exchange membrane components
annually for hydrogen vehicles and the project is supported by the UK government through the Automotive
Transformation Fund.
In PGMS, our refineries need investment to set them up for decades of profitable operation. This year
wecontinued to invest to maintain these assets.
Stakeholder considerations
Our people: Old equipment, challenging conditions and increasingly unreliable assets posed potential EHS risks
and placed a strain on our operations, engineering and maintenance teams. We considered the potential
benefits to our people, and the invaluable impact replacing the existing metals refinery would have on the
working environment and safety.
In addition, we considered the positive impacts of scaling up our operations in Hydrogen Technologies and
therole it would play in securing hundreds of highly skilled manufacturing jobs in the UK.
Investors and customers: The scale-up of manufacturing for hydrogen fuel cell components will position
Johnson Matthey to be a market leader in performance components for fuel cells and electrolysers, driving
long-term value creation for our investors and the improvement of the electric vehicle supply chain for
The age of the existing refinery and machinery could cause regular issues and delays in refining customer metal,
resulting in longer lead times and working capital constraints. The new refinery will increase refining capacity,
reduce working capital, and therefore create new commercial opportunities for us. It will bring innovation to our
refining processes, including more automation and control systems to optimise the way in which the plant is run
and drives circularity for our customers.
Community and society: Decarbonising freight transformation is critical to help societies and industries meet
their ambitious net zero emission targets. Our investment into fuel cells will be a crucial part of this transition.
The 3CR project will have significant environmental and social benefits over the existing refinery. It will
future-proof the plant against potential tightening of legislation around platinum salts sensitisation through
engineering-based controls and containment. 3CR will also deliver energy efficiency and sustainability
improvements, including the reduction of hazardous waste, moving us towards our 2030 targets including
Scope 1 + 2 emissions.
Outcomes and impact on our long-term success
The scale-up of manufacturing for hydrogen fuel cell components positions us as a market leader in
performance components for fuel cells and electrolysers, targeting more than £200 million sales in Hydrogen
Technologies by the end of 2024/25.
The refining business underpins the group, providing a secure and cost-effective source of PGMs to our Clean Air
and Hydrogen Technologies businesses, while generating significant operating profit for the group. Further
investment in 3CR will enable us to refine in a safe, effective and sustainable manner. The investment mitigates
the business continuity risk associated with an older asset and will provide improvements in refining lead times,
reductions in energy consumption and volume upsides.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Section 172 statement continued
Each year, the Board reviews its performance and effectiveness, including that of its
committees and individual directors. This helps identify areas for improvement and ensure
itis well placed to provide constructive challenge.
We carried out an externally facilitated board effectiveness review in 2021. The 2023 review
was facilitated internally and led by the Chair, with support from the General Counsel and
Company Secretary. The review involved a questionnaire seeking input on a range of topics
including leadership, strategy, dynamics and culture. Compiled by Independent Audit
Limited, a specialist corporate governance consultancy, the questionnaire was circulated
toallboard members, certain external advisers and a number of senior leaders who regularly
present to us. Obtaining feedback from a wide range of stakeholders provides a more diverse
perspective on the performance of the Board. TheChair discussed themes emerging from
thequestionnaire findings and individual performance with each board member. The results
of the review were compiled by Independent Audit Limited, who produced a report for review
by the Chair and the General Counsel and Company Secretary.
The results of the self-assessment questionnaire indicate that the Board continues to perform
well. There is a high degree of openness and trust between board members with a good level
of debate. There was recognition of the Remuneration Committee’s work on communication,
including externally, and the Audit Committee’s relationship with the external auditor was
praised. The review highlighted the importance of having oversight of culture and ensuring
that cyber risk remains an area of focus.
Board and committee effectiveness
The tables below provides an update on the progress made on the actions from our 2021/22 review and the actions agreed as part of the 2022/23 review:
2021/22 Action 2021/22 progress and insight
Consider the output of the strategic review on the Board’s processes, including agenda planning
and the skills of the Board members
Board agendas have been refined to give more time to business updates, in order to update the Board
onprogress of our strategic milestones
The Nomination Committee reviewed the board skills matrix and agreed this remained appropriate
inlight of the company’s refreshed strategy
The Board approved a new delegated authorities framework to support more efficient decisions and
toempower management
Review how culture is monitored in order to drive our strategy This action was deferred as we communicated our strategy to our people and engaged with our senior
leaders on the values and behaviours needed to transform our business
Review the principal risks and their prioritisation in light of the strategic review to continue to embed risk
management across JM
The principal risks were reviewed and revised by the Board to ensure they aligned to our strategy
Clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Board committees with a particular focus on climate-related
During 2022, a workshop including the Chief Financial Officer, Audit Committee Chair, Chief
Sustainability Officer and Director of Risk and Assurance was held and the roles and responsibilities
ofeach committee were clarified. The changes were incorporated in the respective committee terms
Create a greater focus on executive succession planning through the Nomination Committee At its meeting in November 2022, the Nomination Committee undertook a detailed review of executive
succession plans. This included a discussion of individuals who were “ready now” as well as potential
successors in the medium and longer term
Action 2022/23 Responsibility
Review and discuss how cyber risk is managed and mitigated across the group Stephen Oxley
Discuss the approach to culture and agree the methodology of reviewing progress (deferred from 2021/22) Liam Condon
Secure more opportunities for board members to meet members of the senior leadership teams outside
offormal board meetings
Nick Cooper
Review of the Chair’s performance
Led by John O’Higgins, the Senior Independent Director, the non-executive directors met without Patrick Thomas to discuss his performance as Chair. They considered he continues to provide
robust leadership for the Board and facilitates open and constructive debate.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Established in 2021, the Societal Value Committee supports the Board by providing oversight,
challenge and rigour to our sustainability strategy, diversity and inclusion agenda and ethical
conduct. Following the Company’s strategic review, the Committee spent time discussing
Johnson Matthey’s vision for sustainability and its importance in everything we do. Since her
appointment as our first Chief Sustainability Officer in May 2022, Anne Chassagnette has
worked closely with the Committee. Her in-depth experience in leading sustainable
transitions has been a great resource for our discussions.
We ensure our sustainability goals and targets are focused on the areas where JM can have
the greatest positive impact on society. Having updated our materiality assessment and in
light of our refreshed strategy, the Committee recommended our 2030 goals be reorganised
under two pillars, ‘Planet’ and ‘People’ and focus on ten public targets.
As part of our ongoing review and monitoring of climate impacts, we approved a raised climate
ambition to put us firmly on SBTi’s .5˚C pathway to net zero for 2029/30. This commits us
toreducing Scope 1+2 and Scope 3 emissions by 42% by 2030, compared to 2019/20 levels.
Creating and embedding a sustainable culture across all areas of JM is hugely important.
Diversity, inclusion and belonging is key to executing our strategy, leading to more innovation,
high-performing teams and helping us attract and retain talent. During the year we reviewed
progress and provided feedback on the roadmap to achieve our diversity and inclusion goals.
We approved a standalone human rights policy, which defines our commitments to, and our
expectations from, our colleagues and value chain partners.
At JM we uphold the highest ethical standards in everything we do, underpinned by our value,
acting with integrity. The Committee is regularly updated on the plans and actions to embed
anethical culture. We discuss ethical dilemmas that arise and are briefed on notable ethics
andcompliance trends. The ethical dilemmas review actual JM fact patterns and provide recent
examples of how we live by our values. We confront geopolitical and ethical issues involving
sanctions and export controls on the world stage. This includes specific commercial opportunities
where we have chosen to walk away, because they did not comply with our business ethics.
The world is changing rapidly and as a committee, we need to consider different external
perspectives, trends and the industry landscape. Through presentations and discussions with
both internal and external experts, the Committee is kept informed of new developments and
best practice in relevant areas under the societal value remit. During the year, we deepened
relationships with external associations and think tanks, committed to advancing sustainable
business priorities through presentations and discussions on global human rights, the EU plan
for hydrogen and the impact of the US Inflation Reduction Act.
The Committee has been impressed with progress made this year on embedding the sustainability
strategy, driving the diversity and inclusion agenda, and ensuring high standards of ethical conduct.
Our internal committee effectiveness review showed that the Committee continues
tooperate effectively and has become more embedded into our governance framework.
Jane Griffiths
Societal Value Committee Chair
Societal Value Committee report
“Our sustainability
targets and goals are
focused on the areas
where we can make a
real difference.”
The Committee comprises all members of the Board.
Members’ attendance at committee meetings during the year is on page 75
Regular attendees at committee meetings
Chief Sustainability Officer
Chief HR Officer
General Counsel and Company Secretary
Group Sustainability Director
Group Head of Ethics and Compliance
Corporate Affairs Director
The Committee’s Terms of Reference set out its full responsibilities
Sustainability disclosures
The Committee reviewed and recommended to the Board the approval of the disclosures
in the Sustainability report on pages 20 to 44, including our TCFD disclosures on
pages45to 52.
Sustainability Performance Data Book: matthey.com/sustainability-databook
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
The Committee’s role
Societal value covers a range of economic, social and environmental topics. Given the central role of sustainability to our overall strategy, the Committee was established to bring continued focus
to this area. The Committee assists the Board in overseeing the group sustainability strategy, including net zero commitments and science-based greenhouse gas targets; driving a truly inclusive
organisation; overseeing the group’s ethical conduct; and keeping up to date with societal value topics, including stakeholder expectations.
More information on the governance of sustainability matters beyond the Committee can be found within our TCFD disclosures
How we delivered on our responsibilities
Sustainability Climate change Diversity and inclusion Ethics and compliance
What we did
Oversaw plans and actions to execute the group
sustainability strategy including 10 roadmaps
to deliver on our 2030 target
Discussed the results of an update to our
third-party materiality assessment, validated
our sustainability framework and refocused
our2030 targets
Challenged sustainability performance data
Reviewed the approach to communication
Reviewed the proposed approach on advocacy,
including links with external organisations
(e.g. trade associations)
Received regular horizon scanning updates,
competitor analysis and ESG benchmarking
Challenged and validated increasing our
ambition for GHG emission reductions onto
SBTi’s 1.5˚C pathway to net zero
Reviewed our strategy’s product portfolio
alignment with our company purpose of
catalysing the net zero transition and estimated
GHG emissions avoided by our product sales
Agreed the application of internal carbon
pricing for capital decisions
Received updates on hydrogen geopolitics
andlegislative developments
Reviewed our diversity and inclusion gender
target for 2030 and actions to support
Discussed the approach to employee
engagement and areas for immediate focus
Reviewed actions to continue promoting
ourethical culture
Received updates on Speak Up themes
Discussed real examples of ethical dilemmas
and how they were managed including actions
on responsible sourcing
Received an external presentation on global
human rights and legislative developments
Agreed the realignment of our sustainability
goals to our strategy and recommended to the
Board that our public targets for 2023 be
refocused to 10 targets
Agreed our new communications and advocacy
approaches on sustainability
Agreed and recommended to the
Remuneration Committee sustainability targets
for 2023 and the next three years for
incorporation into our Performance Share Plan.
Reviewed and recommended that the Board
approve the sustainability section of the
Confirmed support for our updated 2030
climate ambition in line with SBTi Net Zero
Reviewed and recommended that the Board
approve the TCFD report
Recommended GHG emissions targets be
included within the Executive Directors’
Long-Term Incentive Share plan
Challenged management on our diversity and
inclusion target and provided feedback on ways
to improve diversity, inclusion and belonging
Reviewed and recommended that the Board
approve the Modern Slavery Statement
andConflict Minerals Disclosure
Approved a standalone Human Rights Policy
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Societal Value Committee report continued
Nomination Committee report
As we deliver our strategy and simplify our structure, the Committee has focused on the
composition of the Board and the collective skills needed to oversee this transformation.
Westrengthened the Board’s composition with the appointment of Barbara Jeremiah
as an independent Non-Executive Director.
Having been a member of the Board for eight years, and chaired the Remuneration
Committee for the last six, Chris Mottershead will retire from the Board in January 2024.
TheCommittee has recommended, and the Board has approved the appointment of John
O’Higgins as the new Chair of the Remuneration Committee, with effect from our 2023 AGM.
At the beginning of the year, the Committee oversaw several new appointments to the GLT,
and changes to responsibilities of existing members, which were reported on in the 2022
Annual Report and Accounts.
Following this period of executive change, the Committee‘s activities in 2022/23 turned
toexecutive succession. We need to ensure we have the right leaders, both now and in the
future, to drive performance for the group’s long-term success. As part of these discussions,
the Committee also recommended the promotion and appointment of Simon Price as
General Counsel and Company Secretary, with effect from 7
June 2023, succeeding Nick
Cooper. Nick will remain a member of the GLT and take on a new role as Global Business
Services Director.
In all the Committee’s decisions, we place great importance on diversity, inclusion and
belonging. Our board and committee effectiveness review confirmed that our discussions
areopen and honest, with an atmosphere of trust. As a board, we must continue to make
sure everyone is welcomed and able to be themselves across all areas of JM.
Patrick Thomas
Nomination Committee Chair
“We are committed to
ensuring we have the
right leaders to execute
our strategy.”
The Committee comprises the Chair and all independent non-executive directors.
Members’ attendance at committee meetings during the year is on page 75
Regular attendees at committee meetings
Chief Executive Officer
Chief HR Officer
The Committee’s Terms of Reference set out its full responsibilities
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
How we delivered on our responsibilities
Board composition Tenure of directors Election of directors Succession planning
and senior leadership
Talent management
Diversity and inclusion Performance and
effectiveness review
What we did
Discussed and
proposed appointments
to the Board and
Discussed and reviewed
the tenure of directors
Evaluated the
performance of
individual board
members, their
contributions to the
Board, tenure and time
Reviewed the
succession plans for the
most senior roles and
ensured plans were in
place to meet future
succession needs
Reviewed and discussed
the approach to talent
and leadership
development plans for
the GLT and senior
Reviewed the directors’
skills, experience and
diversity through
self-assessment, to
identify areas for
Reviewed our Board
Diversity Policy
Considered the
outcomes of the
internal effectiveness
review with regard
toboard composition,
talent management
and succession
Approved the
appointment of
Barbara Jeremiah as
Non-Executive Director
from 1
July 2023 and
Senior Independent
Director from 20
Approved the
appointment of John
O’Higgins as Chair of
our Remuneration
Committee from
July 2023
Approved the
appointment of Simon
Price as General
Counsel and Company
Secretary from 7
Recommended the
re-appointment of
Doug Webb and Jane
Griffiths for a further
three-year term,
subject to annual
re-election by
Recommended that
the Chair and all
directors are elected
or re-elected at the
2023 AGM
Oversaw the
appointments of Anne
Chassagnette, Anish
Taneja, Mark Wilson
and Simon Price as
members of the GLT
Non-executive directors
challenged and provided
feedback on the key
activities to strengthen
the talent pipeline
Identified areas for
development to ensure
the directors can drive
our strategic priorities
Agreed an updated
Board Diversity Policy
reflecting our
commitments to
maintain a level of 33%
of females appointed to
the Board and at least
one director from an
ethnic minority group
Agreed that the board
skills matrix remained
appropriate in light of
our refreshed strategy
Agreed to review the
approach to executive
succession planning
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Nomination Committee report continued
Succession planning
The Committee ensures we are led by a diverse, high-quality board, with the appropriate
skills, knowledge and experience to support the group’s strategic priorities. This includes
overseeing succession plans for all board roles. In accordance with the Code, the Committee
monitors the tenure of JM’s non-executive directors against the recommended nine-year term
to ensure an orderly succession. The tenures of our non-executive directors, Senior
Independent Director and the Chair are on page 75.
By January 2024, Chris Mottershead will have achieved a nine-year tenure on the Board.
In anticipation of his retirement, the Committee discussed the roles and responsibilities
of the board members.
Having reviewed the skills and expertise of the current board members, we recommended
that a further non-executive director be appointed to the Board as Senior Independent
Director. The Committee sought an individual with strong leadership experience, experience
of delivering transformation programmes and an understanding of the US commercial
market. Egon Zehnder, a third-party search and recruitment specialist, assisted with the
search. Following evaluation of the final short list of candidates, the Committee
recommended Barbara Jeremiah’s appointment. It was felt that Barbara’s understanding of
metals, along with her investor experience, would enhance the Board’s deliberations.
The Committee also oversees succession planning for senior leadership roles and talent
development to build capability for the future. Our senior leaders are a source of future GLT
and board talent, with some of our most recent GLT appointments progressing through this
route. The Committee reviews, at least annually, the existing formal succession plan against
the internal talent pipeline of candidates, for immediate and medium to longer-term
movement into key leadership roles. This is routinely challenged to understand the breadth
ofpotential and to balance internal succession planning with the need for external perspectives.
During the year, Egon Zehnder provided senior-level recruitment services, including
assessment and people development services. It has no other connection with the Company
or any other directors.
Board skills
We regularly assess the Board’s collective skillset by asking each non-executive director to
identify their strengths, scoring their level of expertise on a scale of one to five. The table on
page 75 shows the skills held by our non-executive directors that are most relevant to their
role at Johnson Matthey. This assessment helps us identify any gaps that can be addressed
through future appointments or additional training.
Board inductions
All new directors receive a tailored induction programme upon joining the Board.
The diagram below shows some of the key activities that are undertaken by all new
Visits to our key
sites to meet
Meeting key
Meeting the
auditor, brokers
and company
Training on
health and
safety and
Introductions to
the businesses
and leadership
board and
Briefings on
directors’ duties
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Nomination Committee report continued
Diversity and inclusion
The Committee continues to drive the diversity agenda across JM. A diverse and inclusive
organisation is fundamental to our vision, and our Board Diversity Policy ensures that the
tone is set from the top.
At the beginning of the year, the Committee reviewed our Board Diversity Policy and
refreshed its objectives to maintain:
33% female representation on the Board
One director from an ethnic minority group.
Throughout the year and as of 31
March 2023, these targets were successfully met.
Detailsof gender and ethnic representation as prescribed by Listing Rule 9.8.6 are set out
inthe tables on this page. The Board and GLT members confirmed their gender and ethnicity
for the purpose of collecting this data.
Board Diversity Policy: matthey.com/board-diversity
As at 31
March 2023, the Board does not fully comply with the new board diversity targets
set by the FCA for at least 40% of individuals on the board to be women, and for one of the
senior board positions (Chair, Chief Executive Officer, Senior Independent Director or Chief
Financial Officer) to be held by a woman. Following the appointment of Barbara as Non-
Executive Director on 1
July 2023 and her appointment as Senior Independent Director from
July 2023, female representation on the Board will meet the FCA targets and exceed
those set out in our current Board Diversity Policy.
We are pleased that the Board’s composition meets the FCA’s ethnicity target to have one
member of the board from a minority ethnic group. The Committee intends to review the
Board Diversity Policy in 2023/24 and will set new targets.
All of our non-executive directors are members of each committee, which provides the most
diverse perspective and assists our decision making in these forums.
The Board also supports the terms of the Enhanced Voluntary Code of Conduct for executive
search firms. All our appointed executive search firms are required to secure a diverse longlist
of candidates, including Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic talent.
Beyond the Board, we aspire to have gender balance across all levels of the group. One of our
key milestones is to achieve greater than 40% of female representation across professional
management by 2030. While gender diversity has improved, we want to accelerate the pace
of change. Further details on how we are improving gender diversity across the group, the
gender balance of senior management and our Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Policy are
set out on pages 36 to 37.
Gender representation as at 31
March 2023
Number of
board members
% of the Board Number of
senior board
positions (CEO,
CFO, SID, Chair)
Number in
% of executive
Men 6 67 4 9 75
Women 3 33 0 3 25
Other categories 0 0 0 0 0
Not specified / prefer
not to disclose
0 0 0 0 0
Ethnic representation as at 31
March 2023
Number of
board members
% of the Board Number of
senior board
positions (CEO,
CFO, SID, Chair)
Number in
% of executive
White British or other White
(including minority-white
8 89 4 10 84
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic
0 0 0 1 8
Asian/Asian British 1 11 0 1 8
Black/African/ Caribbean/
Black British
0 0 0 0 0
Other ethnic group,
including Arab
0 0 0 0 0
Not specified/ prefer not to say 0 0 0 0 0
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Nomination Committee report continued
The Audit Committee forms a critical part of the overall framework of corporate governance
for JM. We are responsible for overseeing the financial reporting, internal financial controls,
internal control and risk management systems, and maintaining an appropriate relationship
with the external auditors.
The Committee supports the Board by obtaining assurances that controls are working
asdesigned and by challenging those assurances. We receive and consider reports from
management on the effectiveness of the systems that have been established, to ensure that
both JM’s management and PwC, our external auditor, are appropriately challenged and held
to account. Management and PwC have again worked hard during 2022/23 to maintain
theongoing integrity of our financial reporting, and I have continued to hold regular dialogue
with management, the Group Assurance and Risk Director, and PwC.
The last three years have seen Covid-19, the Russia/Ukraine conflict and other issues cause
political and economic turmoil. This has put significant pressure on the risk environment and
companies’ financial reporting processes. Accordingly, we have continued to focus on
financial reporting and related internal control risks as well as ensuring the company
maintains a strong performance on ethics, compliance and audit quality.
The focus of assurance activities during the year has been post Covid-19 controls’ culture
across the group’s locations and key strategic and emerging risks. In this context,
acomprehensive improvement programme across JM’s financial and operational controls,
including raising awareness and simplifying requirements, has been established and is
sponsored by the Group’s Chief Financial Officer. Within Group Assurance and Risk (GAR)
anew form of site extended audit covers several core processes based on an assessment of
risk, to provide assurance on the control environment and framework at site level. These
typically cover design and effectiveness of operating controls, including Internal Controls
forFinancial Reporting (ICFR), metal controls, procurement, ethics and compliance, business
continuity planning, security, and technology controls. It has been important to validate these
controls following the return to site post Covid-19 pandemic and to respond to new risks
occurring at unprecedented speeds and various pressures on our entities. These audits also
provide insight on the culture found at the site.
Flexibility of our assurance plans has proven helpful during the year, especially in the context
of emerging risks in the fast-moving external environment. The GAR team has been providing
live assurance as part of various business-led task forces, such as JM’s energy resilience in response
to the conflict in the Ukraine. Specific focus has been dedicated to our sustainability agenda,
an area of increasing importance from an assurance perspective. Our internal audit activity has
been focused on driving improvements in quality of the data and management reviews.
Audit Committee report
“ The Committee’s work
provides a focus to ensure
robust controls support
the execution of our
group strategy”
The Audit Committee comprises all independent non-executive directors. Doug Webb,
our Committee Chair, is a chartered accountant who brings a wealth of recent and
relevant financial experience, including acting as Chief Financial Officer at the London
Stock Exchange Group, QinetiQ and Meggitt.
Members’ attendance at committee meetings during the year is on page 75.
Other regular attendees at committee meetings
Chair of the Board
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
General Counsel and Company Secretary
Group Assurance and Risk Director
Director of Group Finance
PwC Audit Partner
The Committee’s Terms of Reference set out its full responsibilities.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
During the year, we looked at the anticipated impact and readiness of our internal controls
financial reporting framework and fraud risk management programme. We examined these
factors in relation to the recommendations of the Department for Business, Energy and
Industrial Strategy (BEIS) white paper on restoring trust in audit and corporate governance.
The position paper issued by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in July 2022 proposed that
the revised UK Corporate Governance Code will apply on or after 1
January 2024. For us this
will apply to the financial year ending 31
March 2025. With ongoing work to strengthen our
internal control environment and address additional reporting requirements, we concluded
that existing procedures, our in-progress work on controls and other areas of change, would
meet evolving corporate governance requirements. We await additional clarification on some
requirements, and these are subject to ongoing monitoring by group and business
To address the anticipated changes, the outcome of our review on the key changes and
impact for JM is as follows:
Statement on internal controls – substantial work has been carried out over recent years
toimprove JM’s overall control environment and provide sufficient evidence that controls
are operating effectively, using JMProtect, our integrated governance, risk and compliance
Resilience Statement – updated requirements are expected to be substantially covered
bywork already performed to support the existing disclosures in the Viability Statement
onpage 70
Dividends and capital maintenance – existing disclosures will be reviewed once guidance
isavailable from the FRC
Audit and Assurance Policy (AAP) – the Committee approved an internal policy drafted by
the GAR team, with cross-functional support. Committee reviews began at the end of 2022
and take account of guidance from the FRC
Fraud Statement – an assessment of fraud risks, current detection, and prevention
mechanisms, reporting and documentation of associated controls was completed in 2022.
Fraud training for JM’s extended finance community began in 2022. A regular governance
mechanism was established via monthly Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
committee meetings. A fraud risk policy will be incorporated into the AAP, and fully
integrated into JMProtect.
The Committee also reviewed the key changes and impact for JM of the new requirements
forauditors and the regulator. We will assess this area in more detail once the FRC issues
more guidance.
In 2022, the group refreshed its sustainability goals and 2030 targets. ESG data in annual
reports is coming under increasing scrutiny as the investor community relies on it to evaluate
the value proposition of listed companies. We are conscious of the need for transparency,
accuracy and the avoidance of overstating our performance in these measures. We reviewed
the group’s processes for ESG data management and independent assurance for the Task
Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The Committee also reviewed a final
report of JM’s 2022 sustainability audit, carried out by our internal audit team. The purpose
was to understand and review the processes for generating data for the products and services
sustainability targets and metrics, and to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of any second
line review controls. During the year, the Committee reviewed our Climate-related Assurance
Plan for 2023. A workshop was held with management, internal audit and myself to define
our longer term assurance expectation over its sustainability data, the output of which was
reported to the Committee. This resulted in a sustainability assurance framework, and also
clarified the roles and responsibilities of each of the Audit Committee and the Societal Value
Committee (SVC). The SVC oversees the delivery of our sustainability strategy and determines
the related KPI’s to be reported, and the Audit Committee is responsible for the quality of the
data in the sustainability reporting.
The FRC’s Audit Quality Review (AQR) report, following inspection of PwC’s 2022 audit of JM,
was completed in early January 2023 and the Committee reviewed the detailed findings.
Following receipt of the report, we discussed the findings with PwC, none of which were
considered significant. Recommendations have been built into ongoing processes and the
Committee was satisfied with the external auditor’s commitment to audit quality, the robust
and professional working relationship with management, and demonstration of strong
technical knowledge. The Committee considered whether the report gave us any concern
about the quality of the 2022 audit and associated report, and we concluded that it did not.
I am pleased that our internal committee effectiveness review this year confirmed that
theCommittee continues to operate well and remains informed of relevant changes
anddevelopments in the external audit market. We have identified areas for further
improvement, including focusing on reviewing our fitness for purpose and approach;
theeffectiveness and impact of the overall risk management framework and activity;
andfocusing on the future development and effectiveness of the internal audit function.
Doug Webb
Audit Committee Chair
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Audit Committee Report continued
How we delivered on our responsibilities
Our responsibility What we did Outcomes
Published financial information
Monitoring the integrity
of the reported financial
information and
reviewing significant
financial considerations
and judgements.
Reviewed, discussed and challenged management’s reports on the group’s full-year results and half-year
results, and considered the significant accounting policies, principal estimates and accounting
judgements used in their preparation.
Reviewed the matters, assumptions and sensitivities in support of preparing the accounts on a going
concern basis and assessed the long-term viability of the group.
Considered the impact of scenario testing on financial disclosures in relation to TCFD.
Reviewed the financial reporting framework of the Company’s financial statements.
Assessed the process management used to support the Board when giving its assurance that the 2023
Annual Report and Accounts, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable (FBU).
Reviewed reports from the General Counsel and Company Secretary on group litigation and disputes.
Reviewed reports on credit controls and credit risks.
Approved the Audit Committee report within the 2023 Annual Report and Accounts.
Reviewed elements of the 2023 Annual Report and Accounts.
Reviewed and discussed the results of the Committee’s assessment of its effectiveness.
Recommended the approval of the half-year and full-year results to the
Board, following a thorough review, and challenging management
Recommended to the Board the going concern and viability statements
following an in-depth review and assessment of scenarios with
Determined that the FBU process undertaken by management for the
Annual Report and Accounts was effective.
Reviewed credit controls and risks in the context of continuous challenging
market conditions.
Discussed the outcome of an internal evaluation and concluded that the
Committee continued to be effective.
Recommended to the Board the approval of elements of the 2023 Annual
Report and Accounts.
Risk management and internal control
Reviewing the group’s
internal financial controls
and its risk management
systems and monitoring
the effectiveness of the
group assurance function.
Received reports from the Group Assurance and Risk Director on group assurance, risk reviews and risk
management processes.
Monitored progress against the 2022/23 group assurance and risk plan.
Agreed the 2023/24 group assurance and risk plan.
Considered changes to internal control weaknesses brought to the Committee’s attention by PwC.
Reviewed an assessment of the results and further improvements in the overall internal control
environment of the internal control self-assessments.
Challenged management to enhance the assurance processes supporting sustainability sections in the
Annual Report.
Monitored the effectiveness of the GAR function.
Reviewed precious metal governance.
Carried out a deep-dive into liquidity risk-based methodology.
Received presentations from the security team, and reports on finance and controls from the business
finance directors.
Reviewed fraud risk and fraud investigations including those raised via the Speak Up process.
Met the Group Assurance and Risk Director without management present.
Reviewed a summarised appraisal of the group’s year-end control environment to assess any control
issues identified.
Assessed the anticipated impact of, and JM readiness for, recommendations resulting from the BEIS
‘Restoring trust in audit and governance’ white paper.
Reviewed our internal AAP.
Reviewed the Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Determined that risk management and internal controls effectively meet
the group’s needs and manage risk exposure.
Challenged management to resolve any issues relating to internal controls
and risk management systems.
Approved the change to the metal liquidity risk methodology in the group’s
Precious Metals policy.
Continue to monitor emerging regulatory developments and assess
applicability of any new guidance to JM.
Agreed with management’s determination that there were no significant
control weaknesses or lack of adherence to policies and procedures
The Committee made no changes to its terms of reference during the year.
Approved JM’s internal AAP.
Approved the Sustainability Assurance Framework.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Audit Committee Report continued
Our responsibility What we did Outcomes
Our external auditor
Overseeing the relationship with
the external auditor, monitoring
the external auditors’ independence
and objectivity, approving its fees,
recommending its re-appointment
or not, and ensuring it delivers a
high-quality effective audit, based
on a sound plan.
Considered reports from PwC including their views on our accounting judgements and
control observations.
Monitored the transition to the new lead audit partner to ensure it was effective.
Met PwC without management present.
Considered and reviewed indicators of audit quality.
Assessed PwC’s independence and objectivity.
Reviewed the non-audit fees incurred during the year and the non-audit fee policy.
Reviewed the inspection of PwC’s audit of our financial statements for the year ended 31
March 2022 and discussed with PwC the actions to be taken in response to the findings.
Oversight of recommendations from PwC’s FRC AQR being built into ongoing processes.
Approved, after due challenge and discussion, PwC’s audit plan and fees
Determined a good-quality, comprehensive audit was completed, following
a review of PwC’s regular reports to the Committee, the outcome of PwC’s
FRC AQR, and feedback from the Independent Quality Review Partner.
Recommended the re-appointment of PwC as auditor.
Approved the non-audit fee policy.
Financial reporting
Significant issues considered by the committee in relation to the group’s and company’s accounts
It is a fundamental part of the committee’s role that we act independently from management to ensure that the interests of shareholders are properly protected in relation to financial reporting.
When the accounts are being prepared, there are areas where management exercises a particular judgement or degree of estimation. The committee assesses whether the judgements and
estimates made by management are reasonable and appropriate. In the process of applying the group’s accounting policies, management also makes judgements and estimates that have a
significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial statements. The group’s key accounting judgements discussed and challenged by the Audit Committee are set out below.
Significant current year considerations in relation to the accounts Work undertaken / outcome
Major impairment and restructuring activities
Key judgements in relation to impairment testing relate
primarily to estimates in assessing recoverable value.
Key judgements in relation to restructuring provisions
related to estimates of future cost.
We received a report from management which explains the basis of recognition and estimate for impairments and
restructuring costs. The report also detailed how transformation-related costs were reconciled back to previously announced
transformation programmes.
We challenged the rationale behind the presentation of the costs as non-underlying, with particular focus on areas that
required judgement around recognition.
We concluded that management has appropriately accounted for and disclosed the impacts from major impairment and
restructuring activities (see note 6 in the annual report).
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Audit Committee Report continued
Significant current year considerations in relation to the accounts Work undertaken/outcome
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings
Significant progress was made during the year with the
settlement of legal proceedings requiring accounting
We received a report from management which summarised the outcomes and accounting implications for legal proceedings,
one of which was settled in the year at a loss of £25 million. The report also detailed the nature of other key legal provisions.
We agreed with management’s rationale behind the presentation of the loss as non-underlying.
Profit on disposal of businesses and businesses classified
as“heldfor sale”.
Key judgements in relation to assessing the fair value
lesscosts to sell of businesses classified as “held for sale”.
We reviewed and discussed the accounting for the following disposals:
On 1
June 2022, the group completed the sale of its Health business for a consideration of £325 million.
On 26
May 2022, the group completed the sale of part of its Battery Materials UK business for a consideration of £20 million.
On 1
November 2022, the group completed the sale of its Battery Materials Canada business for a cash consideration of
£12 million.
On 31
January 2023, the group completed the sale of its Piezo Products business for a consideration of £18 million.
We concluded that management’s key assumptions and disclosures on the profit on disposal of businesses above were
reasonable and appropriate.
We also considered the assessment in arriving at the fair value of the Diagnostics Services (Tracerco), Battery Materials
Germany and Poland businesses and noted that classifications as “held for sale” were appropriate.
Impairment of goodwill, other intangibles and other assets
Key judgements are made in determining the appropriate
level of cash generating unit (CGU) for the group’s
impairment analysis. Key estimates are made in relation
tothe assumptions used in calculating discounted cash
flow projections to value the CGUs containing goodwill,
tovalue other intangible assets not yet being amortised,
and to value other assets when there are indications that
they may be impaired. The key assumptions are
management’s estimates of budgets and plans for how the
relevant businesses will develop or how the relevant assets
will be used in the future, as well as discount rates and
long-term average growth rates for each CGU.
We reviewed a report from management explaining the methodology used, assumptions made and significant changes from
those used in prior years. In light of the current volatile macroeconomic environment, including high inflation, interest rates
and increased energy costs, management considered impact within underlying forecasts and discount rates.
We challenged management on the rationale behind the key assumptions and sensitivities such as discount rates and growth
rates in the goodwill value in use calculations, especially within Clean Air and Catalyst Technologies to ensure we were satisfied
on their reasonableness.
The impairment reviews were an area of focus for PwC who reported their findings to us.
We concluded that management’s key assumptions and disclosures are reasonable and appropriate.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Audit Committee Report continued
Significant current year considerations in relation to the accounts Work undertaken/outcome
Refining process and stock takes
When agreeing commercial terms with customers and
establishing process loss provisions, key estimates are
made of the amount of precious metal that may be lost
during the refining and fabrication processes. Refining
stocktakes involve key estimates regarding the volumes
ofprecious metal-bearing material in the refining system
and the subsequent sampling and assaying to assess the
precious metal content.
We received a report from management which summarises the results of the material refinery stock takes. The report
wasreviewed to ensure that the results were in line with expectations and historic trends.
The refining process and stock takes were an area of focus for PwC who reported their findings to us.
We concluded that management’s accounting for refining stock take gains and losses was in accordance with the agreed
Post-employment benefits
Key estimates are made in relation to the assumptions
used to value post-employment benefit obligations,
including the discount rate and inflation.
The key assumptions are based on recommendations from
independent qualified actuaries.
We received a report from management which summarises the key assumptions used to value the liabilities of the main
post-employment benefit plans. The assumptions were compared with those made by other companies and PwC’s assessment
of the reasonableness of the assumptions was considered.
We concluded that the assumptions used, and accounting treatment, are appropriate for the group’s post-employment benefit
Tax provisions
Key estimates are made in determining the tax charge
inthe accounts where the precise impact of tax laws and
regulations is unclear.
We received a report from management which explains the issues in dispute, or at risk of this, with tax authorities across the
business, the calculation of tax provisions and relevant disclosures. We also considered the sensitivities around the provisions
and debated the circumstances in arriving at the key provisions.
Tax provisioning was an area of focus for PwC who reported their findings to us.
We concluded that management’s key assumptions and disclosures are reasonable and appropriate.
Climate change
Key estimates are made in relation to climate change and
the impact on the going concern period and viability of the
period over the next three years. Additionally, the potential
impact of climate on the financial statements including
forecasts of cash flows used in impairment assessments,
recoverability of deferred tax assets and expected lives
offixed assets and their exposure to the physical risk posed
by climate change.
We received a report from management which summarises the potential impacts of climate change to the business. This was
based on a Zurich insurers report commissioned in 2021/22. Management has considered the impact of climate change in
their goodwill impairment calculations and going concern/viability forecasts.
We concluded that management’s key assumptions and disclosures are reasonable and appropriate.
We also received a report outlining how TCFD considerations are factored into the financial statements.
Provisions and contingent liabilities (judgement)
Key estimates are made in determining provisions in the
accounts for disputes and claims which arise from time to
time in the ordinary course of business. Key judgements
are made in determining appropriate disclosures in respect
of contingent liabilities.
We received a report from management which provides information in respect of disputes and claims and identifies the
accounting and disclosure implications which were challenged and discussed. The report included an assessment of a claimfrom
the purchaser of the Health business. This was supported by the group’s advisors whom we also discussed the matterwith.
We concurred with management’s conclusions regarding provisioning and contingent liability disclosures.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Audit Committee Report continued
Going concern and viability statement
We reviewed the matters, assumptions and sensitivities being used to assess both the going
concern basis and the long-term viability of the group. This included assessing risks that
would threaten our business model, current funding position as well as different stress
scenarios and mitigating actions. Further details on our going concern and viability, and the
scenarios considered, are on page 70.
Following our review and recommendation, the Board concluded that Johnson Matthey
isable to continue operating and can meet liabilities over at least three years, which remains
the most appropriate timespan.
Fair, balanced and understandable (FBU)
We review and assess management’s process to support the Board, so it can give its assurance
that the 2023 Annual Report and Accounts, taken as a whole, is FBU and provides the
information necessary for shareholders to assess JM’s position and performance, business
model and strategy.
Management selected three individuals from across the group to form an FBU panel and carry
out a detailed review of the Annual Report. To maintain objectivity, the FBU panel members
were not involved in drafting the 2023 Annual Report and Accounts, but all were familiar
with our strategy and business model. The panel members were also briefed on the role and
provided with detailed notes on what to consider during their review. The FBU panel, PwC
and Annual Report project team determined whether key messages aligned with the group’s
position, performance and strategy, and whether the narrative sections and financial
statements were consistent.
The FBU panel presented a report to the Board, highlighting the key themes from the review
and discussion points. The Disclosure Committee reviewed the verification process dealing
with the report’s factual content to further support the Board’s review.
Risk management and internal control
The Committee reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of control and risk management
systems. These controls are a critical component of our governance and assurance
framework, and they detail the minimum controls we need to keep our people safe, ensure
compliance with our standards and regulations, protect our physical and intellectual assets,
and facilitate the accuracy and completeness of financial reporting. During the year, the
Committee assessed the effectiveness of these controls, considered the key identified control
gaps, and assessed how management planned to address the findings.
The Group Assurance and Risk Director independently assures that our risk management
andinternal control processes operate effectively. Working closely with leadership and
management, she provides regular oversight of risk matters that affect our business, makes
recommendations to address key issues, and ensures that any mitigating actions are properly
tracked, challenged and reported. During the year, our co-sourcing partnership with Deloitte
ensured we had access to additional specialist skills and expertise.
The group’s internal controls over financial reporting include policies and procedures
designed to ensure the accuracy of our financial statements. JM’s control self-assessment and
business filing assurance processes provide management with a view of the operation of these
controls. The results are presented to the Committee as part of their assessment of the
year-end control environment.
The Committee is satisfied that the group’s internal financial controls operated effectively
throughout the year and up to the date of approval of this report. However, these controls
donot provide absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss and are assessed
based on materiality and level of activities within the business.
Operation of controls and assurance
There is an ongoing comprehensive improvement programme across JM’s financial and
operational controls including control self-assessment which replaced our key control
questionnaire. While this has led to positive development in our internal controls over
financial reporting, we will continue to make improvements in this area.
During the year, we spent time reviewing the control strategy, which focused on several
cultural and operational factors to ensure JM’s readiness for the enhanced reporting
ontheoperating effectiveness of controls expected to be required from 2024/25. To provide
management with independent assurance over the effectiveness of the control self-
assessment process, structured, internal controls testing will be introduced from 2024.
Group assurance and risk
The Group Assurance and Risk Director provides regular reports on internal audit reviews,
including key findings, actions needed and progress on their implementation. We focus
onlocal, business and executive managers’ engagement levels in implementing corrective
actions and in strengthening the control framework across all our sites. The focus of
assurance activities during the year has been on post Covid-19 controls’ culture across the
group’s locations and key strategic and emerging risks. Establishing site extended audits
re-evaluated and re-assessed how our businesses adjusted to the new realities and how the
control mindset has been applied across a selection of our sites. It was expected that in this
changed landscape, the audits would uncover some weaknesses; however they have also
allowed us to see how the businesses have managed the challenges caused by the
extraordinary measures implemented during that period. One issue highlighted was the need
for further training and awareness around certain controls, systems and simplification of
processes. The comprehensive improvement programme across our financial and operational
controls, sponsored by the CFO, has been established to raise awareness and simplify the
requirements. The GAR team has also undertaken various ‘lessons learnt’ activities, including
for major business decisions and capital investment projects. The recommendations have
been captured and are being implemented by the business and transformation office.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Audit Committee Report continued
We continually review the effectiveness of the GAR function, using inputs including audit
reports, management’s response to audit actions and discussions over risk exposures. We look
at whether the function has adequate standing across the group, is free from management
influence or other restrictions and is sufficiently resourced.
An independent external quality assessment (EQA) of the Internal Audit function within
GARwas undertaken by EY last year. As a result, the function has worked through the actions
agreed to ensure it has become better aligned with the changing shape of the group. This is
acontinuous activity for the function, underpinned by regular dialogue with management,
external auditors, and benchmarking within industry and beyond.
The integrated assurance mapping allows us to have a fuller understanding and visibility
ofrisk coverage in a consistent manner across the organisation. We aim to have a clearly
articulated link between levels of assurance and risk appetite across key organisational
andstrategic risks.
Group assurance and risk annual plan
We review the GAR annual plan to ensure that it reflects challenges and changes to our
business. We are confident that it provides the appropriate level of assurance over the group’s
key risks.
When we reviewed the 2023/24 plan, we specifically considered whether it provided the level
of assurance over JM’s principal and operational risks and continues to contribute to the
improvement in our overall controls culture and maturity of the second line of defence.
The GAR annual plan is based on a risk-based audit universe covering areas of risk across
financial and operational functions including IT and transformation activities at group and
business levels. We consider a wide range of risks that fall into those areas including level of
change and transformation in the group and organisational culture. Close collaboration with
the business ensures it adds value to management with pragmatic and manageable action
plans. The plan also allows greater flexibility to ensure that the GAR team has capacity to deal
with unexpected events.
We believe our 2023/24 assurance plans are adequate for JM’s size and nature. It is our
opinion they will continue to provide the group with necessary focus on maturing controls
culture across business and IT processes. The quality and standing of GAR function is
appropriate to provide necessary challenge and support to the transforming organisation.
Risk management
We work with the Board to review and refine the risk assurance processes – including the
integrated assurance framework and control self-assessment. We concentrate on reviewing
the mitigating controls and the levels of assurance, while the Board is directly responsible
formanaging risks and establishing levels of risk appetite for the group’s principal risks.
The GAR function carries out any additional assurance and reports back to the Committee.
Speak Up process
Every year, we review our Speak Up whistleblowing process to ensure procedures are
proportionate and independent. We reviewed the process and agreed that the procedures
allow proportionate and independent investigation and appropriate effective follow-up
action. We report the findings of this review to the Board as appropriate. The Societal Value
Committee reviews the outcomes of significant investigations and remedial actions.
More information on Speak Up can be found on page 42
External auditor
Auditor independence is an essential part of our audit framework and the assurance it provides.
We confirm ongoing compliance with the Competition and Markets Authority’s Statutory
Audit Services Order.
Our shareholders appointed PwC as the group’s external auditor in July 2018, following a formal
tender process. This is the fifth year that PwC has audited the group, with Graham Parsons
ascurrent lead audit partner. We have no immediate plans to retender the auditor; however
we anticipate that it would be carried out to coincide with when Graham Parsons is required
to rotate off after the 2027 audit, in accordance with the current regulation that requires
atender every ten years. The proposed tender date is in the best interests of shareholders
andthe Company as PwC has a detailed knowledge of our business, an understanding of our
industry, and continues to demonstrate that it has the necessary expertise and capability to
undertake the audit.
External audit plan
In developing the external audit plan for 2023, PwC carried out a risk assessment to identify
potential risks of material misstatement in the financial statements. This risk assessment
considered the nature, magnitude and likelihood of each identified risk, together with
relevant controls, to identify audit risks. Graham Parsons reviewed the plan with a fresh
perspective on the risk assessment. PwC refer to key audit matters in the independent
auditors’ report on pages 133 to 143, which formed the basis of the external audit plan.
In determining the scope of coverage, PwC considered management reporting, the group’s
legal entity structure, the 2022 financial results and the financial forecast for 2023. PwC set
out details of the coverage and the agreed scope in the independent auditors’ report on page
133. The methodology of assessing materiality was consistent with the prior year and agreed
at approximately 5% of the three-year average profit before tax adjusted for loss on business
disposals, loss on significant legal proceedings, major impairment and restructuring charges.
Following discussion and challenge, we concluded the proposed external audit plan was
sufficiently comprehensive for the audit of the group’s accounts and approved the proposed fee.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Audit Committee Report continued
How we review PwC’s performance
Throughout the year, we review the ongoing effectiveness and quality of PwC and the audit
process. We look at several factors: the auditors’ reports to the Committee; Graham Parsons
and the PwC team’s performance in and outside committee meetings; how the PwC team
interacts with and challenges management; and on PwC’s efforts at building relationships
with our Internal Audit team. We ensure that we spend sufficient time with the auditors
without management present as part of our assessment.
We considered how PwC challenged management’s judgements and assumptions on matters
highlighted on pages 98 and 99, and asked PwC to confirm if those matters had been
addressed correctly by management. Following detailed analysis of the assurance completed,
PwC agreed with management’s judgements and assumptions.
We seek direct feedback from the independent Quality Review Partner to review its assessment
of PwC’s key planning judgements and the execution of PwC’s response to significant risks and
reporting. We also ask PwC to share with us the results of their internal quality inspections of the
audit as well as those conducted by the FRC. In addition, we feel it is important to understand
management’s opinion of audit quality and effectiveness: the executive directors and senior
management complete a questionnaire on the external auditor each year.
Provision of non-audit services
Our Non-Audit Services Policy ensures the provision of non-audit services is no threat to PwC’s
independence and objectivity as an auditor. In accordance with the FRC’s Revised Ethical
Standard 2019, the auditor can only provide additional services directly linked to the audit.
Our policy sets out how approval should be obtained before PwC is engaged to provide a
permitted non-audit service. Services likely to cost £25,000 or less must be approved by the
Chief Financial Officer; services likely to cost more than £25,000 but less than £100,000 must
be approved by the Committee Chair. Services likely to cost over £100,000 must be approved
by the Committee.
We reviewed compliance with the Non-Audit Services Policy, the provision of non-audit
services, details of the non-audit services provided by PwC and associated fees. Audit-related
assurance services reported as non-audit services related to the review of half-year financial
information and reporting, amounting to £325,000, other non-audit services in the year
were £28,200, in total representing 8% of the audit fee, compared with audit fees of
£4.64 million. More information on fees incurred by PwC for non-audit services, as well as
thesplit between PwC’s audit and non-audit fees, are in note 4 to the accounts, on page 169.
Objectivity and independence
We are responsible for monitoring and reviewing the objectivity and independence of PwC.
We considered the information provided by PwC, confirming that no PwC employees involved
with the audit have links or connections to JM, and that they complied with the FRC’s Revised
Ethical Standard. We conclude that PwC is independent.
Proposed re-appointment of PwC
Following our assessment, we believe that PwC provides a robust audit and valuable technical
knowledge and is free from third-party influence and restrictive contractual clauses.
Asaresult, we have included a resolution proposing PwC’s re-appointment as auditor and
authorised the Committee to determine PwC’s remuneration in our Notice of AGM.
How we gather feedback on the effectiveness of our
external auditor and external audit process
Information provided by the auditor
Details on the audit plan delivery and any changes to the scope of work
Assurance on the operation of PwC’s audit quality control procedures and insight into
theiroutcomes as they relate to the audit and key members of audit team
Management feedback
Survey of audit quality and effectiveness by executive directors and senior management
including recommendations for improvement
Seek assurance on the disclosure process for the provision of information to the auditor
Committee assessment
Quality of regular audit reports
Feedback from committee members and regular attendees, including the Director
ofGroup Finance and the Group Assurance and Risk Director
Third-party reviews
External reviews of PwC by the FRC’s AQR team and the Quality Assurance Department
ofThe Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Audit Committee Report continued
I am pleased to present our Annual Report on remuneration for the year ended 31
2023. This report is divided into three sections, i) my annual statement, ii) the Directors’
Remuneration Policy being put to shareholders at the 2023 Annual General Meeting,
andiii)our Annual Report on remuneration for the year ended 31
March 2023.
Our approach to remuneration
Our overall purpose at Johnson Matthey is catalysing the net zero transition. We currently
have an important role to play in this process through the application of our sustainable
technologies, products and services. We will have an increasingly important role to play
aswefurther commercialise long-term sustainable technologies, including our portfolio
ofhydrogen technologies, that will enable decarbonisation and enhance circularity.
This year has been a year of progress in delivering on our strategy following the appointment
of our current Chief Executive Officer, Liam Condon, in March 2022. We have simplified
ourportfolio of businesses and have also implemented a revised business reporting structure
withCatalyst Technologies and PGMS now identified separately and, in addition, we have
strengthened our senior leadership team. These changes, in conjunction with establishing
ahigher performance culture, create a strong platform for delivering on our purpose
In the context of the above, undertaking our triennial Directors’ Remuneration Policy review
was timely given the need to determine if our remuneration structures remained appropriate
as we look to the future. In undertaking the review, we took feedback from both internal and
external stakeholders, along with benchmarking our remuneration practices, and concluded
that the focus on long-term performance within our current remuneration policy remained
appropriate to our purpose and strategy. As a result, the committee was comfortable
retaining our current pay model and philosophy, and so the changes we are making are
limited to ensuring our performance metrics better align with our reinvigorated strategy
andwe simplify our approach where possible.
Overview of company performance
In the face of a challenging environment brought on by political and economic uncertainty,
our Chief Executive Officer and the senior leadership team have delivered a robust underlying
financial performance and made good progress against our strategic milestones.
During the year, Clean Air was impacted by automotive customers constraining their production
volumes, and PGMS was impacted by lower precious metal prices and lower refinery intake
volumes due to lower scrap levels with the semi-conductor chip shortage creating a buoyant
second-hand car market. However, we’ve made good progress on our group transformation
and cost reduction targets; have made excellent progress with Euro 7 business wins in Clean
Air, and several new large-scale project wins in our Catalyst Technologies business.
Remuneration Committee report
“Our Directors’
Remuneration Policy has
been designed to
incentivise and reward for
delivering sustainable value
creation and long-term
growth. This will be
achieved through a
combination of business
transformation and
strategic execution all
underpinned by a high-
performance culture.”
All six of our independent non-executive directors sit on the Remuneration Committee.
Members’ attendance at committee meetings during the year is on page 75
Regular attendees at committee meetings
Chief Executive Officer
Chief HR Officer
Group Total Reward, Wellbeing & People Services Director
The committee’s Terms of Reference set out its full responsibilities
Key activities during 2022/23:
Triennial review of the Directors’ Remuneration Policy
Reviewed our short and long-term incentives and their alignment to the company’s
Reviewed broader employee total reward, including pay equity and benchmarking
Our focus areas for 2023/24:
Oversee the implementation of the new Directors’ Remuneration Policy
Set the incentive plan performance targets for the upcoming year
Continued focus on broader employee remuneration
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
In addition, in January 2023 we entered a long-term strategic partnership with Plug Power,
aleading provider of turnkey hydrogen solutions for the global green hydrogen economy,
toaccelerate the deployment of fuel cells and electrolysers (green hydrogen). This partnership
isevidence of clear progress towards JM’s published milestone in Hydrogen Technologies and
will significantly contribute towards JM’s 2030 target for 50 million tonnes of GHG emissions
avoided per year.
In the context of a challenging market environment, and the progress made against our
long-term strategy, the committee considered the level of payout from our incentive plans
2022/23 incentive plan outcomes
The Committee always seeks to ensure that there is a clear link between pay and
performance. Additionally, we will continue to focus on setting stretching performance
targets and consider the performance of the wider business and individual accomplishment
over the period, including how the performance was delivered. In that context, we believe
that the payments outlined in this report fairly reflect the performance achieved.
Annual Incentive Plan (AIP)
The maximum bonus opportunity for 2022/23 remained unchanged at 180% of salary
for the Chief Executive Officer and 150% of salary for the Chief Financial Officer. The bonus
was based on underlying PBT (50%), working capital (20%) and strategic and transformation
objectives (30%).
Based on a robust underlying financial performance, the outcome of our AIP results in a
bonus of 75% of maximum is payable to both Liam Condon and Stephen Oxley. The
committee is comfortable that the outcome of the bonus is appropriate and so no discretion
has been applied. One half of the bonus payable will be deferred in shares for a period of
three-years. More details on the performance against the annual targets and strategic
objectives are set out on page 121.
Performance Share Plan (PSP)
Neither Liam Condon or Stephen Oxley have any Performance Share Plan (PSP) awards that
were eligible to vest in respect of the three-year performance period ending 31
March 2023.
The PSP award granted on 1
August 2020 was based on challenging earnings per share and
total shareholder return performance targets for the three-year period ending 31
2023. The outcome of this award was a performance below the threshold targets. As a result,
there is no vesting for either executive directors or any other participants in the PSP. The
committee was comfortable that the formulaic outcome is appropriate and so no discretion
has been applied.
Overall, the committee is satisfied that the Remuneration Policy operated as intended
duringthe year.
Directors’ Remuneration Policy
The 2023 AGM marks the three-year anniversary of our current Remuneration Policy.
Asaresult, we will be seeking shareholder approval for an updated Remuneration Policy
atour forthcoming AGM.
During the year a full review process was undertaken that considered the pay model, the
historic relationship between performance and reward, the alignment between performance
metrics and strategy, and alignment with institutional investors’ best practice. All of this was
considered in light of our reinvigorated strategy.
Having had regard to these factors, with the current Remuneration Policy operating
effectively against each of the review criteria, the committee concluded that subject to some
minor refinements to the approach to target setting and the choice of performance metrics,
the current Remuneration Policy would be largely retained. A summary of the minor changes
to the policy are set out on page 107.
Applying the Remuneration Policy in 2023/24
Base salary
With high inflation impacting the cost of living, the company set aside a higher pay budget
for its annual pay awards in July 2022 with a greater portion of the budget set aside for
non-management roles. In addition, the company paid a temporary monthly allowance
toemployees below a certain earnings level to provide additional support until June 2023.
The pay budget for the forthcoming year has also been set at a higher level compared
tohistoric norms given that the cost-of-living pressures continue in many countries. Again,
agreater proportion of the budget is being allocated to lower paid employees. For example,
for the coming year the UK salary budget for non-management roles is 5.25% and for
management roles is 4.0%.
With regard to the salary increase for executive directors the committee considered the
UKsalary budget for the forthcoming year and deemed it appropriate that the salary increase
awarded to executive directors should be at a discount to that awarded to other employees.
As such executive director salaries were increased by 3.5% with effect from 1
April 2023.
The maximum opportunity will remain at 180% of salary for the CEO and 150% of salary for
the CFO, and the target will continue to be set at 50% of the maximum. However, the payout
for threshold performance will reduce from 15% of maximum (equivalent to 30% of target)
to 25% of the target bonus opportunity, which represents a modest toughening of the bonus
structure. This change is being made for all participants in our annual incentive plans and will
result in greater focus on delivery against the group’s targeted performance levels.
The performance targets for executive directors will be based on group underlying PBT
(50%), working capital days (20%) and strategic targets (30%) that are aligned with
delivering against our transformation strategy.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Committee report continued
The Remuneration Committee intends to grant awards at the same level as in 2022/23,
being250% and 175% of salary for the CEO and CFO respectively.
The performance measures will continue to be a combination of growth in underlying EPS
(30%), relative total shareholder return (versus the FTSE 31 to 100 companies but excluding
those in financial services) (40%), and strategic and sustainability objectives (30%). The main
change compared to the awards granted last year is a greater weighting to the strategic and
sustainability targets (up from 20%) which reflects the strategic priorities over the next
three-year period.
The EPS growth targets to apply to the awards are considered similarly challenging to the
targets set in prior years. However, in recognition of ongoing uncertainty and volatility in
external markets, we have set a wider range of targets versus historic awards.
Our strategic and sustainability targets are focused on increasing the GHG emissions avoided
through the use of our products and solutions, reducing our own GHG (Scope 1 and Scope 2),
increasing the percentage of female representation across our management levels and
delivering a key business transformation associated with global business services.
Given our refreshed strategy will require investment over the coming years, a final change to
the PSP awards is the removal of the discretionary return on invested capital (ROIC) underpin.
However, the Committee retains discretion to adjust the vesting outcomes based on
underlying performance and having had regard to ROIC.
Prior to granting the 2023/24 PSP award the committee intends to undertake a final review
of the performance targets allowing for the prevailing market conditions versus the time at
which the proposed targets were set. Full details of the intended awards are set out on page
Chair and non-executive director fees
The fees payable to the Chair and non-executive directors are reviewed annually. In line with
the increase in base salaries for executive directors, the Chair fee and non-executive director
base fee will be increased by 3.5% from 1
April 23 (lower than the increase to the wider
workforce).The additional premiums for acting as a Chair of a committee were also
Wider employee remuneration
Paying our employees fairly for their role, skills, experience and performance is central to our
approach to remuneration, and our reward framework and policies support us in doing this.
Equal pay is also critical, and we review our pay levels on an ongoing basis to ensure that
employees are paid fairly. During the year we reviewed a global analysis, conducted by an
independent reward consultancy (Willis Tower Watson) on pay levels and pay equity across
the organisation, which showed that nearly 95% of roles are paid fairly, and we continue
tomake targeted actions to remove any form of potential inequality. We are also committed
to the real living wage and narrowing the gender pay gap that exists among our employees,
and to tackling the root causes of gender imbalance to ensure a truly inclusive culture that
supports diversity. Our commitment in this area has resulted in a reduction in our gender pay
gap in the UK from 9.2% to 5.6% over the past few years, and we are starting to make
progress in other countries.
We aspire to offer a well-balanced, progressive and structured approach to reward, with
appropriate variation by location. We also find that the non-financial reward elements are
essential to a supportive culture, with the wellbeing of staff a prominent part of our
employment proposition.
This year, all employees were able to provide their feedback on a range of matters, including
remuneration, through The Big Listen, our annual employee engagement survey (YourSay)
and local and global town hall meetings. This provided valuable employee context to decision
making when considering changes to the Remuneration Policy and how the company
rewards employees for the impact of their contributions.
Shareholder engagement
Ahead of the 2023 AGM, we engaged with our largest investors as well as Institutional
Shareholder Services (‘ISS’), The Investment Association (‘IA’) and Glass Lewis, to understand
their views on our proposed new policy and the proposed implementation in 2023/24.
Thefeedback we received was supportive of retaining our current approach to directors’
remuneration and the minor refinements we proposed.
2023 AGM
I would like to thank shareholders for their input and engagement during the year in relation
to the Remuneration Policy. We believe that our policy remains simple, transparent and
effective, strongly supporting our business strategy with remuneration outcomes aligned
tothe shareholder experience.
I ask you to support the binding vote on Directors' Remuneration Policy and the advisory vote
on this Annual Statement and the 2023 Annual Report on Remuneration at our AGM on
July 2023. This AGM will be my last as Chair of the Remuneration Committee as I stand
down as Committee Chair with effect from the upcoming AGM but will continue on the Board
until January 2024 when I will retire from the Board. I’m pleased to advise that John O’Higgins
will take-over from me as the Chair of the Remuneration Committee following our AGM.
We welcome an open dialogue with our shareholders, and I will be available at the meeting
toanswer any questions about the work of the Remuneration Committee.
Chris Mottershead
Chair of the Remuneration Committee
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Committee report continued
Remuneration at a glance
Aligning remuneration
with strategy
We will use our deep knowledge of metals
chemistry to help our customers address the
complex technical challenges of the four
transitions – transport, energy, decarbonising
chemicals production and a circular economy
– by delivering sustainable products, services
and technologies.
Group profit before tax
Annual Incentive Plan
Group working capital days
Annual Incentive Plan
Earnings per share
Performance Share Plan
Total shareholder return
Performance Share Plan
Sustainability-related KPI
Performance Share Plan
1. Measure included in awards from 2020 onwards
2. Sustainability KPI added in 2022
Our strategic objectives
Invest in growth areas targeted
atclimate change and circularity
Manage our established businesses
to support growth
Promote a fast-paced, efficient
business and high-performance
Outcomes of variable remuneration
Liam Condon Stephen Oxley
Formulaic outcome
(% base salary)
Formulaic outcome
(% base salary)
Annual bonus
Profit before tax 50% 81.0% 67.5%
Working capital days (excluding PGMs) 10% 18.0% 15.0%
Working capital days (including PGMs) 10% 8.1% 6.7%
Strategic objectives 30% 27.0% 22.5%
Total 100% 134.1% 111.7%
Performance Share Plan
Compound annual growth rate in earnings per share 50% - -
Total Shareholder return 50% - -
1. Liam Condon and Stephen Oxley did not hold any 2020–23 Performance Share Plan awards
Stephen Oxley
— Chief Financial Officer
Liam Condon
— Chief Executive Officer
2023 pay outcomes
The pay breakdowns for the executive directors in 2021/22 and 2022/23 are set out below:
Element 2021/22 2022/23
Fixed pay (£’000)
Salary 79 950
Benefits 24 280
Pension 12 143
Variable pay (£’000)
Annual Incentive Plan 0 1,274
Performance Share Plan 0 0
1. Liam Condon was appointed Chief Executive Officer on 1
March 2022
Element 2021/22 2022/23
Fixed pay (£’000)
Salary 565 582
Benefits 15 20
Pension 85 87
Variable pay (£’000)
Annual Incentive Plan 607 650
Performance Share Plan 0 0
2. Stephen Oxley was appointed Chief Financial Officer on 1
April 2021
1373 1274
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy
Remuneration Policy continued
Set out below is a summary of the modest revisions to apply to the 2023 Directors’
Remuneration Policy when compared against the policy approved at the 2020 AGM.
The table that follows describes each component of the Directors’ Remuneration Policy,
itspurpose and link to strategy, how it works, the opportunity, boundaries and performance
measures and any clawback or withholding conditions that apply. The policy was informed
byconsultation with key stakeholders, including our institutional investors and shareholder
advisory bodies.
Subject to approval, the policy will apply for three years from the 2023 AGM. The key changes
to the policy are set out below:
The payout for achieving the threshold performance target under the AIP is to be reduced
to 25% of the target opportunity. It was previously 15% of the maximum opportunity,
which is equivalent to 30% of the target opportunity. This change represents a modest
toughening of the bonus structure and affects all participants in our annual incentive plans
and will result in greater focus on delivery against the Group’s targeted performance levels.
The threshold vesting percentage for each performance measure within the long-term
PSPwill be set at the time of each award having regard to the targets set. The vesting at
threshold for each performance measure will be no more than 25%. For example, if the
committee set a broader range of EPS targets than in prior years this may result in threshold
vesting being as low as 0% as opposed to 15% (or higher) for that part of the award.
Given our refreshed strategy will require investment over the coming years there will be
nodefined ROIC underpin applied to future PSP awards. Instead, the committee will be able
to take ROIC performance into account as part of a broader discretion to adjust vesting
outcomes based on an overall assessment of company performance.
Remuneration Policy Table
Purpose and link to strategy Operation (and changes if appropriate) of the element Potential value of element and performance measures
Base salary
Base salary is the basic pay for
doing the job. Its purpose is
toprovide a fair and competitive
level of base pay to attract and
retain individuals of the calibre
required to lead the business.
Base salaries will normally be reviewed annually, and any changes normally take effect from 1
April each year.
In determining salaries and salary increases, the Remuneration Committee will take account of the performance of the
individual director against a broad set of parameters including financial, environmental, social and governance issues.
The Remuneration Committee will also take into account the director’s knowledge, contribution to the role, length
oftime in post, and any additional responsibilities since the last salary review, as well as the level of salary increases
awarded to the wider Johnson Matthey workforce.
Salaries across the group are benchmarked against a comparator group of similarly sized companies, predominantly within
the FTSE, with a comparable international presence and geographic spread and operating in relevant industry sectors.
New appointments or promotions will be paid at a level reflecting the executive director’s level of experience in the
particular role and experience at board level. New or promoted executive directors may receive higher pay increases
than typical for the group over a period of time following their appointment as their pay trends toward an appropriate
level for their role.
Maximum opportunity
No salary increase will be awarded which results in a base
salarywhich exceeds the competitive market range considered
appropriate by the committee for the role.
Details of the current salaries for the executive directors
areincluded in the Annual Report on Remuneration on
Benefits are provided to support
the director in his or her
performance in the role. They
help to remove certain day-to-day
concerns from executive directors,
to allow them to focus on
managing and directing the
business. In general, benefits will
be restricted to the typical level
inthe relevant market for an
executive director.
Benefits include, but are not limited to, medical, life and income protection insurance, medical assessments, company
sick pay, and a company car (or equivalent).
Other appropriate benefits may also be provided from time to time at the discretion of the Remuneration Committee.
Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance is maintained for all directors.
Directors who are required to move for a business reason may, where appropriate, also be provided with benefits such
as relocation benefits (e.g. the provision of accommodation, transport or medical insurance away from their country
ofresidence) and schooling for dependants. The company may pay the tax on these benefits.
Directors may be assisted with tax advice and tax compliance services.
The company will reimburse all reasonable expenses (including any associated tax charges) which the executive
director is authorised to incur while carrying out executive duties.
Benefits are not generally expected to be a significant part
oftheremuneration package in financial terms.
Car benefits will not exceed a total of £25,000 per annum.
The cost of medical insurance for an individual executive director
and dependants will not exceed £25,000 per annum.
Company sick pay is 52 weeks’ full pay.
Provides for post-retirement
remuneration, ensures that the
total package is competitive
andaids retention.
All executive directors will be eligible to participate in a company pension plan and/or paid a cash supplement in lieu
ofmembership in a pension plan.
The maximum company contribution is 15% of base salary for
executive directors. This is aligned to the typical cost of providing
pension benefits to other employees in the UK. To the extent
there is a reduction in this typical cost the company’s contribution
for executive directors will reduce.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Purpose and link to strategy Operation (and changes if appropriate) of the element Potential value of element and performance measures
Annual Incentive Plan
The AIP provides a strong
incentive aligned to strategy
inthe short term. It allows
theboard to drive and reward
both financial and non-
financial metrics, including
leadership behaviours, in
order to deliver sustainable
growth in shareholder value.
The AIP bonus plays a key part
in the motivation and
retention of executive
directors, one of the key
requirements for long-term
Bonus deferral as well as
malus and clawback
provisions ensure that
longer- term considerations
are properly taken into
account in the pursuit of
annual targets.
The Remuneration Committee sets the AIP performance measures and targets for each new award cycle.
At the end of the year, the committee determines the extent to which these have been achieved. The
committee retains the discretion to reduce any bonus award if, in its opinion, the underlying financial
performance of the company has not been satisfactory in the circumstances.
Of any bonus paid, up to 50% is paid in cash and the remaining balance is deferred into shares for a
three-year period as an award under the deferred bonus plan. As defined in the relevant plan rules, no
further performance conditions apply to awards under the Deferred Bonus Plan. Dividends that accrue on
the deferred shares during the vesting period will be paid in either cash and/or shares at the time of vesting.
Malus and Clawback
The cash and deferred elements of the bonus are subject to malus and clawback provisions such that they
can be forfeited or recouped in part or in full in the event of a misstatement of results, error in the
calculation, misconduct by the individual or serious reputational damage.
The Remuneration Committee retains discretion to change the performance targets if there is a significant
and/or material event which causes the committee to believe the original targets are no longer appropriate
(e.g. to reflect material acquisitions or disposals).
The Remuneration Committee also retains discretion to amend the level of annual bonuses determined
bythe performance condition to seek to ensure that the incentive structure for executive directors does
notraise environmental, social and governance risks by inadvertently motivating irresponsible behaviour.
For example, reducing or eliminating bonuses where the company has suffered reputational damage
orwhere other aspects of performance, including leadership behaviour, have been unacceptable.
The Remuneration Committee retains the ability to increase bonus awards from the formulaic outcome
where there is identifiable and exceptional performance by the executive director. Bonus payments in such
circumstances would remain within the maximum bonus opportunity and shareholders would be fully
informed of the justification.
Maximum opportunity and vesting thresholds
Chief Executive Officer – 180% of base salary.
Other executive directors – 150% of base salary.
Where financial measures are set the threshold performance level will
result in a bonus of up to 25% of the target bonus opportunity. On-target
performance will result in 50% payment of the maximum opportunity.
Where non-financial targets are set, it may not be practicable to set targets
on a sliding scale.
Performance measures
Bonuses are based on the achievement of demanding financial and, where
appropriate, non-financial targets. The committee may use different
performances and/or weightings for each performance cycle as
appropriate to take into account the strategic needs of the business.
However, a substantial proportion (i.e. at least 60%) will be based on key
financial measures, for example, underlying PBT.
Targets are set applying a robust bottom-up process to achieve full
accountability. The financial performance targets are retrospectively
published in the immediately following Annual Report on Remuneration.
Details of last year’s bonus awards are on pages 106 and120.
The performance period for annual bonus purposes matches the financial
year (currently 1
April to 31
Performance Share Plan
The Performance Share Plan
(PSP) is designed to ensure
that executives take decisions
in the interest of the
longer-term success of the
group. Having measures that
look at profitable growth and
performance relative to a
comparator group over the
longer term ensures that the
interests of executives are
aligned with shareholder
interest for long-term value.
Shares may be awarded each year and are subject to performance conditions tested over a minimum
three- year performance period. Subject to the performance conditions being met the shares will vest after
which the directors will be required to hold any vested shares until the fifth anniversary of the award.
The performance targets are set by the Remuneration Committee based on internal and external growth
forecasts to ensure they remain appropriate and aligned with shareholder expectations.
The awards are granted in accordance with the rules of the plan approved by shareholders. The maximum
award level is 250% of base salary. Awards may be granted in the form of conditional shares, nil or nominal
cost options or cash (where the awards cannot be settled in shares). Dividends that accrue during the
post-vesting holding period will be managed in accordance with our dividend re-investment process.
Malus and clawback
PSP awards are subject to malus and clawback provisions that can apply in the case of a misstatement of
results, error in the calculation, misconduct by the individual, serious reputational damage, failures of risk
management or corporate failure.
Award levels and vesting thresholds
The maximum award level is 250% of salary.
The current award levels are:
Chief Executive Officer – 250% of base salary
Other Executive Directors – 175% of salary.
Threshold performance will result in vesting of up to a maximum of 25%
for each performance measure. The actual threshold vesting will depend
on the performance metric and the performance range set for the specific
award. Vesting at maximum is 100% of the relevant part of the award,
increasing on a graduated scale.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy continued
Purpose and link to strategy Operation (and changes if appropriate) of the element Potential value of element and performance measures
Performance Share Plan (continued)
The Remuneration Committee has the power to adjust the annual award level, for example in the event
ofa material fall in share price, as well as the power to adjust the vesting level of an award based on the
underlying performance of the company.
The committee may adjust the performance measure to reflect material changes (e.g. significant
acquisitions or disposals, share consolidation, share buy-backs or special dividends). Any such change
would be fully explained to shareholders.
Performance measures
PSP awards vest over a minimum three-year performance period and will
be subject to financial and/or shareholder return targets. In addition,
strategic and/or sustainability targets may be included in future awards.
Inall cases, the majority of the award will remain linked to financial
and/or shareholder return targets.
It is expected that during the policy period the following three metrics
willform the majority of awards:
a) The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of underlying EPS;
b) The Total Shareholder Return (TSR) relative to a comparator group
(e.g. the FTSE 31-100 excluding financial services companies);
c) Strategic and/or sustainability targets.
Vesting is also subject to a broad committee discretion that will enable
thecommittee to adjust the extent to which an award vests by exercising
appropriate discretion to the formulaic outcomes in order to reflect
thewider financial performance and / or circumstances of the group.
The prospective weightings, targets and measures for the year
commencing 1
April 2023 are shown on page 122.
The Remuneration Committee retains the discretion to amend the
weightings, targets and the performance measures detailed on page 122
for future awards as appropriate to reflect the business strategy.
All employee share plan
Encourages share ownership Executive directors are entitled to participate in the company’s all-employee plan under which regular
monthly share purchases are made and matched with the award of company shares, subject to
Executive directors would also be entitled to participate in any other all-employee arrangements that
maybe established by the company on the same terms as all other employees.
Executive directors are entitled to participate up to the same limits in force
from time to time for all employees.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy continued
Purpose and link to strategy Operation (and changes if appropriate) of the element Potential value of element and performance measures
Shareholding requirements
To encourage executive
directors to build a
shareholding in the company
and ensure the interests of
management are aligned with
those of shareholders
Executive directors are expected to build up a shareholding in the company over a reasonable period
oftime, and upon cessation of employment are expected to retain a shareholding for a period of up
Shares that count towards achieving these guidelines while an executive director include: all shares
beneficially owned by an executive director, or a person connected to the executive as recognised by the
Remuneration Committee; deferred bonus shares and PSP awards which have vested and so are no longer
subject to performance conditions but are within a holding period.
Executive directors are expected to retain at least 50% of the net (after tax) vested shares that are released
under the PSP and Deferred Bonus Plan until the required levels of shareholding are achieved.
Executive directors are not required to make personal share purchases should awards not meet the
performance conditions and so a newly appointed director may take longer to reach the expected level,
depending on the company’s performance against targets over the period. In addition, a director who
ceases employment with the company is not required to purchase shares to satisfy the post-cessation
shareholding requirement.
The minimum shareholding requirement while an executive director
andfor the two-year period after cessation of employment is as follows:
Chief Executive Officer – 250% of base salary.
Other executive directors – 200% of base salary.
If the executive director has not been able to build up their shareholding
prior to cessation they are not required to purchase shares upon cessation
to satisfy the requirement.
There is no requirement for non-executive directors to hold shares,
butthey are encouraged to acquire a holding over time.
Non-executive director fees
To attract, retain and motivate
non-executive directors with
the required knowledge and
Non-executive director fees are determined by the board and the non-executive directors exclude
themselves from these discussions.
The fees for the Chair are determined by the Remuneration Committee taking into account the views of the
Chief Executive Officer. The Chair excludes himself from these discussions.
Non-executive directors are paid a base fee each year with an additional fee for each committee Chair or
additional role held.
Non-executive director fees are reviewed every year. Any increase will take into account the market rate for
the relevant positions within the comparator group of similarly sized companies with a comparable
international presence and geographic spread and operating in relevant industry sectors and the
experience of the individuals and the expected time commitment of the role.
In exceptional circumstances, additional fees or non-executive benefits (e.g. assistance with tax filings or
an allowance for intercontinental travel including any associated tax) may be payable to reflect a
substantial increase in time commitment.
The company will also reimburse the Chair and non-executive directors for all reasonable expenses
(including any tax thereon) incurred while carrying out duties for the company.
Details of the current fee levels for the Chair and non-executive directors
are set out in the Annual Report on Remuneration on page 119.
The fee levels are set subject to the maximum limits set out in the
company’s Articles of Association.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy continued
The committee is responsible for determining, and agreeing with the board, the Directors’ Remuneration Policy and has oversight of its implementation. The committee has clear terms
ofreference, works with management and independent advisers to develop proposals and recommendations, and exercises independent judgement when making decisions. This process
isconsidered to manage any potential conflicts of interest.
The policy is performance focused and, given the long-term nature of JM’s business, is weighted towards long-term performance and includes market standard shareholding expectations
andrecovery and withholding provisions.
The committee considered the principles listed in the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code when reviewing the Directors’ Remuneration Policy and took these into account in its design
Remuneration arrangements have defined parameters which can be transparently communicated to shareholders and other stakeholders.
Remuneration arrangements for executive directors consist of:
Salary, benefits, and a fixed pension contribution – set to reflect the typical rate provided to the UK workforce.
Annual Incentive Plan (AIP), a portion of which is deferred into shares.
Annual long-term Performance Share Plan (PSP) awards which provide focus on performance over the longer term.
Unnecessary complexity is avoided by the committee in operating the arrangements.
The remuneration arrangements are designed to have a robust link between pay and performance, thereby mitigating the risk of excessive reward. In addition,
behavioural risks are considered when setting targets for performance-related pay, and the arrangements have safeguards to ensure that pay remains appropriate,
including committee discretion to adjust incentive outturns, deferral of incentive payments in shares, recovery provisions and share ownership requirements.
Toavoid conflicts of interest, committee members are required to disclose any conflicts or potential conflicts ahead of committee meetings. No executive director
or other member of management is present when their own remuneration is under discussion.
The committee set specific targets for different levels of performance which are communicated to the individuals and disclosed to shareholders.
The AIP and PSP have performance metrics that are aligned with the company’s KPIs, and the payouts reflect achievement against the targets. The committee
may reduce payouts under the AIP and PSP if they are not considered aligned with underlying performance. Safeguards are identified to ensure that poor
performance is not rewarded.
Alignment to culture
The directors’ remuneration arrangements are cascaded through the organisation ensuring that there are common goals. The committee reviews remuneration
arrangements throughout the company and takes these into account when setting directors’ remuneration.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy continued
Selection of performance targets
Annual Incentive Plan
Financial performance targets under the AIP are set by the Remuneration Committee
withreference to the prior year and to the budgets and business plans for the coming year,
ensuring the levels to achieve threshold, target or maximum payout are appropriately
The performance targets for 2023/24 are predominantly based on financial measures
(70%of maximum opportunity) including budgeted underlying PBT and working capital
daysto ensure that there is strong attention paid to delivery of current operational plans
andoperational efficiency.
Commercial sensitivity precludes the advance publication of the actual bonus targets,
butthese targets will be retrospectively published in the Annual Report on Remuneration
Performance Share Plan
The performance targets under the PSP are set to reflect the company’s longer-term
growthobjectives at a level where the maximum represents genuine outperformance.
Theperformance measures are currently based on underlying EPS, TSR and strategic
objectives (including sustainability).
Underlying EPS is considered a simple and clear measure of absolute growth in line with
thecompany’s strategy.
TSR is considered a simple and clear performance relative to a comparator group
(FTSE31-100 excluding financial services companies).
The strategic objectives will consist of four equally weighted metrics. For 2023/24,
threemetrics will relate to our sustainability framework, and one will relate to a business
transformation objective.
The Remuneration Committee can exercise discretion in a number of areas when operating
the company’s incentive plans, in line with the relevant rules of the plan. These include
(butare not limited to):
The choice of participants
The size of awards in any year (subject to the limits set out in the Directors’ Remuneration
Policy table)
The extent of payments or vesting in light of the achievement of the relevant performance
The determination of good or bad leavers and the treatment of outstanding awards
(subject to the provisions of the plan rules and the remuneration policy provisions)
The treatment of outstanding awards and assessing performance in the event of a change
of control.
In addition, if events occur which cause the Remuneration Committee to conclude that any
performance condition is no longer appropriate, that condition may be substituted, varied or
waived as is considered reasonable in the circumstances, in order to produce a fairer measure
of performance that is not materially less difficult to satisfy.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy continued
Remuneration scenarios
Below is an illustration of the potential future remuneration that could be received by each executive director for the year starting 1
April 2023, both in absolute terms and as a proportion of
thetotal package under different performance scenarios. The value of the PSP is based on the award that will be granted in August 2023. In developing the scenarios, the following assumptions
have been made:
Below threshold Only fixed elements of remuneration (base salary, pension and benefits) are payable
Threshold Fixed elements of remuneration plus 25% of target bonus and 22% vesting of PSP award are payable
Target Fixed elements of remuneration plus 50% of maximum bonus and 60% vesting of PSP award are payable
Maximum Fixed elements of remuneration plus 100% of maximum bonus and 100% vesting of PSP award are payable
Maximum plus 50% share
price appreciation
Maximum plus a 50% share price appreciation on the PSP award and Deferred Bonus Plan (DBP) award
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000
Maximum with
50% share price appreciation
Below threshold
0 20 40 60 80 100
Maximum with
50% share price appreciation
Below threshold
Value £000
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500
Maximum with
50% share price appreciation
Below threshold
0 20 40 60 80 100
Maximum with
50% share price appreciation
Below threshold
Value £000
Liam Condon
Stephen Oxley
Value of package Composition of package
Base salary Benefits Pension Bonus DBP share price appreciation PSP PSP share price appreciation
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy continued
Group employee considerations
The Remuneration Committee considers the directors’ remuneration, along with the
remuneration of the Group Leadership Team (GLT), in the context of the wider employee
population, and is kept regularly updated on pay and conditions across the group.
We aspire to offer a well-balanced, progressive and structured approach to reward,
withappropriate variation by location. We also find that the non-financial reward elements
are essential to a supportive culture, with the wellbeing of staff a prominent part of our
employment proposition.
The general principle for remuneration in Johnson Matthey is to provide a competitive
package of pay and benefits in all markets and at all job levels to attract and retain
high-quality and diverse employees. Equal and fair pay is also a critical component of our
proposition, and we regularly review our pay levels and develop actions to remove any form
ofpotential inequality. The proportion of variable pay increases with progression through
management levels, with the highest proportion of variable pay at executive director level,
asdefined by the Remuneration Policy.
This year, all employees were able to provide their feedback on a range of matters, including
remuneration, through The Big Listen and our annual employee engagement survey
(YourSay). This provided valuable employee context to decision making when considering
changes to the Remuneration Policy. While we inform our employees of global changes
topay and benefits, we have not actively sought a two-way dialogue over executive pay
during 2022/23.
Corporate Governance: matthey.com/corporate-governance
The table below sets out how our remuneration arrangements cascade through the organisation:
Executive directors Senior managers Middle managers Managers Wider workforce
Base salary
Base salary is set with reference to the relevant local market and takes account of the employee’s knowledge, experience and
contribution to the role. Base salaries are usually reviewed annually and take into account local salary norms, local inflation
and business conditions. Increases in base salary for directors will take into account the level of salary increases granted to all
employees within the group.
Base salary is either subject
to negotiation with local
trade unions or follows the
market pay approach
outlined for managers.
Pension and benefits
Employment-related benefits are offered in line with local market conditions.
Short-term incentives
Annual incentive based on
70% financial metrics plus
30% strategic objectives.
Compulsory deferral into
shares for three years.
Annual incentive based on
70% financial metrics or
strategic business goals, plus
30% individual
performance. Compulsory
deferral into shares for
three-years for certain levels
within this category.
Annual incentive based on 70% financial metrics or strategic
business goals plus 30% individual performance.
Annual incentive is either
subject to negotiation with
local trade unions or follows
the standard AIP framework
with financial, non-financial
and individual performance
measures used.
Long-term incentives
PSP awards are subject to a
three-year performance
period and a two-year
holding period. Performance
conditions are designed to
drive company financial
performance and align with
stakeholder interests.
PSP awards are subject to a three-year performance period.
Performance conditions are designed to drive company
financial performance and align with stakeholder interests.
Restricted Share Plan (RSP) awards may be granted as
special recognition or to motivate and retain key talent. They
are typically subject to a three-year service condition.
RSP awards may be granted as special recognition or to
motivate and retain key talent. They are typically subject to a
three-year service condition.
Eligible employees may participate in JM’s Share Incentive Plan (ShareMatch). Two free matching shares are awarded for every one partnership share
purchased by the employee, subject to an annual maximum employee contribution of £1,500.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy continued
Shareholder considerations
The committee has a standard annual agenda item whereby the feedback from shareholders
and investor advisory bodies is presented and discussed following the AGM. The Committee
Chair is also available for questions at the AGM. The feedback that the committee receives
then informs discussions for the formulation of future policy and subsequent remuneration
decisions. The committee is also regularly updated on the collective views of shareholders
andinvestor advisory bodies by its independent advisor.
As part of the policy renewal process, the Committee Chair consulted with major
shareholders, as well as proxy voting bodies and shareholder advisory groups. Based
onthefeedback from our engagement, shareholders welcomed the proposed changes
totheremuneration policy and so no amendments were required to the proposed policy.
Approach to recruitment
The recruitment policy provides an appropriate framework within which to attract individuals
of the required calibre to lead a company of Johnson Matthey’s size, scale and complexity.
TheRemuneration Committee determines the remuneration package for any appointment
toan executive director position, either from within or outside Johnson Matthey.
The following table sets out the various components which would be considered for inclusion
in the remuneration package for the appointment of an executive director and the approach
to be adopted by the Remuneration Committee in respect of each component.
In the case of an internal promotion to the board, the company will honour any contractual
commitments made prior to the promotion.
Area Policy and operation
Overall The policy of the board is to recruit the best candidate possible for any board position and to structure pay and benefits in line with the Remuneration Policy set out in this report.
The ongoing structure of a new recruit’s package would be the same as for existing directors, with the possible exception of an identifiable buy-out provision, as set out below.
Base salary or fees Salary or fees will be determined by the Remuneration Committee in accordance with the principles set out in the policy table on page 107.
Benefits and
An executive director will be eligible for benefits and pension arrangements in line with the company’s policy for current executive directors, as set out in the policy table
onpage 107.
Annual Incentive
The maximum level of opportunity is as set out in the policy table on page107. The Remuneration Committee retains discretion to set different performance targets for a new
externally appointed executive director, or to adjust performance targets and/or measures in the case of an internal promotion, to be assessed over the remainder of the financial
year. In this case any bonus payment would be made at the same time as for existing directors, such award to be pro-rated for the time served in the performance period.
Share Plan
The maximum level of opportunity is as set out in the policy table on page 107. In order to achieve rapid alignment with Johnson Matthey’s and shareholder interests, the
Remuneration Committee retains discretion to grant a PSP award to a new externally appointed executive director on or soon after appointment if they join outside of the
normal grant period.
awards buy-out
The Remuneration Committee retains discretion to grant replacement buy-out awards (in cash or shares) to a new externally appointed executive director to reflect the loss
ofawards granted by a previous employer. Where this is the case, the Remuneration Committee will seek to structure the replacement award such that overall it is on an
equivalent basis to broadly replicate that foregone, using appropriate performance terms. If granted, any replacement buy-out award would not exceed the maximum set out
inthe rules of the 2017 Performance Share Plan (350% of base salary).
If the executive director’s prior employer pays any portion of the remuneration that was anticipated to be forfeited, the replacement awards shall be reduced by an equivalent
Other The Remuneration Committee may agree that the company will meet certain mobility costs and relocation costs including temporary living and transportation expenses,
inlinewith the company’s prevailing mobility policy for senior executives as described in the policy table on page 107.
Service contracts and policy on payment for loss of office
The following table summarises relevant key provisions of executive directors’ service contracts and the treatment of payments on termination of employment. The full contracts of service of the
executive directors (as well as the terms and conditions of appointment of the non-executive directors) are available for inspection at the registered office of the company during normal business
hours as well as prior to and during the forthcoming AGM.
In exceptional circumstances, the Remuneration Committee may authorise, where it considers it to be in the best interests of the company and shareholders, entering into contractual
arrangements with a departing executive director, for example a settlement, confidentiality, restrictive covenant or other arrangement, pursuant to which sums not set out in the following table
may become payable. Full disclosure of the payments will be made in accordance with the remuneration reporting requirements.
The table on the following page describes the contractual conditions pertaining to the contracts for Liam Condon and Stephen Oxley and for any future executive director.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy continued
Summary of key provisions of executive directors’ service contracts and treatment of payments on termination
Liam Condon Stephen Oxley
Date of service agreement 10
November 2021 1
December 2020
Date of appointment as director 1
March 2022 1
April 2021
Employing company Johnson Matthey Plc
Contract duration No fixed term.
Notice period No more than 12 months’ notice
Post-termination restrictions The contracts of employment contain the following restrictions on the director for the following periods from the date of termination of employment:
non-compete – six months
non-dealing and non-solicitation of client/customers – 12 months
non-solicitation of suppliers and non-interference with supply chain – 12 months
non-solicitation of employees – 12 months.
Summary termination –
payment in lieu of notice
The company may, in its absolute discretion, terminate the employment of the director with immediate effect by giving written notice together with payment
ofa sum equivalent to the director’s base salary and the value of his contractual benefits as at the date such notice is given, in respect of the director’s notice
period, less any period of notice actually worked.
The company may elect to pay the PILON in equal monthly instalments. The director is under a duty to seek alternative employment and to keep the
company informed about whether they have been successful. If the director commences alternative employment, the monthly instalments shall be reduced
(if appropriate to nil) by the amount of the director’s gross earnings from the alternative employment. A PILON paid to a director who is a US taxpayer
would be in equal monthly instalments.
Termination payment – change
of control
If, within one year after a change of control, the director’s service agreement is terminated by the company (other than in accordance with the summary
termination provisions), the company shall pay, as liquidated damages, one year’s base salary, together with a sum equivalent to the value of the director’s
contractual benefits, as at the date of termination, less the period of any notice given by the company to the director.
Termination – treatment of
annual incentive awards
Annual bonus awards are made at the discretion of the Remuneration Committee.
Executive directors leaving the company’s employment will receive a bonus, pro-rata to service, unless the reason for leaving is resignation or misconduct.
Any bonus awarded would continue to be subject to deferral as set out in the Remuneration Policy.
In relation to deferred bonus awards which have already been made, shares will be released on the normal vesting date unless one of the following
circumstances applies, and subject to the discretion of the Remuneration Committee:
the participant leaves as a result of misconduct; or
the participant, prior to vesting, breaches one of the post-termination restrictions or covenants contained in their employment contract, termination
agreement or similar agreement.
In which case the deferred awards will lapse on cessation of employment.
The Remuneration Committee has the discretion to accelerate vesting of a deferred award if appropriate to do so to reflect the circumstances of the
departure. It is intended that this would only be used in the event of a departure due to ill health (or death).
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy continued
Summary of key provisions of executive directors’ service contracts and treatment of payments on termination
Liam Condon Stephen Oxley
Termination – treatment of
long-term incentive awards
Employees, including executive directors, leaving the company’s employment will normally lose their long-term incentive awards unless they leave for
aspecified “good leaver” reason (e.g. death, retirement), in which case their shares will be released on the normal release dates, subject to the performance
condition. The Remuneration Committee has discretion to accelerate vesting, in which case the performance condition would be assessed based on
available information at the time. In either case, unless the Remuneration Committee determines otherwise, the level of vesting shall be pro-rated to reflect
the proportion of the performance period which has elapsed to the date of leaving. In the post-vesting deferral period, only those who leave due to
misconduct will lose their shares.
Redundancy arrangements Directors are not entitled to any benefit under any redundancy payments arrangement operated by the company.
Holiday Upon termination for any reason, directors will be entitled to payment in lieu of accrued but untaken holiday entitlement.
Chair and Non-Executive Directors
The Chair and each of the non-executive directors have letters of appointment. The letters of appointment do not contain any contractual entitlement to a termination payment and the
non-executive directors can be removed in accordance with the company’s Articles of Association. Directors are required to retire at each AGM and seek re-election by shareholders.
The details of the service contracts, including notice periods, contained in the letters of appointment in relation to the non-executive directors who served during the year are set out in the table
below. Neither the Chair or the non-executive directors has provisions in his or her letter of appointment that relate to a change of control of the company.
Non-Executive Director Committee appointments Date of appointment Expiry of current term Notice period by the individual Notice period by the company
Patrick Thomas (Chair)
June 2018 31
May 2024 6 months 6 months
Jane Griffiths
January 2017 31
December 2025 1 month 1 month
Chris Mottershead
January 2015 26
January 2024 1 month 1 month
John O’Higgins
November 2017 15
November 2023 1 month 1 month
Xiaozhi Liu
April 2019 1
April 2025 1 month 1 month
Doug Webb
September 2019 1
September 2025 1 month 1 month
Rita Forst
October 2021 3
October 2024 1 month 1 month
Audit Committee
Remuneration Committee
Nomination Committee
Social Value Committee
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration Policy continued
This section provides details of how the Directors’
Remuneration Policy was implemented during 2022/23
and how we intend to apply it in 2023/24.
About the Remuneration Committee
All the independent non-executive directors sit on the Remuneration Committee, including
the group Chair, Patrick Thomas. Details of attendance at committee meetings during the
year ended 31
March 2023 are shown on page 75.
The Remuneration Committee’s Terms of Reference can be found at matthey.com/REM-
terms-of-reference. These include determination of fair remuneration for the Chief Executive
Officer, the other executive directors and the group Chair (no director participates in
discussions of their own remuneration). In addition, the committee receives
recommendations from the Chief Executive Officer on the remuneration of those reporting
tohim, as well as advice from the Chief HR Officer, who acts as secretary to the committee.
Advisers to the committee
The committee appoints and receives advice from independent remuneration consultants
onthe latest developments in corporate governance and market trends in pay and incentive
arrangements. The committee appointed Korn Ferry as adviser to the Remuneration
Committee after a competitive tender process in 2017. The total fees paid to Korn Ferry in
respect of its services to the committee during the year were £100,520 plus VAT. The fees
paid to Korn Ferry are based on the standard market rates Korn Ferry has for remuneration
committee advisory services.
Korn Ferry also provides consultancy services to the company in relation to certain employee
and benefit matters to those below the Board. Korn Ferry is a signatory to the Remuneration
Consultants Group Code of Conduct.
The committee is satisfied that the advice provided by Korn Ferry was independent and
objective and that the provision of additional services did not compromise that independence.
The committee is also satisfied that the team who provided that advice does not have any
connection to Johnson Matthey that may impair their independence and objectivity.
Herbert Smith Freehills is the committee’s legal adviser. There was no requirement during
2022/23 for Herbert Smith Freehills to provide advice to the committee. The committee is
aware that Herbert Smith Freehills is one of a number of legal firms that provide legal advice
and services to the company on a range of matters.
A statement regarding the use of remuneration consultants for the year ended 31
2023 is available at matthey.com/corporate-governance
Statement of shareholder voting
We carefully monitor shareholder voting on our Remuneration Policy and its implementation.
We recognise the importance of our shareholders’ continued support for our remuneration
The next table shows the results of the polls taken on the resolution to approve the
Remuneration Policy at the 2020 AGM and Annual Report on Remuneration at the
2022 AGM.
Resolution Number of votes cast For Against Votes withheld
Policy 148,233,329
Annual Report on
Remuneration 131,879,954
(7.14%) 1,271,380
1. Percentage of votes cast, excluding votes withheld
The Remuneration Committee believes that the 85.66% vote in favour of the Remuneration
Policy at the 2020 AGM and the 92.86% vote in favour of the Annual Report on
Remuneration at the 2022 AGM showed strong shareholder support for the group’s
remuneration arrangements at that time.
Annual Report on remuneration
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Remuneration for the year ended 31
March 2023
Single total figure table of remuneration (audited)
Our Remuneration Policy operated as intended over the year, and the table below sets out the total remuneration and breakdown of the elements each director received in relation to the years
ended 31
March 2023 and 31
March 2022. An explanation of how the figures are calculated follows the table.
Base salary/fees
Total fixed remuneration
Annual incentive
Long-term incentive
Total variable
Total remuneration
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Executive directors
Liam Condon
950 79 280
24 143 12 1,373 115 1,274 - 1,274 2,647 115
Stephen Oxley 582 565 20 15 87 85 689 665 650 607 - 650 607 1,339 1,272
Non-executive directors
Patrick Thomas 376 376 - - 376 376 - - - 376 376
Jane Griffiths
86 83 - - 86 83 - - - 86 83
Chris Mottershead 86 86 - - 86 86 - - - 86 86
John O’Higgins 87 87 - - 87 87 - - - 87 87
Xiaozhi Liu 68 68 - - 68 68 - - - 68 68
Doug Webb 89 89 - - 89 89 - - - 89 89
Rita Forst
67 33 - - 67 33 - - - 67 33
1. Represents a cash allowance in lieu of a pension
2. Liam Condon was appointed to the Board as Chief Executive Officer on 1
March 2022
3. Jane Griffiths was appointed Chair of the SVC on 1
June 2021. 2022 fee pro-rated accordingly based on 2 and 10 months
4. Rita Forst was appointed to the Board on 4
October 2021
5. Liam Condon is entitled to certain allowances and benefits associated with his international relocation. These include housing (£180k), schooling and other family disturbance allowances (£70k)
Explanation of figures
Base salary/fees Salary paid during the year to executive directors and fees paid during the year to non-executive directors.
Benefits All taxable benefits, such as medical and life insurance, service and car allowances, mobility allowances, matching shares under the all-employee share incentive
plan and assistance with tax advice and tax compliance services, where appropriate.
Pension The amounts shown represent the value of any cash supplements paid in lieu of pension membership.
Annual incentives Annual bonus awarded for the year ended 31
March 2023. The figure includes any amounts deferred and awarded as shares.
The 2023 figure represents the value of shares that satisfied performance conditions on 31
March 2023. The 2022 figure represents the value of shares that satisfied
performance conditions on 31
March 2022.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Annual report on remuneration continued
Annual bonus for the year ended 31
March 2023 (audited)
Liam Condon and Stephen Oxley were eligible for a maximum annual bonus of 180% of base
salary and 150% of base salary, respectively. The target bonus opportunity was set at 50%
ofmaximum and the threshold bonus opportunity was 15% of maximum.
The performance measures and weightings for the annual bonus were as follows:
Percentage of bonus available
Group underlying
Group working
capital days
Liam Condon 50% 20% 30%
Stephen Oxley 50% 20% 30%
1. Group working capital days is split 50% total working capital (including PGMs) and 50% totalworking capital days (excluding PGMs).
Performance targets were set by looking at:
Previous year financial performance.
Budgets and business plans for 2022/23. These are built from the bottom up and
aresubject to thorough challenge before being finalised by the board.
Consensus of industry analysts’ forecasts, provided by Vara Research.
The committee also considered the performance range for the group profit measures and
concluded that given the decrease in uncertainty in the market at the time the targets were
set, the range should return to between 95% and 105% of target performance. The absolute
level of profit needing to be achieved was also reset to better reflect the more positive outlook
at the beginning of the year. The 2022/23 targets are considered similarly challenging, if not
more challenging than those set in 2021/22.
The strategic objectives were set based on well-defined key deliverables that support our
strategy relating to science, customers, operations and people.
Bonus outcomes
Based on performance against the targets, total bonuses for the year ended 31
March 2023
(% base salary)
(% base salary)
Total bonus
(% base salary)
Total bonus
(% of target)
Total value of
Liam Condon 107.1% 27.0% 134.1% 149.0% 1,273,567
Stephen Oxley 89.2% 22.5% 111.7% 149.0% 650,133
1. 50% of this figure is deferred into conditional shares subject to a three-year vesting period with no other performance conditions.
This figure represents the full bonus paid for the year
The detailed breakdown of performance against the financial targets and strategic objectives
is set out in the next tables.
Financial measures
Performance measure
weighting Unit
Liam Condon Stephen Oxley
Maximum bonus
(% base salary)
(% base salary)
Maximum bonus
(% base salary)
(% base salary)
Group underlying PBT
£403.8m£365.3m £384.6m£399.9m
90 81 75 67.5
Group Working Capital Days (incl. pgms)
25.7 days28.4 days27.0 days27.3 days
18 8.1 15 6.7
Group Working Capital Days (excl. pgms)
46.1 days51.0 days48.6 days39.7 days
18 18 15 15
Total bonus for financial measures 126 107.1 105 89.2
1. Group underlying PBT and group working capital days are measured using Johnson Matthey’s budgeted foreign exchange rates
2. Outcome includes adjustments for business unit divestments and bonus targets being based on 50% constant and 50% actual metal prices
Outcome Target Threshold Maximum
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Annual report on remuneration continued
Strategic objectives
Objective Assessment
outcome (% of
target bonus)
payable (% of
base salary)
Liam Condon
A reduction in our ongoing operating cost as a contribution toward
the three-year strategic goal of reducing our cost base by £150m.
A reduction of c. £45m was achieved, which was in excess of the target
100% 27%
An improvement in our employment engagement score as
acontribution toward our 2030 sustainability target.
Given the energy crisis and extended China lockdown we had to accelerate and
broaden the scope of the business transformation, which has been unsettling
foremployees. As a result, there was no improvement in our engagement score
andso this objective was missed.
Develop detailed roadmap and action plans to ensure the
achievement of our sustainability targets.
Detailed roadmaps for ten sustainability targets were developed and validated
by the board during the year. These roadmaps include over 100 identifiable
actions in total that will ensure the delivery of our sustainability targets.
Win at least two large-scale strategic partnerships in Hydrogen
Good progress has been made developing and securing partnerships in
Hydrogen Technologies, plus strategic partnerships with Plug Power and Hystar
have been announced.
Complete succession planning for Group Leadership Team with
afocus on internal talent and diversity in the broadest sense,
withdevelopment plans in place for potential successors.
Internal succession candidates were identified against an agreed success profile.
Development actions were identified and development plans were prepared.
Inaddition, progress continues to be made on increasing gender representation
of our business leadership teams.
Complete investor sentiment study and take steps to attract new
investors, with the aim to diversify and strengthen investment base
both geographically and from an ESG-point of view.
A high level of investor engagement was had during the year with 30% more
meetings with existing and prospective investors, with increasing interest from
US investors. ESG has been more embedded into our investor engagement.
Stephen Oxley
A reduction in our ongoing operating cost as a contribution toward
the 3-year strategic goal of reducing our cost base by £150m.
A reduction of c. £45m was achieved, which was in excess of the target for
100% 22.5%
An improvement in our employment engagement score as
acontribution toward our 2030 sustainability target.
Given the energy crisis and extended China lockdown we had to accelerate and
broaden the scope of the business transformation, which has been unsettling
for employees. As a result, there was no improvement in our engagement score
and so this objective was missed.
Develop detailed roadmap and action plans to ensure the
achievement of our sustainability targets
Detailed roadmaps for ten sustainability targets were developed and validated
by the board during the year. These roadmaps include over 100 identifiable
actions in total that will ensure the delivery of our sustainability targets.
Implement a finance transformation plan including clarity of the
specific three-year milestones and cost reductions to be achieved.
Finance transformation is progressing with savings delivered in 2022/23 and
identified for 2023/24. Financial controls, assurance and risk management
hasalso been improved.
Complete the sale of at least one Value Business and be well
progressed in targeting >£300m of cash from disposals by 2025.
Two businesses have been sold, with one other well progressed.
Complete investor sentiment study and take steps to attract
newinvestors, with the aim to diversify and strengthen investment
base both geographically and from an ESG point of view.
A high level of investor engagement was had during the year with 30% more
meetings with existing and prospective investors, with increasing interest from
USinvestors. ESG has been more embedded into our investor engagement.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Annual report on remuneration continued
Long-term incentives
PSP awards vesting for the three-year performance period ended 31
March 2023 (audited)
The 2020 PSP awards were made in August 2020 and performance was measured over the period 1
April 2020 to 31
March 2023. After the performance period, shares are no longer subject
toperformance conditions, and where the performance conditions are met, the shares will vest on the fifth anniversary of the award. The awards vest on a straight-line basis between threshold
(15% vesting for EPS and 25% vesting for TSR) and maximum (100% vesting). The performance condition for the 2020 award and the actual performance achieved are shown below.
Weighting Threshold Maximum Actual
Compound annual growth rate in earnings per share 50% 3% 8% -1%
Relative total shareholder return 50%
Liam Condon and Stephen Oxley did not have 2020 PSP awards.
PSP awards granted in the year ended 31
March 2023 (audited)
The next table provides details of the PSP awards entitled to executive directors in the year ended 31
March 2023.
Executive directors Award date Award type
Award size
(% of base salary)
Number of shares
awarded Face value
% vesting at threshold
End of performance period End of holding period
Liam Condon 1
August 2022 Conditional shares 250 115,260 £2,374,990 21% 31st March 2025 1st August 2027
Stephen Oxley 1
August 2022 Conditional shares 175 49,424 £1,018,406 21% 31st March 2025 1st August 2027
1. Face value is calculated using the award share price of 2,060.55 pence, which is the average closing share price over the four-week period starting on 26
May 2022
2. Threshold vesting is 15% for the earnings per share (EPS) measure and 25% for the relative total shareholder return (TSR) measure. The value shown is the average threshold vesting for the award
The performance targets and vesting ranges for the 2022 award are set out below:
40% of performance condition 40% of performance condition
Compound annual growth rate in earnings per share Relative total shareholder return
Performance Proportion of shares vesting Performance Proportion of shares vesting
<3% 0% Below median 0%
3% 15% Median 25%
8% 100% Upper quartile 100%
Between 3% and 8% Straight-line between 15% and 100% Between median and upper quartile Straight-line between 25% and 100%
20% of performance condition
Sustainability scorecard (targets equally weighted)
Tonnes of GHG avoided using technologies enabled by our products and solutions Reduction in scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions Percentage of female representation across management levels
Performance Proportion of shares vesting Performance Proportion of shares vesting Performance Proportion of shares vesting
< 5.2m tonnes (MT) 0% Below 12% reduction 0% Below 31% representation 0%
5.2 MT 25% 12% reduction 25% 31% representation 25%
6.0 MT 100% 14% reduction 100% 32% representation 100%
Between 5.2 MT
and 6.0 MT
Straight-line between 25%
and 100%
Between 12% and 14%
Straight-line between 25%
and 100%
Between 31% and 32%
Straight-line between 25%
and 100%
In addition to the EPS, TSR and sustainability scorecard performance conditions, the Remuneration Committee considers the performance of ROIC over the performance period to ensure that
earnings growth is achieved in a sustainable and efficient manner.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Annual report on remuneration continued
Statement of directors’ shareholding (audited)
The table below shows the directors’ interests in the shares of the company, together with
their unvested scheme interests, effective 31
March 2023.
Subject to
Not subject
to further
Executive directors
Liam Condon 31,000 145,075
Stephen Oxley 14,991 81,117 56,223
Non-executive directors
Patrick Thomas 13,194
Jane Griffiths 5,171
Chris Mottershead 5,718
John O’Higgins 1,500
Xiaozhi Liu 4,000
Doug Webb 6,500
Rita Forst 4,000
1. Includes shares held by the director and / or connected persons, including those in the all-employee share matching plan. Shares in the
all-employee share matching plan may be subject to forfeiture in accordance with the rules of the plan
2. Represents unvested PSP shares within three years of the date of award
3. Represents unvested deferred bonus shares that are not subject to service conditions and the buy-out award made to Stephen Oxley
onjoining JM, which is subject to ongoing service conditions
4. Includes 41,500 shares awarded in year end 31
March 2022 to compensate for the loss of KMPG long-term deferred cash award
Directors’ interests as at 25
May 2023 were unchanged from those listed above other
thanthat the Trustees of the all-employee share matching plan have purchased another
130shares for Stephen Oxley.
Executive directors are expected to achieve a shareholding guideline of 250% of base salary
for the Chief Executive Officer and 200% for other executive directors, within a reasonable
timeframe. The director’s total shareholding for the purposes of comparing it with the
minimum shareholding requirement includes shares held beneficially by the director and
anyconnected persons (as recognised by the Remuneration Committee), together with
theshares awarded under the Deferred Bonus Plan (DBP), for which there are no further
performance or service conditions.
Shares that count towards achieving the post-cessation guideline include the same as those
while an executive director. Executive directors are expected to retain at least 50% of the net
(after tax) vested shares that are released under the PSP and DBP until the required levels
ofshareholding are achieved.
Executive director shareholdings as at 31
March 2023 as a percentage of base salary
areshown below:
Liam Condon
Stephen Oxley
1. Value of shares as a percentage of base salary is calculated using a share value of 2,145.67 pence, which was the average share price
prevailing between 1
January 2023 and 31
March 2023
2. Liam Condon was appointed Chief Executive Officer on 1
March 2022 and will build his shareholding over a reasonable timeframe
3. Stephen Oxley was appointed Chief Financial Officer on 1
April 2021 and will build his shareholding over a reasonable timeframe
Pension entitlements (audited)
No director is currently accruing any pension benefit in the group’s pension schemes.
BothLiam Condon and Stephen Oxley receive an annual cash payment in lieu of pension
membership, equal to 15% of base salary. This is in line with pension provision for the
Payments to former Chief Executive (Robert MacLeod)
Robert MacLeod received a total of £325,401 in salary and benefits prior to retirement
July 2022 (comprising of £264,720 basic pay, £54,048 pension and £6,633 benefits).
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Annual report on remuneration continued
Performance graph and comparison to Chief Executive Officer’s remuneration
Johnson Matthey and FTSE 100 total shareholder return rebased to 100
The following chart illustrates the total cumulative shareholder return of the company for the ten-year period from 1
April 2013 to 31
March 2023 against the FTSE 100 as the most appropriate
comparator group when considering our market capitalisation over the period, rebased to 100 at 1
April 2013.
FTSE 100 Johnson Matthey
March 2023March 2022March 2021March 2020March 2019March 2018March 2017March 2016March 2015March 2014March 2013
Historical data regarding Chief Executive Officer’s remuneration
2012/13 2013/14
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Single total figure of remuneration (£000) 3,025 3,855 2,539 1,429 1,971 2,013 2,784 1,462 2,532 1,672 2,647
Annual incentives (% of maximum) 71 54 15 40 69 45 26 98 42 75
Long-term incentives (% of award vesting)
100 75 33 28 67 -
1. Figures before to 2014/15 are in respect of Neil Carson
2. The figures for 2014/15 are in respect of both Robert MacLeod and Neil Carson, who both held the position of Chief Executive Officer in the year. The single total figure of £2,539k comprises £1,594k for Robert MacLeod and £945k for Neil Carson
3. Figures from 2015/16 to 2020/21 are in respect of Robert MacLeod
4. The figures for 2021/22 are in respect of both Robert MacLeod and Liam Condon, who both held the position of Chief Executive Officer in the year. The single total figure of £1,672k comprises £1,557k for Robert MacLeod and £115k for Liam Condon. The value shown for annual incentives
relates to Robert MacLeod only because Liam Condon was not eligible to participate in the AIP in 2021/22
5. Vesting of long-term incentive awards whose three-year performance period ended in the financial year shown
6. Figures for 2022/23 are in respect of Liam Condon
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Annual report on remuneration continued
Change in directors’ remuneration
The table below shows how the remuneration of directors, both executive and non-executive, has changed over the year ended 31
March 2023. This is then compared to employees
ofJohnsonMatthey Plc.
2023 2022 2021
Salary Bonus Benefits Salary Bonus Benefits Salary Bonus Benefits
Executive directors
Liam Condon
Stephen Oxley
3% 7%
Non-executive directors
Patrick Thomas 0% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Jane Griffiths 3%
0% 0% 24%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Chris Mottershead 0% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
John O’Higgins 0% 0% 0% 10%
0% 0% 27% 0% 0%
Xiaozhi Liu 0% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Doug Webb 0% 0% 0% 10%
0% 0% 31% 0% 0%
Rita Forst
0% 0%
Comparator group
JM Plc employees 8%
4% 0% 2% 312% 0%
1. Liam Condon was appointed Chief Executive Officer on 1
March 2022, so no change in compensation can be calculated for 2021 or 2022. No change in bonus can be calculated for 2023 as not eligible in 2022
2. Stephen Oxley was appointed Chief Financial Officer on 1
April 2021, so no change in compensation can be calculated for 2021 or 2022
3. Represents the additional fee received for taking the SVC Chair position on 1
June 2021 and annual fee review
4. Represents the additional fee received for taking the Senior Independent Director role on 23
July 2020 and annual fee review
5. Represents the additional fee received for taking the Audit Committee Chair role on 23
July 2020 and annual fee review
6. Rita Forst was appointed to the board on 4
October 2021, so no change in compensation can be calculated for 2021 or 2022
7. Includes promotions and market adjustments
8. The percentage change in bonus was calculated based on the change in bonus accrual taken for Johnson Matthey Plc (JM Plc) employees, excluding the directors, for the 2021/22 and 2022/23 years and for the 2020/21 and 2021/22 years, respectively
9. There has been no change to the benefits policy for JM Plc employees; therefore, a 0% change has been reported
10. Represents the additional fee received for taking the SVC Chair position on 1
June 2021, which was pro-rated in 2022
11. Rita Forst was appointed to the Board on 4
October 2021 and received a pro-rated fee for 6 months in 2022 and full fee based on 12 months in 2023
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Annual report on remuneration continued
Relative spend on pay
The table below shows the absolute and relative amounts of distributions to shareholders
and the total remuneration for the group for the years ended 31
March 2022 and
March 2023.
Year ended
March 2022
£ million
Year ended
March 2023
£ million % change
Payments to shareholders – special dividends
Payments to shareholders – ordinary dividends 139 141 1%
Share buyback
155 45
Total remuneration (all employees)
718 732 2%
1. On 13
May 2022, the company completed its £200 million share buyback programme which commenced on 21
December 2021.
During the year the company purchased 2,271,920 shares at a cost of £45 million
2. Figure is for all operations (excluding Health) and excludes termination benefits
Chief Executive Officer to employee pay ratio
The table below shows the ratio of Chief Executive Officer to employee pay for 2020-2023.
We have compared the single total figure of remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer
tothe total pay and benefits of UK employees, on a full-time equivalent basis, who are
rankedat the lower quartile, median and upper quartile across all UK employees effective
March 2023.
We believe that using total pay and benefits for the year ending 31
March 2023 provides
alike-for-like comparison to the Chief Executive Officer pay data.
Chief Executive Officer pay ratio 2020 2021 2022
Total pay and
benefits in 2019/20
Total pay and
benefits in 2020/21
Total pay and
benefits in 2021/22
Total pay and
benefits in 2022/23
Chief Executive
Officer single figure £1,462,000 £2,532,000 £1,672,000
Upper quartile 22:1 35:1 20:1 37:1
Median 28:1 45:1 28:1 49:1
Lower quartile 36:1 57:1 35:1 60:1
1. Chief Executive Officer pay ratio revised to include employee bonuses payable in relation to 2021/22. This changed upper quartile from
36:1 to 20:1, median from 34:1 to 28:1 and lower quartile from 41:1 to 35:1
2. The Chief Executive Officer single figure for 2021/22 is in respect of both Robert MacLeod and Liam Condon, who both held the position
of Chief Executive Officer in the year. The single total figure of £1,672,000 comprises £1,557,000 for Robert MacLeod and £115,000
forLiam Condon
Bonus data for UK employees was left out of the 2023 calculation because it was not
administratively possible to calculate these bonuses before the publication of this report.
However, the calculation will be revised to include these bonuses once available and will
bedisclosed in the 2024 report. Excluding the 2022/23 bonus payable to the Chief Executive
Officer from the calculation would result in the following pay ratios: lower quartile – 29:1,
median – 23:1 and upper quartile – 18:1.
The salary and total pay for the individuals identified at the lower quartile, median and upper
quartile positions in 2023 are set out below:
2023 Salary
Total pay
Upper quartile individual £59,278 £72,086
Median individual £47,149 £54,458
Lower quartile individual £38,401 £44,108
1. Includes shift allowance
Our principles for pay setting and progression are consistent across the organisation.
Underpinning our principles is a need to provide a competitive total reward to enable the
attraction and retention of high-calibre individuals and giving the opportunity for individual
development and career progression. The pay ratios reflect the difference in role
accountabilities that are recognised through our pay structures and the greater variable pay
opportunity for more senior positions. The Chief Executive Officer’s variable pay opportunity
ishigher than those employees noted in the table reflecting the weighting towards long-term
value creation and alignment with shareholder interests inherent in this role.
The movement in our Chief Executive Officer to employee pay ratio between 2020-2023
isdriven by the different bonus outcomes and fixed income for the Chief Executive Officer
ineach of these years. There have been no other changes to remuneration arrangements
forour UK employees that would affect the CEO pay ratio.
We are satisfied that the median pay ratio is consistent with our wider pay, reward and
progression policies for employees. All our employees have the opportunity for annual pay
increases, career progression and development opportunities.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Annual report on remuneration continued
Implementing the Directors’ Remuneration Policy for 2023/24
The table below sets out how the Remuneration Committee intends to apply the Directors’ Remuneration Policy for the year ended 31
March 2024.
Salary The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer both received a pay increase of 3.5%. This is below the increase awarded to other UK employees.
Benefits No change to policy applied in 2023/24.
Pension All executive directors will have a maximum pension cash supplement of 15%.
Annual incentives The maximum bonus opportunity for 2023/24 remains unchanged at 180% of salary for the Chief Executive Officer and 150% of salary for the Chief Financial Officer.
2023/24 bonus will be based on underlying profit before tax (50%), working capital (20%) and strategic and transformation objectives (30%). Targets for the Chief Executive Officer
andChief Financial Officer will be based on group performance.
The 2023/24 targets are considered similarly challenging, if not more challenging to those set in 2022/23, when accounting for the divestments in the year and uncertain economic
outlook. The recalibration of targets has been set taking this into account as well as internal and external planning. To the extent that metal prices move outside a defined corridor the
Remuneration Committee will rebase the targets such that they are similarly challenging as when the targets were originally set. The Remuneration Committee considers the forward-
looking targets to be commercially sensitive but full retrospective disclosure of the actual targets will be included in next year’s Directors’ Remuneration report.
50% of any bonus paid will be deferred in shares for three years, and the payment of any bonus is subject to appropriate malus and clawback provisions.
Long-term incentives The Chief Executive Officer award level is 250% of base salary and the Chief Financial Officer award level is 175% of base salary. These award levels are in line with our remuneration policy.
The long-term Performance Share Plan will be based on EPS growth targets (30% of the award), relative TSR performance (40% of the award) and specific and measurable strategic
objectives (30% of award).
The range of annualised EPS growth targets that the committee intends to set for the 2023/24 awards is 1% per annum growth for threshold (15%) vesting, rising to 7% per annum growth for
maximum vesting (100%). Vesting will be on a straight-line basis between 1% and 7%. The committee considered the effect of metal price volatility on potential outcomes and, as a result, earnings
will be assessed 50% against actual metal prices and 50% against constant metal prices. The committee believes that this will allow for a more accurate assessment of underlying business performance.
The TSR target will be 25% vesting for median performance, increasing on a straight-line basis to 100% vesting for upper quartile performance. The TSR peer group will be the FTSE 31
– 100 (excluding financial services companies). The committee considers that this comparator group remains the most appropriate given our current market capitalisation.
The strategic objectives scorecard will consist of four equally weighted metrics. Threshold vesting will be 25%, increasing on a straight-line basis to 100% at maximum. The four metrics
are as follows:
Products and services – tonnes of GHG avoided during the period using technologies enabled by our products and solutions, compared to conventional solutions, where threshold vesting
will be 8.0 million tonnes GHG avoided and maximum will be 12.0 million tonnes GHG avoided.
Operations – reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions (from the 2020 baseline), where threshold vesting will be achieved for a 20% reduction in GHG emissions and maximum vesting
for a 25% reduction in GHG emissions.
People – percentage of female representation across our management levels, where threshold vesting will be achieved at 32% female representation at management levels and
maximum at 33% female representation at management levels.
Business transformation – establish global business services and deliver a reduction in associated employment costs (from the 2022 baseline). The performance range is commercially
sensitive and will be disclosed at such a time when it is no longer considered commercially sensitive.
Awards vest in year three and are then subject to a two-year holding period.
Chairman and
director fees
The fees for the Chair and non-executive directors were reviewed during the year and increased in line with the increase awarded to executive directors.
This Remuneration Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 25
May 2023 and signed on its behalf by:
Chris Mottershead
Chair of the Remuneration Committee
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Annual report on remuneration continued
Directors’ report
Statutory and other information
The Directors’ report required under the Companies Act 2006 (2006 Act) comprises the Governance report (pages 73 to127), including the Sustainability report for our disclosure of carbon
emissions, which is included in the Strategic report (pages 20 to 44). The management report required under Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rule 4.1.8R comprises the Strategic report
(pages 1 to 72), which includes the risks relating to our business, and the Directors’ report.
Other disclosures
Dividend reinvestment plan A dividend reinvestment plan is available. This allows shareholders to purchase additional shares in Johnson Matthey Plc with their dividend payment. Further information and
amandate can be obtained from our registrar, Equiniti, and on our website: matthey.com
Directors’ indemnities
Johnson Matthey Plc has granted indemnities to each Johnson Matthey Plc director and the directors of the group’s subsidiaries in respect of certain liabilities arising against them
inthe course of their duties. Neither Johnson Matthey Plc or any subsidiary has indemnified any director of the Company or a subsidiary in respect of any liability that they may incur
toa third party in relation to a relevant occupational pension scheme. The Company maintains appropriate directors’ and officers’ liability insurance.
Conflicts of interest The Board has a policy for identifying and managing directors’ conflicts of interest, which extends to cover close family members. The Board annually reviews external appointments
toconsider any potential or actual conflict of interest. If a conflict of interest is declared, the Board will review the authorisation and terms associated, to ensure that all matters
presented to the Board are considered solely with a view to promoting JM’s business success. For the year under review, there were no potential or actual conflicts of interest.
External appointments The Board approves all external appointments in advance of acceptance. If an external appointment arises between meetings, this is considered by the Chair and Chief Executive
Officer, with the assistance of the Company Secretary. In approving each additional external appointment, the Board assesses time commitment to ensure that no directors are
considered over boarded.
Index of disclosures referred to elsewhere in the report
Business model
Employee engagement 35, 80
Diversity and employment of disabled persons 36
55-61, 144
Greenhouse gas emissions 28
Research and development activities
14-21, 60
Human rights and anti-bribery and corruption 38-39
Future developments
Modern slavery and human trafficking statement 39 /matthey.com
Non-financial key performance indicators
Whistleblowing (Speak Up) 42
Use of financial instruments 154
Directors’ interests
Related party transactions 205
Corporate governance statement
Share capital 193-194
Section 172 statement and stakeholder engagement
72, 84-86
Listing Rule 9.8.4R
Details of the disclosures to be made
under Listing Rule 9.8.4R are listedbelow.
Interest capitalised 175
Allotments of equity securities
for cash
Dividend waiver 130
There are no other applicable disclosures.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Other disclosures
Directors’ reappointment Johnson Matthey Plc’s Articles of Association (the Articles) provide the rules on director appointments and are consistent with the recommendation contained within the Code.
Alldirectors retire and are eligible for re-election at each AGM (except any director appointed after the notice of an AGM meeting is published and before that AGM is held).
Directors’ powers The powers of the directors are determined by the Articles, UK legislation including the 2006 Act, and any directions given by the Company in general meetings. The directors are
authorised by the Company’s Articles to issue and allot ordinary shares and to make market purchases of its own shares. These powers are referred to shareholders for renewal at each
AGM. Further information is set out below under ‘Authority to purchase own shares’.
Articles of Association The Articles may only be amended by a special resolution at a general meeting of the Company. The Articles were adopted on 17
July 2019 and are available on our
website: matthey.com/corporate-governance.
Branches The Company and its subsidiaries have established branches in several different countries in which they operate.
Change of control As at 31
March 2023 and as at the date of approval of this Annual Report, there were no significant agreements, to which the company or any subsidiary was or is a party to, that take
effect, alter or terminate on a change of control of the Company, whether following a takeover bid or otherwise.
However, the Company and its subsidiaries were, as at 31
March 2023, and as at the date of approval of this report, party to a number of commercial agreements. These may allow
counterparties to alter or terminate the commercial agreements on a change of control of JM following a takeover bid. These are not deemed significant in terms of their potential
effect on the group.
The group also has a number of loan notes and borrowing facilities that may require prepayment of principal and payment of accrued interest and breakage costs if there is a change
of control of JM. The group has entered into a series of financial instruments to hedge its currency, interest rate and metal price exposures, which provide for termination or alteration
if a change of control at JM materially weakens the creditworthiness of the group.
The executive directors’ service contracts each contain a provision to the effect that, if the contract is terminated by the Company within one year after a change of control of the
Company, JM will pay an amount equivalent to one year’s gross base salary and other contractual benefits, less the period of any notice given by the Company, to the director as
liquidated damages.
The rules of the Company’s employee share schemes set out the consequences of a change of control of the Company on participants’ rights under the schemes. Generally, the rights
will vest and become exercisable on a change of control, subject to the satisfaction of relevant performance conditions. As at 31
March 2023, and as at the date of approval of this
Annual Report, there were no other agreements between the Company, any subsidiaries and directors or employees, providing compensation for loss of office or employment
(through resignation, purported redundancy or otherwise) that occurs due to a takeover bid.
Stakeholders and policies
We recognise the importance of good supplier relationships to our overall success. Further information on our payment practices is on the UK government’s reporting portal.
Read more about our Supplier Code of Conduct and our engagement with suppliers during the year on page 40
Political donations No political donations or contributions to political parties under the 2006 Act have been made during the year. The group policy is that no political donations be made or political
expenditure incurred.
Events occurring after
thereporting period
There have been no important events affecting Johnson Matthey Plc or any subsidiary between 31
March 2023 and the date of approval of this annual report, 25
May 2023.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Directors’ Report continued
Shareholders and share capital
AGM Our 2023 AGM will be held on Thursday 20
July 2023 at 11.00 am at Herbert Smith Freehills, Exchange House, 12 Primrose Street, London EC2A 2EG. We will provide a live webcast
and telephone conference so shareholders can also participate virtually and ask questions in real time. Details on how to join are included in the Notice of AGM. In the Notice,
wepropose separate resolutions on each substantially separate issue. For each resolution, shareholders may direct their proxy to vote either for or against or to withhold their vote.
A‘vote withheld’ is not legally a vote and will not be counted in the calculation of the proportion of the votes cast. All AGM resolutions are decided with an electronic poll, with the
results announced as soon as possible and posted on our website. This poll will show votes for and against, as well as votes withheld.
Authority to purchase
At the 2022 AGM, shareholders authorised Johnson Matthey Plc to make market purchases of up to 18,312,226 ordinary shares of 110
pence each, representing 10% of the then
issued share capital of the company (excluding treasury shares). Any shares so purchased by Johnson Matthey may be cancelled or held as treasury shares. This authority will cease
atthe conclusion of the 2023 AGM, and shareholders will be asked to give a similar authority at the AGM.
There were no share allotments during the year.
Rights and obligations
attaching to shares
The rights and obligations attaching to the ordinary shares in Johnson Matthey Plc are set out in the Articles.
As at 31
March 2023, and as at the date of approval of this Annual Report, there were no restrictions on the transfer of ordinary shares in the Company, no limitations on the holding
of securities and no requirements to obtain the approval of the Company, or of other holders of securities in Johnson Matthey Plc, for a transfer of securities – except as referred
tobelow. The directors may, in certain circumstances, refuse to register the transfer of a share in certificated form that is not fully paid up, where the instrument of transfer does
notcomply with the requirements of the Company’s Articles, or if entitled under the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001. As at 31
March 2023 and as at the date of approval
of this report:
No person held securities in Johnson Matthey Plc carrying any special rights with regard to control of the Company
There were no restrictions on voting rights (including any limitations on voting rights of holders of a given percentage or number of votes or deadlines for exercising voting rights),
except that a shareholder can only vote in respect of a share if it is fully paid
There were no arrangements by which, with the Company’s cooperation, financial rights carried by shares in the Company are held by a person other than the holder of the shares
There were no agreements known to the Company between holders of securities that may result in restrictions on the transfer of securities or on voting rights.
Nominees, financial assistance
and liens
During the year:
No shares in Johnson Matthey Plc were acquired by the Company’s nominee, or by a person with financial assistance from the Company, in either case where the Company has
abeneficial interest in the shares (and no person acquired shares in the Company in any previous financial year in its capacity as the Company’s nominee or with financial assistance
from the Company)
The Company did not obtain or hold a lien or other charge over its own shares.
Allotment of securities for cash
and placing of equity securities
During the year neither Johnson Matthey Plc or any major subsidiary undertaking of the Company has allotted equity securities for cash. During the year, JM has not participated in any
equity securities’ placing.
American Depositary Receipt
Johnson Matthey has a sponsored Level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programme, which BNY Mellon administers and for which it acts as Depositary. Each ADR represents two
ordinary Johnson Matthey shares. The ADRs trade on the US over-the-counter market under the symbol JMPLY. When dividends are paid to shareholders, the Depositary converts those
dividends into US dollars, net of fees and expenses, and distributes the net amount to ADR holders.
Employee share schemes At 31
March 2023, 3,211 current and former employees were shareholders in Johnson Matthey Plc through the group’s employee share schemes. Through these schemes, current
and former employees held 2,773,189 ordinary shares or 1.51% of issued share capital, excluding treasury shares. Also as at 31
March 2023, 2,930,062 ordinary shares had been
awarded but had not yet vested, under the Company’s long-term incentive plans, to 407 current and former employees.
Shares acquired by employees through JM’s employee share schemes rank equally with the other shares in issue and have no special rights. Voting rights in respect of shares held
through the Company’s employee share schemes are not exercisable directly by employees. However, employees can direct the trustee of the schemes to exercise voting rights on their
behalf. The trustee of the Company’s Employee Share Ownership Trust (ESOT) has waived its right to dividends on shares held by the ESOT, which have not yet vested unconditionally
to employees.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Directors’ Report continued
Shareholders and share capital
Interests in voting rights The following information has been disclosed to the Company under the FCA’s Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules in respect of notifiable interests in the voting rights
inJohnson Matthey Plc’s issued share capital:
As at 31
March 2023:
of holding
voting rights
% of total
voting rights
Bank of America Corporation Indirect
17,234,329 9.39
BlackRock, Inc. Indirect
20,545,316 11.73
Jefferies Financial Group Direct 10,540,153 5.74
Standard Latitude Master Fund Ltd Direct 9,655,039 5.23
1. Total voting rights attaching to the issued ordinary share capital of the company (excluding treasury shares) at the time of disclosure to the Company
2. % of total voting rights at the date of disclosure to the Company
3. Indirect holdings include qualifying financial instruments and contract for differences
Other than as stated above, as far as the Company is aware, there is no person with a significant direct or indirect holding of securities in Johnson Matthey Plc. This information was
correct at the date of notification. However, since notification of any change is not required until the next notifiable threshold is crossed, these holdings are likely to have changed.
Between 31
March 2023 and the date of this report, 24
May 2023, the Company has been notified of changes in the following interests:
of holding
voting rights
% of total
voting rights
Bank of America Corporation Indirect
21,966,209 11.98
BlackRock, Inc. Indirect
20,516,280 11.16
1. Total voting rights attaching to the issued ordinary share capital of the company (excluding treasury shares) at the time of disclosure to the company
2. % of total voting rights at the date of disclosure to the company
3. Indirect holdings include qualifying financial instruments and contract for differences
Contracts with controlling
During the year there were no contracts of significance (as defined in the FCA’s Listing Rules) between any group undertaking and a controlling shareholder, and no contracts
fortheprovision of services to any group undertaking by a controlling shareholder.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Directors’ Report continued
Statement of directors’ responsibilities in
respect of the Annual Report and Accounts
The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and Accounts and the financial
statements in accordance with applicable law and regulation.
Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year.
Under that law, the directors have prepared the group and the parent company financial
statements in accordance with UK-adopted international accounting standards.
Under company law, directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are
satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the group and parent
company and of the profit or loss of the group for that period. In preparing the financial
statements, the directors are required to:
select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
state whether applicable UK-adopted international accounting standards have
been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the
financial statements;
make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and
prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate
to presume that the group and parent company will continue in business.
The directors are responsible for safeguarding the assets of the group and parent company
and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other
The directors are also responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient
to show and explain the group’s and parent company’s transactions and disclose with
reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the group and parent company
andenable them to ensure that the financial statements and the Directors’ Remuneration
Report comply with the Companies Act 2006.
The directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the parent company’s
website. Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial
statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.
Responsibilities of directors
Directors’ confirmations
The directors consider that the Annual Report and Accounts, taken as a whole, is fair,
balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders
toassess the group’s and parent company’s position and performance, business model
Each of the directors, whose names and functions are listed in the Governance section ofthe
Annual Report and Accounts, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:
the group and parent company financial statements, which have been prepared in
accordance with UK-adopted international accounting standards, give a true and fair view
of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the group and parent company, and of
theloss of the group; and
the Strategic report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the
business and the position of the group and parent company, together with a description
of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.
In the case of each director in office at the date the directors’ report is approved:
so far as the director is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the group’s
and parent company’s auditors are unaware; and
they have taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as a director in order to make
themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the group’s
and parent company’s auditors are aware of that information.
The Directors’ report and responsibilities statement was approved by the Board on
May 2023 and is signed on its behalf by:
Nick Cooper
General Counsel and Company Secretary
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members
of Johnson Matthey Plc
Report on the audit of the financial statements
In our opinion:
Johnson Matthey Plc’s group financial statements and company financial statements
(the“financial statements”) give a true and fair view of the state of the group’s and of the
company’s affairs as at 31March2023 and of the group’s profit and the group’s cash flows
for the year then ended;
the group financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with
UK‑adopted international accounting standards as applied in accordance with the
provisions ofthe Companies Act 2006;
the company financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with United
Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards,
including FRS 101 “Reduced Disclosure Framework”, and applicable law); and
the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements
oftheCompanies Act 2006.
We have audited the financial statements, included within the Annual Report and Accounts
(the “Annual Report”), which comprise: the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
andParent Company Statement of Financial Position as at 31March2023; the Consolidated
Income Statement and Consolidated Statement of Total Comprehensive Income, the
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
andParent Company Statement of Changes in Equity for the year then ended; and the notes
to the financial statements, which include a description of the significant accounting policies.
Our opinion is consistent with our reporting to the Audit Committee.
Basis for opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK)
(“ISAs(UK)”) and applicable law. Our responsibilities under ISAs (UK) are further described
inthe Auditors’ responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section of our report.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide
abasis for our opinion.
We remained independent of the group in accordance with the ethical requirements that are
relevant to our audit of the financial statements in the UK, which includes the FRC’s Ethical
Standard, as applicable to listed public interest entities, and we have fulfilled our other ethical
responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.
To the best of our knowledge and belief, we declare that non‑audit services prohibited by the
FRC’s Ethical Standard were not provided.
Other than those disclosed in note 4, we have provided no non‑audit services to the company
or its controlled undertakings in the period under audit.
Our audit approach
Audit scope
We conducted a full scope audit or specified procedures at 32 business units which together
account for 83% of group revenue and 71% of group underlying profit before tax from
continuing operations.
We maintained regular contact with our component teams and evaluated the outcome
oftheir audit work.
Key audit matters
Refinery metal accounting (group and parent)
Carrying value of goodwill (group and parent)
Uncertain tax provisions (group and parent)
Claims, uncertainties and other provisions (group and parent)
Overall group materiality: £21.1 million (2022: £21.8 million) based on approximately
5%of the three year average profit before tax from continuing operations, adjusted
forlosson disposal of businesses, gains and losses on significant legal proceedings, major
impairment and restructuring charges.
Overall company materiality: £60 million (2022: £60 million) based on 1% of total assets.
However the materiality is capped at £20 million (2021: £20 million) for the purpose
ofthe audit of the consolidated financial statements, this being the maximum allocation
ofgroup materiality to a component.
Performance materiality: £15.8 million (2022: £16.3 million) (group) and £15 million
(2022: £15 million) (company).
The scope of our audit
As part of designing our audit, we determined materiality and assessed the risks of material
misstatement in the financial statements.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Key audit matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in the auditors’ professional judgement, were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and include the most
significant assessed risks of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) identified by the auditors, including those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy;
theallocation of resources in the audit; and directing the efforts of the engagement team. These matters, and any comments we make on the results of our procedures thereon, were addressed
inthe context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
This is not a complete list of all risks identified by our audit.
Claims, uncertainties and other provisions is a new key audit matter this year. Divestment of the Health business and Battery Materials exit, which were key audit matters last year, are no longer
included because these represent transactions that have been less complex and required less audit effort from the engagement team in the current year. Otherwise, the key audit matters below
are consistent with last year.
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Refinery metal accounting (group and parent)
Refer to the Significant issues considered by the Audit Committee within the Audit Committee
Report and note 1 and 36 to the financial statements.
As part of its refining activities the group processes a significant amount of metal on behalf of third
parties, whereby the group must return pre‑agreed recoverable quantities of refined metal to those
parties at an agreed date. Any metal in excess of this pre‑agreed quantity is retained by the group.
As such, the group makes an estimate of how much metal it will recover as part of its refining
The majority of metal processed at refineries is owned by customers and is not held on the financial
balance sheet of the group. As such, the group performs a metal balance sheet reconciliation
toensure quantities of precious metals held at year‑end are appropriately understood, classified
aseither owned by Johnson Matthey or the customer and reconciled to its financial position.
This ensures that only the group‑owned inventory is recorded on the balance sheet and that the
price allocated to this owned inventory is at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
During the refining process there are a series of complex estimates including:
(i) Estimation of the level of metal contained in the carrier material entering the refining process,
the refined metal that leaves the refining process, and the residual metal in the refining process
at year-end;
(ii) Estimates of the process losses of precious metals that may be lost during the refining and
fabrication process, and the adequacy of these provisions;
(iii) Estimates of the metal in the refinery process as informed by refinery stocktakes, and
thesubsequent sampling and assaying to assess the precious metal content in stocktake
samples; and
(iv) Estimates of the net realisable value of unhedged metal held at year‑end.
Each of these estimates impacts different areas of the audit. The refining process and its
associated estimates are an area of focus for our audit due to the inherent complexity of the
accounting and amount of metal processed are deemed a significant risk due to the inherent
complexity of the accounting and amount of metal processed.
We evaluated the design and operation of key controls at the main refining locations over
refinery stocktakes and metal assaying procedures.
We tested that the metal balance sheet was prepared and reviewed on a monthly basis.
We tested the classification of precious metals at year‑end on the metal balance sheet,
todetermine if metal was owned by the group or the customer. Our procedures included
sending confirmations to customers, and testing the balance of customer metal that was
inthe refining process, but not contractually due.
We assessed management’s policy for recognising stocktake gains and losses arising
fromstocktakes. We attended physical stock counts at sites where these were performed
bymanagement. The purpose was to verify the existence of inventory and adherence
tothegroup’s stocktake processes, and the reasonableness of stocktake gains and losses
atthese sites.
We assessed the underlying controls that have been implemented by management,
tomonitor potential inventory gains or losses through the refining process and stocktake
results, to assess the likelihood and quantum of process losses (if any) of metal between the
date ofthe stocktake and the year‑end date. We assessed process loss provisions compared
tohistorical metal gain revenue and refinery stocktake results.
We tested that all unhedged metal was being held at the lower of cost and net realisable
value, on an individual metal by metal methodology, with reference to external metal
We considered the adequacy of the group’s disclosures about the degree of estimation
involved in arriving at the value of metal inventory.
Based on the procedures performed, we noted no material issues arising from our work.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc continued
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Carrying value of goodwill (group and parent)
Refer to the Significant issues considered by the Audit Committee within the Audit Committee
Report and notes 1, 5, 13, 36 and 38 to the financial statements.
The group holds goodwill of £364 million (2022: £366 million) at 31 March 2023. Of this amount,
£113 million (2022: £113 million) is held within the parent company.
The group has significant goodwill arising from the acquisition of businesses and the carrying value
is dependent on the financial performance of the cash generating unit (CGU) to which it relates.
The two largest CGUs are Catalyst Technologies and Clean Air Heavy Duty Catalysts which account
for £268m (2022: £266m) and £87m (2022: £83m) respectively of goodwill at 31 March 2023.
The goodwill held in the parent company relates to the Catalyst Technologies CGU.
The impairment assessments prepared by management reflect its best estimates of future
cashflows. These estimates contain significant uncertainty and are inherently judgemental in
nature, where changes in the key assumptions can result in materially different impairment charges
or available headroom. As set out in note 1 management has considered the impacts of climate
change in their models. This is therefore an area of focus in our audit procedures.
In the year, an impairment charge of £4 million was recorded against goodwill in relation to
theDiagnostic Services CGU as the fair value of the proceeds less costs to dispose was lower than
thecarrying value. Management’s assessment of the goodwill in the other CGUs concluded that
noimpairment was required.
Management included disclosures to explain its key judgements and estimates as part of
notes 1 and 5.
We obtained management’s value in use goodwill impairment models and agreed the
forecast cash flows to board‑approved budgets, assessed how these budgets are compiled,
confirmed data accuracy and understood key related judgements and estimates.
We assessed management’s historical forecasting accuracy by comparing the prior year
forecasts with actual results. This informed our independent sensitivity analysis.
We performed work over each material CGU being the Catalyst Technologies and Clean Air
Heavy Duty Catalysts CGUs. The nature and extent of work was commensurate with the level
of headroom and sensitivity of the CGU to impairment.
Our testing was focused on the key assumptions in the board‑approved three year forecasts
and we corroborated the assumptions to supporting evidence which included both internal
and external sources of evidence. In addition, we assessed the appropriateness and impact
ofthe specific growth assumptions applied by management for the period after the year three
forecast but before a long term growth rate is applied (typically year ten).
Management has included certain key assumptions relating to climate change. These include
restricting the useful economic life applied in modelling Heavy Duty Catalysts to 2040
(2022: 2040), and the application of a negative growth rate from 2033 (2022: 2033).
Working with our valuation experts we have considered external market outlooks and
information on emission legislation to corroborate these assumptions.
We engaged our valuations experts to assess the long term growth rate and discount rate
foreach CGU by comparison with third party information, past performance and relevant risk
factors. Our procedures also included considering the overall level of risk in the future cash
flow projections.
Our procedures included testing the basis for management’s business plans and expectations
in line with the group’s latest strategy and considering the latest industry outlooks used
We tested the mathematical integrity of the forecasts and of the value in use model, audited
the allocation of central costs to the CGUs and agreed the carrying values in management’s
impairment models to underlying accounting records.
We assessed management’s sensitivity analysis and performed our own independent
sensitivity analysis which were more severe than management’s to assess whether a
reasonable downside change in the key assumptions could give rise to a material impairment.
We consider the disclosures with respect of goodwill, including the associated sensitivities
tobe appropriate.
Based on the procedures performed, we noted no material issues arising from our work.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc continued
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Uncertain tax provisions (group and parent)
Refer to the Significant issues considered by the Audit Committee and note 1 and 36 to the financial
The group operates in a number of international jurisdictions, and as a result there is risk
ofuncertain tax exposures arising around the group, as well as heightened risk around estimates
indetermining the tax effect of cross border transactions including transfer pricing arrangements.
As at 31 March 2023 the group had provisions for uncertain tax liabilities of £97 million
(2022: £103 million). Management’s estimate of the range of possible outcomes is an increase in
those liabilities by £66 million (2022: £83 million) to a decrease of £55 million (2022: £93 million).
Where the precise impact of the tax laws and regulations on taxes payable with respect to profit
arising in those jurisdictions is unclear, the group seeks to make reasonable estimates to determine
the most likely amount in a range of possible outcomes.
There is inherent judgement and estimation uncertainty involved in determining provisions
foruncertain tax positions, as described by management in the accounting policies to the financial
statements. Our audit focused on the most significant of exposures based on both the provision
recorded and maximum possible exposure.
We engaged our tax specialists in support of our audit of tax and obtained an understanding
of the group’s tax strategy and risks. We recalculated the group’s tax provisions and
determined whether the treatments adopted were in line with the group’s tax policies and
had been applied consistently.
We evaluated the key underlying assumptions and judgements, including considering the
status of tax authority audits and enquiries through examining the latest correspondence and
enquiring of management, and where applicable management’s advisors. We considered the
basis and support in particular for provisions not subject to tax audit, in comparison with our
experience of similar situations.
We discussed the recognition of specific uncertain tax positions with third‑party tax advisors
appointed by management to verify the key assumptions, judgements and likely outcome
with respect to specific uncertain tax positions recognised. We confirmed the appropriateness
of management’s application of either a single best estimate, or a weighted average range
ofoutcomes, for each exposure, as driven by the facts and circumstances under IFRIC 23.
We evaluated the consistency of management’s approach to identifying triggering events
toreassess or record a provision for an exposure.
We also evaluated the consistency of management’s approach to establishing or changing
prior provision estimates and validated that changes in provisions established in previous
periods reflected a change in facts and circumstances.
We consider the disclosures with respect to tax matters to be appropriate.
Based on the procedures performed, we noted no material issues arising from our work.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc continued
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Claims, uncertainties and other provisions (group and parent)
Refer to the Significant issues considered by the Audit Committee on page 98 and notes 4, 22, 32,
36 and 47 to the financial statements.
This risk covers warranty provisions, product liability issues, and other litigious matters across the
group. There is inherent judgement and estimation involved in determining when and how much
to provide for claims and uncertainties.
Due to the complex nature of the products offered by Johnson Matthey, the group at any point
intime may be exposed to product liability issues including claims for damages or compensation.
The assumptions underpinning these claims and the identification of when such claims arise
areinherently judgemental. Careful consideration needs to be given as to how the claim and any
potential exposure are estimated and subsequently accounted for.
The group is also involved in various legal proceedings, including actual or threatened litigation and
regulatory investigations. The number and nature of claims vary from year to year; note 32 discloses
the major movements in the year. The two most significant movements included the closure of the
contingent liability relating to failures in certain engine systems for which the group supplied a
particular coated substrate as a component for that customer’s emissions after‑treatment systems
and the new contingent liability arising following the sale of its Health Business in May 2022.
The group discloses such risks as contingent liabilities where it is unable to make a reliable estimate
of potential exposures or where it believes a possible outflow is not probable. If the group is unable
to defend against such claims, these risks could give rise to a future liability.
For litigation matters, we read the summary of major litigation matters provided by
management and held discussions with group and sector level general counsel. For a sample
of matters, we obtained and reviewed correspondence with external legal counsel, including
any particulars of claim.
We have circularised external legal counsel to independently assess legal exposures and the
expected outcome for material cases across the group.
We reviewed board minutes and made inquiries of management to address the risk of
undisclosed claims and uncertainties. We performed audit procedures to identify all third
party legal counsel used by management and as appropriate included them in our
We applied professional scepticism in auditing both the likely outcome and quantification
ofexposures, including performing audit procedures over claims management determined
tobe immaterial, and being sceptical of where a constructive obligation existed but
management considered a reliable estimate could not be made. As we deem it to be
necessary we also instruct third party legal experts to support an independent assessment
ofpossible outcomes of claims.
Where material settlements have occurred we have agreed these to settlement agreements
between the company and the claimant.
We have assessed the level of provisioning and contingent liability disclosures, where relevant,
in response to known claims.
Based on the procedures performed, we noted no material issues arising from our work.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc continued
How we tailored the audit scope
We tailored the scope of our audit to ensure that we performed enough work to be able
togive an opinion on the financial statements as a whole, taking into account the structure
ofthe group and the company, the accounting processes and controls, and the industry in
which they operate.
The group is structured across five sectors: Clean Air, PGM Services, Catalyst Technologies,
Hydrogen Technologies and Value Businesses, as well as the central Corporate unit.
The financial statements are a consolidation of approximately 230 business units. We have
identified each individual business unit, or a series of business units where they map to
asingle legal statutory entity, as a component. These components comprise the group’s
operating businesses and holding companies across the five sectors and corporate.
Based on our risk and materiality assessments, we determined which components required
an audit of their complete financial information having considered the relative significance
ofeach entity to the group, locations with significant inherent risks and the overall coverage
obtained over each material line item in the consolidated financial statements.
We identified 23 business units which, in our view, required an audit of their complete
financial information, due to size or risk characteristics.
In addition to the business units in full scope, we performed specified procedures or audit
ofspecified financial statement line items at 9 business units covering revenue, trade and
other receivables and deferred income, cash, inventory, metal inventory, accruals, fixed assets
and depreciation, cost of sales and operating expenses and tested manual journal entries.
Thisensured that appropriate audit procedures were performed to achieve sufficient coverage
over these financial statement line items.
The total 32 in‑scope business units are located in numerous countries around the world.
Weused local teams in these countries to perform the relevant audit procedures. Of these,
three business units have been determined to be financially significant based on their
contribution to the group. These financially significant component teams are located
intheUK and Macedonia.
The group consolidation, financial statement disclosures and corporate functions were
audited by the group audit team. This included our work over the consolidation, litigation
provisions, centrally recognised tax balances, goodwill, post‑retirement benefits, earnings
pershare and treasury related balances. This scope of work, together with additional
procedures performed at the group level, accounted for 83% of group revenue and 71%
ofgroup underlying profit before taxation from continuing operations. This provided the
evidence we needed for our opinion on the consolidated financial statements taken as a
whole. This was before considering the contribution to our audit evidence from performing
audit work at the group level, including disaggregated analytical review procedures, which
covers certain of the group’s smaller and lower risk components that were not directly
included in our group audit scope.
The impact of climate risk on our audit
Climate change is expected to present both risks and opportunities for the group.
Asexplained in the Sustainability section of the Strategic Report , the group is mindful
ofitsimpact on the environment and is focussed on ways to reduce climate‑related impacts
as management continues to develop its plans towards a Net Zero pathway by 2040.
Management’s climate change initiatives and commitments will impact the group in a variety
of ways, and while the group has started to quantify some of the impacts that may arise
onitsnet zero pathway, the future financial impacts are clearly uncertain given the medium
to long term horizon. Disclosure of the impact of climate change risk based on management’s
current assessment is incorporated in the Task Force on climate related financial disclosures
(‘TCFD’) section of the Annual Report.
As part of our audit, we made enquiries of management to understand the extent of the
potential impact of climate change on the group’s business and the financial statements,
including reviewing management’s climate change risk assessment which was prepared with
support from an external expert. We used our knowledge of the group to evaluate the risk
assessment performed by management.
We assessed that the key areas in the financial statements which are more likely to be
materially impacted by climate change are those areas that are based on future cash flows.
Asa result, we particularly considered how climate change risks and the impact of climate
commitments made by the group would impact the assumptions made in the forecasts
prepared by management that are used in the group’s impairment analysis (see also key audit
matter on Carrying value of goodwill) and for going concern purposes. We challenged how
management had considered longer term physical risks such as severe weather related
impacts, and shorter‑term transitional risks such as the introduction of carbon taxes.
Ourprocedures did not identify any material impact on our audit for the year ended 31 March
2023. We also checked the consistency of the disclosures in the TCFD section of the Annual
Report with the relevant financial statement disclosures, including notes 1 and the going
concern section of the accounting policies, and with our understanding of the business and
knowledge obtained in the audit.
We confirmed with management and the Audit Committee that the estimated financial
impacts of climate change will be reassessed prospectively and our expectation is that climate
change disclosures will evolve as the understanding of the actual and potential impacts
onthegroup’s future operations are established with greater certainty.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc continued
The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality. We set certain quantitative thresholds for materiality. These, together with qualitative considerations, helped
ustodetermine the scope of our audit and the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures on the individual financial statement line items and disclosures and in evaluating the effect
ofmisstatements, both individually and in aggregate on the financial statements as a whole.
Based on our professional judgement, we determined materiality for the financial statements as a whole as follows:
Financial statements – group Financial statements – company
Overall materiality £21.1 million (2022: £21.8 million). £60 million (2022: £60 million).
How we determined it Approximately 5% of the three year average profit before tax from continuing
operations, adjusted for loss on disposal of businesses, gains and losses on
significant legal proceedings, major impairment and restructuring charges
1% of total assets. However the materiality is capped at £20 million
(2021: £20 million) for the purpose of the audit of the consolidated financial
statements, this being the maximum allocation of group materiality to
Rationale for benchmark
Adjusted (underlying) profit before tax from continuing operations is used
asthe materiality benchmark excluding amortisation of acquired intangibles
and share of losses from associates. Management uses this measure as it
believes that it reflects the underlying performance of the group and this
ishow the directors and key management personnel are measured on their
performance. We did not adjust profit before tax to add back amortisation
ofacquired intangibles or share of losses of associates as in our view these
arerecurring items.
We considered total assets to be an appropriate benchmark for the parent
company given that, whilst it does include trading businesses, it is the ultimate
holding company, incurs corporate costs and enters into financing on behalf
ofthe group. The materiality level was capped at £20 million given overall
group materiality for the purposes of the audit of the consolidated financial
statements, this being the maximum allocation of group materiality
For each component in the scope of our group audit, we allocated a materiality that is less than our overall group materiality. The range of materiality allocated across components was between
£1 million and £20 million. Certain components were audited to a local statutory audit materiality that was also less than our overall group materiality.
We use performance materiality to reduce to an appropriately low level the probability that the aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements exceeds overall materiality. Specifically,
we use performance materiality in determining the scope of our audit and the nature and extent of our testing of account balances, classes of transactions and disclosures, for example in
determining sample sizes. Our performance materiality was 75% (2022: 75%) of overall materiality, amounting to £15.8 million (2022: £16.3 million) for the group financial statements
and£15 million (2022: £15 million) for the company financial statements.
In determining the performance materiality, we considered a number of factors – the history of misstatements, risk assessment and aggregation risk and the effectiveness of controls – and concluded
that an amount at the upper end of our normal range was appropriate.
We agreed with the Audit Committee that we would report to them misstatements identified during our audit above £1 million (group audit) (2022: £1 million) and £1 million (company audit)
(2022: £1 million) as well as misstatements below those amounts that, in our view, warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc continued
Conclusion relating to going concern
Our evaluation of the directors’ assessment of the group’s and the company’s ability
tocontinue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting included:
Evaluation of management’s base case and downside case scenarios, understanding
andevaluating the key assumptions, including assumptions related to inflation and other
macro-economic factors;
Validation that the cash flow forecasts used to support management’s impairment, going
concern and viability assessments were consistent;
Assessment of the historical accuracy and reasonableness of management’s forecasting;
Consideration of the group’s available financing and debt maturity profile;
Testing of the mathematical integrity of management’s liquidity headroom, covenant
compliance, sensitivity and stress testing calculations;
Assessment of the reasonableness of management’s planned or potential mitigating
actions; and
Review of the related disclosures in the Annual Report.
Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any material uncertainties
relating to events or conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast significant doubt
onthe group’s and the company’s ability to continue as a going concern for a period of at
least twelve months from when the financial statements are authorised for issue.
In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the directors’ use of the going
concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is appropriate.
However, because not all future events or conditions can be predicted, this conclusion is
notaguarantee as to the group’s and the company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
In relation to the directors’ reporting on how they have applied the UK Corporate Governance
Code, we have nothing material to add or draw attention to in relation to the directors’
statement in the financial statements about whether the directors considered it appropriate
to adopt the going concern basis of accounting.
Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the directors with respect to going concern
aredescribed in the relevant sections of this report.
Reporting on other information
The other information comprises all of the information in the Annual Report other than the
financial statements and our auditors’ report thereon. The directors are responsible for the
other information, which includes reporting based on the Task Force on Climate‑related
Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. Our opinion on the financial statements does
not cover the other information and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion or,
except to the extent otherwise explicitly stated in this report, any form of assurance thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read
theotherinformation and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially
inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit,
orotherwise appears to be materially misstated. If we identify an apparent material
inconsistency or material misstatement, we are required to perform procedures to conclude
whether there is a material misstatement of the financial statements or a material
misstatement of the other information. If, based on the work we have performed, weconclude
that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required toreport
thatfact. We have nothing to report based on these responsibilities.
With respect to the Strategic report and Directors’ Report, we also considered whether
thedisclosures required by the UK Companies Act 2006 have been included.
Based on our work undertaken in the course of the audit, the Companies Act 2006 requires
usalso to report certain opinions and matters as described below.
Strategic report and Directors’ Report
In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit, the information
given in the Strategic report and Directors’ Report for the year ended 31 March 2023
isconsistent with the financial statements and has been prepared in accordance with
applicable legal requirements.
In light of the knowledge and understanding of the group and company and their
environment obtained in the course of the audit, we did not identify any material
misstatements in the Strategic report and Directors’ Report.
Directors’ Remuneration
In our opinion, the part of the Annual Report on Remuneration to be audited has been
properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc continued
Corporate governance statement
The Listing Rules require us to review the directors’ statements in relation to going concern,
longer‑term viability and that part of the corporate governance statement relating to the
company’s compliance with the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code specified
forour review. Our additional responsibilities with respect to the corporate governance
statement as other information are described in the Reporting on other information section
of this report.
Based on the work undertaken as part of our audit, we have concluded that each of the
following elements of the corporate governance statement is materially consistent with
thefinancial statements and our knowledge obtained during the audit, and we have nothing
material to add or draw attention to in relation to:
The directors’ confirmation that they have carried out a robust assessment of the emerging
and principal risks;
The disclosures in the Annual Report that describe those principal risks, what procedures
are in place to identify emerging risks and an explanation of how these are being managed
or mitigated;
The directors’ statement in the financial statements about whether they considered it
appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing them, and their
identification of any material uncertainties to the group’s and company’s ability to continue
to do so over a period of at least twelve months from the date of approval of the financial
The directors’ explanation as to their assessment of the group’s and company’s prospects,
the period this assessment covers and why the period is appropriate; and
The directors’ statement as to whether they have a reasonable expectation that the
company will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due over
the period of its assessment, including any related disclosures drawing attention to any
necessary qualifications or assumptions.
Our review of the directors’ statement regarding the longer‑term viability of the group and
company was substantially less in scope than an audit and only consisted of making inquiries
and considering the directors’ process supporting their statement; checking that the
statement is in alignment with the relevant provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code;
and considering whether the statement is consistent with the financial statements and our
knowledge and understanding of the group and company and their environment obtained
inthe course of the audit.
In addition, based on the work undertaken as part of our audit, we have concluded that
eachof the following elements of the corporate governance statement is materially
consistent with the financial statements and our knowledge obtained during the audit:
The directors’ statement that they consider the Annual Report, taken as a whole, is fair,
balanced and understandable, and provides the information necessary for the members
toassess the group’s and company’s position, performance, business model and strategy;
The section of the Annual Report that describes the review of effectiveness of risk
management and internal control systems; and
The section of the Annual Report describing the work of the Audit Committee.
We have nothing to report in respect of our responsibility to report when the directors’
statement relating to the company’s compliance with the Code does not properly disclose
adeparture from a relevant provision of the Code specified under the Listing Rules for review
by the auditors.
Responsibilities for the financial statements and
the audit
Responsibilities of the directors for the financial statements
As explained more fully in the Statement of directors’ responsibilities in respect of the Annual
Report and Accounts, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial
statements in accordance with the applicable framework and for being satisfied that they
givea true and fair view. The directors are also responsible for such internal control as they
determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the directors are responsible for assessing the group’s
and the company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters
related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors
either intend to liquidate the group or the company or to cease operations, or have no
realistic alternative but to do so.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc continued
Auditors’ responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
asa whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue
an auditors’ report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of
assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will
always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud
orerror and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably
beexpected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these
Irregularities, including fraud, are instances of non‑compliance with laws and regulations.
Wedesign procedures in line with our responsibilities, outlined above, to detect material
misstatements in respect of irregularities, including fraud. The extent to which our procedures
are capable of detecting irregularities, including fraud, is detailed below.
Based on our understanding of the group and industry, we identified that the principal risks
ofnon‑compliance with laws and regulations related to international tax regulations,
environmental regulations, health and safety regulations (EHS), and anti bribery and
corruption laws, and we considered the extent to which non‑compliance might have a
material effect on the financial statements. We also considered those laws and regulations
that have a direct impact on the financial statements such as the Companies Act 2006.
Weevaluated management’s incentives and opportunities for fraudulent manipulation of
thefinancial statements (including the risk of override of controls), and determined that the
principal risks were related to posting inappropriate journal entries, management bias in
accounting estimates, expected credit losses, timing of recognition of litigation provisions
andmetal gains and losses. The group engagement team shared this risk assessment with the
component auditors so that they could include appropriate audit procedures in response to
such risks in their work. Audit procedures performed by the group engagement team and/or
component auditors included:
Discussions with management, internal audit and the group’s legal advisors, and the head
of ethics and compliance including consideration of known or suspected instances of
non‑compliance with laws and regulations and fraud;
Reading the minutes of board meetings and the Ethics Committee, and assessment of
“SpeakUp” matters through the ethics reporting line and the results of management’s
investigation into these matters (including engaging with our own forensics specialists
where relevant);
Reviewing financial statement disclosures to supporting documentation to assess
compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
Challenging management’s significant judgements and estimates in particular those
relating to the carrying value of goodwill, other intangibles and other assets, post‑
employment benefits, tax provisions, deferred tax assets, refining processes and stocktakes,
climate change, metal accounting and provisions and contingent liabilities;
Identifying and testing manual journal entries, in particular any journal entries posted
withunusual account combinations, and all material consolidation journals;
Incorporating unpredictable procedures into our audit approach including varying
thetiming and nature of testing performed; and
Considering the outcome of key transactions in the year and the assessing the
appropriateness of related accounting and disclosure within the financial statements.
There are inherent limitations in the audit procedures described above. We are less likely
tobecome aware of instances of non‑compliance with laws and regulations that are not
closely related to events and transactions reflected in the financial statements. Also, the risk
of not detecting a material misstatement due to fraud is higher than the risk of not detecting
one resulting from error, as fraud may involve deliberate concealment by, for example,
forgery or intentional misrepresentations, or through collusion.
Our audit testing might include testing complete populations of certain transactions and
balances, possibly using data auditing techniques. However, it typically involves selecting
alimited number of items for testing, rather than testing complete populations. We will often
seek to target particular items for testing based on their size or risk characteristics. In other
cases, we will use audit sampling to enable us to draw a conclusion about the population
from which the sample is selected.
A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements is located
on the FRC’s website at: www.frc. org.uk/auditorsresponsibilities. This description forms part
of our auditors’ report.
Use of this report
This report, including the opinions, has been prepared for and only for the company’s
members as a body in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006
andfor no other purpose. We do not, in giving these opinions, accept or assume responsibility
forany other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose
hands itmay come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc continued
Other required reporting
Companies Act 2006 exception reporting
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion:
we have not obtained all the information and explanations we require for our audit; or
adequate accounting records have not been kept by the company, or returns adequate
forour audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; or
certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are not made; or
the company financial statements and the part of the Annual Report on Remuneration
tobe audited are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns.
We have no exceptions to report arising from this responsibility.
Following the recommendation of the Audit Committee, we were appointed by the members
on 18 July 2018 to audit the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2019 and
subsequent financial periods. The period of total uninterrupted engagement is five years,
covering the years ended 31 March 2019 to 31 March 2023.
Other matter
In due course, as required by the Financial Conduct Authority Disclosure Guidance and
Transparency Rule 4.1.14R, these financial statements will form part of the ESEF‑prepared
annual financial report filed on the National Storage Mechanism of the Financial Conduct
Authority in accordance with the ESEF Regulatory Technical Standard (‘ESEF RTS’).
Thisauditors’ report provides no assurance over whether the annual financial report will
beprepared using the single electronic format specified in the ESEF RTS.
Graham Parsons (Senior Statutory Auditor)
for and on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors
25 May 2023
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent auditors’ report to the members of Johnson Matthey Plc continued
Consolidated Income Statement
for the year ended 31
March 2023
Revenue 2,3 14,933 16,025
Cost of sales (13,939) (14,971)
Gross profit 994 1,054
Distribution costs (117) (101)
Administrative expenses (412) (400)
Profit on disposal of businesses 27 12 106
Amortisation of acquired intangibles 4 (5) (6)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings 4 (25) 42
Major impairment and restructuring charges 4,6 (41) (440)
Operating profit 2,4 406 255
Finance costs 8 (110) (101)
Investment income 8 49 4 1
Share of losses of associates 15 (1)
Profit before tax from continuing operations 344 195
Tax expense 9 (80) (79)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 264 116
Profit / (loss) after tax from discontinued operations 26 12 (217)
Profit / (loss) for the year 276 (101)
Pence pence
Earnings / (loss) per ordinary share
Basic 10 150.9 (52.6)
Diluted 10 150.2 (52.6)
Earnings per ordinary share from continuing operations
Basic 10 144.2 60.9
Diluted 10 143.6 60.8
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Consolidated Income Statement
for the year ended 31
March 2023
Revenue 2,3 14,933 16,025
Cost of sales (13,939) (14,971)
Gross profit 994 1,054
Distribution costs (117) (101)
Administrative expenses (412) (400)
Profit on disposal of businesses 27 12 106
Amortisation of acquired intangibles 4 (5) (6)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings 4 (25) 42
Major impairment and restructuring charges 4,6 (41) (440)
Operating profit 2,4 406 255
Finance costs 8 (110) (101)
Investment income 8 49 41
Share of losses of associates 15 (1)
Profit before tax from continuing operations 344 195
Tax expense 9 (80) (79)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 264 116
Profit / (loss) after tax from discontinued operations 26 12 (217)
Profit / (loss) for the year 276 (101)
Pence pence
Earnings / (loss) per ordinary share
Basic 10 150.9 (52.6)
Diluted 10 150.2 (52.6)
Earnings per ordinary share from continuing operations
Basic 10 144.2 60.9
Diluted 10 143.6 60.8
Consolidated Statement of Total Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 31
March 2023
Profit / (loss) for the year 276 (101)
Other comprehensive (expense) / income
Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement in subsequent years
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities 24 (149) 177
Fair value losses on equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income (12) (5)
Tax on items that will not be reclassified to the income statement
37 (35)
Total items that will not be reclassified to the income statement (124) 137
Items that may be reclassified to the income statement
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 25 33 75
Exchange differences on translation of discontinued foreign operations 26, 27 (32) 5
Amounts credited / (charged) to hedging reserve 114 (36)
Fair value losses on net investment hedges (10) (2)
Tax on above items taken directly to or transferred from equity
(28) 10
Total items that may be reclassified to the income statement (in subsequent years) 77 52
Other comprehensive (expense) / income for the year (47) 189
Total comprehensive income for the year 229 88
Total comprehensive income for the year arises from:
Continuing operations 249 300
Discontinued operations 26 (20) (212)
229 88
1. The tax credit / (charge) on other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to the income statement of £37 million (2022: £(35) million) relates to remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities.
2. The tax (charge) / credit on other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to the income statement of £(28) million (2022: £10 million) relates to tax on amounts credited / (charged) to hedging reserve.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
as at 31
March 2023
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 11 1,332 1,238
Right-of-use assets 12 49 61
Goodwill 13 364 366
Other intangible assets 14 287 267
Investments in joint ventures and associates 15 75 2
Investments at fair value through other comprehensive income 29 49 45
Other receivables 17 113 42
Interest rate swaps 20 12
Other financial assets 18 48
Deferred tax assets 23 121 98
Post-employment benefit net assets 24 203 352
Total non-current assets 2,66 1 2,483
Current assets
Inventories 16 1,702 1,549
Taxation recoverable 12 18
Trade and other receivables 17 1,882 1,796
Cash and cash equivalents 650 391
Other financial assets 18 47 27
Assets classified as held for sale 26 75 402
Total current assets 4,368 4,183
Total assets 7,029 6,666
The accounts were approved by the Board of Directors on 25
May 2023 and signed on its
behalf by:
L Condon
S Oxle
The notes on pages 150 to 221 form an integral part of the accounts.
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 19 (2,497) (2,563)
Lease liabilities 12 (9) (10)
Taxation liabilities (105) (97)
Cash and cash equivalents - bank overdrafts (13) (37)
Borrowings and related swaps 20 (155) (265)
Other financial liabilities 18 (27) (44)
Provisions 22 (63) (56)
Liabilities classified as held for sale 26 (25) (80)
Total current liabilities (2,894) (3,152)
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings and related swaps 20 (1,460) (899)
Lease liabilities 12 (31) (40)
Deferred tax liabilities 23 (19) (18)
Interest rate swaps (15) (2)
Employee benefit obligations 24 (4 1) (72)
Other financial liabilities 18 (12)
Provisions 22 (28) (28)
Trade and other payables 19 (2) (2)
Total non-current liabilities (1,596) (1,073)
Total liabilities (4,490) (4,225)
Net assets 2,539 2,441
Share capital 25 215 218
Share premium 148 148
Treasury shares (19) (24)
Other reserves 25 118 50
Retained earnings 2,077 2,049
Total equity 2,539 2,441
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
as at 31
March 2023
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 11 1,332 1,238
Right-of-use assets 12 49 61
Goodwill 13 364 366
Other intangible assets 14 287 267
Investments in joint ventures and associates 15 75 2
Investments at fair value through other comprehensive income 29 49 45
Other receivables 17 113 42
Interest rate swaps 20 12
Other financial assets 18 48
Deferred tax assets 23 121 98
Post-employment benefit net assets 24 203 352
Total non-current assets 2,661 2,483
Current assets
Inventories 16 1,702 1,549
Taxation recoverable 12 18
Trade and other receivables 17 1,882 1,796
Cash and cash equivalents 650 391
Other financial assets 18 47 27
Assets classified as held for sale 26 75 402
Total current assets 4,368 4,183
Total assets 7,029 6,666
The accounts were approved by the Board of Directors on 25
May 2023 and signed on its
behalf by:
L Condon
S Oxle
The notes on pages 150 to 221 form an integral part of the accounts.
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 19 (2,497) (2,563)
Lease liabilities 12 (9) (10)
Taxation liabilities (105) (97)
Cash and cash equivalents - bank overdrafts (13) (37)
Borrowings and related swaps 20 (155) (265)
Other financial liabilities 18 (27) (44)
Provisions 22 (63) (56)
Liabilities classified as held for sale 26 (25) (80)
Total current liabilities (2,894) (3,152)
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings and related swaps 20 (1,460) (899)
Lease liabilities 12 (31) (40)
Deferred tax liabilities 23 (19) (18)
Interest rate swaps (15) (2)
Employee benefit obligations 24 (41) (72)
Other financial liabilities 18 (12)
Provisions 22 (28) (28)
Trade and other payables 19 (2) (2)
Total non-current liabilities (1,596) (1,073)
Total liabilities (4,490) (4,225)
Net assets 2,539 2,441
Share capital 25 215 218
Share premium 148 148
Treasury shares (19) (24)
Other reserves 25 118 50
Retained earnings 2,077 2,049
Total equity 2,539 2,441
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the year ended 31
March 2023
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax from continuing operations 344 195
Profit / (loss) before tax from discontinued operations 5 (239)
Share of losses of associates 1
Profit on disposal of businesses 27 (23) (106)
Depreciation 151 151
Amortisation 36 39
Impairment losses 27 632
(Profit) / loss on sale of non-current assets (6) 2
Share-based payments 7 8
(Increase) / decrease in inventories (13 9) 123
(Increase) / decrease in receivables (102) 588
Decrease in payables (4) (783)
Increase in provisions 7 25
Contributions in excess of employee benefit obligations charge (21) (2)
Changes in fair value of financial instruments 22 19
Net finance costs 61 60
Income tax paid (75) (107)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 291 605
Cash flows from investing activities
Interest received 28 32
Purchases of property, plant and equipment (253) (358)
Purchases of intangible assets (63) (95)
Purchases of investments held at fair value through other
comprehensive income
Government grant income received 7
Proceeds from sale of non-current assets 8 1
Proceeds from sale of investment in joint ventures 2
Net proceeds from sale of businesses 187 160
Net cash outflow from investing activities (101) (260)
Cash flows from financing activities
Purchase of treasury shares 25 (45) (155)
Proceeds from borrowings 672 9
Repayment of borrowings (281) (140)
Dividends paid to equity shareholders 25 (141) (139)
Interest paid (94) (111)
Principal element of lease payments (14) (14)
Net cash inflow / (outflow) from financing activities 97 (550)
Change in cash and cash equivalents 287 (205)
Exchange differences on cash and cash equivalents 4 6
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 346 545
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 637 346
Cash and deposits 129 254
Money market funds 521 137
Bank overdrafts (13) (37)
Bank overdrafts transferred to liabilities classified as held for sale (8)
Cash and cash equivalents 637 346
* For cash flows of discontinued operations see note 26.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31
March 2023
(note 25)
At 1
April 2021 221 148 (29) 2,345 2,685
Loss for the year (101) (101)
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities 177 177
Fair value losses on investments at fair value through other comprehensive income (5) (5)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 80 80
Amounts charged to hedging reserve (36) (36)
Fair value losses on net investment hedges taken to equity (2) (2)
Tax on other comprehensive income 10 (35) (25)
Total comprehensive income 47 41 88
Dividends paid (note 25) (139) (139)
Purchase of treasury shares (note 25) (3) 3 (200) (200)
Share-based payments 15 15
Cost of shares transferred to employees 5 (13) (8)
At 31
March 2022 218 148 (24) 50 2,049 2,441
Profit for the year 276 276
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities (149) (149)
Fair value losses on investments at fair value through other comprehensive income (12) (12)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 1 1
Amounts credited to hedging reserve 114 114
Fair value losses on net investment hedges taken to equity (1 0) (1 0)
Tax on other comprehensive income (2 8) 37 9
Total comprehensive income 65 164 229
Dividends paid (note 25) (141) (141)
Purchase of treasury shares (note 25) (3) 3 (1) (1)
Share-based payments 18 1 8
Cost of shares transferred to employees 5 (14) (9)
Tax on share-based payments 2 2
t 31
March 2023 215 148 (19) 118 2,077 2,539
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31
March 2023
(note 25)
At 1
April 2021 221 148 (29) 2,345 2,685
Loss for the year (101) (101)
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities 177 177
Fair value losses on investments at fair value through other comprehensive income (5) (5)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 80 80
Amounts charged to hedging reserve (36) (36)
Fair value losses on net investment hedges taken to equity (2) (2)
Tax on other comprehensive income 10 (35) (25)
Total comprehensive income 47 41 88
Dividends paid (note 25) (139) (139)
Purchase of treasury shares (note 25) (3) 3 (200) (200)
Share-based payments 15 15
Cost of shares transferred to employees 5 (13) (8)
At 31
March 2022 218 148 (24) 50 2,049 2,441
Profit for the year 276 276
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities (149) (149)
Fair value losses on investments at fair value through other comprehensive income (12) (12)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 1 1
Amounts credited to hedging reserve 114 114
Fair value losses on net investment hedges taken to equity (10) (10)
Tax on other comprehensive income (28) 37 9
Total comprehensive income 65 164 229
Dividends paid (note 25) (141) (141)
Purchase of treasury shares (note 25) (3) 3 (1) (1)
Share-based payments 18 18
Cost of shares transferred to employees 5 (14) (9)
Tax on share-based payments 2 2
t 31
March 2023 215 148 (19) 118 2,077 2,539
Guide to financial statement disclosures
for the year ended 31
March 2023
Notes and appendices Page Notes and appendices Page
Operations - information relating to our operating performance
2 Segmental information 158 6 Major impairment and restructuring charges 172
3 Revenue 163 10 Earnings / (loss) per ordinary share 174
4 Operating profit 168 34 Non-GAAP measures 207
5 Impairment losses 170
Financing - information relating to how we finance our business
8 Investment income and financing costs 173 25 Share capital and other reserves 192
18 Other financial assets and liabilities 179 28 Financial risk management 197
20 Borrowings and related swaps 180 29 Fair values 202
21 Movements in assets and liabilities from financing activities 181
Working capital - information relating to the day-to-day working capital of our business
16 Inventories 179 19 Trade and other payables 179
17 Trade and other receivables 179 22 Provisions 182
Tax - information relating to our current and deferred taxation
9 Tax expense 174 23 Deferred tax 182
Employees - information relating to the costs associated with employing our people
7 Employee information 173 30 Share-based payments 204
24 Post-employment benefits 183
Long-term assets - information relating to our long-term operational and investment assets
11 Property, plant and equipment 175 14 Other intangible assets 177
12 Leases 176 15 Investments in joint ventures and associates 178
13 Goodwill 176 24 Post-employment benefits 183
Other - other useful information
1 Accounting policies 150 31 Commitments 205
Discontinued operations and assets and liabilities classified as
held for sale
195 32 Contingent liabilities 206
33 Transactions with related parties 206
27 Disposals 196 34 Non-GAAP measures 207
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts
for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies
The severe-but-plausible case for Clean Air modelled scenarios assuming a smaller light duty
vehicle market from reduced vehicle production and/or market consumer demand disruption
The Company and the Group
or greater share of zero emission vehicles in market, assumed to result in a 10% drop in sales.
Johnson Matthey plc (the ‘Company’) is a public company limited by shares incorporated
For PGMS and Catalyst Technologies, it also assumed a reduction in sales and associated
under the Companies Act 2006 and domiciled in England in the United Kingdom. The
operating profit based on adverse scenarios using external and internal market insights.
consolidated accounts of the company for the year ended 31
March 2023 consist of the
audited consolidation of the accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred
Additionally, as part of viability testing, the group considered scenarios including the impact
to as the ‘Group’), together with the employee share ownership trust and the group's interest
from metal price volatility, higher inflation, delays in capital projects and delivery of cost
in joint ventures and associates.
transformation savings, and slow down of operations in China. Whilst the combined impact
would reduce profitability and EBITDA against our latest forecast, our balance sheet remains
Basis of accounting and preparation – group
strong with ample working capital and Net Debt/EBITDA ratios.
The financial statements of the group have been prepared in accordance with UK-adopted
International Accounting Standards and with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 as
The group has a robust funding position comprising a range of long-term debt and a £1 billion
applicable to companies reporting under those standards.
five year committed revolving credit facility maturing in March 2027 which was entirely
undrawn at 31
March 2023. There was £521 million of cash held in money market funds
The accounts are prepared on the historical cost basis, except for certain assets and liabilities
and £129 million of other cash and bank deposits. Of the existing loans, £151 million of term
which are measured at fair value as explained below.
debt and £4 million of other bank loans mature in the period to June 2024. We assume no
The group accounts comprise the accounts of the parent company and its subsidiaries,
refinancing of this debt in our going concern modelling. As a long time, highly rated issuer in
including the employee share ownership trust, and include the group's interest in joint
the US private placement market and having recently extended its UK Export Financing
ventures and associates. Entities the group controls are accounted for as subsidiaries. Entities
facility, the group expects to be able to access additional funding in its existing markets if
that are joint ventures or associates are accounted for using the equity method of accounting.
required but the going concern conclusion is not dependant on such access as the company
Transactions and balances between group companies are eliminated. No profit is recognised
has sufficient financing and liquidity to fund its obligations in the base and severe-but-
on transactions between group companies.
plausible scenarios. The group also has a number of additional sources of funding available
including uncommitted metal lease facilities that support precious metal funding. Whilst we
The results of businesses acquired or disposed of in the year are consolidated from or up to the
would fully expect to be able to utilise the metal lease facilities, they are excluded from our
effective date of acquisition or disposal, respectively. The net assets of businesses acquired are
going concern modelling.
recognised in the consolidated accounts at their fair values at the date of acquisition.
Going concern
Under all scenarios above, the group has sufficient headroom against committed facilities and
The directors have reviewed a range of scenario forecasts for the group and have reasonable
key financial covenants are not in breach during the going concern period. To give further
expectation that there are no material uncertainties that cast doubt about the group’s ability to
assurance on liquidity, we have also undertaken a reverse stress test to identify what
continue operating for at least twelve months from the date of approving these annual accounts.
additional or alternative scenarios and circumstances would threaten our current financing
As at 31
March 2023, the group maintains a strong balance sheet with around £1.6 billion
arrangements. This shows that we have headroom against a further decline in profitability
of available cash and undrawn committed facilities. Free cash flow was positive in the year
beyond the severe-but-plausible scenario or a significant increase in borrowings. Furthermore,
at £74 million. Net debt at 31
March 2023 was £1,023 million at 1.6 times net debt
the group has a range of levers which it could utilise to protect headroom including reducing
(including post tax pension deficits) to underlying EBITDA which was at the lower end of
capital expenditure, renegotiating payment terms and reducing future dividend distributions.
our target range.
The directors are therefore of the opinion that the group has adequate resources to fund its
Although impacted by the significant headwinds faced in the current macroeconomic
operations for the period of at least twelve months following the date of this announcement
environment such as high inflation, the impacts of Russia’s war with Ukraine and uncertainty
these financial statements and there are no material uncertainties relating to going concern so
in outlook for major economies, the group’s performance during the period was resilient, both
determine that it is appropriate to prepare the accounts on a going concern basis.
in terms of underlying operating profit and cash flow. For the purposes of assessing going
concern, we have revisited our financial projections using the latest forecasts for our base case
scenario. The base case scenario was stress tested to a severe-but-plausible downside case
which reflects severe recession scenarios.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts
for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies
The severe-but-plausible case for Clean Air modelled scenarios assuming a smaller light duty
vehicle market from reduced vehicle production and/or market consumer demand disruption
The Company and the Group
or greater share of zero emission vehicles in market, assumed to result in a 10% drop in sales.
Johnson Matthey plc (the ‘Company’) is a public company limited by shares incorporated
For PGMS and Catalyst Technologies, it also assumed a reduction in sales and associated
under the Companies Act 2006 and domiciled in England in the United Kingdom. The
operating profit based on adverse scenarios using external and internal market insights.
consolidated accounts of the company for the year ended 31
March 2023 consist of the
audited consolidation of the accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred
Additionally, as part of viability testing, the group considered scenarios including the impact
to as the ‘Group’), together with the employee share ownership trust and the group's interest
from metal price volatility, higher inflation, delays in capital projects and delivery of cost
in joint ventures and associates.
transformation savings, and slow down of operations in China. Whilst the combined impact
would reduce profitability and EBITDA against our latest forecast, our balance sheet remains
Basis of accounting and preparation – group
strong with ample working capital and Net Debt/EBITDA ratios.
The financial statements of the group have been prepared in accordance with UK-adopted
International Accounting Standards and with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 as
The group has a robust funding position comprising a range of long-term debt and a £1 billion
applicable to companies reporting under those standards.
five year committed revolving credit facility maturing in March 2027 which was entirely
undrawn at 31
March 2023. There was £521 million of cash held in money market funds
The accounts are prepared on the historical cost basis, except for certain assets and liabilities
and £129 million of other cash and bank deposits. Of the existing loans, £151 million of term
which are measured at fair value as explained below.
debt and £4 million of other bank loans mature in the period to June 2024. We assume no
The group accounts comprise the accounts of the parent company and its subsidiaries,
refinancing of this debt in our going concern modelling. As a long time, highly rated issuer in
including the employee share ownership trust, and include the group's interest in joint
the US private placement market and having recently extended its UK Export Financing
ventures and associates. Entities the group controls are accounted for as subsidiaries. Entities
facility, the group expects to be able to access additional funding in its existing markets if
that are joint ventures or associates are accounted for using the equity method of accounting.
required but the going concern conclusion is not dependant on such access as the company
Transactions and balances between group companies are eliminated. No profit is recognised
has sufficient financing and liquidity to fund its obligations in the base and severe-but-
on transactions between group companies.
plausible scenarios. The group also has a number of additional sources of funding available
including uncommitted metal lease facilities that support precious metal funding. Whilst we
The results of businesses acquired or disposed of in the year are consolidated from or up to the
would fully expect to be able to utilise the metal lease facilities, they are excluded from our
effective date of acquisition or disposal, respectively. The net assets of businesses acquired are
going concern modelling.
recognised in the consolidated accounts at their fair values at the date of acquisition.
Going concern
Under all scenarios above, the group has sufficient headroom against committed facilities and
The directors have reviewed a range of scenario forecasts for the group and have reasonable
key financial covenants are not in breach during the going concern period. To give further
expectation that there are no material uncertainties that cast doubt about the group’s ability to
assurance on liquidity, we have also undertaken a reverse stress test to identify what
continue operating for at least twelve months from the date of approving these annual accounts.
additional or alternative scenarios and circumstances would threaten our current financing
As at 31
March 2023, the group maintains a strong balance sheet with around £1.6 billion
arrangements. This shows that we have headroom against a further decline in profitability
of available cash and undrawn committed facilities. Free cash flow was positive in the year
beyond the severe-but-plausible scenario or a significant increase in borrowings. Furthermore,
at £74 million. Net debt at 31
March 2023 was £1,023 million at 1.6 times net debt
the group has a range of levers which it could utilise to protect headroom including reducing
(including post tax pension deficits) to underlying EBITDA which was at the lower end of
capital expenditure, renegotiating payment terms and reducing future dividend distributions.
our target range.
The directors are therefore of the opinion that the group has adequate resources to fund its
Although impacted by the significant headwinds faced in the current macroeconomic
operations for the period of at least twelve months following the date of this announcement
environment such as high inflation, the impacts of Russia’s war with Ukraine and uncertainty
these financial statements and there are no material uncertainties relating to going concern so
in outlook for major economies, the group’s performance during the period was resilient, both
determine that it is appropriate to prepare the accounts on a going concern basis.
in terms of underlying operating profit and cash flow. For the purposes of assessing going
concern, we have revisited our financial projections using the latest forecasts for our base case
scenario. The base case scenario was stress tested to a severe-but-plausible downside case
which reflects severe recession scenarios.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
Transaction price
At the start of the contract, the total transaction price is estimated as the amount of
Significant accounting policies
consideration to which the group expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring the
The group’s and parent company’s accounting policies have been applied consistently during
promised goods and services to the customer, excluding sales taxes. Variable consideration,
the current and prior year, other than where new policies have been adopted (see below). The
such as trade discounts, is included based on the expected value or most likely amount only to
group’s and parent company’s significant accounting policies are as follows:
the extent that it is highly probable that there will not be a reversal in the amount of
Foreign currencies
cumulative revenue recognised. The transaction price does not include estimates of
Foreign currency transactions are recorded in the functional currency of the relevant
consideration resulting from contract modifications until they have been approved by the
subsidiary, joint venture, associate or branch at the exchange rate at the date of the
parties to the contract. The total transaction price is allocated to the performance obligations
transaction. Foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are retranslated into the relevant
identified in the contract in proportion to their relative stand-alone selling prices. Many of the
functional currency at the exchange rate at the balance sheet date.
group's and parent company’s products and services are bespoke in nature and, therefore,
stand-alone selling prices are estimated based on cost plus margin or by reference to market
Income statements and cash flows of overseas subsidiaries, joint ventures, associates and
data for similar products and services.
branches are translated into sterling at the average rates for the year. Balance sheets of
overseas subsidiaries, joint ventures, associates and branches, including any fair value
Revenue recognition
adjustments and related goodwill, are translated into sterling at the exchange rates at the
Revenue is recognised as performance obligations are satisfied as control of the goods and
balance sheet date.
services is transferred to the customer.
Exchange differences arising on the translation of the net investment in overseas subsidiaries,
For each performance obligation within a contract, the group and parent company determine
joint ventures, associates and branches, less exchange differences arising on related foreign
whether it is satisfied over time or at a point in time. Performance obligations are satisfied
currency financial instruments which hedge the group’s net investment in these operations,
over time if one of the following criteria is satisfied:
are taken to other comprehensive income. On disposal of the net investment, the cumulative
the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the group’s
exchange difference is reclassified from equity to operating profit.
and parent company’s performance as they perform;
Other exchange differences are recognised in operating profit.
the group’s and parent company’s performance creates or enhances an asset that the
customer controls as the asset is created or enhanced; or
the group’s and parent company’s performance does not create an asset with an alternative
Revenue represents income derived from contracts for the provision of goods and services by
use to the group and parent company and they have an enforceable right to payment for
the parent company and its subsidiaries to customers in exchange for consideration in the
performance completed to date.
ordinary course of the group’s activities.
For more detail of our revenue recognition policy see note 3.
Performance obligations
In the event that the group and parent company enter into bill-and-hold transactions at the
Upon approval by the parties to a contract, the contract is assessed to identify each promise to
specific request of customers, revenue is recognised when the goods are ready for transfer to
transfer either a distinct good or service or a series of distinct goods or services that are
the customer and when the group and parent company are no longer capable of directing
substantially the same and have the same pattern of transfer to the customer. Goods and
those goods to another use.
services are distinct and accounted for as separate performance obligations in the contract if
the customer can benefit from them either on their own or together with other resources that
Revenue includes sales of precious metal to customers and the precious metal content of
are readily available to the customer and they are separately identifiable in the contract.
products sold to customers.
The group typically sells licences to its intellectual property together with other goods and
Linked contracts under which the group and parent company sell or buy precious metal and
services and, since these licences are not generally distinct in the context of the contract,
commit to repurchase or sell the metal in the future are accounted for as finance transactions
revenue recognition is considered at the level of the performance obligation of which the
and no revenue is recognised in respect of the sale leg.
licence forms part. Revenue in respect of performance obligations containing bundles of
No revenue is recognised by the group or parent company in respect of non-monetary
goods and services in which a licence with a sales or usage-based royalty is the predominant
exchanges of precious metal on the basis that the counterparties are in the same line
item is recognised when sales or usage occur.
of business.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any
Significant accounting policies continued
provisions for impairment. Depreciation is provided at rates calculated to write-off the cost less
Consideration payable to customers
estimated residual value of each asset over its useful life and is recognised within
Consideration payable to customers in advance of the recognition of revenue in respect of the
administrative expenses. Certain buildings and plant and equipment are depreciated using the
goods and services to which it relates is capitalised and recognised as a deduction to the
units of production method as this more closely reflects their expected consumption. All other
revenue recognised upon transfer of the goods and services to the customer.
assets are depreciated using the straight-line method. The useful lives vary according to the
Costs to fulfil a contract
class of the asset, but are typically:
Contract fulfilment costs in respect of over time contracts are expensed as incurred. Contract
buildings – 30 years; and
fulfilment costs in respect of point in time contracts are accounted for under IAS 2,
plant and machinery – 4 to 10 years.
land is not depreciated.
Contract receivables
The expected lives of property, plant and equipment tends to be short to medium term, as
Contract receivables represent amounts for which the group and parent company have an
such the physical risk posed by climate change in the long term is low.
unconditional right to consideration in respect of unbilled revenue recognised at the balance
sheet date.
Goodwill and other intangible assets
Contract liabilities
Goodwill arises on the acquisition of a business when the fair value of the consideration
Contract liabilities represent the obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for
exceeds the fair value attributed to the net assets acquired (including contingent liabilities).
which consideration has been received, or consideration is due, from the customer.
It is subject to annual impairment reviews. Acquisition-related costs are charged to the
income statement as incurred. The group and parent company have taken advantage of
Finance costs and investment income
the exemption allowed under IFRS 1 and, therefore, goodwill arising on acquisitions
Finance costs that are directly attributable to the construction of an asset that necessarily
made before 1
April 2004 is included at the carrying amount at that date less any subsequent
takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use are capitalised as part of the
cost of that asset. Other finance costs and finance income are recognised in the income
Other intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and any provisions for
statement in the year incurred.
impairment. Customer contracts are amortised when the relevant income stream occurs. All
Research and development
other intangible assets are amortised by using the straight-line method over the useful lives
Research expenditure is charged to the income statement in the year incurred. Development
from the time they are first available for use. Amortisation is recognised within administrative
expenditure is charged to the income statement in the year incurred unless it meets the
expenses. The estimated useful lives vary according to the specific asset, but are typically:
recognition criteria for capitalisation. When the recognition criteria have been met, any
customer contracts and relationships – 1 to 15 years;
further development expenditure is capitalised as an intangible asset.
capitalised computer software – 3 to 10 years;
patents, trademarks and licences – 3 to 20 years;
acquired research and technology – 4 to 10 years; and
capitalised development currently being amortised – 3 to 8 years.
Intangible assets which are not yet being amortised are subject to annual impairment reviews.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any
Significant accounting policies continued
provisions for impairment. Depreciation is provided at rates calculated to write-off the cost less
Consideration payable to customers
estimated residual value of each asset over its useful life and is recognised within
Consideration payable to customers in advance of the recognition of revenue in respect of the
administrative expenses. Certain buildings and plant and equipment are depreciated using the
goods and services to which it relates is capitalised and recognised as a deduction to the
units of production method as this more closely reflects their expected consumption. All other
revenue recognised upon transfer of the goods and services to the customer.
assets are depreciated using the straight-line method. The useful lives vary according to the
Costs to fulfil a contract
class of the asset, but are typically:
Contract fulfilment costs in respect of over time contracts are expensed as incurred. Contract
buildings – 30 years; and
fulfilment costs in respect of point in time contracts are accounted for under IAS 2,
plant and machinery – 4 to 10 years.
land is not depreciated.
Contract receivables
The expected lives of property, plant and equipment tends to be short to medium term, as
Contract receivables represent amounts for which the group and parent company have an
such the physical risk posed by climate change in the long term is low.
unconditional right to consideration in respect of unbilled revenue recognised at the balance
sheet date.
Goodwill and other intangible assets
Contract liabilities
Goodwill arises on the acquisition of a business when the fair value of the consideration
Contract liabilities represent the obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for
exceeds the fair value attributed to the net assets acquired (including contingent liabilities).
which consideration has been received, or consideration is due, from the customer.
It is subject to annual impairment reviews. Acquisition-related costs are charged to the
income statement as incurred. The group and parent company have taken advantage of
Finance costs and investment income
the exemption allowed under IFRS 1 and, therefore, goodwill arising on acquisitions
Finance costs that are directly attributable to the construction of an asset that necessarily
made before 1
April 2004 is included at the carrying amount at that date less any subsequent
takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use are capitalised as part of the
cost of that asset. Other finance costs and finance income are recognised in the income
Other intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and any provisions for
statement in the year incurred.
impairment. Customer contracts are amortised when the relevant income stream occurs. All
Research and development
other intangible assets are amortised by using the straight-line method over the useful lives
Research expenditure is charged to the income statement in the year incurred. Development
from the time they are first available for use. Amortisation is recognised within administrative
expenditure is charged to the income statement in the year incurred unless it meets the
expenses. The estimated useful lives vary according to the specific asset, but are typically:
recognition criteria for capitalisation. When the recognition criteria have been met, any
customer contracts and relationships – 1 to 15 years;
further development expenditure is capitalised as an intangible asset.
capitalised computer software – 3 to 10 years;
patents, trademarks and licences – 3 to 20 years;
acquired research and technology – 4 to 10 years; and
capitalised development currently being amortised – 3 to 8 years.
Intangible assets which are not yet being amortised are subject to annual impairment reviews.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
The group leases precious metals to fund temporary peaks in metal requirements provided
market conditions allow. These leases are from banks for specified periods (less than 12
Investments in joint ventures and associates
months) and the group pays a fee which is expensed on a straight-line basis over the lease
A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby investees are able to exercise joint control of
term in finance costs. The group holds sufficient precious metal inventories to meet all the
the arrangement.
obligations under these lease arrangements as they fall due.
Associates are entities over which the group exercises significant influence when it has the
power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the entity but it does not
Precious metal
have the power to control or jointly control the entity.
Inventories of gold, silver and platinum group metals are valued according to the source from
Investments in joint ventures and associates are accounted for using the equity method of
which the metal is obtained. Metal which has been purchased and committed to future sales
accounting and are initially recognised at cost. Thereafter the investments are adjusted to
to customers is valued at the price at which it is contractually committed, adjusted for
recognise the group’s share of the post-acquisition profits or losses after tax of the investee in
unexpired contango and backwardation. Other precious metal inventories owned by the
the income statement, and the group’s share of movements in other comprehensive income
group, which are unhedged, are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value using the
of the investee in other comprehensive income. Dividends received or receivable from
weighted average cost formula.
associates are recognised as a reduction in the carrying amount of the investment. The
carrying value of the investments are reviewed for impairment triggers on a regular basis.
Non-precious metal inventories are valued at the lower of cost, including attributable
Where the group’s share of losses in an equity-accounted investment equals or exceeds its
overheads, and net realisable value. Except where costs are specifically identified, the first-in,
interest in the entity, the group does not recognise further losses unless it has incurred
first-out cost formula is used to value inventories.
obligations to do so.
Cash and cash equivalents
Unrealised gains and losses on transactions between the group and its associates are
Cash and deposits comprise cash at bank and in hand and short-term deposits with a maturity
eliminated to the extent of the group’s interest in these joint ventures and associates.
date of three months or less from the date of acquisition. Money market funds comprise
investments in funds that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in fair value. The
group and parent company routinely use short-term bank overdraft facilities, which are
Leases are recognised as a right-of-use asset, together with a corresponding lease liability, at
repayable on demand, as an integral part of their cash management policies and, therefore,
the date at which the leased asset is available for use.
cash and cash equivalents include cash and deposits, money market funds and bank
The right-of-use asset is initially measured at cost, which comprises the initial value of the
overdrafts. Offset arrangements across group businesses have been applied to arrive at the net
lease liability, lease payments made (net of any incentives received from the lessor) before the
cash and overdraft figures.
commencement of the lease, initial direct costs and restoration costs. The right-of-use asset is
st st
At 31
March 2023 cash and cash equivalents includes £15 million (31
March 2022: £111
depreciated on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the asset’s useful life and the lease term
million) of restricted amounts relating to cash held in Russia. The prior year balance relates to
in operating profit.
restricted amounts in South Africa.
The lease liability is initially measured as the present value of future lease payments
discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease or, where this rate is not determinable,
the group’s incremental borrowing rate, which is the interest rate the group would have to pay
to borrow the amount necessary to obtain an asset of similar value in a similar economic
environment with similar terms and conditions. Interest is charged to finance costs at a
constant rate of interest on the outstanding lease liability over the lease term.
Payments in respect of short-term leases, low-value leases and precious metal leases
are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term in
operating profit.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
determined to be, effective hedges are recognised immediately in the income statement. The
vast majority of forward precious metal price contracts are entered into and held for the
Financial instruments
receipt or delivery of precious metal and, therefore, are not recorded at fair value.
Investments and other financial assets
The group and parent company classify their financial assets in the following measurement
Cash flow hedges
Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments designated as cash flow hedges
are recognised in other comprehensive income to the extent that the hedges are effective.
those measured at fair value either through other comprehensive income or through profit
Ineffective portions are recognised in the income statement immediately. If the hedged item
or loss; and
results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or liability, the amount previously recognised
those measured at amortised cost.
in other comprehensive income is transferred out of equity and included in the initial carrying
At initial recognition, the group and parent company measure financial assets at fair value
amount of the asset or liability. Otherwise, the amount previously recognised in other
plus, in the case of financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss,
comprehensive income is transferred to the income statement in the same period that the
transaction costs that are directly attributable to their acquisition.
hedged item is recognised in the income statement. If the hedging instrument expires or is
sold, terminated or exercised or the hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting,
The group and parent company subsequently measure equity investments at fair value and
amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income remain in equity until the
have elected to present fair value gains and losses on equity investments in other
forecast transaction occurs. If a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the
comprehensive income. There is, therefore, no subsequent reclassification of cumulative fair
amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income are transferred to the income
value gains and losses to profit or loss following disposal of the investments.
statement. If a forward precious metal price contract will be settled net in cash, it is designated
The group and parent company subsequently measure trade and other receivables and
and accounted for as a cash flow hedge.
contract receivables at amortised cost, with the exception of trade receivables that have been
Fair value hedges
designated as at fair value through other comprehensive income because the group has
Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments designated as fair value hedges
certain operations with business models to hold trade receivables for collection or sale. All
are recognised in the income statement, together with the related changes in the fair value of
other financial assets, including short-term receivables, are measured at amortised cost less
the hedged asset or liability. Fair value hedge accounting is discontinued if the hedging
any impairment provision.
instrument expires or is sold, terminated or exercised or the hedge no longer meets the
For the impairment of trade and contract receivables, the group and parent company apply
criteria for hedge accounting.
the simplified approach permitted by IFRS 9, Financial Instruments, which requires expected
Net investment hedges
lifetime losses to be recognised from initial recognition.
For hedges of net investments in foreign operations, the effective portion of the gain or loss on
Derivative financial instruments
the hedging instrument is recognised in other comprehensive income, while the ineffective
The group and parent company use derivative financial instruments, in particular forward
portion is recognised in the income statement. Amounts taken to other comprehensive
currency contracts, currency swaps, interest rate swaps and commodity derivatives to manage
income are reclassified from equity to the income statement when the foreign operations are
the financial risks associated with their underlying business activities and the financing of
sold or liquidated.
those activities. The group and parent company do not undertake any speculative trading
Financial liabilities
activity in derivative financial instruments.
Borrowings are measured at amortised cost. Those borrowings designated as being in fair
Derivative financial instruments are measured at their fair value. Derivative financial
value hedge relationships are remeasured for the fair value changes in respect of the hedged
instruments may be designated at inception as fair value hedges, cash flow hedges or net
risk with these changes recognised in the income statement. All other financial liabilities,
investment hedges if appropriate. For currency swaps designated as instruments in cash
including short-term payables, are measured at amortised cost.
flow or net investment hedging relationships, the impact from currency basis spreads is
Precious metal sale and repurchase agreements
included in the hedge relationship and may be a source of ineffectiveness recognised in the
The group and parent company undertake linked contracts to sell or buy precious metal and
income statement.
commit to repurchase or sell the metal in the future. An asset representing the metal which
Derivative financial instruments which are not designated as hedging instruments are
the group and parent company have committed to sell or a liability representing the
classified as at fair value through profit or loss, but are used to manage financial risk. Changes
obligation to repurchase the metal are recognised in trade and other receivables or trade and
in the fair value of any derivative financial instruments that are not designated as, or are not
other payables, respectively.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
determined to be, effective hedges are recognised immediately in the income statement. The
vast majority of forward precious metal price contracts are entered into and held for the
Financial instruments
receipt or delivery of precious metal and, therefore, are not recorded at fair value.
Investments and other financial assets
The group and parent company classify their financial assets in the following measurement
Cash flow hedges
Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments designated as cash flow hedges
are recognised in other comprehensive income to the extent that the hedges are effective.
those measured at fair value either through other comprehensive income or through profit
Ineffective portions are recognised in the income statement immediately. If the hedged item
or loss; and
results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or liability, the amount previously recognised
those measured at amortised cost.
in other comprehensive income is transferred out of equity and included in the initial carrying
At initial recognition, the group and parent company measure financial assets at fair value
amount of the asset or liability. Otherwise, the amount previously recognised in other
plus, in the case of financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss,
comprehensive income is transferred to the income statement in the same period that the
transaction costs that are directly attributable to their acquisition.
hedged item is recognised in the income statement. If the hedging instrument expires or is
sold, terminated or exercised or the hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting,
The group and parent company subsequently measure equity investments at fair value and
amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income remain in equity until the
have elected to present fair value gains and losses on equity investments in other
forecast transaction occurs. If a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the
comprehensive income. There is, therefore, no subsequent reclassification of cumulative fair
amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income are transferred to the income
value gains and losses to profit or loss following disposal of the investments.
statement. If a forward precious metal price contract will be settled net in cash, it is designated
The group and parent company subsequently measure trade and other receivables and
and accounted for as a cash flow hedge.
contract receivables at amortised cost, with the exception of trade receivables that have been
Fair value hedges
designated as at fair value through other comprehensive income because the group has
Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments designated as fair value hedges
certain operations with business models to hold trade receivables for collection or sale. All
are recognised in the income statement, together with the related changes in the fair value of
other financial assets, including short-term receivables, are measured at amortised cost less
the hedged asset or liability. Fair value hedge accounting is discontinued if the hedging
any impairment provision.
instrument expires or is sold, terminated or exercised or the hedge no longer meets the
For the impairment of trade and contract receivables, the group and parent company apply
criteria for hedge accounting.
the simplified approach permitted by IFRS 9, Financial Instruments, which requires expected
Net investment hedges
lifetime losses to be recognised from initial recognition.
For hedges of net investments in foreign operations, the effective portion of the gain or loss on
Derivative financial instruments
the hedging instrument is recognised in other comprehensive income, while the ineffective
The group and parent company use derivative financial instruments, in particular forward
portion is recognised in the income statement. Amounts taken to other comprehensive
currency contracts, currency swaps, interest rate swaps and commodity derivatives to manage
income are reclassified from equity to the income statement when the foreign operations are
the financial risks associated with their underlying business activities and the financing of
sold or liquidated.
those activities. The group and parent company do not undertake any speculative trading
Financial liabilities
activity in derivative financial instruments.
Borrowings are measured at amortised cost. Those borrowings designated as being in fair
Derivative financial instruments are measured at their fair value. Derivative financial
value hedge relationships are remeasured for the fair value changes in respect of the hedged
instruments may be designated at inception as fair value hedges, cash flow hedges or net
risk with these changes recognised in the income statement. All other financial liabilities,
investment hedges if appropriate. For currency swaps designated as instruments in cash
including short-term payables, are measured at amortised cost.
flow or net investment hedging relationships, the impact from currency basis spreads is
Precious metal sale and repurchase agreements
included in the hedge relationship and may be a source of ineffectiveness recognised in the
The group and parent company undertake linked contracts to sell or buy precious metal and
income statement.
commit to repurchase or sell the metal in the future. An asset representing the metal which
Derivative financial instruments which are not designated as hedging instruments are
the group and parent company have committed to sell or a liability representing the
classified as at fair value through profit or loss, but are used to manage financial risk. Changes
obligation to repurchase the metal are recognised in trade and other receivables or trade and
in the fair value of any derivative financial instruments that are not designated as, or are not
other payables, respectively.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
sheet date. Liabilities are measured at present value using the projected unit credit method
and a discount rate reflecting yields on high quality corporate bonds. The changes in plan
assets and liabilities, based on actuarial advice, are recognised as follows:
Current and deferred tax are recognised in the income statement, except when they relate to
items recognised directly in equity, in which case the related tax is also recognised in equity.
The current service cost is deducted in arriving at operating profit.
The net interest cost, based on the discount rate at the beginning of the year, contributions
Current tax is the amount of income tax expected to be paid in respect of taxable profits using
paid in and the present value of the net defined benefit liabilities during the year, is
the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.
included in finance costs.
Deferred tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising
Past service costs and curtailment gains and losses are recognised in operating profit at the
between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the balance sheet.
earlier of when the plan amendment or curtailment occurs and when any related
It is provided using the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the asset or
restructuring costs or termination benefits are recognised.
liability is settled, based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the
Gains or losses arising from settlements are included in operating profit when the
balance sheet date.
settlement occurs.
Remeasurements, representing returns on plan assets, excluding amounts included in
Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits
interest, and actuarial gains and losses arising from changes in financial and demographic
will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. No deferred tax asset
assumptions, are recognised in other comprehensive income.
or liability is recognised in respect of temporary differences associated with investments in
subsidiaries and branches where the group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the
Assets held for sale and discontinued operations
temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the
Non-current assets and disposal groups are classified as held for sale, if available for sale in its
foreseeable future.
present condition and a sale is considered highly probable within 12 months. They are
measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. Assets and
Provisions and contingencies
liabilities classified as held for sale are presented separately on the Balance Sheet. The assets
Provisions are recognised when the group has a present obligation as a result of a past event
are not depreciated or amortised while they are classified as held for sale.
and a reliable estimate can be made of a probable adverse outcome, for example warranties ,
environmental claims and restructuring. Otherwise, material contingent liabilities are
An impairment loss is recognised in the Income Statement for any initial or subsequent write-
disclosed unless the probability of the transfer of economic benefits is remote. Contingent
down of the asset or disposal group to fair value less costs to sell. A gain is recognised for any
assets are only disclosed if an inflow of economic benefits is virtually certain.
subsequent increases in fair value less costs to sell of an asset or disposal group, but not in
excess of any cumulative impairment loss previously recognised. A gain or loss not previously
Share-based payments and treasury shares
recognised by the date of the sale of the non-current asset (or disposal group) is recognised at
The fair value of shares awarded to employees under the performance share plan, restricted
the date of de-recognition.
share plan, long term incentive plan and deferred bonus plan is calculated by adjusting the
share price on the date of allocation for the present value of the expected dividends that will
A discontinued operation is a component of the group’s business that either has been disposed
not be received. The resulting cost is charged to the income statement over the relevant
of, or that is classified as held for sale and represents a separate major line of business or
performance periods, adjusted to reflect actual and expected levels of vesting where
geographical area of operations, is part of a single co-ordinated plan to dispose of a separate
major line of business or geographical area of operations or is a subsidiary acquired exclusively
with a view to resale.
The group and parent company provide finance to the employee share ownership trust
(ESOT) to purchase company shares in the open market. Costs of running the ESOT are
Classification as a discontinued operation occurs at the earlier of disposal or when the
charged to the income statement. The cost of shares held by the ESOT is deducted in arriving
operation meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale. The results of discontinued
at equity until they vest unconditionally with employees.
operations are presented separately in the Income Statement. When an operation is classified
as a discontinued operation, the comparative Income Statement and Statement of Total
Post-employment benefits
Comprehensive Income is restated as if the operation had been discontinued from the start of
The costs of defined contribution plans are charged to the income statement as they fall due.
the comparative year.
For defined benefit plans, the group and parent company recognise the net assets or liabilities
of the plans in their balance sheets. Assets are measured at their fair value at the balance
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
Provisions are measured using the best estimate of the most likely amount, being the most
likely amount in a range of possible outcomes. The resolution of tax positions taken by the
Sources of estimation uncertainty
group can take a considerable period of time to conclude and, in some cases, it is difficult to
Determining the carrying amounts of certain assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date
predict the outcome. Group current income tax liabilities at 31
March 2023 of £106 million
requires estimation of the effects of uncertain future events. In the event that actual outcomes
(2022: £97 million) include tax provisions of £97 million (2022: £103 million) and the
differ from those estimated, there may be an adjustment to the carrying amounts of those
estimation of the range of possible outcomes is an increase in those liabilities by £66 million
assets and liabilities within the next financial year. Other significant risks of material
(2022: £83 million) to a decrease of £55 million (2022: £93 million). The estimates made
adjustment are the valuation of the liabilities of the defined benefit pension plans and tax
reflect where the group faces routine tax audits or is in ongoing disputes with tax authorities;
provisions. The group and parent company have considered the refining process and
has identified potential tax exposures relating to transfer pricing; or is contesting the tax
stocktakes, deferred tax assets and climate change and, whilst not deemed to represent a
deductibility of certain business costs.
significant risk of material adjustment to the group’s and parent company’s financial position
during the year ending 31
March 2023, represent important accounting estimates.
Deferred tax assets
Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent it is probable that future taxable profits will be
Goodwill, other intangibles and other assets
available, against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilised, based on
The group and parent company have significant intangible assets from both business
management’s assumptions relating to future taxable profits.
acquisitions and investments in new products and technologies. Some of those acquisitions
and investments are at an early stage of commercial development and, therefore, carry a
Determination of future taxable profits requires application of judgement and estimates,
greater risk that they will not be commercially viable. Goodwill and intangible assets not yet
including: market share, expected changes to selling prices, product profitability, precious
ready for use are not amortised, but are subject to annual impairment reviews. Other
metal prices and other direct input costs, based on management’s expectations of future
intangible assets are amortised from the time they are first ready for use and, together with
changes in the markets using external sources of information where appropriate. The
other assets, are assessed for impairment when there is a triggering event that provides
estimates take account of the inherent uncertainties, constraining the expected level of profit
evidence that they are impaired.
as appropriate. Changes in these estimates will affect future profits and therefore the
recoverability of the deferred tax assets.
The impairment reviews require the use of estimates of future profit and cash generation
based on financial budgets and plans approved by management, generally covering a three-
Refining process and stocktakes
year period and then extrapolated using long term growth rates, and the pre-tax discount
The group’s and parent company’s refining businesses process significant quantities of
rates used in discounting projected cash flows, see note 5.
precious metal and there are uncertainties regarding the actual amount of metal in the
refining system at any one time. The group’s refining businesses process over four million
Post-employment benefits
ounces of platinum group metals per annum with a market value of around £6 billion. The
The group’s and parent company’s defined benefit plans are assessed annually by qualified
majority of metal processed is owned by customers and the group and parent company must
independent actuaries. The estimate of the liabilities of the plans is based on a number of
return pre-agreed quantities of refined metal based on assays of starting materials and other
actuarial assumptions.
contractual arrangements, such as the timing of the return of metal. The group and parent
There is a range of possible values for each actuarial assumption and the point within that
company calculate the profits or losses of their refining operations based on estimates,
range is estimated to most appropriately reflect the group’s and parent company’s
including the extent to which process losses are expected during refining. The risk of
circumstances. Small changes in these assumptions can have a significant impact on the
process losses or stock take gains depends on the nature of the starting material being
estimate of the liabilities of the plans. A description of those discount rate and inflation
refined, the specific refining processes applied, the efficiency of those processes and the
assumptions, together with sensitivity analysis, is set out in note 24 to the group and parent
contractual arrangements.
company accounts.
Stocktakes are performed to determine the volume and value of metal within the refining
Tax provisions
system compared with the calculated estimates, with the variance being a profit or a loss.
Tax provisions are determined based on the tax laws and regulations that apply in each of the
Stocktakes are, therefore, a key control in the assessment of the accuracy of the profit or loss
jurisdictions in which the group operates. Tax provisions are recognised where the impact of
of refining operations. Whilst refining is a complex, large-scale industrial process, the group
those laws and regulations is unclear and it is probable that there will be a tax adjustment
and parent company have appropriate processes and controls over the movement of material
representing a future outflow of funds to a tax authority or a consequent adjustment to the
in their refineries.
carrying value of a tax asset.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
Provisions are measured using the best estimate of the most likely amount, being the most
likely amount in a range of possible outcomes. The resolution of tax positions taken by the
Sources of estimation uncertainty
group can take a considerable period of time to conclude and, in some cases, it is difficult to
Determining the carrying amounts of certain assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date
predict the outcome. Group current income tax liabilities at 31
March 2023 of £106 million
requires estimation of the effects of uncertain future events. In the event that actual outcomes
(2022: £97 million) include tax provisions of £97 million (2022: £103 million) and the
differ from those estimated, there may be an adjustment to the carrying amounts of those
estimation of the range of possible outcomes is an increase in those liabilities by £66 million
assets and liabilities within the next financial year. Other significant risks of material
(2022: £83 million) to a decrease of £55 million (2022: £93 million). The estimates made
adjustment are the valuation of the liabilities of the defined benefit pension plans and tax
reflect where the group faces routine tax audits or is in ongoing disputes with tax authorities;
provisions. The group and parent company have considered the refining process and
has identified potential tax exposures relating to transfer pricing; or is contesting the tax
stocktakes, deferred tax assets and climate change and, whilst not deemed to represent a
deductibility of certain business costs.
significant risk of material adjustment to the group’s and parent company’s financial position
during the year ending 31
March 2023, represent important accounting estimates.
Deferred tax assets
Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent it is probable that future taxable profits will be
Goodwill, other intangibles and other assets
available, against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilised, based on
The group and parent company have significant intangible assets from both business
management’s assumptions relating to future taxable profits.
acquisitions and investments in new products and technologies. Some of those acquisitions
and investments are at an early stage of commercial development and, therefore, carry a
Determination of future taxable profits requires application of judgement and estimates,
greater risk that they will not be commercially viable. Goodwill and intangible assets not yet
including: market share, expected changes to selling prices, product profitability, precious
ready for use are not amortised, but are subject to annual impairment reviews. Other
metal prices and other direct input costs, based on management’s expectations of future
intangible assets are amortised from the time they are first ready for use and, together with
changes in the markets using external sources of information where appropriate. The
other assets, are assessed for impairment when there is a triggering event that provides
estimates take account of the inherent uncertainties, constraining the expected level of profit
evidence that they are impaired.
as appropriate. Changes in these estimates will affect future profits and therefore the
recoverability of the deferred tax assets.
The impairment reviews require the use of estimates of future profit and cash generation
based on financial budgets and plans approved by management, generally covering a three-
Refining process and stocktakes
year period and then extrapolated using long term growth rates, and the pre-tax discount
The group’s and parent company’s refining businesses process significant quantities of
rates used in discounting projected cash flows, see note 5.
precious metal and there are uncertainties regarding the actual amount of metal in the
refining system at any one time. The group’s refining businesses process over four million
Post-employment benefits
ounces of platinum group metals per annum with a market value of around £6 billion. The
The group’s and parent company’s defined benefit plans are assessed annually by qualified
majority of metal processed is owned by customers and the group and parent company must
independent actuaries. The estimate of the liabilities of the plans is based on a number of
return pre-agreed quantities of refined metal based on assays of starting materials and other
actuarial assumptions.
contractual arrangements, such as the timing of the return of metal. The group and parent
There is a range of possible values for each actuarial assumption and the point within that
company calculate the profits or losses of their refining operations based on estimates,
range is estimated to most appropriately reflect the group’s and parent company’s
including the extent to which process losses are expected during refining. The risk of
circumstances. Small changes in these assumptions can have a significant impact on the
process losses or stock take gains depends on the nature of the starting material being
estimate of the liabilities of the plans. A description of those discount rate and inflation
refined, the specific refining processes applied, the efficiency of those processes and the
assumptions, together with sensitivity analysis, is set out in note 24 to the group and parent
contractual arrangements.
company accounts.
Stocktakes are performed to determine the volume and value of metal within the refining
Tax provisions
system compared with the calculated estimates, with the variance being a profit or a loss.
Tax provisions are determined based on the tax laws and regulations that apply in each of the
Stocktakes are, therefore, a key control in the assessment of the accuracy of the profit or loss
jurisdictions in which the group operates. Tax provisions are recognised where the impact of
of refining operations. Whilst refining is a complex, large-scale industrial process, the group
those laws and regulations is unclear and it is probable that there will be a tax adjustment
and parent company have appropriate processes and controls over the movement of material
representing a future outflow of funds to a tax authority or a consequent adjustment to the
in their refineries.
carrying value of a tax asset.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
Provisions and contingent liabilities
The group is involved in various disputes and claims which arise from time to time in the
Sources of estimation uncertainty continued
course of its business including, for example, in relation to commercial matters, product
Climate change
quality or liability, employee matters and tax audits. The group is also involved from time to
The impact of climate change presented in the group’s Strategic Report (see pages 45 to 52)
time in the course of its business in legal proceedings and actions, engagement with
and the stated net zero targets have been considered in preparing the group accounts.
regulatory authorities and in dispute resolution processes. Judgement is required to determine
The following considerations were made:
if an outflow of economic resources is probable, or possible but not probable for such events.
Where it is probable, a liability is recognised and further judgement is used to determine the
Impact on the going concern period and viability of the group over the next three years.
amount of the provision. Where it is possible but not probable, further judgement is used to
The latest forecasts reflect the continuous investment in sustainable technologies including
determine if the likelihood is remote, in which case no disclosures are provided; if the
commercialisation of our products used in green hydrogen production and higher
likelihood is not remote then a contingent liability is disclosed. Provisions and contingent
performance fuel cell components for a range of automotive, non-automotive and
liabilities are set out in notes 22 and 32, respectively.
stationary applications.
In the course of preparing the accounts, no other judgements have been made in the process
The potential impact of climate change on a number of areas within the financial statements
of applying the group’s and parent company’s accounting policies, other than those involving
has been considered, including:
estimations, that have had a significant effect on the amounts recognised in the accounts.
The forecasts of cash flows used in impairment assessments for the carrying value of non-
Changes in accounting policies
current assets including goodwill (see note 5).
Amendments to accounting standards
Recoverability of deferred tax assets.
The IASB has issued the following amendments, which have been endorsed by the UK
The expected lives of fixed assets and their exposure to the physical risk posed by
Endorsement Board, for annual periods beginning on or after 1
January 2022:
climate change.
Annual improvements to IFRS Standards 2018-2020;
The expected lives of property, plant and equipment tends to be short to medium term, as
Amendments to IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment: Proceeds before intended use;
such the physical risk posed by climate change in the long term is low.
Amendments to IAS 37, Onerous Contracts – Cost of Fulfilling a Contract; and
Assets held for sale
Amendments to IFRS 3, Reference to the Conceptual Framework.
Our estimate for the fair value less costs to sell of the Battery Materials business (£15 million)
These changes have not had a material impact on the group. The group has not early adopted
is based on third party valuations and our agreement with EV Metals Group plc.
any standard, interpretation or amendment that was issued but is not yet effective.
Judgements made in applying accounting policies
The group and parent company use precious metal owned by customers in their production
processes. It has been determined that this metal is not controlled by the group or parent
company and, therefore, it is not recognised on the balance sheet.
The group and parent company manage precious metal inventories by entering into physically
settled forward sales and purchases of metal positions in line with a well-established hedging
policy. The own use exemption has been adopted for these transactions and, therefore, the
group and parent company do not fair value such physically settled contracts.
The group undertakes linked contracts to sell or buy precious metal and commits to
repurchase or sell the metal in the future to manage inventory levels. Accordingly, cash flows
in respect of sale and repurchase agreements are shown as cash flows from operating
activities in the cash flow statement rather than cash flows from financing activities.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
2 Segmental information
Changes in accounting policies continued
Revenue, sales and underlying operating profit by business
Standards effective from 1
April 2023
As announced in our preliminary full year results in May 2022, we have changed our reporting
st st
IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts, applies to annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1
structure for the year ending 31
March 2023. The new reporting structure provides greater
January 2023. The new Standard establishes the principles for the recognition, measurement,
transparency and reflects how we manage our business. Efficient Natural Resources was split
presentation and disclosure of insurance contracts within the scope of the Standard. The
into two separate segments (PGM Services and Catalyst Technologies), and Hydrogen
objective of IFRS 17 is to ensure that an entity provides relevant information that faithfully
Technologies and Value Businesses are now separate operating segments (previously included
represents those contracts.
within Other Markets). Excluding Corporate, the group has five reporting segments, aligned to
the needs of our customers and the global challenges we are tackling.
The group has performed an assessment to establish where an impact is expected and
considers the impact of this new standard to be immaterial.
Clean Air – provides catalysts for emission control after-treatment systems used in light and
heavy duty vehicles powered by internal combustion engines.
Non-GAAP measures
The group uses various measures to manage its business which are not defined by generally
PGM Services – enables the energy transition through providing circular solutions as demand
accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The group’s management believes these measures
for scarce critical materials increases. Provides a strategic service to the group, supporting the
provide valuable additional information to users of the accounts in understanding the group’s
other segments with security of metal supply, and manufactures value add PGM products.
performance. The group’s non-GAAP measures are defined and reconciled to GAAP measures
Catalyst Technologies – enables the decarbonisation of chemical and fuel value chains.
in note 34.
Hydrogen Technologies – provides catalyst coated membranes that are a critical component
for fuel cells and electrolysers.
Value Businesses – a portfolio of businesses managed to drive shareholder value from
activities considered to be non-core to the Group. This includes Battery Systems, Medical
Device Components and Diagnostic Services
. Refer to note 27 for further information on the
disposal of Battery Materials. Advanced Glass Technologies was sold on 31
January 2022 and
is included within the prior period balances.
The Group Leadership Team (the chief operating decision maker as defined by IFRS 8,
Operating Segments) monitors the results of these operating sectors to assess performance
and make decisions about the allocation of resources. Each operating sector is represented by
a member of the Group Leadership Team. These operating sectors represent the group’s
reportable segments and their principal activities are described on pages 56 to 59. The
performance of the group’s operating sectors is assessed on sales and underlying operating
profit (see note 34). Sales between segments are made at market prices, taking into account
the volumes involved.
Health was sold during the financial year and its results are therefore presented within
discontinued operations. Information about this discontinued segment is provided in note 26.
1. The Group agreed to sell its Diagnostic Services business in May 2023 (see note 26).
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
1 Accounting policies continued
Changes in accounting policies continued
Standards effective from 1
April 2023
IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts, applies to annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1
January 2023. The new Standard establishes the principles for the recognition, measurement,
presentation and disclosure of insurance contracts within the scope of the Standard. The
objective of IFRS 17 is to ensure that an entity provides relevant information that faithfully
represents those contracts.
The group has performed an assessment to establish where an impact is expected and
considers the impact of this new standard to be immaterial.
Non-GAAP measures
The group uses various measures to manage its business which are not defined by generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The group’s management believes these measures
provide valuable additional information to users of the accounts in understanding the group’s
performance. The group’s non-GAAP measures are defined and reconciled to GAAP measures
in note 34.
2 Segmental information
Revenue, sales and underlying operating profit by business
As announced in our preliminary full year results in May 2022, we have changed our reporting
structure for the year ending 31
March 2023. The new reporting structure provides greater
transparency and reflects how we manage our business. Efficient Natural Resources was split
into two separate segments (PGM Services and Catalyst Technologies), and Hydrogen
Technologies and Value Businesses are now separate operating segments (previously included
within Other Markets). Excluding Corporate, the group has five reporting segments, aligned to
the needs of our customers and the global challenges we are tackling.
Clean Air – provides catalysts for emission control after-treatment systems used in light and
heavy duty vehicles powered by internal combustion engines.
PGM Services – enables the energy transition through providing circular solutions as demand
for scarce critical materials increases. Provides a strategic service to the group, supporting the
other segments with security of metal supply, and manufactures value add PGM products.
Catalyst Technologies – enables the decarbonisation of chemical and fuel value chains.
Hydrogen Technologies – provides catalyst coated membranes that are a critical component
for fuel cells and electrolysers.
Value Businesses – a portfolio of businesses managed to drive shareholder value from
activities considered to be non-core to the Group. This includes Battery Systems, Medical
Device Components and Diagnostic Services
. Refer to note 27 for further information on the
disposal of Battery Materials. Advanced Glass Technologies was sold on 31
January 2022 and
is included within the prior period balances.
The Group Leadership Team (the chief operating decision maker as defined by IFRS 8,
Operating Segments) monitors the results of these operating sectors to assess performance
and make decisions about the allocation of resources. Each operating sector is represented by
a member of the Group Leadership Team. These operating sectors represent the group’s
reportable segments and their principal activities are described on pages 56 to 59. The
performance of the group’s operating sectors is assessed on sales and underlying operating
profit (see note 34). Sales between segments are made at market prices, taking into account
the volumes involved.
Health was sold during the financial year and its results are therefore presented within
discontinued operations. Information about this discontinued segment is provided in note 26.
1. The Group agreed to sell its Diagnostic Services business in May 2023 (see note 26).
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
2 Segmental information continued
Revenue, sales and underlying operating profit by business continued
Year ended 31
March 2023
Clean Air
PGM Services
Value Businesses
Total from
Revenue from external customers 6,273 7,360 673 62 565 14,933
Inter-segment revenue 3,227 14 (3,241)
Revenue 6,273 10,587 687 62 565 (3,241) 14,933
External sales 2,644 485 547 55 470 4,201
Inter-segment sales 85 13 (98)
2,644 570 560 55 470 (98) 4,201
Underlying operating profit / (loss)
230 257 51 (45) 40 (68) 465
Year ended 31
March 2022*
Clean Air
PGM Services
Value Businesses
Total from
Revenue from external customers 7,085 7,880 581 30 449 16,025
Inter-segment revenue 4 4,549 6 1 (4,560)
Revenue 7,089 12,429 587 30 450 (4,560) 16,025
External sales 2,455 497 448 25 353 3,778
Inter-segment sales 2 90 6 1 (99)
2,457 587 454 25 354 (99) 3,778
Underlying operating profit / (loss)
302 308 50 (33) 12 (86) 553
1. Sales and underlying operating profit are non-GAAP measures (see note 34). Sales excludes the sale of precious metals. Underlying operating profit excludes profit or loss on disposal of businesses, gain or loss on significant legal proceedings, together with associated legal costs, amortisation of
acquired intangibles and major impairment and restructuring charges.
* The comparative period is restated to reflect the group’s updated reporting segments. The overall group total is as previously reported.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
2 Segmental information continued
Reconciliation from underlying operating profit to operating profit by sector
Year ended 31
March 2023
Clean Air
Value Businesses
Total from
Underlying operating profit / (loss)
230 257 51 (45) 40 (68) 465
Profit on disposal of businesses (note 27) 12 12
Amortisation of acquired intangibles (1) (4) (5)
Loss on significant legal proceedings (25) (25)
Major impairment and restructuring charges (note 6) (13) (4) (1) (14) (9) (41)
Operating profit / (loss) 191 257 43 (46) 38 (77) 406
Year ended 31
March 2022*
Clean Air
PGM Services
Value Businesses
Total from
Underlying operating profit / (loss)
302 308 50 (33) 12 (86) 553
Profit on disposal of businesses 106 106
Amortisation of acquired intangibles (2) (4) (6)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings 36 6 42
Major impairment and restructuring charges (27) (1) (4) (400) (8) (440)
Operating profit / (loss) 273 307 78 (33) (276) (94) 255
1. Underlying operating profit is a non-GAAP measure (see note 34). Underlying operating profit excludes profit or loss on disposal of businesses, gain or loss on significant legal proceedings, together with associated legal costs, amortisation of acquired intangibles and major impairment and
restructuring charges.
* The comparative period is restated to reflect the group’s updated reporting segments. The overall group total is as previously reported.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
2 Segmental information continued
Reconciliation from underlying operating profit to operating profit by sector
Year ended 31
March 2023
Clean Air
Value Businesses
Total from
Underlying operating profit / (loss)
230 257 51 (45) 40 (68) 465
Profit on disposal of businesses (note 27) 12 12
Amortisation of acquired intangibles (1) (4) (5)
Loss on significant legal proceedings (25) (25)
Major impairment and restructuring charges (note 6) (13) (4) (1) (14) (9) (41)
Operating profit / (loss) 191 257 43 (46) 38 (77) 406
Year ended 31
March 2022*
Clean Air
PGM Services
Value Businesses
Total from
Underlying operating profit / (loss)
302 308 50 (33) 12 (86) 553
Profit on disposal of businesses 106 106
Amortisation of acquired intangibles (2) (4) (6)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings 36 6 42
Major impairment and restructuring charges (27) (1) (4) (400) (8) (440)
Operating profit / (loss) 273 307 78 (33) (276) (94) 255
1. Underlying operating profit is a non-GAAP measure (see note 34). Underlying operating profit excludes profit or loss on disposal of businesses, gain or loss on significant legal proceedings, together with associated legal costs, amortisation of acquired intangibles and major impairment and
restructuring charges.
* The comparative period is restated to reflect the group’s updated reporting segments. The overall group total is as previously reported.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
2 Segmental information continued
Other segmental information
Year ended 31
March 2023
Clean Air
Value Businesses
Segmental net assets 1,784 (2) 680 114 175 515 3,266
Net debt (note 34) (1,023)
Post-employment benefit net assets and liabilities 162
Deferred tax net assets 102
Provisions and non-current other payables (93)
Investments in joint ventures and associates (note 15) 75
Net assets held for sale (note 26) 50
Net assets 2,539
Property, plant and equipment 70 73 28 44 13 14 242
Intangible assets 11 6 14 2 28 61
Capital expenditure 81 79 42 46 13 42 303
Depreciation 74 24 26 4 10 13 151
Amortisation 2 2 5 27 36
Impairment losses and (reversals) (notes 5 and 6) (4) 2 12 3 13
Total 72 28 31 4 22 43 200
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
2 Segmental information continued
Other segmental information continued
Year ended 31
March 2022*
Clean Air
PGM Services
Value Businesses
Segmental net assets 2,108 (702) 743 51 169 330 2,699
Net debt
Post-employment benefit net assets and liabilities
Deferred tax net assets
Provisions and non-current other payables
Investments in joint ventures and associates (note 15)
Net assets held for sale
Net assets
Property, plant and equipment
71 69 20 11 169 17 357
Intangible assets
1 2 7 – 26 53 89
Capital expenditure
72 71 27 11 195 70 446
63 21 26 2 13 13 138
2 2 5 – 1 29 39
Impairment losses (notes 5 and 6)
26 1 6 – 363 8 404
91 24 37 2 377 50 581
* The comparative period is restated to reflect the group’s updated reporting segments. The overall group total is as previously reported.
Refer to note 3 for further required disclosures per IFRS 8, Operating Segments.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
2 Segmental information continued
Other segmental information continued
Year ended 31
March 2022*
Clean Air
PGM Services
Value Businesses
Segmental net assets 2,108 (702) 743 51 169 330 2,699
Net debt (856)
Post-employment benefit net assets and liabilities 280
Deferred tax net assets 80
Provisions and non-current other payables (86)
Investments in joint ventures and associates (note 15) 2
Net assets held for sale 322
Net assets 2,441
Property, plant and equipment 71 69 20 11 169 17 357
Intangible assets 1 2 7 – 26 53 89
Capital expenditure 72 71 27 11 195 70 446
Depreciation 63 21 26 2 13 13 138
Amortisation 2 2 5 – 1 29 39
Impairment losses (notes 5 and 6) 26 1 6 – 363 8 404
Total 91 24 37 2 377 50 581
* The comparative period is restated to reflect the group’s updated reporting segments. The overall group total is as previously reported.
Refer to note 3 for further required disclosures per IFRS 8, Operating Segments.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
3 Revenue
Products and services
The group’s principal products and services by operating sector and sub-sector are disclosed in the table below, together with information regarding performance obligations and revenue
recognition. Revenue is recognised by the group as contractual performance obligations to customers are completed.
Sub-sector Primary industry Principal products and services
Revenue recognition
Clean Air
Light Duty Catalysts Automotive Catalysts for cars and other light duty vehicles Point in time On despatch or delivery
Heavy Duty Catalysts Automotive Catalysts for trucks, buses and non-road equipment Point in time On despatch or delivery
PGM Services
Platinum Group Metal
Various Platinum Group Metal refining and recycling services Over time Based on output
Platinum Group Metal trading Point in time On receipt of payment
Other precious metal products Point in time On despatch or delivery
Platinum Group Metal chemical, industrial products and catalysts Point in time On despatch or delivery
Catalyst Technologies
Chemicals / oil
and gas
Speciality catalysts and additives Point in time On despatch or delivery
Process technology licences Over time Based on costs incurred or straight-line over the licence term
Engineering design services Over time Based on costs incurred
Hydrogen Technologies
Fuel Cells technologies Various Fuel cell catalyst coated membrane Point in time On despatch or delivery
Electrolysis technology Various Electrolyser catalyst coated membrane Point in time On despatch or delivery
alue Businesses
Other Markets (excluding
Diagnostic Services)
Precious metal pastes and enamels, battery systems and products
found in devices used in medical procedures
Point in time On despatch or delivery
Diagnostic Services Oil and gas Detection, diagnostic and measurement solutions Over time Based on costs incurred
1. Revenue recognition depends on whether the licence is distinct in the context of the contract.
Metal revenue: Metal revenue relates to the sales of precious metals to customers, either in pure form or contained within a product. Metal revenue arises in each of the reportable segments in the
Group. Metal revenue is affected by fluctuations in the market prices of precious metals and, in many cases, the value of precious metals is passed directly on to customers. Given the high value of
these metals this makes up a significant proportion of revenue.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
3 Revenue continued
Revenue from refining services is recognised using an output method by estimating the
progress of the metal in the refining process. Once the customer metal is in the refining
Revenue judgements
process it is commingled with metal from other customers and it is not separately identifiable.
Over time revenue
Because we have a consistent volume of metal flowing through the refinery process, we
Over time revenue recognition predominantly occurs in Catalyst Technologies and PGM
estimate that all of the metal in the refinery is on average 50% of the way through the
Services (Refining Services), see criteria for over time recognition as defined by the group’s
process. We therefore recognise up to 50% of the revenue (cash service fee and non-cash
accounting policies in note 1.
consideration) for our services when metal enters the refining process. Since refining each
Refining Services
type of metal is a separate performance obligation, once we have returned the metal to the
The majority of the metal processed by the group and parent company’s refining businesses is
customer, we recognise the remaining 50% of revenue for that particular metal while other
owned by customers and, therefore, revenue is recognised over time on the basis that the
metal may still be due to the same customer.
group and parent company are providing a service to enhance an asset controlled by the
Where refinery stocktakes indicate that metal recoveries have been lower than anticipated
customer. The customer controls the metal throughout the refining process, the key indicators
and/or allowed for in process loss provisioning, refined metal gain revenue is reduced
being legal ownership, metal price risk and that the customer has the right to claim the
accordingly. Where refinery stocktakes indicate that metal recoveries have been higher than
equivalent metal at all stages of processing.
anticipated, any incremental refining metal gain revenue is only recognised once it is highly
The performance obligation contained in all refining contracts is a service arrangement to
probable that a reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognised will not occur and
refine customer metal to a specified quality and volume by a certain date. For a contract that
the metal has been sold.
has multiple metals, the refinement of each metal is a separate performance obligation. We
receive the contracted cash fee which is set with reference to market price at the start of the
contract. Upon delivery of the refined metal to the customer, the percentage of the refined
metal that we may retain at settlement is considered to be a non-cash consideration and is
recognised as part of revenue at fair value.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
3 Revenue continued
Revenue judgements
Over time revenue
Over time revenue recognition predominantly occurs in Catalyst Technologies and PGM
Services (Refining Services), see criteria for over time recognition as defined by the group’s
accounting policies in note 1.
Refining Services
The majority of the metal processed by the group and parent company’s refining businesses is
owned by customers and, therefore, revenue is recognised over time on the basis that the
group and parent company are providing a service to enhance an asset controlled by the
customer. The customer controls the metal throughout the refining process, the key indicators
being legal ownership, metal price risk and that the customer has the right to claim the
equivalent metal at all stages of processing.
The performance obligation contained in all refining contracts is a service arrangement to
refine customer metal to a specified quality and volume by a certain date. For a contract that
has multiple metals, the refinement of each metal is a separate performance obligation. We
receive the contracted cash fee which is set with reference to market price at the start of the
contract. Upon delivery of the refined metal to the customer, the percentage of the refined
metal that we may retain at settlement is considered to be a non-cash consideration and is
recognised as part of revenue at fair value.
Revenue from refining services is recognised using an output method by estimating the
progress of the metal in the refining process. Once the customer metal is in the refining
process it is commingled with metal from other customers and it is not separately identifiable.
Because we have a consistent volume of metal flowing through the refinery process, we
estimate that all of the metal in the refinery is on average 50% of the way through the
process. We therefore recognise up to 50% of the revenue (cash service fee and non-cash
consideration) for our services when metal enters the refining process. Since refining each
type of metal is a separate performance obligation, once we have returned the metal to the
customer, we recognise the remaining 50% of revenue for that particular metal while other
metal may still be due to the same customer.
Where refinery stocktakes indicate that metal recoveries have been lower than anticipated
and/or allowed for in process loss provisioning, refined metal gain revenue is reduced
accordingly. Where refinery stocktakes indicate that metal recoveries have been higher than
anticipated, any incremental refining metal gain revenue is only recognised once it is highly
probable that a reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognised will not occur and
the metal has been sold.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
3 Revenue continued
Revenue from external customers by principal products and services
Year ended 31
March 2023
Continuing operations
Clean Air
Value Businesses
Metal 3,629 6,875 126 7 95 10,732
Heavy Duty Catalysts 970 970
Light Duty Catalysts 1,674 1,674
Catalyst Technologies 547 547
Platinum Group Metal Services 485 485
Fuel Cells 55 55
Battery Systems 284 284
Diagnostic Services 71 71
Medical Device Components 93 93
Other 22 22
Revenue 6,273 7,360 673 62 565 14,933
Year ended 31
March 2022*
Continuing operations
Clean Air
Value Businesses
Metal 4,630 7,383 133 5 96 12,247
Heavy Duty Catalysts
849 – – – – 849
Light Duty Catalysts
1,578 – – – – 1,578
Catalyst Technologies
– – 448 – – 448
Platinum Group Metal Services – 497 – 497
Fuel Cells
– – – 25 – 25
Battery Materials
– – – – 12 12
Battery Systems
– – – – 151 151
Advanced Glass Technologies
– – – – 62 62
Diagnostic Services
– – – – 54 54
Medical Device Components
– – – – 74 74
28 28
Revenue 7,085 7,880 581 30 449 16,025
* The comparative period is restated to reflect the group’s updated reporting segments. The overall group total is as previously reported.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
3 Revenue continued
Revenue from external customers by point in time and over time performance obligations
Year ended 31
March 2023
Continuing operations
Clean Air
Value Businesses
Revenue recognised at a point in time 6,273 7,096 555 62 534 14,520
Revenue recognised over time 264 118 31 413
Revenue 6,273 7,360 673 62 565 14,933
Year ended 31
March 2022*
Continuing operations
Clean Air
Value Businesses
Revenue recognised at a point in time 7,085 7,596 491 30 423 15,625
Revenue recognised over time – 284 90 26 400
Revenue 7,085 7,880 581 30 449 16,025
* The comparative period is restated to reflect the group’s updated reporting segments. The overall group total is as previously reported.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
3 Revenue continued
Revenue from external customers by point in time and over time performance obligations
Year ended 31
March 2023
Continuing operations
Clean Air
Value Businesses
Revenue recognised at a point in time 6,273 7,096 555 62 534 14,520
Revenue recognised over time 264 118 31 413
Revenue 6,273 7,360 673 62 565 14,933
Year ended 31
March 2022*
Continuing operations
Clean Air
Value Businesses
Revenue recognised at a point in time 7,085 7,596 491 30 423 15,625
Revenue recognised over time – 284 90 26 400
Revenue 7,085 7,880 581 30 449 16,025
* The comparative period is restated to reflect the group’s updated reporting segments. The overall group total is as previously reported.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
3 Revenue continued
Geographical analysis of revenue from external customers and non-current assets
The group’s country of domicile is the UK. Revenue from external customers based on the customer’s location and non-current assets based on the location of the assets are disclosed below.
Revenue from external customers Non-current assets
UK 3,630 2,845 852 733
Germany 1,256 1,600 239 244
Rest of Europe 1,875 2,001 326 292
USA 2,779 2,756 451 280
Rest of North America 612 597 34 40
China (including Hong Kong) 1,649 2,326 201 221
Rest of Asia 2,287 2,517 147 145
Rest of World 845 1,383 18 21
2,268 1,976
Investments at fair value through other comprehensive income 49 45
Interest rate swaps 20 12
Deferred tax assets 121 98
Post-employment benefit net assets 203 352
Total 14,933 16,025 2,661 2,483
Major customers
The group received £1.6 billion of revenue from one external customer in the Clean Air sector which represents more than 10% of the group’s revenue from external customers during the year
ended 31
March 2023 (2022: £1.7 billion of revenue from one external customer in the Clean Air sector).
Unsatisfied performance obligations
At 31
March 2023, for contracts that had an original expected duration of more than one year, the group had unsatisfied performance obligations of £967 million (2022: £1,039 million),
representing contractually committed revenue to be recognised at a future date. Of this amount, £394 million (2022: £244 million) is expected to be recognised within one year and £573 million
(2022: £795 million) is expected to be recognised after one year.
Payment terms
The group and parent company supply goods and services on payment terms that are consistent with those standard across the industry and it does not have any customer contracts with a material
financing component. Where revenue is recognised over time, payment terms are generally consistent with the timeframe over which revenue is recognised.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
4 Operating profit
Operating profit from continuing operations is arrived at after charging / (crediting):
Total research and development expenditure 213 201
Less: Development expenditure capitalised (22)
Research and development expenditure charged to the income statement 213 179
Less: External funding received from governments (19) (18)
Net research and development expenditure charged to the income statement 194 161
Inventories recognised as an expense 12,962 14,121
Write-down of inventories recognised as an expense 39 26
Reversal of write-down of inventories from increases in net realisable value (19) (16)
Net gains on foreign exchange (11) (2)
Net losses on foreign currency forwards at fair value through profit or loss 19 6
Past service credit (20) (11)
Depreciation of:
Property, plant and equipment 137 125
Right-of-use assets 14 13
Depreciation 151 138
mortisation of:
Internally generated intangible assets 1 1
Acquired intangibles 5 6
Other intangible assets 30 32
mortisation 36 39
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings 25 (42)
Profit on disposal of businesses (note 27) (12) (106)
Impairment losses included in administrative expenses 3 3
Impairment losses (note 5) 3 3
Impairment losses and reversals included in major impairment and restructuring charges 10 401
Restructuring charges included in major impairment and restructuring charges 31 39
Major impairment and restructuring charges (note 6) 41 440
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings
During the year, the group paid £25 million in respect of a settlement with a customer on mutually acceptable terms with no admission of fault relating to failures in certain engine systems for
which the group supplied a particular coated substrate as a component for that customer’s emissions after-treatment systems.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
4 Operating profit
Operating profit from continuing operations is arrived at after charging / (crediting):
Total research and development expenditure 213 201
Less: Development expenditure capitalised (22)
Research and development expenditure charged to the income statement 213 179
Less: External funding received from governments (19) (18)
Net research and development expenditure charged to the income statement 194 161
Inventories recognised as an expense 12,962 14,121
Write-down of inventories recognised as an expense 39 26
Reversal of write-down of inventories from increases in net realisable value (19) (16)
Net gains on foreign exchange (11) (2)
Net losses on foreign currency forwards at fair value through profit or loss 19 6
Past service credit (20) (11)
Depreciation of:
Property, plant and equipment 137 125
Right-of-use assets 14 13
Depreciation 151 138
mortisation of:
Internally generated intangible assets 1 1
Acquired intangibles 5 6
Other intangible assets 30 32
mortisation 36 39
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings 25 (42)
Profit on disposal of businesses (note 27) (12) (106)
Impairment losses included in administrative expenses 3 3
Impairment losses (note 5) 3 3
Impairment losses and reversals included in major impairment and restructuring charges 10 401
Restructuring charges included in major impairment and restructuring charges 31 39
Major impairment and restructuring charges (note 6) 41 440
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings
During the year, the group paid £25 million in respect of a settlement with a customer on mutually acceptable terms with no admission of fault relating to failures in certain engine systems for
which the group supplied a particular coated substrate as a component for that customer’s emissions after-treatment systems.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
4 Operating profit continued
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings continued
During the prior year, the group recognised a gain of £44 million in relation to damages and interest from a company found to have unlawfully copied one of our technology designs. An additional
gain of £6 million was recognised following conclusion of legal proceedings associated to investments in Battery Materials, this was partially offset by a £8 million charge for environmental and
other costs.
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings are reported as non-underlying, see note 34.
Fees payable to the company’s auditor and its associates for:
The audit of these accounts 2.2 2.1
The audit of the accounts of the company’s subsidiaries 2.4 2.4
The audit of prior period accounts 0.2 0.2
Total audit fees 4.8 4.7
Audit-related assurance services 0.4 0.4
Total non-audit fees 0.4 0.4
Total fees payable to the company’s auditor and its associates 5.2 5.1
No audit fees were paid to other auditors (2022: £nil).
Audit-related assurance services predominantly comprise of reviews of interim financial information.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
5 Impairment losses
During the year ended 31
March 2023, as part of our review for impairment triggers an impairment loss has been recognised in the group income statement within underlying operating profit.
These losses are stated below:
Other intangible assets 1
Property, plant and equipment 3 2
Total impairment losses included in administrative expenses 3 3
Total impairment losses incurred for the year of £13 million is comprised of net major impairment losses of £10 million (see note 6) and £3 million of impairment losses included within
administrative expenses.
Impairment testing
The group and parent company test goodwill annually for impairment or more frequently if there are indications that goodwill might be impaired. The recoverable amounts of the cash-generating
units (CGUs) are determined using value in use calculations which generally use cash flow projections based on financial budgets and plans covering a three-year period approved by management.
The budgets and plans are based on a number of assumptions, including market share, impact of carbon pricing, expected changes to selling prices, product profitability, precious metal prices and
other direct input costs, based on past experience and management’s expectations of future changes in the markets using external sources of information where appropriate. We also considered
the physical risk of climate change – including the effect of extreme weather events at sample strategic sites, based on internal and external analysis.
Significant CGUs
Goodwill arising on the acquisition of businesses is allocated, at acquisition, to the CGUs that are expected to benefit from that business combination. These CGUs represent the smallest identifiable
groups of assets that generate cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other groups of assets. Goodwill allocated to the significant CGUs is as follows:
Clean Air
Heavy Duty Catalysts 87 83
Catalyst Technologies 268 265
Value Businesses
9 18
Total carrying amount at 31
March (note 13) 364 366
1. Other is comprised of CGUs with goodwill balances individually less than £5 million.
2. Diagnostic Services goodwill has been impaired by £4 million. Refer to note 6 for further information .
J ohnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
5 Impairment losses
During the year ended 31
March 2023, as part of our review for impairment triggers an impairment loss has been recognised in the group income statement within underlying operating profit.
These losses are stated below:
Other intangible assets 1
Property, plant and equipment 3 2
Total impairment losses included in administrative expenses 3 3
Total impairment losses incurred for the year of £13 million is comprised of net major impairment losses of £10 million (see note 6) and £3 million of impairment losses included within
administrative expenses.
Impairment testing
The group and parent company test goodwill annually for impairment or more frequently if there are indications that goodwill might be impaired. The recoverable amounts of the cash-generating
units (CGUs) are determined using value in use calculations which generally use cash flow projections based on financial budgets and plans covering a three-year period approved by management.
The budgets and plans are based on a number of assumptions, including market share, impact of carbon pricing, expected changes to selling prices, product profitability, precious metal prices and
other direct input costs, based on past experience and management’s expectations of future changes in the markets using external sources of information where appropriate. We also considered
the physical risk of climate change – including the effect of extreme weather events at sample strategic sites, based on internal and external analysis.
Significant CGUs
Goodwill arising on the acquisition of businesses is allocated, at acquisition, to the CGUs that are expected to benefit from that business combination. These CGUs represent the smallest identifiable
groups of assets that generate cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other groups of assets. Goodwill allocated to the significant CGUs is as follows:
Clean Air
Heavy Duty Catalysts 87 83
Catalyst Technologies 268 265
Value Businesses
9 18
Total carrying amount at 31
March (note 13) 364 366
1. Other is comprised of CGUs with goodwill balances individually less than £5 million.
2. Diagnostic Services goodwill has been impaired by £4 million. Refer to note 6 for further information.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
5 Impairment losses continued
Key assumptions used in value in use
Unallocated corporate costs are split between CGUs based on their share of contribution. The three-year cash flows are extrapolated using the long term average growth rates for the relevant
products, industries and countries in which the CGUs operate.
The expected economic life of the Heavy Duty Catalysts has been restricted to 2040 reflecting internal climate change targets and impact of legislation changes. In the medium term, growth will
come from tightening emissions legislation driving demand for more sophisticated catalyst systems. Beyond the medium term, the world will increasingly use alternatives to the internal
combustion engine which is reflected in the long-term decline rate used in our modelling.
Pre-tax discount rates, derived from the group’s post-tax weighted average cost of capital of 8.0% (2022: 7.7%), adjusted for the risks applicable to each CGU are used to discount these projected
risk-adjusted cash flows.
The key assumptions are:
Discount rate Long term growth rate
2023 2022 2023 2022
Clean Air
Heavy Duty Catalysts 12.1% 11.6% –10.5% –15.1%
Catalyst Technologies 10.8% 10.2% 3.0% 3.0%
Different long term growth rates are used for the Clean Air - Heavy Duty Catalysts CGU because of expected macroeconomic trends in the industry in which the business operates. The growth rate
for years four to ten is expected to be 2.2% (2022: 2.7%). After that, growth is expected to decline and, therefore, the long term growth rate above is used for year eleven onwards.
Sensitivity analysis
The headroom for the significant CGUs, calculated as the difference between net assets including allocated goodwill at 31
March 2023 and the value in use calculations, is shown below. The table
also shows, for each significant CGU, the headroom assuming a 1% decrease in the growth rate assumption and a 1% increase in the discount rate assumption used in the value in use calculations.
Headroom as at 31
March 2023
Headroom assuming a
1% decrease in the
growth rate
Headroom assuming a
1% increase in the
discount rate
Clean Air
Heavy Duty Catalysts 383 349 329
Catalyst Technologies 662 482 471
A reduction in the Heavy Duty Catalysts CGU’s expected economic life by one year reduces headroom by approximately £13 million from £383 million. We don't expect an impairment in the near
term in Clean Air despite the declining long-term assumptions.
A reduction in operating margin of 1% in the Catalyst Technologies CGU in each of the future years, with no mitigating actions taken, reduces headroom by approximately £90 million from
£662 million.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
6 Major impairment and restructuring charges
The below amounts are excluded from the underlying operating profit of the group for continuing operations.
Property, plant and equipment 17 238
Right-of-use assets 4
Goodwill 4 45
Other intangible assets 3 78
Inventories (8) 17
Trade and other receivables (6) 19
Impairment losses and reversals 10 401
Restructuring charges 31 39
Total major impairment and restructuring charges 41 440
Major impairment and restructuring charges are shown separately on the face of the income statement and excluded from underlying operating profit (see note 34).
Major impairments
The group’s net impairment charge of £10 million includes further impairment charges to plants and related production assets in Clean Air as the sector continues to consolidate its existing capacity
into new, more efficient plants in order to create a simplified and agile structure. Further impairment charges were also recognised in relation to parts of the Battery Materials business reflecting
elements of the contract to sell the business to EV Metals Group.
On 3
May 2023 the group announced the sale of its Diagnostic Services business to Sullivan Street Partners. The business is presented as held for sale (refer to note 26) at fair value less estimated
costs to sell. This has resulted in an impairment to goodwill of £4 million (see note 5).
The major impairments charge also includes impairment reversals for previously impaired Clean Air equipment that has been re-purposed, and Russia related inventories and receivables that have
subsequently been recovered in cash. Although this cash is reported as restricted (see note 1), there are no impairment indicators.
Major restructuring
The group’s transformation programme was launched in May 2022 and was designed to drive increased competitiveness, improved execution capability and create financial headroom to facilitate
further investment in high growth areas. Restructuring charges of £17 million have been recognised of which the majority is redundancy and implementation costs. The remaining charge is related
to Clean Air’s ongoing plant consolidation initiatives.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
6 Major impairment and restructuring charges
The below amounts are excluded from the underlying operating profit of the group for continuing operations.
Property, plant and equipment 17 238
Right-of-use assets 4
Goodwill 4 45
Other intangible assets 3 78
Inventories (8) 17
Trade and other receivables (6) 19
Impairment losses and reversals 10 401
Restructuring charges 31 39
Total major impairment and restructuring charges 41 440
Major impairment and restructuring charges are shown separately on the face of the income statement and excluded from underlying operating profit (see note 34).
Major impairments
The group’s net impairment charge of £10 million includes further impairment charges to plants and related production assets in Clean Air as the sector continues to consolidate its existing capacity
into new, more efficient plants in order to create a simplified and agile structure. Further impairment charges were also recognised in relation to parts of the Battery Materials business reflecting
elements of the contract to sell the business to EV Metals Group.
On 3
May 2023 the group announced the sale of its Diagnostic Services business to Sullivan Street Partners. The business is presented as held for sale (refer to note 26) at fair value less estimated
costs to sell. This has resulted in an impairment to goodwill of £4 million (see note 5).
The major impairments charge also includes impairment reversals for previously impaired Clean Air equipment that has been re-purposed, and Russia related inventories and receivables that have
subsequently been recovered in cash. Although this cash is reported as restricted (see note 1), there are no impairment indicators.
Major restructuring
The group’s transformation programme was launched in May 2022 and was designed to drive increased competitiveness, improved execution capability and create financial headroom to facilitate
further investment in high growth areas. Restructuring charges of £17 million have been recognised of which the majority is redundancy and implementation costs. The remaining charge is related
to Clean Air’s ongoing plant consolidation initiatives.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
7 Employee information
Employee numbers
2023 2022*
Clean Air 5,668 5,846
PGM Services 1,839 1,791
Catalyst Technologies 1,623 1,530
Hydrogen Technologies 418 335
Value Businesses 1,363 1,836
1,590 1,259
Monthly average number of employees 12,501 12,597
1. The Corporate segment includes global functions serving our business units including procurement, HR, IT and shared service centres.
* Restated to reflect classification of the Health segment as discontinued operations (see note 26).
Wages and salaries 604 583
Social security costs 70 60
Post-employment costs (note 24) 40 62
Share-based payments (note 30) 18 13
Termination benefits 1 3
Employee benefits expense from continuing operations 733 721
8 Investment income and financing costs
Net loss on remeasurement of foreign currency swaps held at
fair value through profit or loss (20) (19)
Interest payable on financial liabilities held at amortised cost
and interest on related swaps
(55) (45)
Interest payable on other liabilities
(33) (35)
Interest payable on lease liabilities (2) (2)
Total finance costs (110) (101)
Net gain on remeasurement of foreign currency swaps held at
fair value through profit or loss 9 6
Interest receivable on financial assets held at amortised cost 11 2
Interest receivable on other assets
21 31
Interest on post-employment benefits 8 2
Total investment income 49 41
Net finance costs from continuing operations (61) (60)
1. Interest payable and receivable on other liabilities and assets mainly comprises interest on precious metal leases and the amortisation of
contango and backwardation on precious metal inventory and sale and repurchase agreements .
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
9 Tax expense
Current tax
Corporation tax on profit for the year 95 55
Adjustment for prior years 1 (5)
Total current tax 96 50
Deferred tax
Origination and reversal of temporary differences (37) (1)
Adjustment for prior years 14 8
Total deferred tax (note 23) (23) 7
Tax expense 73 57
The tax expense can be reconciled to profit before tax in the income statement as follows:
Profit before tax from continuing operations 344 195
Profit / (Loss) before tax from discontinued operations 5 (239)
Profit / (loss) before tax 349 (44)
Tax expense / (credit) at UK corporation tax rate of 19% (2022: 19%) 66 (8)
Effects of:
Overseas tax rates 5 13
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes 5 9
Losses and other temporary differences not recognised 8 1
Impairment and restructuring charges 70
Recognition or utilisation of previously unrecognised tax assets (7) (1)
Adjustment for prior years 15 3
Patent box / Innovation box (7) (10)
Other tax incentives (3) (5)
Tax rate adjustments (1) (1)
Disposal of businesses (13) (28)
Irrecoverable withholding tax 10 9
Other (5) 5
Tax expense 73 57
Tax expense from continuing operations 80 79
Tax credit from discontinued operations (7) (22)
Tax expense 73 57
In the March 2021 Budget the UK Government announced that legislation will be introduced
in Finance Bill 2021 to increase the main rate of UK corporation tax from 19% to 25%,
effective 1
April 2023. The legislation increasing the tax rate to 25% was substantially
enacted on 24
May 2021. Deferred tax balances at 31
March 2023 have been measured
using the enacted tax rate of 25%.
Adjustments for prior years includes current and deferred tax adjustments in respect of the
UK, US, Japan and Germany, as well as adjustments in respect of provisions for uncertain
tax positions.
Other tax incentives includes research and development tax incentives in the US and China
and other tax incentives in Poland.
Other movements mainly includes movements in respect of provisions for uncertain tax
positions and non-taxable income.
10 Earnings / (loss) per ordinary share
Earnings / (loss) per ordinary share have been calculated by dividing loss or profit for the year
by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.
Earnings / (loss) per share
Basic 150.9 (52.6)
Diluted 150.2 (52.6)
Basic from continuing operations 144.2 60.9
Diluted from continuing operations 143.6 60.8
See note 26 for the earnings per ordinary share from discontinued operations.
2023 2022
Earnings / (loss) (£ million)
Basic and diluted earnings / (loss) 276 (101)
Weighted average number of shares in issue
Basic 183,012,301 191,568,756
Dilution for long-term incentive plans 851,432 585,024
Diluted 183,863,733 192,153,780
Presented earnings / (loss) per ordinary share have been calculated using unrounded
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
9 Tax expense
Current tax
Corporation tax on profit for the year 95 55
Adjustment for prior years 1 (5)
Total current tax 96 50
Deferred tax
Origination and reversal of temporary differences (37) (1)
Adjustment for prior years 14 8
Total deferred tax (note 23) (23) 7
Tax expense 73 57
The tax expense can be reconciled to profit before tax in the income statement as follows:
Profit before tax from continuing operations 344 195
Profit / (Loss) before tax from discontinued operations 5 (239)
Profit / (loss) before tax 349 (44)
Tax expense / (credit) at UK corporation tax rate of 19% (2022: 19%) 66 (8)
Effects of:
Overseas tax rates 5 13
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes 5 9
Losses and other temporary differences not recognised 8 1
Impairment and restructuring charges 70
Recognition or utilisation of previously unrecognised tax assets (7) (1)
Adjustment for prior years 15 3
Patent box / Innovation box (7) (10)
Other tax incentives (3) (5)
Tax rate adjustments (1) (1)
Disposal of businesses (13) (28)
Irrecoverable withholding tax 10 9
Other (5) 5
Tax expense 73 57
Tax expense from continuing operations 80 79
Tax credit from discontinued operations (7) (22)
Tax expense 73 57
In the March 2021 Budget the UK Government announced that legislation will be introduced
in Finance Bill 2021 to increase the main rate of UK corporation tax from 19% to 25%,
effective 1
April 2023. The legislation increasing the tax rate to 25% was substantially
enacted on 24
May 2021. Deferred tax balances at 31
March 2023 have been measured
using the enacted tax rate of 25%.
Adjustments for prior years includes current and deferred tax adjustments in respect of the
UK, US, Japan and Germany, as well as adjustments in respect of provisions for uncertain
tax positions.
Other tax incentives includes research and development tax incentives in the US and China
and other tax incentives in Poland.
Other movements mainly includes movements in respect of provisions for uncertain tax
positions and non-taxable income.
10 Earnings / (loss) per ordinary share
Earnings / (loss) per ordinary share have been calculated by dividing loss or profit for the year
by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.
Earnings / (loss) per share
Basic 150.9 (52.6)
Diluted 150.2 (52.6)
Basic from continuing operations 144.2 60.9
Diluted from continuing operations 143.6 60.8
See note 26 for the earnings per ordinary share from discontinued operations.
2023 2022
Earnings / (loss) (£ million)
Basic and diluted earnings / (loss) 276 (101)
Weighted average number of shares in issue
Basic 183,012,301 191,568,756
Dilution for long-term incentive plans 851,432 585,024
Diluted 183,863,733 192,153,780
Presented earnings / (loss) per ordinary share have been calculated using unrounded
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
11 Property, plant and equipment
Plant and
Assets in
the course of
At 1
April 2021 667 31 2,310 377 3,385
Additions 1 1 38 339 379
Transferred to assets classified as held
for sale
(107) (5) (392) (282) (786)
Transfers from assets in the course of
construction 11 1 120 (132)
Disposals (1) – (25) (1) (27)
Disposal of businesses (13) (1) (44) (1) (59)
Exchange adjustments 12 – 48 4 64
At 31
March 2022 570 27 2,055 304 2,956
Additions 1 24 217 242
Transferred to assets classified as held
for sale (note 26) (1) (41) (42)
Transfers from assets in the course of
22 2 128 (152)
Disposals (1) (1) (33) (13) (48)
Disposal of businesses (note 27) (10) (10)
Exchange adjustments 7 1 28 4 40
At 31
March 2023 599 28 2,151 360 3,138
Plant and
Assets in
the course of
ccumulated depreciation and
At 1
April 2021 321 17 1,606 17 1,961
Charge for the year 18 2 117 137
Impairment losses (notes 5, 6 and 26) 21 64 210 295
Transferred to assets classified as held
for sale (91) (4) (335) (210) (640)
Disposals (1) (23) (24)
Disposal of businesses (8) (2) (38) (48)
Exchange adjustments 5 1 33 (2) 37
At 31
March 2022 265 14 1,424 15 1,718
Charge for the year 17 1 119 137
Impairment losses (notes 5, 6 and 26) 8 4 12
Transferred to assets classified as held
for sale (note 26) (1) (31) (32)
Disposals (1) (33) (11) (45)
Disposal of businesses (note 27) (8) (8)
Exchange adjustments 3 1 20 24
At 31
March 2023 284 15 1,499 8 1,806
Carrying amount at 31
March 2023 315 13 652 352 1,332
Carrying amount at 31
March 2022 305 13 631 289 1,238
Carrying amount at 1
April 2021
346 14 704 360 1,424
Finance costs capitalised were £2 million (2022: £5 million) and the capitalisation rate used
to determine the amount of finance costs eligible for capitalisation was 4.0% (2022: 4.2%).
During the year, the group recognised impairments of £12 million. The impairment charge is
comprised of £3 million included in administrative expenses, see note 5, and a net £9 million
charge included in non-underlying expenses.
During the prior year, the group recognised impairments of £295 million. The impairment
charge is comprised of £2 million included in administrative expenses, see note 5, and £238
million included in non-underlying expenses, see note 6. A further £55 million of impairment
charges were incurred in relation to the Health segment.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
12 Leases
Leasing activities
The group leases some of their property, plant and equipment which are used by the group
company in their operations.
Right-of-use assets
Land and
Plant and
At 1
April 2022 57 4 61
New leases, remeasurements and modifications 9 4 13
Depreciation charge for the year (11) (3) (14)
Transferred to held for sale (note 26) (9) (9)
Exchange adjustments (2) (2)
t 31
March 2023 44 5 49
Lease liabilities
Current 9 10
Non-current 31 40
Total liabilities 40 50
Interest expense 2 2
The weighted average incremental borrowing rate applied to the group’s lease liabilities was
4.4% (2022: 4.1%).
A maturity analysis of lease liabilities is disclosed in note 28.
Total cash outflow for leases 16 16
The expense relating to low-value and short-term leases is immaterial.
13 Goodwill
At 1
April 2021 572
Disposal of business (2)
Exchange adjustments 3
At 31
March 2022 573
Disposal of businesses (note 27) (148)
Exchange adjustments 6
At 31
March 2023 431
At 1
April 2021 18
Impairment losses 189
At 31
March 2022 207
Disposal of businesses (note 27) (144)
Impairment losses (notes 5, 26) 4
At 31
March 2023 67
Carrying amount at 31
March 2023 364
Carrying amount at 31
March 2022 366
Carrying amount at 1
April 2021 554
During the current year, the Diagnostic Services goodwill was fully impaired by £4 million to
reflect the fair value less costs to sell of the business upon reclassification to assets held for
sale, see note 6. The Health business was disposed during the current year, see note 27.
During the prior year, the Health segment was fully impaired by £144 million upon
reclassification to assets held for sale. The Diagnostic Services goodwill was impaired by
£45 million.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
12 Leases
Leasing activities
The group leases some of their property, plant and equipment which are used by the group
company in their operations.
Right-of-use assets
Land and
Plant and
At 1
April 2022 57 4 61
New leases, remeasurements and modifications 9 4 13
Depreciation charge for the year (11) (3) (14)
Transferred to held for sale (note 26) (9) (9)
Exchange adjustments (2) (2)
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
13 Goodwill
At 1
April 2021 572
Disposal of business (2)
Exchange adjustments 3
At 31
March 2022 573
Disposal of businesses (note 27) (148)
Exchange adjustments 6
At 31
March 2023 431
At 1
April 2021 18
Impairment losses 189
t 31
March 2023 44 5 49
At 31
March 2022 207
Disposal of businesses (note 27) (144)
Lease liabilities
Impairment losses (notes 5, 26) 4
At 31
March 2023 67
Carrying amount at 31
March 2023 364
Current 9 10
Carrying amount at 31
March 2022 366
Non-current 31 40
Carrying amount at 1
April 2021 554
Total liabilities 40 50
During the current year, the Diagnostic Services goodwill was fully impaired by £4 million to
reflect the fair value less costs to sell of the business upon reclassification to assets held for
sale, see note 6. The Health business was disposed during the current year, see note 27.
During the prior year, the Health segment was fully impaired by £144 million upon
Interest expense 2 2
reclassification to assets held for sale. The Diagnostic Services goodwill was impaired by
£45 million.
The weighted average incremental borrowing rate applied to the group’s lease liabilities was
4.4% (2022: 4.1%).
A maturity analysis of lease liabilities is disclosed in note 28.
Total cash outflow for leases 16 16
The expense relating to low-value and short-term leases is immaterial.
14 Other intangible assets
contracts and
research and
and licences
At 1
ril 2021 133 367 65 42 226 833
Additions 66 1 33 100
Transferred to assets classified as held fo
sale (15) (20) (5) (127) (167)
osal of businesses
(1) (2) (3)
e adj
ustments 3 1 3 7
At 31
March 2022 132 419 47 37 135 770
Additions 59 2 61
Transferred to assets classified as held fo
sale (note 26) (1) (1) (1) (3)
osals (2) (2) (7) (11)
osal of businesses (note 27) (13) (13)
e adj
ustments 1 1 2
t 31
March 2023 116 475 43 37 135 806
ccumulated amortisation and im
At 1
ril 2021 108 144 46 41 135 474
e fo
4 31 1 2 1 39
airment losses (notes 5, 6 and 26) 15 12 75 102
Transferred to assets classified as held fo
sale (13) (18) (5) (79) (115)
Reclassification 2 (2)
osal of businesses
(1) (2) (3)
ge ad
ustments 1 3 1 1 6
At 31
March 2022 112 178 44 36 133 503
e fo
4 31 1 36
airment losses (notes 5, 6 and 26) 3 3
Transferred to assets classified as held fo
sale (note 26) (1) (1) (1) (3)
osals (2) (2) (6) (10)
osal of businesses (note 27) (13) (13)
ge ad
ustments 1 1 1 3
At 31
March 2023 101 209 39 37 133 519
amount at 31
March 2023 15 266 4 2 287
amount at 31
March 2022 20 241 3 1 2 267
amount at 1
ril 2021 25 223 19 1 91 359
During the year, the group recognised impairments of £3 million, see note 6.
During the prior year, the group recognised impairments of £102 million. The impairment charge is comprised of £1 million included in administrative expenses, see note 5, and £78 million
included in non-underlying expenses, see note 6. A further £23 million of impairment charges were incurred in relation to the Health segment.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
15 Investments in joint ventures and associates
Investments in joint ventures 2
Investments in associates 75
Investments in joint ventures and associates 75 2
The movements in the year were:
Joint ventures
At 1
April 2021 and 31
March 2022 2 2
Additions 75 75
Disposals (2) (2)
Group’s share of loss for the year (1) (1)
Exchange adjustments 1 1
t 31
March 2023 75 75
During the year the group sold its 51% interest in the ordinary share capital of Quingdao
Johnson Matthey Hero Catalyst Company Limited for consideration of £2 million. This resulted
in £nil profit on disposal.
As part of the disposal of our Health business (see note 27), we received £75 million in the
form of shares which constitutes an approximately 30% equity interest in the re-branded
business (Veranova). The group has determined that it has significant influence and therefore
has equity accounted this stake as an investment in associate.
The group has disclosed a contingent liability relating to this associate, see note 32. Financial
information for Veranova for the year to 31
March 2023 is provided below, note Veranova’s
financial year end is 31
December. The information disclosed reflects the amounts presented
in the financial statements of Veranova and not the group’s share of those amounts.
Summarised balance sheet
Non-current assets 159
Cash and cash equivalents 12
Other current assets 203
Current assets 215
Current liabilities (71)
Non-current liabilities (14)
Net assets 289
Summarised statement of comprehensive income
Revenue 189
Depreciation and amortisation (19)
Income tax expense (2)
Loss for the year and total comprehensive expense (4)
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
15 Investments in joint ventures and associates
Investments in joint ventures 2
Investments in associates 75
Investments in joint ventures and associates 75 2
The movements in the year were:
Joint ventures
At 1
April 2021 and 31
March 2022 22
Additions 75 75
Disposals (2) (2)
Group’s share of loss for the year (1) (1)
Exchange adjustments 1 1
t 31
March 2023 75 75
During the year the group sold its 51% interest in the ordinary share capital of Quingdao
Johnson Matthey Hero Catalyst Company Limited for consideration of £2 million. This resulted
in £nil profit on disposal.
As part of the disposal of our Health business (see note 27), we received £75 million in the
form of shares which constitutes an approximately 30% equity interest in the re-branded
business (Veranova). The group has determined that it has significant influence and therefore
has equity accounted this stake as an investment in associate.
The group has disclosed a contingent liability relating to this associate, see note 32. Financial
information for Veranova for the year to 31
March 2023 is provided below, note Veranova’s
financial year end is 31
December. The information disclosed reflects the amounts presented
in the financial statements of Veranova and not the group’s share of those amounts.
Summarised balance sheet
Non-current assets 159
Cash and cash equivalents 12
Other current assets 203
Current assets 215
Current liabilities (71)
Non-current liabilities (14)
Net assets 289
Summarised statement of comprehensive income
Revenue 189
Depreciation and amortisation (19)
Income tax expense (2)
Loss for the year and total comprehensive expense (4)
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
16 Inventories
Raw materials and consumables 359 331
Work in progress 1,047 932
Finished goods and goods for resale 296 286
Inventories 1,702 1,549
Work in progress includes £754 million (31
March 2022: £656 million) of precious metal
which is committed to future sales to customers and valued at the price at which it is
contractually committed.
17 Trade and other receivables
Trade receivables 1,304 1,393
Contract receivables 70 88
Prepayments 83 75
Value added tax and other sales tax receivable 142 89
Advance payments to customers 10 10
Amounts receivable under precious metal sale
and repurchase agreements
222 114
Other receivables 51 27
Trade and other receivables 1,882 1,796
Value added tax and other sales tax receivable 3 3
Advance payments to customers 53 39
Other receivables 57
Other receivables 113 42
1. The fair value of the precious metal contracted to be sold by the group under sale and repurchase agreements is £215 million (2022: £108
The group enters into factoring type arrangements in a small number of countries as part of
normal business due to longer than standard payment terms, we seek to collect payments in
the month following sale. As at 31
March 2023, the level of these arrangements was
approximately £250 million (31
March 2022: approximately £250 million).
Trade receivables and contract receivables are net of expected credit losses (see note 28).
18 Other financial assets and liabilities
Current assets
Forward foreign exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges 11 5
Forward precious metal price contracts designated as cash flow hedges 30
Forward foreign exchange contracts and currency swaps at fair value
through profit or loss 6 22
Other financial assets 47 27
Non-current assets
Forward precious metal price contracts designated as cash flow hedges 48
Other financial assets 48
Current liabilities
Forward foreign exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges (13) (9)
Forward precious metal price contracts designated as cash flow hedges (20)
Forward foreign exchange contracts and currency swaps at fair value
through profit or loss (14) (15)
Other financial liabilities (27) (44)
Non-current liabilities
Forward precious metal price contracts designated as cash flow hedges (12)
Other financial liabilities (12)
19 Trade and other payables
ables 831 753
Contract liabilities 181 273
Accruals 338 439
able unde
metal sal
and re
urchase a
838 793
ables 309 305
Trade and othe
ables 2,497 2,563
ables 2 2
Trade and othe
ables 2 2
1. The fair value of the precious metal contracted to be repurchased by the group under sale and repurchase agreements is £802 million (2022:
£782 million).
The amount of the contract liabilities balance at 31
March 2022 which was recognised in
revenue during the year ended 31
March 2023 for the group company was £70 million
(2022: £113 million) .
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
20 Borrowings and related swaps
and othe
2.99% $165 million Bonds 2023 (125)
20 million Bonds 2023 (17)
3.57% £65 million Bonds 2024 (65) (65)
3.565% $50 million KfW loan 2024 (40) (38)
3.14% $130 million Bonds 2025 (105) (99)
77 million Bonds 2025 (61) (64)
2.54% £45 million Bonds 2025 (45) (45)
3.79% $130 million Bonds 2025 (105) (99)
3.97% $120 million Bonds 2027 (97) (90)
+ 1.25% UKEF EDG £ Facilit
2028 (248)
2028 (157)
3.39% $180 million Bonds 2028 (144) (137)
90 million Bonds 2028 (69) (74)
2.77% £35 million Bonds 2029 (35)
3.00% $50 million Bonds 2029 (40)
4.10% $30 million Bonds 2030 (24) (23)
25 million Bonds 2030 (22) (21)
225 million Bonds 2032 (198)
Cross currenc
interest rate swa
s desi
nated as net investment hed
es (5) (2)
s and related swa
166 million EIB loan 2022 (140)
3.26% $150 million Bonds 2022 (115)
2.99% $165 million Bonds 2023 (133)
20 million Bonds 2023 (18)
loans (4) (10)
s and related swa
The 1.40% €77 million Bonds 2025 and the 1.81% €90 million Bonds 2028 have been swapped into floating rate euros. $100 million of the 3.14% $130 million Bonds 2025 have been swapped
into sterling at 2.83% and the 3.00% $50 million Bonds 2029 have been swapped into euros at 1.71%.
All borrowings bear interest at fixed rates with the exception of the UKEF EDG EUR and GBP facilities which bear interest at 6 Months EURIBOR plus 1.20% and SONIA plus 1.25% and bank
overdrafts, which bear interest at commercial floating rates.
During the year, the group drew down on the UKEF EDG financing secured in the financial year to 31
March 2022. The margins on these new facilities are impacted by the group’s ability to meet
targets around the reduction in its scope 1 and 2 emissions.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
20 Borrowings and related swaps
and othe
2.99% $165 million Bonds 2023 (125)
20 million Bonds 2023 (17)
3.57% £65 million Bonds 2024 (65) (65)
3.565% $50 million KfW loan 2024 (40) (38)
3.14% $130 million Bonds 2025 (105) (99)
77 million Bonds 2025 (61) (64)
2.54% £45 million Bonds 2025 (45) (45)
3.79% $130 million Bonds 2025 (105) (99)
3.97% $120 million Bonds 2027 (97) (90)
+ 1.25% UKEF EDG £ Facilit
2028 (248)
2028 (157)
3.39% $180 million Bonds 2028 (144) (137)
90 million Bonds 2028 (69) (74)
2.77% £35 million Bonds 2029 (35)
3.00% $50 million Bonds 2029 (40)
4.10% $30 million Bonds 2030 (24) (23)
25 million Bonds 2030 (22) (21)
225 million Bonds 2032 (198)
Cross currenc
interest rate swa
s desi
nated as net investment hed
es (5) (2)
s and related swa
166 million EIB loan 2022 (140)
3.26% $150 million Bonds 2022 (115)
2.99% $165 million Bonds 2023 (133)
20 million Bonds 2023 (18)
loans (4) (10)
s and related swa
The 1.40% €77 million Bonds 2025 and the 1.81% €90 million Bonds 2028 have been swapped into floating rate euros. $100 million of the 3.14% $130 million Bonds 2025 have been swapped
into sterling at 2.83% and the 3.00% $50 million Bonds 2029 have been swapped into euros at 1.71%.
All borrowings bear interest at fixed rates with the exception of the UKEF EDG EUR and GBP facilities which bear interest at 6 Months EURIBOR plus 1.20% and SONIA plus 1.25% and bank
overdrafts, which bear interest at commercial floating rates.
During the year, the group drew down on the UKEF EDG financing secured in the financial year to 31
March 2022. The margins on these new facilities are impacted by the group’s ability to meet
targets around the reduction in its scope 1 and 2 emissions.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
21 Movements in assets and liabilities arising from financing activities
Non-cash movements
Cash (inflow) /
Transfers to held
for sale
Foreign exchange
Fair value and
other movements
Non-current assets
Interest rate swaps* 12 (1) 9 20
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings and related swaps (899) (672) 149 (36) (2) (1,460)
Interest rates swaps (2) 1 (14) (15)
Lease liabilities (40) 11 9 (11) (31)
Current liabilities
Borrowings and related swaps (265) 281 (149) (21) (1) (155)
Lease liabilities (10) 14 (11) 1 (3) (9)
Net movements in assets and liabilities arising from financing activities (377) 10 (57) (22)
Dividends paid to equity shareholders 141
Interest paid 94
Purchase of treasury shares 45
Net cash inflow from financing activities (97)
Cash outflow
Non-cash movements
Transfers to held
for sale
Foreign exchange
Fair value and other
Non-current assets
Interest rate swaps*
20 – (8) – 12
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings and related swaps (1,252) 114 254 (26) 11 (899)
Interest rates swaps
– 8 – – (10) (2)
Lease liabilities
(51) – 15 7 (11) (40)
Current liabilities
Borrowings and related swaps (26) 17 (254) (5) 3 (265)
Lease liabilities
(11) 14 (15) 2 – (10)
Net movements in assets and liabilities arising from financing activities
145 – 9 (31) (7)
Dividends paid to equity shareholders
Interest paid
Purchase of treasury shares
Net cash outflow from financing activities
* The prior year comparatives for interest rate swaps within non-current assets have been re-presented to group the balances together and simplify the balance sheet. The financial statement captions impacted are Interest rate swaps within Non-current assets which was previously £11 million (now
£12 million) and Interest rate swaps within Current assets which was previously £1 million (now £nil). This re-presentation is not considered material.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
22 Provisions
Warranty and
At 1
April 2021 42 8 12 62
Charge for the year 18 26 44
Utilised (15) (1) (1) (17)
Released (2) (2)
Transferred to liabilities classified as held for
(3) (3)
At 31
March 2022 42 5 37 84
Charge for the year 25 10 8 43
Utilised (28) (1) (1) (30)
Released (1) (2) (3) (6)
t 31
March 2023 38 12 41 91
Current 63 56
Non-current 28 28
Total provisions 91 84
The restructuring provisions are part of the group’s efficiency initiatives (see note 6).
Warranty and technology
The warranty and technology provisions represent management’s best estimate of the group’s
liability under warranties granted and remedial work required under technology licences
based on past experience in Clean Air, Catalyst Technologies and Value Businesses. Warranties
generally cover a period of up to three years.
The other provisions include environmental and legal provisions arising across the group.
Amounts provided reflect management's best estimate of the expenditure required to settle
the obligations at the balance sheet date.
23 Deferred tax
plant and
deferred tax
(assets) /
At 1
April 2021 1 27 (48) (94) 2 (112)
(Credit) / charge to
the income
(39) 23 7 44 (3) (25) 7
Tax on items taken
directly to or
transferred from
35 (8) 27
adjustments 1 (3) 1 (1) (2)
At 31
March 2022 (37) 85 (44) (49) (2) (33) (80)
(Credit) / charge to
the income
statement (note 9)
(7) 7 (15) 22 (8) (22) (23)
Disposal of businesses
(note 27) 5 4 1 (7) 7 10
Transferred to assets
classified as held for
sale (note 26)
3 3
Tax on items taken
directly to or
transferred from
(37) 26 (11)
adjustments (1) (1)
t 31
March 2023 (37) 55 (55) (26) (17) (22) (102)
Deferred tax assets (121) (98)
Deferred tax liabilities 19 18
Net amount (102) (80)
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
22 Provisions
Warranty and
At 1
April 2021 42 8 12 62
Charge for the year 18 26 44
Utilised (15) (1) (1) (17)
Released (2) (2)
Transferred to liabilities classified as held for
(3) (3)
At 31
March 2022 42 5 37 84
Charge for the year 25 10 8 43
Utilised (28) (1) (1) (30)
Released (1) (2) (3) (6)
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
23 Deferred tax
deferred tax
plant and
(assets) /
At 1
April 2021 1 27 (48) (94) 2 (112)
(Credit) / charge to
the income
(39) 23 7 44 (3) (25) 7
Tax on items taken
directly to or
transferred from
35 (8) 27
adjustments 1 (3) 1 (1) (2)
t 31
March 2023 38 12 41 91
At 31
March 2022 (37) 85 (44) (49) (2) (33) (80)
(Credit) / charge to
the income
statement (note 9)
(7) 7 (15) 22 (8) (22) (23)
Current 63 56
Disposal of businesses
(note 27) 5 4 1 (7) 7 10
Non-current 28 28
Transferred to assets
Total provisions 91 84
classified as held for
sale (note 26)
3 3
The restructuring provisions are part of the group’s efficiency initiatives (see note 6).
Tax on items taken
directly to or
Warranty and technology
transferred from
The warranty and technology provisions represent management’s best estimate of the group’s
(37) 26 (11)
liability under warranties granted and remedial work required under technology licences
based on past experience in Clean Air, Catalyst Technologies and Value Businesses. Warranties
adjustments (1) (1)
generally cover a period of up to three years.
The other provisions include environmental and legal provisions arising across the group.
Amounts provided reflect management's best estimate of the expenditure required to settle
the obligations at the balance sheet date.
23 Deferred tax continued
Although the parent company bears the financial cost of the plan, the trustee directors are
responsible for the overall management and governance of JMEPS, including compliance with
Deferred tax has not been recognised in respect of tax losses of £85 million (2022: £135
all applicable legislation and regulations. The trustee directors are required by law to act in the
million) and other temporary differences of £23 million (2022: £24 million). Of the total tax
interests of all relevant beneficiaries and: to set certain policies; to manage the day-to-day
losses, £30 million (2022: £41 million) is expected to expire within 5 years, £30 million
administration of the benefits; and to set the plan’s investment strategy following consultation
within 5 to 10 years (2022: £12 million), £nil after 10 years (2022: £38 million) and £25
with the parent company.
million carry no expiry (2022: £43 million). These deferred tax assets have not been
recognised on the basis that their future economic benefit is not probable.
UK pensions are regulated by the Pensions Regulator whose statutory objectives and
regulatory powers are described on its website: www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk
In addition, the group’s overseas subsidiaries have net unremitted earnings of £933 million
(2022: £820 million), resulting in temporary differences of £563 million (2022: £585
The JMEPS Trustee Board considers how climate risk is integrated within investment processes
million). No deferred tax has been provided in respect of these differences since the timing of
when appointing, monitoring and withdrawing from investment managers using the
the reversals can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary differences will not
investment consultant’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings. The ESG ratings
reverse in the foreseeable future.
include consideration of climate risk management policies. On a periodic basis, JMEPS will
review the ESG ratings assigned to the underlying investments based on the investment
The recognition of deferred tax assets has been determined by the recoverability of those
consultant’s ESG research.
assets against future tax liabilities as determined by budgets and plans that are showing profits
in relevant businesses. The majority of the deferred tax assets and liabilities noted above are
The US pension plans are qualified pension arrangements and are subject to the requirements
anticipated to be realised after more than 12 months.
of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Pension Protection Act 2006 and the
Department of Labor and Internal Revenue. The plans are managed by a pension committee
24 Post-employment benefits
which acts as the fiduciary and, as such, is ultimately responsible for: the management of the
plans’ investments; compliance with all applicable legislation and regulations; and overseeing
the general management of the plans.
Pension plans
Other trustee or fiduciary arrangements that have similar responsibilities and obligations are
The group operates a number of post-employment retirement and medical benefit plans
in place for the group’s other funded defined benefit pension plans outside of the UK and US.
around the world. The retirement plans in the UK, US and other countries include both
defined contribution and defined benefit plans.
The UK defined benefit pension plan is segregated into two sections – a legacy section which
For defined contribution plans, retirement benefits are determined by the value of funds
provides final salary and career average pension benefits and a cash balance section.
arising from contributions paid in respect of each employee and the investment returns on
The legacy section provides benefits to members in the form of a set level of pension payable
those contributions prior to retirement.
for life based on the member’s length of service and final pensionable salary at retirement or
For defined benefit plans, which include final salary, career average and other types of plans
averaged over their career with the company. The majority of the benefits attract inflation-
with committed pension payments, the retirement benefits are based on factors, such as the
related increases both before and after retirement. The final salary element of the legacy
employee’s pensionable salary and length of service. The majority of the group’s final salary
section was closed to future accrual of benefits from 1
April 2010 and the career average
t 31
March 2023 (37) 55 (55) (26) (17) (22) (102)
Deferred tax assets (121) (98)
Deferred tax liabilities 19 18
Net amount (102) (80)
and career average defined benefit retirement plans are closed to new entrants but remain
element of the legacy section was closed to new entrants on 1
October 2012, but remains
open to ongoing accrual for current members.
open to future accrual for existing members.
Regulatory framework and governance
The cash balance section provides benefits to members at the point of retirement in the form
The UK pension plan, the Johnson Matthey Employees’ Pension Scheme (JMEPS), is a
of a cash lump sum. The benefits attract inflation-related increases before retirement but,
registered arrangement established under trust law and, as such, is subject to UK pension, tax
following the payment of the retirement lump sum benefit, the plan has no obligation to pay
and trust legislation. It is managed by a corporate trustee, JMEPS Trustees Limited. The trustee
any further benefits to the member. All new employees join the cash balance section of
board includes representatives appointed by both the parent company and employees and
the plan.
includes an independent chairman.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
The group operates two defined benefit pension plans in the US. The hourly pension plan is for
unionised employees and provides a fixed retirement benefit for life based upon years of
service. The salaried pension plan provides retirement benefits for life based on the member’s
length of service and final pensionable salary (averaged over the last five years). The salaried
plan benefits attract inflation-related increases before leaving but are non-increasing
thereafter. On retirement, members in either plan have the option to take the cash value of
their benefit instead of a lifetime annuity in which case the plan has no obligation to pay any
further benefits to the member.
The US salaried pension plan was closed to new entrants on 1
September 2013, and the US
hourly pension plan was closed to new entrants on 1
January 2019. The hourly pension plan
remains open to future accrual for existing members but the salaried pension plan will be
closed to future accrual from 1
July 2023 with plan participants transferring to a defined
contribution plan. All new US employees now join a defined contribution plan.
Other post-employment benefits
The group’s principal post-employment medical plans are in the UK and US, and are unfunded
arrangements that have been closed to new entrants for over ten years.
Maturity profile
The estimated weighted average durations of the defined benefit obligations of the main
plans as at 31
March 2023 are:
Weighted average
UK 16
US 10
Post-retirement medical benefits:
UK 9
US 9
The group’s principal defined benefit retirement plans are funded through separate fiduciary
or trustee administered funds that are independent of the sponsoring company. The
contributions paid to these arrangements are jointly agreed by the sponsoring company and
the relevant trustee or fiduciary body after each funding valuation and in consultation with
independent qualified actuaries. The plans’ assets, together with the agreed funding
contributions, should be sufficient to meet the plans’ future pension obligations.
UK valuations
UK legislation requires that pension plans are funded prudently and that, when undertaking a
funding valuation (every three years), assets are taken at their market value and liabilities are
determined based on a set of prudent assumptions set by the trustee following consultation
with their appointed actuary. The assumptions used for funding valuations may, therefore,
differ to the actuarial assumptions used for IAS 19, Employee Benefits, accounting purposes.
In January 2013, a special purpose vehicle (SPV), Johnson Matthey (Scotland) Limited
Partnership, was set up to provide deficit reduction contributions and greater security to the
trustee. The group invested £50 million in a bond portfolio which is beneficially held by the
SPV. The income generated by the SPV is used to make annual distributions of £3.5 million to
JMEPS for a period of up to 25 years. These annual distributions are only payable if the legacy
section of JMEPS continues to be in deficit, on a funding basis. This bond portfolio is held as a
non-current investment at fair value through other comprehensive income and the group’s
liability to pay the income to the plan is not a plan asset under IAS 19 although it is for
actuarial funding valuation purposes. The SPV is exempt from the requirement to prepare
audited annual accounts as it is included on a consolidated basis in these accounts.
A funding valuation of JMEPS was carried out as at 1
April 2021 and showed that there was a
deficit of £9 million in the legacy section of the plan, or a surplus of £24 million after taking
account of the future additional deficit contributions from the SPV. The valuation also showed
a deficit in the cash balance section of the plan of £1 million. The next triennial actuarial
valuation of JMEPS will be carried out as at 1
April 2024 with the results known later in
the year.
In accordance with the governing documentation of JMEPS, any future plan surplus would be
returned to the parent company by way of a refund assuming gradual settlement of the
liabilities over the lifetime of the plan. As such, there are no adjustments required in respect of
IFRIC 14, IAS 19 – The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and
their Interaction.
US valuations
The last annual review of the US defined benefit pension plans was carried out by a qualified
actuary as at 1
July 2021 and showed that there was a surplus of $10 million on the projected
funding basis.
The assumptions used for funding valuations may differ to the actuarial assumptions used for
IAS 19 accounting purposes.
Other valuations
Similar funding valuations are undertaken on the group’s other defined benefit pension plans
outside of the UK and US in accordance with prevailing local legislation.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
The group operates two defined benefit pension plans in the US. The hourly pension plan is for
unionised employees and provides a fixed retirement benefit for life based upon years of
service. The salaried pension plan provides retirement benefits for life based on the member’s
length of service and final pensionable salary (averaged over the last five years). The salaried
plan benefits attract inflation-related increases before leaving but are non-increasing
thereafter. On retirement, members in either plan have the option to take the cash value of
their benefit instead of a lifetime annuity in which case the plan has no obligation to pay any
further benefits to the member.
The US salaried pension plan was closed to new entrants on 1
September 2013, and the US
hourly pension plan was closed to new entrants on 1
January 2019. The hourly pension plan
remains open to future accrual for existing members but the salaried pension plan will be
closed to future accrual from 1
July 2023 with plan participants transferring to a defined
contribution plan. All new US employees now join a defined contribution plan.
Other post-employment benefits
The group’s principal post-employment medical plans are in the UK and US, and are unfunded
arrangements that have been closed to new entrants for over ten years.
Maturity profile
The estimated weighted average durations of the defined benefit obligations of the main
plans as at 31
March 2023 are:
Weighted average
UK 16
US 10
Post-retirement medical benefits:
UK 9
US 9
The group’s principal defined benefit retirement plans are funded through separate fiduciary
or trustee administered funds that are independent of the sponsoring company. The
contributions paid to these arrangements are jointly agreed by the sponsoring company and
the relevant trustee or fiduciary body after each funding valuation and in consultation with
independent qualified actuaries. The plans’ assets, together with the agreed funding
contributions, should be sufficient to meet the plans’ future pension obligations.
UK valuations
UK legislation requires that pension plans are funded prudently and that, when undertaking a
funding valuation (every three years), assets are taken at their market value and liabilities are
determined based on a set of prudent assumptions set by the trustee following consultation
with their appointed actuary. The assumptions used for funding valuations may, therefore,
differ to the actuarial assumptions used for IAS 19, Employee Benefits, accounting purposes.
In January 2013, a special purpose vehicle (SPV), Johnson Matthey (Scotland) Limited
Partnership, was set up to provide deficit reduction contributions and greater security to the
trustee. The group invested £50 million in a bond portfolio which is beneficially held by the
SPV. The income generated by the SPV is used to make annual distributions of £3.5 million to
JMEPS for a period of up to 25 years. These annual distributions are only payable if the legacy
section of JMEPS continues to be in deficit, on a funding basis. This bond portfolio is held as a
non-current investment at fair value through other comprehensive income and the group’s
liability to pay the income to the plan is not a plan asset under IAS 19 although it is for
actuarial funding valuation purposes. The SPV is exempt from the requirement to prepare
audited annual accounts as it is included on a consolidated basis in these accounts.
A funding valuation of JMEPS was carried out as at 1
April 2021 and showed that there was a
deficit of £9 million in the legacy section of the plan, or a surplus of £24 million after taking
account of the future additional deficit contributions from the SPV. The valuation also showed
a deficit in the cash balance section of the plan of £1 million. The next triennial actuarial
valuation of JMEPS will be carried out as at 1
April 2024 with the results known later in
the year.
In accordance with the governing documentation of JMEPS, any future plan surplus would be
returned to the parent company by way of a refund assuming gradual settlement of the
liabilities over the lifetime of the plan. As such, there are no adjustments required in respect of
IFRIC 14, IAS 19 – The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and
their Interaction.
US valuations
The last annual review of the US defined benefit pension plans was carried out by a qualified
actuary as at 1
July 2021 and showed that there was a surplus of $10 million on the projected
funding basis.
The assumptions used for funding valuations may differ to the actuarial assumptions used for
IAS 19 accounting purposes.
Other valuations
Similar funding valuations are undertaken on the group’s other defined benefit pension plans
outside of the UK and US in accordance with prevailing local legislation.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
Risk management
The group is exposed to a number of risks relating to its post-retirement pension plans, the most significant of which are:
Risk Mitigation
Market (investment) risk
Asset returns may not move in line with the liabilities and may be subject to volatility. The group’s various plans have highly diversified investment portfolios, investing in a wide range of assets
that provide reasonable assurance that no single security or type of security could have a material adverse
impact on the plan.
A de-risking strategy is in place to reduce volatility in the plans as a result of the mismatch between the assets
and liabilities. As the funding level of the plans improve and hit pre-agreed triggers, plan investments are
switched from return-seeking assets to liability-matching assets.
The plans implement partial currency hedging on their overseas assets to mitigate currency risk.
Interest (discount) rate risk
Liabilities are sensitive to movements in bond yields (interest rates), with lower
interest rates leading to an increase in the valuation of liabilities, albeit the impact
on the plan’s funding level will be partially offset by an increase in the value of its
bond holdings.
The group’s defined benefit plans hold a high proportion of their assets in government or corporate bonds,
which provide a natural hedge against falling interest rates.
In the UK, this interest rate hedge is extended by the use of interest rate swaps, such that the plan is 100%
hedged on the plan’s funding basis. The swaps are held with several banks to reduce counterparty risk.
Inflation risk
Liabilities are sensitive to movements in inflation, with higher inflation leading to an
increase in the valuation of liabilities.
Where plan benefits provide inflation-related increases, the plan holds some inflation-linked assets which
provide a natural hedge against higher than expected inflation increases.
In the UK, this inflation hedge is extended by the use of inflation swaps, such that the plan is 100% hedged
on the plan’s funding basis. The swaps are held with several banks to reduce counterparty risk.
Longevity risk
The majority of the group’s defined benefit plans provide benefits for the life of the
member, so the liabilities are sensitive to life expectancy, with increases in life
expectancy leading to an increase in the valuation of liabilities.
The group has closed most of its defined benefit pension plans to new entrants, replacing them with either a
cash balance plan or defined contribution plans, both of which are unaffected by life expectancy.
For the plans where a benefit for life continues to be payable, prudent mortality assumptions are used that
appropriately allow for a future improvement in life expectancy. These assumptions are reviewed on a
regular basis.
Liquidity risk
The pension plan may have insufficient access to cash to meet its short-term cash and
collateral obligations, such that adverse scenarios could force the sale of a less-liquid
assets at depressed prices.
The group’s defined benefit plans hold sufficient liquid assets to meet its cashflow obligations and the
collateral requirements of its inflation and interest rate hedging. This reduces the risk of being a forced seller
of less-liquid assets.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
During the year, total contributions to the group’s post-employment defined benefit plans were £40 million (2022: £43 million). It is estimated that the group will contribute approximately £36
million to the post-employment defined benefit plans during the year ending 31
March 2024.
IAS 19 accounting
Principal actuarial assumptions
Qualified independent actuaries have updated the IAS 19 valuations of the group’s major defined benefit plans to 31
March 2023. The assumptions used are chosen from a range of possible
actuarial assumptions which, due to the long-term nature of the plans, may not necessarily be borne out in practice.
Financial assumptions
UK plan
US plans
Other plans
UK plan
US plans
Other plans
First year's rate of increase in salaries 4.40 4.50 3.97 3.85 3.00 2.20
Ultimate rate of increase in salaries 3.40 4.50 2.20 3.85 3.00 2.20
Rate of increase in pensions in payment 2.90 2.80 3.20 2.11
Discount rate 4.80 4.90 4.40 2.80 3.70 2.13
Inflation 2.50 3.90 2.20 2.15
UK Retail Prices Index (RPI) 3.10 3.60
UK Consumer Prices Index (CPI) 2.65 3.10
Current medical benefits cost trend rate 12.50 5.40
Ultimate medical benefits cost trend rate 5.40 5.40
Demographic assumptions
The mortality assumptions are based on country-specific mortality tables and, where appropriate, include an allowance for future improvements in life expectancy. In addition, where credible data
exists, actual plan experience is taken into account. The group’s most substantial pension liabilities are in the UK and the US where, using the mortality tables adopted, the expected lifetime of
average members currently at age 65 and average members at age 65 in 25 years’ time (i.e. members who are currently aged 40 years) is respectively:
Currently age 65 Age 65 in 25 years
UK plan US plans UK plan US plans
Male 88 86 89 88
Female 90 88 92 89
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
During the year, total contributions to the group’s post-employment defined benefit plans were £40 million (2022: £43 million). It is estimated that the group will contribute approximately £36
million to the post-employment defined benefit plans during the year ending 31
March 2024.
IAS 19 accounting
Principal actuarial assumptions
Qualified independent actuaries have updated the IAS 19 valuations of the group’s major defined benefit plans to 31
March 2023. The assumptions used are chosen from a range of possible
actuarial assumptions which, due to the long-term nature of the plans, may not necessarily be borne out in practice.
Financial assumptions
UK plan
US plans
Other plans
UK plan
US plans
Other plans
First year's rate of increase in salaries 4.40 4.50 3.97 3.85 3.00 2.20
Ultimate rate of increase in salaries 3.40 4.50 2.20 3.85 3.00 2.20
Rate of increase in pensions in payment 2.90 2.80 3.20 2.11
Discount rate 4.80 4.90 4.40 2.80 3.70 2.13
Inflation 2.50 3.90 2.20 2.15
UK Retail Prices Index (RPI) 3.10 3.60
UK Consumer Prices Index (CPI) 2.65 3.10
Current medical benefits cost trend rate 12.50 5.40
Ultimate medical benefits cost trend rate 5.40 5.40
Demographic assumptions
The mortality assumptions are based on country-specific mortality tables and, where appropriate, include an allowance for future improvements in life expectancy. In addition, where credible data
exists, actual plan experience is taken into account. The group’s most substantial pension liabilities are in the UK and the US where, using the mortality tables adopted, the expected lifetime of
average members currently at age 65 and average members at age 65 in 25 years’ time (i.e. members who are currently aged 40 years) is respectively:
Currently age 65 Age 65 in 25 years
UK plan US plans UK plan US plans
Male 88 86 89 88
Female 90 88 92 89
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
Financial information
Plan assets
Movements in the fair value of plan assets during the year were:
UK pension -
legacy section
UK pension -
cash balance
UK post-
US post-
t 1
April 2021
2,142 128 – 320 – 56 2,646
Administrative expenses
(2) – – (1) – – (3)
Interest income
44 3 – 10 – 1 58
Return on plan assets excluding interest
27 (2) – (15) – (1) 9
Employee contributions
3 7 1 1 12
Company contributions
922 9 1 142
Benefits paid
(63) (2) – (27) (2) (3) (97)
Disposal of business
– – – – – (46) (46)
Exchange adjustments
– – – 13 – – 13
t 31
March 2022
2,160 156 – 310 – 8 2,634
Administrative expenses (4) (1) (5)
Interest income 65 6 12 83
Return on plan assets excluding interest (698) (29) (57) (1) (785)
Employee contributions 3 7 10
Company contributions 8 21 1 7 1 2 40
Benefits paid (62) (2) (1) (42) (1) (1) (109)
Exchange adjustments 21 21
t 31
March 2023 1,472 159 250 8 1,889
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
Financial information continued
Plan assets continued
The fair values of plan assets are analysed as follows:
2023 2022
UK pension-
legacy section
pension -
cash balance
US pensions
legacy section
pension -
cash balance
Quoted corporate bonds 382 56 191 924 93 227 5
Inflation and interest rate swaps 5 1 3
Quoted government bonds 563 41 42 1 452 61
Cash and cash equivalents 46 5 2 289 6 4 1
Quoted equity 212 56 15 1 340 57 18 1
Unquoted equity 51 74
Property 58 73
Insurance policies 6 1
Other 155 5
Plan assets 1,472 159 250 8 2,160 156 310 8
The UK plan’s unquoted equities are assets within a pooled infrastructure fund where the underlying assets are a broad range of private infrastructure investments, diversified by geographic region,
infrastructure sector, underlying asset type and development stage. These infrastructure assets are valued using widely recognised valuation techniques which use market data and discounted cash
flows. The same valuation approach is used to determine the value of the swaps and insurance policies.
The UK plan’s property represents an investment in the Blackrock UK Property Fund, which is a unitised fund where the underlying assets are taken at market value. The valuation of the fund is
independently audited by KPMG on an annual basis.
The defined benefit pension plans do not invest directly in Johnson Matthey Plc shares and no property or other assets owned by the pension plans are used by the group.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
Financial information continued
Plan assets continued
The fair values of plan assets are analysed as follows:
2023 2022
pension -
pension -
UK pension-
cash balance
cash balance
legacy section
US pensions
legacy section
Quoted corporate bonds 382 56 191 924 93 227 5
Inflation and interest rate swaps 5 1 3
Quoted government bonds 563 41 42 1 452 61
Cash and cash equivalents 46 5 2 289 6 4 1
Quoted equity 212 56 15 1 340 57 18 1
Unquoted equity 51 74
Property 58 73
Insurance policies 6 1
Other 155 5
Plan assets 1,472 159 250 8 2,160 156 310 8
The UK plan’s unquoted equities are assets within a pooled infrastructure fund where the underlying assets are a broad range of private infrastructure investments, diversified by geographic region,
infrastructure sector, underlying asset type and development stage. These infrastructure assets are valued using widely recognised valuation techniques which use market data and discounted cash
flows. The same valuation approach is used to determine the value of the swaps and insurance policies.
The UK plan’s property represents an investment in the Blackrock UK Property Fund, which is a unitised fund where the underlying assets are taken at market value. The valuation of the fund is
independently audited by KPMG on an annual basis.
The defined benefit pension plans do not invest directly in Johnson Matthey Plc shares and no property or other assets owned by the pension plans are used by the group.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
Financial information continued
Defined benefit obligation
Movements in the defined benefit obligation during the year were:
UK post-
US post-
UK pension -
UK pension-
cash balance
legacy section
At 1
April 2021
(1,956) (134) (8) (340) (31) (83) (2,552)
Current service cost
(8) (26) – (9) (1) (1) (45)
Past service credit
– – – – 11 – 11
Interest cost
(40) (4) – (10) (1) (1) (56)
Employee contributions
(3) (7) – (1) (1) – (12)
Remeasurements due to changes in:
Financial assumptions
196 11 – 35 2 2 246
Demographic assumptions
– (1) 1 6 (1) 5
Experience adjustments
(61) (16) – (77)
Benefits paid
63 2 – 27 2 3 97
Disposal of business
– – – – – 46 46
Exchange adjustments
– – – (15) – – (15)
At 31
March 2022
(1,809) (174) (9) (312) (13) (35) (2,352)
Current service cost (4) (21) (5) (1) (31)
Past service (cost) / credit (2) 22 20
Interest cost (56) (5) (12) (1) (1) (75)
Employee contributions (3) (7) (10)
Remeasurements due to changes in:
Financial assumptions 577 77 1 52 1 7 715
Demographic assumptions 2 2
Experience adjustments (70) (4) (9) 2 (81)
Benefits paid 62 2 1 42 1 1 109
Disposal of business 3 3
Exchange adjustments (22) (3) (25)
At 31
March 2023 (1,303) (132) (7) (244) (10) (29) (1,725)
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Reimbursement rights
A government subsidy is receivable under the US Medicare legislation as the US post-retirement medical benefits plan is actuarially equivalent to the Medicare Prescription Drug Act and there is an
insurance policy taken out to reinsure the pension commitments of one of the small pension plans which does not meet the definition of a qualifying insurance policy. These are accounted for as
reimbursement rights and are shown on the balance sheet in post-employment benefit net assets.
Movements in the reimbursement rights during the year were:
US post-
At 1
April 2021 6 6
Return on assets excluding interest (6) (6)
Exchange adjustments 1 1
t 31
March 2022 and 31
March 2023 1 1
Net post-employment benefit assets and liabilities
The net post-employment benefit assets and liabilities are:
UK pension-
legacy section
UK pension -
cash balance
UK post-
US post-
t 31
March 2023
Defined benefit obligation (1,303) (132) (7) (244) (10) (29) (1,725)
Fair value of plan assets 1,472 159 250 8 1,889
Reimbursement rights 1 1
Net post-employment benefit assets and liabilities 169 27 (7) 6 (10) (20) 165
t 31
March 2022
Defined benefit obligation
(1,809) (174) (9) (312) (13) (35) (2,352)
Fair value of plan assets
2,160 156 – 310 – 8 2,634
Reimbursement rights
1 1
Net post-employment benefit assets and liabilities 351 (18) (9) (2) (13) (26) 283
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Reimbursement rights
A government subsidy is receivable under the US Medicare legislation as the US post-retirement medical benefits plan is actuarially equivalent to the Medicare Prescription Drug Act and there is an
insurance policy taken out to reinsure the pension commitments of one of the small pension plans which does not meet the definition of a qualifying insurance policy. These are accounted for as
reimbursement rights and are shown on the balance sheet in post-employment benefit net assets.
Movements in the reimbursement rights during the year were:
US post-
At 1
April 2021 66
Return on assets excluding interest (6) (6)
Exchange adjustments 11
t 31
March 2022 and 31
March 2023 1 1
Net post-employment benefit assets and liabilities
The net post-employment benefit assets and liabilities are:
UK pension-
legacy section
UK pension -
cash balance
UK post-
US post-
t 31
March 2023
Defined benefit obligation (1,303) (132) (7) (244) (10) (29) (1,725)
Fair value of plan assets 1,472 159 250 8 1,889
Reimbursement rights 1 1
Net post-employment benefit assets and liabilities 169 27 (7) 6 (10) (20) 165
t 31
March 2022
Defined benefit obligation (1,809) (174) (9) (312) (13) (35) (2,352)
Fair value of plan assets 2,160 156 – 310 – 8 2,634
Reimbursement rights 11
Net post-employment benefit assets and liabilities 351 (18) (9) (2) (13) (26) 283
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
Financial information continued
Net post-employment benefit assets and liabilities continued
These are included in the balance sheet as follows:
net assets
net assets
UK pension - legacy section 169 169 351 351
UK pension - cash balance section 27 27 (18) (18)
UK post-retirement medical benefits (7) (7) (9) (9)
US pensions 6 6 (2) (2)
US post-retirement medical benefits (10) (10) (13) (13)
Other 1 (21) (20) 1 (27) (26)
Total post-employment plans 203 (38) 165 352 (69) 283
Other long-term employee benefits (3) (3)
Total long-term employee benefit obligations (41) (72)
Income statement
Amounts recognised in the income statement for long term employment benefits were:
Administrative expenses (5) (3)
Current service cost (31) (45)
Past service credit 20 11
Defined benefit post-employment costs charged to operating profit (16) (37)
Defined contribution plans’ expense (24) (24)
Other long term employee benefits (1)
Charge to operating profit (40) (62)
Interest on post-employment benefits charged to finance income 8 2
Charge to profit before tax (32) (60)
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
Financial information continued
Statement of total comprehensive income
Amounts recognised in the statement of total comprehensive income for long term employment benefits were:
Return on plan assets excluding interest (785) 9
Remeasurements due to changes in:
Financial assumptions 715 246
Experience adjustments (81) (77)
Demographic assumptions 2 5
Reimbursement rights - return on assets excluding interest (6 )
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities (149) 177
Sensitivity analysis
The calculations of the defined benefit obligations are sensitive to the assumptions used. The following summarises the estimated impact on the group’s main plans of a change in the assumption
while holding all other assumptions constant. This sensitivity analysis may not be representative of the actual change as it is unlikely that the change in assumptions would occur in isolation of one
Financial assumptions
A 0.1% change in the discount rate and inflation assumptions would (increase) / decrease the UK and US pension plans’ defined benefit obligations at 31
March 2023 as follows:
0.1% increase 0.1% decrease
UK plan
US plans
UK plan
US plans
Effect of discount rate 22 2 (20) (2)
Effect of inflation (19) 21
Demographic assumptions
A one-year increase in life expectancy would increase the UK and US pension plans' defined benefit obligation by £36 million and £5 million, respectively.
25 Share capital and other reserves
Share capital
Number £m
Issued and fully paid ordinary shares
At 1
April 2021 198,940,606 221
Share buyback (3,078,841) (3)
At 31
March 2022 195,861,765 218
Share buyback (2,271,920) (3)
At 31
March 2023 193,589,845 215
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
24 Post-employment benefits continued
Group continued
Financial information continued
Statement of total comprehensive income
Amounts recognised in the statement of total comprehensive income for long term employment benefits were:
Return on plan assets excluding interest (785) 9
Remeasurements due to changes in:
Financial assumptions 715 246
Experience adjustments (81) (77)
Demographic assumptions 2 5
Reimbursement rights - return on assets excluding interest (6)
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities (149) 177
Sensitivity analysis
The calculations of the defined benefit obligations are sensitive to the assumptions used. The following summarises the estimated impact on the group’s main plans of a change in the assumption
while holding all other assumptions constant. This sensitivity analysis may not be representative of the actual change as it is unlikely that the change in assumptions would occur in isolation of one
Financial assumptions
A 0.1% change in the discount rate and inflation assumptions would (increase) / decrease the UK and US pension plans’ defined benefit obligations at 31
March 2023 as follows:
0.1% increase 0.1% decrease
UK plan
US plans
UK plan
US plans
Effect of discount rate 22 2 (20) (2)
Effect of inflation (19) 21
Demographic assumptions
A one-year increase in life expectancy would increase the UK and US pension plans' defined benefit obligation by £36 million and £5 million, respectively.
25 Share capital and other reserves
Share capital
Number £m
Issued and fully paid ordinary shares
At 1
April 2021 198,940,606 221
Share buyback (3,078,841) (3)
At 31
March 2022 195,861,765 218
Share buyback (2,271,920) (3)
At 31
March 2023 193,589,845 215
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
25 Share capital and other reserves
Share capital continued
Details of outstanding allocations under the company’s long term incentive plans and awards under the deferred bonus which have yet to mature are disclosed in note 30.
On 13
May 2022, the company completed its £200 million share buyback programme which commenced on 21
December 2021. During the year the company purchased 2,271,920 shares at a
cost of £45 million. This £45 million was recognised within trade and other payables as at 31
March 2022. The total number of treasury shares held was 10,136,428 (2022: 10,467,585) at a total
cost of £186 million (2022: £192 million).
The group and parent company’s employee share ownership trust (ESOT) also buys shares on the open market and holds them in trust for employees participating in the group’s executive long term
incentive plans. At 31
March 2023, the ESOT held 570,053 shares (2022: 737,566 shares) which had not yet vested unconditionally to employees. Computershare Trustees (CI) Limited, as trustee
for the ESOT, has waived its dividend entitlement.
2020/21 final ordinary dividend paid – 50.00 pence per share 96
2021/22 interim ordinary dividend paid – 22.00 pence per share 43
2021/22 final ordinary dividend paid – 55.00 pence per share 100
2022/23 interim ordinary dividend paid –22.00 pence per share 41
Total dividends 141 139
A final dividend of 55.0 pence per ordinary share has been proposed by the board which will be paid on 1
August 2023 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 8
June 2023,
subject to shareholders’ approval. The estimated amount to be paid is £101 million and has not been recognised in these accounts.
The board is responsible for the group’s capital management including the approval of dividends. This includes an assessment of both the level of reserves legally available for distribution and
consideration as to whether Johnson Matthey Plc would be solvent and maintain sufficient liquidity following any proposed distribution. The board has assessed the level of distributable profits as at
March 2023 and is satisfied that they are sufficient to support the proposed dividend.
Other reserves
Capital redemption reserve, The capital redemption reserve represents the cumulative nominal value of the company’s ordinary shares repurchased and subsequently cancelled.
Foreign currency translation reserve, The foreign currency translation reserve comprises all foreign currency differences arising from the translation of the financial statements of
foreign operations.
Fair value through other comprehensive income reserve, The fair value through other comprehensive income reserve represents the equity movements on financial assets held within
this category.
Hedging reserve, The hedging reserve comprises the effective portion of the cumulative net change in the fair value of cash flow hedging instruments.
The Foreign currency translation reserve includes £12 million (2023: £3 million) in relation to continuing hedge relationships and £3 million (2022: £3 million) in relation to discontinued hedge
relationships. All cash flow hedge reserves balances relate to continuing hedge relationships.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
25 Share capital and other reserves continued
Fair value
through other
income reserve
Hedging reserve
At 1
April 2021
7 (11) 5 7 – (8) –
Cash flow hedges – (losses) / gains taken to equity
– – – (14) 3 (31) (42)
Cash flow hedges – transferred to revenue (income statement)
2 2
Cash flow hedges – transferred to foreign exchange (income statement)
– – – – (3) (3)
Cash flow hedges – transferred to inventory (balance sheet)
7 7
Fair value losses on net investment hedges taken to equity
(2) (2)
Fair value losses on investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
– (5) – – (5)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations taken to equity
80 80
Cancelled ordinary shares from share buyback
3 3
Tax on above items taken directly to or transferred from equity
2 810
At 31
March 2022
10 69 – (5) (24) 50
Cash flow hedges – (losses) / gains taken to equity (10) 9 72 71
Cash flow hedges – transferred to revenue (income statement) 6 38 44
Cash flow hedges – transferred to cost of sales (income statement) 6 6
Cash flow hedges – transferred to foreign exchange (income statement) (7) (7)
Fair value losses on net investment hedges taken to equity (10) (10)
Fair value losses on investments at fair value through other comprehensive income (12) (12)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations taken to equity 1 1
Cancelled ordinary shares from share buyback 3 3
Tax on above items taken directly to or transferred from equity (1) (1) (26) (28)
t 31
March 2023 13 60 (12) (4) 1 60 118
The group's policy for managing capital is to maintain an efficient balance sheet to ensure that the group always has sufficient resources to be able to invest in future growth. The group uses Return
on Invested Capital to provide a measure of its efficiency in allocating the capital under its control to profitable investments (see note 34). Capital employed is defined as total equity, excluding post
tax pension net assets, plus net debt. During the year, the group complied with all externally imposed capital requirements to which it is subject.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
25 Share capital and other reserves continued
Fair value
through other
income reserve
Hedging reserve
At 1
April 2021 7 (11) 5 7 – (8) –
Cash flow hedges – (losses) / gains taken to equity – – – (14) 3 (31) (42)
Cash flow hedges – transferred to revenue (income statement) 22
Cash flow hedges – transferred to foreign exchange (income statement) – – – – (3) (3)
Cash flow hedges – transferred to inventory (balance sheet) 7 7
Fair value losses on net investment hedges taken to equity (2) (2)
Fair value losses on investments at fair value through other comprehensive income – (5) – – (5)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations taken to equity 80 80
Cancelled ordinary shares from share buyback 3 3
Tax on above items taken directly to or transferred from equity 2 810
At 31
March 2022 10 69 – (5) (24) 50
Cash flow hedges – (losses) / gains taken to equity (10) 9 72 71
Cash flow hedges – transferred to revenue (income statement) 6 38 44
Cash flow hedges – transferred to cost of sales (income statement) 6 6
Cash flow hedges – transferred to foreign exchange (income statement) (7) (7)
Fair value losses on net investment hedges taken to equity (10) (10)
Fair value losses on investments at fair value through other comprehensive income (12) (12)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations taken to equity 1 1
Cancelled ordinary shares from share buyback 3 3
Tax on above items taken directly to or transferred from equity (1) (1) (26) (28)
t 31
March 2023 13 60 (12) (4) 1 60 118
The group's policy for managing capital is to maintain an efficient balance sheet to ensure that the group always has sufficient resources to be able to invest in future growth. The group uses Return
on Invested Capital to provide a measure of its efficiency in allocating the capital under its control to profitable investments (see note 34). Capital employed is defined as total equity, excluding post
tax pension net assets, plus net debt. During the year, the group complied with all externally imposed capital requirements to which it is subject.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
26 Discontinued operations and assets and liabilities classified as
held for sale
The group strategically drives for efficiency and disciplined capital allocation to enhance
returns, as such we continue to actively manage our portfolio. In line with this strategy and to
focus on our core businesses, during the period we completed the sale of our Health, Battery
Materials UK, Battery Materials Canada and Piezo Products businesses. Refer to note 27 for
further information on these disposals.
The Health segment is classified as a discontinued operation and presented separately in the
consolidated income statement. The Health segment was classified as held for sale and a
discontinued operation for the year to 31
March 2022.
Financial information relating to the Health discontinued operations for the period to disposal
date (1
June 2022) is set out below. The 30% equity interest in the business is equity
accounted as an investment in associate, see note 15.
Revenue 35 164
Expenses (41) (161)
Underlying operating (loss) / profit from discontinued operations (6) 3
Major impairment and restructuring costs from discontinued operations (242)
Loss before tax from discontinued operations (6) (239)
Tax credit 2 22
Loss after tax from discontinued operations (4) (217)
Profit on disposal of discontinued operations after tax (see note 27)* 16
Profit / (loss) from discontinued operations 12 (217)
Exchange differences on translation of discontinued operations (32) 5
Other comprehensive (expense) / income from discontinued operations (32) 5
Total comprehensive expense from discontinued operations (20) (212)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 13 33
Net cash outflow from investing activities (5) (30)
Net cash outflow from financing activities (6)
Net increase / (decrease) in cash generated by the discontinued
operations 8 (3)
pence pence
Earnings / (loss) per ordinary share from discontinued operations
Basic earnings / (loss) per ordinary share from discontinued operations 6.7 (113.5)
Diluted earnings / (loss) per ordinary share from discontinued operations 6.6 (113.5)
* The profit on disposal of discontinued operations after tax includes a tax credit of £5 million.
The group decided to sell its Battery Materials Germany and Poland business. As at 31
2023, the fair value of the proceeds less costs to sell for the Battery Materials business was
estimated to be £15 million. The business is classified as a disposal group held for sale.
Additionally, in May 2023 the group agreed to sell its Diagnostic Services business. As at 31
March 2023, the proceeds less costs to sell for the Diagnostic Services business was estimated
to be £37 million and so an impairment of £4 million against goodwill has been recognised,
see note 5. The business is classified as a disposal group held for sale.
The major classes of assets and liabilities comprising the businesses classified as held for sale as
at 31
March are:
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 10 17 27 146
Right-of-use-assets 9 9 2
Other intangible assets 1 1 52
Deferred tax assets 3 3
Current assets
Inventories 5 5 138
Taxation recoverable 1
Trade and other receivables 30 30 63
ssets classified as held for sale 57 18 75 402
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (11) (3) (14) (60)
Lease liabilities (1) (1) (2)
Taxation liabilities (1) (1)
Cash and cash equivalents – bank overdrafts (8)
Provisions (2)
Lease liabilities (9) (9) (7)
Provisions (1)
Liabilities classified as held for sale (22) (3) (25) (80)
Net assets of disposal group 35 15 50 322
The prior year held for sale balances relate to Health and Battery Materials.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
27 Disposals
Health (discontinued operation)
On 1
June 2022, the group completed the sale of its Health business for a gross consideration of
£325 million. This gross consideration is comprised of £150 million cash, a £50 million vendor
loan note (which we have recorded as an other receivable), £75 million in the form of shares
which constitutes a 30% equity interest in the business (which we have equity accounted for as
an investment in associate) and £50 million in contingent consideration (which we have
recognised at a fair value of £nil). After adjusting for working capital and an additional £3 million
cash receipt due to cash in business upon disposal, the net consideration was £272 million. The
business was disclosed as a disposal group held for sale as at 31
March 2022.
Battery Materials
On 26
May 2022, the group completed the sale of its Battery Materials UK business for a cash
consideration of £20 million. The business was disclosed as a disposal group held for sale as at
March 2022.
On 1
November 2022, the group completed the sale of its Battery Materials Canada business
for a cash consideration of £12 million. The business was disclosed as a disposal group held for
sale as at 30
September 2022.
Piezo Products
On 31
January 2023, the group completed the sale of its Piezo Products business for a cash
consideration of £18 million. The business was disclosed as a disposal group held for sale as at
September 2022.
Continuing operations
Cash consideration 153 20 12 18 50
Cash and cash equivalents
disposed (5) (2) (2)
Net cash consideration 148 20 12 16 48
Disposal costs paid (1) (1) (1) (1) (3)
Net cash inflow 147 19 11 15 45
ssets and liabilities disposed
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 105 14 1 2 17
Right-of-use assets 1
Goodwill 4 4
Other intangible assets 42 10 10
Deferred tax assets 13
Current assets
Inventories 142 1 5 6
Trade and other receivables 60 7 1 8
Cash and cash equivalents 5 2 2
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (71) (1) (1) (2)
Lease liabilities (1) (5) (5)
Provisions (1)
Non-current liabilities
Lease liabilities (2)
Pension liabilities (4) (4)
Provisions (1)
Net assets disposed 292 19 8 9 36
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
27 Disposals
Health (discontinued operation)
On 1
June 2022, the group completed the sale of its Health business for a gross consideration of
£325 million. This gross consideration is comprised of £150 million cash, a £50 million vendor
loan note (which we have recorded as an other receivable), £75 million in the form of shares
which constitutes a 30% equity interest in the business (which we have equity accounted for as
an investment in associate) and £50 million in contingent consideration (which we have
recognised at a fair value of £nil). After adjusting for working capital and an additional £3 million
cash receipt due to cash in business upon disposal, the net consideration was £272 million. The
business was disclosed as a disposal group held for sale as at 31
March 2022.
Battery Materials
On 26
May 2022, the group completed the sale of its Battery Materials UK business for a cash
consideration of £20 million. The business was disclosed as a disposal group held for sale as at
March 2022.
On 1
November 2022, the group completed the sale of its Battery Materials Canada business
for a cash consideration of £12 million. The business was disclosed as a disposal group held for
sale as at 30
September 2022.
Piezo Products
On 31
January 2023, the group completed the sale of its Piezo Products business for a cash
consideration of £18 million. The business was disclosed as a disposal group held for sale as at
September 2022.
Continuing operations
Cash consideration 153 20 12 18 50
Cash and cash equivalents
disposed (5) (2) (2)
Net cash consideration 148 20 12 16 48
Disposal costs paid (1) (1) (1) (1) (3)
Net cash inflow 147 19 11 15 45
ssets and liabilities disposed
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 105 14 1 2 17
Right-of-use assets 1
Goodwill 4 4
Other intangible assets 42 10 10
Deferred tax assets 13
Current assets
Inventories 142 1 5 6
Trade and other receivables 60 7 1 8
Cash and cash equivalents 5 2 2
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (71) (1) (1) (2)
Lease liabilities (1) (5) (5)
Provisions (1)
Non-current liabilities
Lease liabilities (2)
Pension liabilities (4) (4)
Provisions (1)
Net assets disposed 292 19 8 9 36
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
27 Disposals continued
Continuing operations
Cash consideration 153 20 12 18 50
Non-cash consideration 119
Less: carrying amount of net
assets sold
(292) (19) (8) (9) (36)
Less: disposal costs (1) (1) (1) (1) (3)
Cumulative currency translation
loss/(gain) recycled from other
comprehensive income 32 (2) 3 1
Profit recognised in the income
statement 11 1 11 12
28 Financial risk management
The group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks, including credit risk, market risk
and liquidity risk. Market risk includes foreign currency risk, interest rate risk and price risk.
The financial risks are managed by the group, under policies approved by the board. The
financial risk management is carried out by a centralised group treasury function. Group
treasury’s role is to optimise the group’s liquidity, mitigate financial risks and provide treasury
services to the group’s operating businesses. The group uses derivative financial instruments,
including forward currency contracts, interest rate swaps and currency swaps, to manage the
financial risks associated with its underlying business activities and the financing of those
activities. Some derivative financial instruments used to manage financial risk are not
designated as hedges and, therefore, are classified as at fair value through profit or loss. The
group does not undertake any speculative trading activity in financial instruments.
Credit risk
Within certain businesses, the group derives a significant proportion of its revenue from sales
to major customers. Sales to individual customers are large if the value of precious metals is
included in the price. The failure of any such company to honour its debts could materially
impact the group’s results. The group derives significant benefit from trading with its
customers and manages the risk at many levels. Each sector has a credit committee that
regularly monitors its exposure. The Audit Committee receives a report every six months that
details all significant credit limits, amounts due and overdue within the group, and the
relevant actions being taken. At 31
March 2023, trade receivables for the group amounted to
£1,304 million (2022: £1,393 million), excluding £14 million classified as held for sale, of
which £1,077 million (2022: £1,167 million) are in Clean Air which mainly supplies car and
truck manufacturers and component suppliers in the automotive industry. Although Clean Air
has a wide range of customers, the concentrated nature of this industry means that amounts
owed by individual customers can be large and, in the event that one of those customers
experiences financial difficulty, there could be a material adverse impact on the group.
Other parts of the group tend to sell to a larger number of customers and amounts owed
tend to be lower. At 31
March 2023, no single outstanding balance exceeded 2% (2022: 2%)
of revenue.
The credit profiles of the group’s customers are obtained from credit rating agencies where
possible and are closely monitored. The scope of these reviews includes amounts overdue and
credit limits. The group’s exposure to credit risk is influenced mainly by the individual
characteristics of each customer. However, risk associated with the industry and country in
which customers operate may also influence the credit risk. The credit quality of customers is
assessed against the appropriate credit ratings, financial strength, trading experience and
market position to define credit limits. Controls and risk mitigants include daily monitoring of
exposures, investing in counterparties with investment grade ratings, restricting the amount
that can be invested with one counterparty and credit-rating mitigation techniques. Generally,
payments are made promptly in the automotive industry and in the other markets in which
the group operates.
A provision matrix is used to calculate lifetime expected credit losses using historical loss rates
based on days past due and a broad range of forward-looking information, including country
and market growth forecasts. This year, expected credit losses on unimpaired trade and
contract receivables remained at £16 million (2022: £16 million) despite the lower trade
receivables balance, reflecting a slightly heightened risk profile due to the volatile
macroeconomic environment.
Trade receivables are specifically impaired when the amount is in dispute, customers are in
financial difficulty or for other reasons which imply there is doubt over the recoverability of the
debt. They are written off when there is no reasonable expectation of recovery, based on an
estimate of the financial position of the counterparty.
Movements in the allowance for credit losses on trade and contract receivables are as follows:
At beginning of year 37 30
Charge for year 5 18
Utilised (1) (1)
Released (11) (10)
t end of year 30 37
The group’s maximum exposure to default on trade and contract receivables is £1,429 million
(2022: £1,575 million), of which £25 million is classified as held for sale.
The group’s financial assets included in other receivables are all current and not impaired.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
28 Financial risk management continued
Credit risk continued
The credit risk on cash and deposits and derivative financial instruments is limited because the
counterparties with significant balances are banks with strong credit ratings. The exposure to
individual banks is monitored frequently against internally-defined limits, together with each
bank’s credit rating and credit default swap prices. At 31
March 2023, the maximum net
exposure with a single bank for cash and deposits was £37 million (2022: £101 million),
whilst the largest mark to market exposure for derivative financial instruments to a single
bank was £11 million (2022: £7 million). The group also uses money market funds to invest
surplus cash thereby further diversifying credit risk and, at 31
March 2023, the group’s
exposure to these funds was £521 million (2022: £137 million). The amounts on deposit at
the year end represent the group’s maximum exposure to credit risk on cash and deposits.
Expected credit losses on cash and cash equivalents are immaterial.
Foreign currency risk
The group operates globally with a significant amount of its profit earned outside the UK. The
main impact of movements in exchange rates on the group’s results arises on translation of
overseas subsidiaries’ profits into sterling. The largest exposure is to the euro and a 5% (5.8
cent (2022: 5.9 cent)) movement in the average exchange rate for the euro against sterling
would have had a £11 million (2022: £9 million) impact on underlying operating profit. The
group is also exposed to the US dollar and a 5% (6.0 cent (2022: 6.8 cent)) movement in the
average exchange rate for the US dollar against sterling would have had a £10 million (2022:
£10 million) impact on underlying operating profit. This exposure is part of the group’s
economic risk of operating globally which is essential to remain competitive in the markets in
which it operates.
The group matches foreign currency assets and liabilities (where these differ to the functional
currency of the relevant subsidiary) to avoid the risk of a material impact on the income
statement resulting from movements in exchange rates. The group does, however, have
foreign exchange exposure on movements through equity related to cash flow and net
investment hedges. A 10% depreciation or appreciation in the US dollar and euro exchange
rates against sterling would increase / (decrease) other reserves as follows:
10% depreciation 10% appreciation
Cash flow hedges 5 5 (8) (7)
Net investment hedges 5 20 (8) (25)
For the net investment hedges, these movements would be fully offset in reserves by an
opposite movement on the retranslation of the net assets of the overseas subsidiaries.
Investments in foreign operations
To protect the group’s sterling balance sheet and reduce cash flow risk, the group has financed
most of its investment in the US and Europe by borrowing US dollars and euros, respectively.
Although much of this funding is obtained by directly borrowing the relevant currency, a part
is achieved through currency swaps which can be more efficient and reduce costs.
The group has designated US dollar and euro loans and a cross currency swap as hedges of net
investments in foreign operations as they hedge changes in the value of the subsidiaries' net
assets against movements in exchange rates. The change in the value of the net investment
hedges from movements in foreign currency exchange rates is recognised in equity and is
offset by an equal and opposite movement in the carrying value of the net assets of the
subsidiaries. All critical terms of the hedging instruments and hedged items matched during
the year and, therefore, hedge ineffectiveness was immaterial. The hedge ratio is 1:1.
Year ended 31
March 2023
US dollar and
euro loans
Carrying value of hedging instruments at 31
March 2023 (164) (5) (169)
Change in carrying value of hedging instruments
recognised in equity during the year (8) (2) (10)
Change in fair value of hedged items during the year used
to determine hedge effectiveness
8 2 10
1. The designated hedging instruments are $75 million of the 3.97% $120 million Bonds 2027, €17 million of the 2.44% €20 million Bonds
2023, €90 million of the 1.81% €90 million Bonds 2028 and €10 million of the 2.92% €25 million Bonds 2030.
2. The designated hedging instrument are a cross currency swap expiring in 2025 whereby the group pays 2.609% fixed on €77 million and
receives 2.83% fixed on £65 million and a cross current swap expiring in 2029 whereby the group pays 1.712% fixed on €46 million and
receives 2.6723% fixed on £38 million.
Year ended 31
March 2022
US dollar and
euro loans
Carrying value of hedging instruments at
March 2022
(156) (2) (158)
Change in carrying value of hedging instruments
recognised in equity during the year (3) 1 (2)
Change in fair value of hedged items during the year
used to determine hedge effectiveness 3 (1) 2
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
28 Financial risk management continued
Credit risk continued
The credit risk on cash and deposits and derivative financial instruments is limited because the
counterparties with significant balances are banks with strong credit ratings. The exposure to
individual banks is monitored frequently against internally-defined limits, together with each
bank’s credit rating and credit default swap prices. At 31
March 2023, the maximum net
exposure with a single bank for cash and deposits was £37 million (2022: £101 million),
whilst the largest mark to market exposure for derivative financial instruments to a single
bank was £11 million (2022: £7 million). The group also uses money market funds to invest
surplus cash thereby further diversifying credit risk and, at 31
March 2023, the group’s
exposure to these funds was £521 million (2022: £137 million). The amounts on deposit at
the year end represent the group’s maximum exposure to credit risk on cash and deposits.
Expected credit losses on cash and cash equivalents are immaterial.
Foreign currency risk
The group operates globally with a significant amount of its profit earned outside the UK. The
main impact of movements in exchange rates on the group’s results arises on translation of
overseas subsidiaries’ profits into sterling. The largest exposure is to the euro and a 5% (5.8
cent (2022: 5.9 cent)) movement in the average exchange rate for the euro against sterling
would have had a £11 million (2022: £9 million) impact on underlying operating profit. The
group is also exposed to the US dollar and a 5% (6.0 cent (2022: 6.8 cent)) movement in the
average exchange rate for the US dollar against sterling would have had a £10 million (2022:
£10 million) impact on underlying operating profit. This exposure is part of the group’s
economic risk of operating globally which is essential to remain competitive in the markets in
which it operates.
The group matches foreign currency assets and liabilities (where these differ to the functional
currency of the relevant subsidiary) to avoid the risk of a material impact on the income
statement resulting from movements in exchange rates. The group does, however, have
foreign exchange exposure on movements through equity related to cash flow and net
investment hedges. A 10% depreciation or appreciation in the US dollar and euro exchange
rates against sterling would increase / (decrease) other reserves as follows:
10% depreciation 10% appreciation
Cash flow hedges 5 5 (8) (7)
Net investment hedges 5 20 (8) (25)
For the net investment hedges, these movements would be fully offset in reserves by an
opposite movement on the retranslation of the net assets of the overseas subsidiaries.
Investments in foreign operations
To protect the group’s sterling balance sheet and reduce cash flow risk, the group has financed
most of its investment in the US and Europe by borrowing US dollars and euros, respectively.
Although much of this funding is obtained by directly borrowing the relevant currency, a part
is achieved through currency swaps which can be more efficient and reduce costs.
The group has designated US dollar and euro loans and a cross currency swap as hedges of net
investments in foreign operations as they hedge changes in the value of the subsidiaries' net
assets against movements in exchange rates. The change in the value of the net investment
hedges from movements in foreign currency exchange rates is recognised in equity and is
offset by an equal and opposite movement in the carrying value of the net assets of the
subsidiaries. All critical terms of the hedging instruments and hedged items matched during
the year and, therefore, hedge ineffectiveness was immaterial. The hedge ratio is 1:1.
Year ended 31
March 2023
US dollar and
euro loans
Carrying value of hedging instruments at 31
March 2023 (164) (5) (169)
Change in carrying value of hedging instruments
recognised in equity during the year (8) (2) (10)
Change in fair value of hedged items during the year used
to determine hedge effectiveness
8 2 10
1. The designated hedging instruments are $75 million of the 3.97% $120 million Bonds 2027, €17 million of the 2.44% €20 million Bonds
2023, €90 million of the 1.81% €90 million Bonds 2028 and €10 million of the 2.92% €25 million Bonds 2030.
2. The designated hedging instrument are a cross currency swap expiring in 2025 whereby the group pays 2.609% fixed on €77 million and
receives 2.83% fixed on £65 million and a cross current swap expiring in 2029 whereby the group pays 1.712% fixed on €46 million and
receives 2.6723% fixed on £38 million.
Year ended 31
March 2022
US dollar and
euro loans
Carrying value of hedging instruments at
March 2022
(156) (2) (158)
Change in carrying value of hedging instruments
recognised in equity during the year (3) 1 (2)
Change in fair value of hedged items during the year
used to determine hedge effectiveness 3 (1) 2
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
28 Financial risk management continued
Foreign currency risk continued
Forecast receipts and payments in foreign currencies
The group uses forward foreign exchange contracts to hedge foreign exchange exposures
arising on forecast receipts and payments in foreign currencies. These are designated and
accounted for as cash flow hedges. The group’s policy is to hedge between 50% and 80% of
forecast receipts and payments in foreign currencies over the next 12 months.
For hedges of forecast receipts and payments in foreign currencies, the critical terms of the
hedging instruments match exactly with the terms of the hedged items and, therefore, the
group performs a qualitative assessment of effectiveness. Ineffectiveness may arise if the
timing of the forecast transaction changes from what was originally estimated or if there are
changes in the credit risk of the group or the derivative counterparty. Hedge ineffectiveness
was immaterial during the year. The hedge ratio is 1:1.
Year ended 31
March 2023
Sterling / US
Sterling / euro
Carrying value of hedging instruments at 31
March 2023
assets 4 1 6 11
liabilities (8) (1) (4) (13)
Change in carrying value of hedging
instruments recognised in equity
during the year (10) 1 (9)
Change in fair value of hedged items during
the year used to determine hedge
10 (1) 9
Notional amount
348 42 16
1. The notional amount is the sterling equivalent of the net currency amount purchased or sold.
Year ended 31
March 2022
Sterling / US
Sterling / euro
Carrying value of hedging instruments at
March 2022
assets 5 5
liabilities (5) (4) (9)
Change in carrying value of hedging
instruments recognised in equity
during the year (8) 16 (3) 5
Change in fair value of hedged items
during the year used to determine hedge
effectiveness 8 (16) 3 (5)
Notional amount
209 53 11
1. The notional amount is the sterling equivalent of the net currency amount purchased or sold.
The weighted average exchange rates on sterling / US dollar and sterling / euro forward
foreign exchange contracts are 1.26 and 0.88 (2022: 1.35 and 0.85), respectively. The
hedged, highly probable forecast transactions denominated in foreign currencies are expected
to occur over the next 12 months.
Foreign currency borrowings
The group has designated two US dollar fixed interest rate to sterling fixed interest rate cross
currency swaps as cash flow hedges. This swap hedges the movement in the cash flows on
$100 million of the 3.14% $130 million bonds 2025 attributable to changes in the US dollar /
sterling exchange rate while the second swap hedges the movement in the cash flows on the
3.00% $50 million bonds 2029 attributable to changes in the US dollar / sterling exchange
rate. The currency swaps have similar critical terms as the hedged items, such as reference
rate, reset dates, payment dates, maturity and notional amounts. As all critical terms matched
during the year, hedge ineffectiveness was immaterial. The hedge ratio is 1:1. The interest
element of the swaps is recognised in the income statement each year.
Cross currency swap
Carrying value of hedging instruments at 31
20 11
Change in carrying value of hedging instruments recognised in equity
during the year 9 3
Change in fair value of hedged items during the year used to
determine hedge effectiveness
(9) (3)
1. The designated hedging instruments are two cross currency swaps, one expiring in 2025 whereby the group pays 2.83% fixed on £65 million
and receives 3.14% fixed on $100 million and one expiring in 2029 whereby the group pays 2.67% fixed on £38 million and receives 3.00%
fixed on $50 million.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
28 Financial risk management continued
Interest rate risk
The group’s interest rate risk arises from fixed rate borrowings (fair value risk) and floating
rate borrowings (cash flow risk) as well as cash deposits and short term investments. Its policy
is to optimise interest cost and reduce volatility in reported earnings and equity. The group
manages its risk by reviewing the profile of debt regularly and by selectively using interest rate
swaps to maintain borrowings at competitive rates. At 31
March 2023, 67% (2022: 66%) of
the group’s borrowings and related swaps was at fixed rates with an average interest rate of
3.1% (2022: 3.5%). The remaining debt is floating rate. Based on the group’s borrowings and
related swaps at floating rates, after taking into account the effect of the swaps, a 1% change
in all interest rates during the current year would have a £5 million impact on the group’s
profit before tax (2022: £4 million).
The group has designated three (2022: four) fixed rate to floating interest rate swaps as fair
value hedges as they hedge the changes in fair value of bonds attributable to changes in
interest rates. All hedging instruments have maturities in line with the repayment dates of the
hedged bonds and the cash flows of the instruments are consistent. All critical terms of the
hedging instruments and hedged items matched during the year and, therefore, hedge
ineffectiveness was immaterial.
Carrying value of hedging instruments at 31
(15) (1)
Amortised cost (147) (256)
Fair value adjustment 17 3
Carrying value of hedged items at 31
(130) (253)
Change in carrying value of hedging instruments recognised in profit
or loss during the year (14) (13)
Change in fair value of hedged items during the year used to
determine hedge effectiveness
14 13
1. The hedged items in the current year are the 1.40% €77 million Bonds 2025 and 1.81% €90 million Bonds 2028. In the prior year there was
also the 3.26% $150 million Bonds 2022, Interest rate swaps have been contracted with aligned notional amounts and maturities to the
bonds with the effect that the group pays an average floating rate of six-month LIBOR plus 0.64% on the US dollar bonds and six-month
EURIBOR plus 0.94% on the euro bonds.
Price risk
Fluctuations in precious metal prices have an impact on the group’s financial results. Our
policy for all manufacturing businesses is to limit this exposure by hedging against future price
changes where such hedging can be done at acceptable cost. The group enters into forward
precious metal price contracts for the receipt or delivery of precious metal. The group does not
take material price exposures on metal trading. A proportion of the group’s precious metal
inventories are unhedged due to the ongoing risk over security of supply.
Liquidity risk
The group’s funding strategy includes maintaining appropriate levels of working capital,
undrawn committed facilities and access to the capital markets. We regularly review liquidity
levels and sources of cash, and we maintain access to committed credit facilities and debt
capital markets. At 31
March 2023, the group had borrowings under committed bank
facilities of £nil (2022: £nil). The group also has a number of uncommitted facilities and
overdraft lines at its disposal.
The group has a £1 billion revolving credit facility with a maturity date of March 2027 which
includes Environmental, Social and Governance KPIs which provides the group with a nominal
interest saving or cost depending on our performance.
In June 2022 the group drew down on its first three sustainability-linked private placements
(€225 million £35 million and $50 million). The notes have interest rates linked with Johnson
Matthey’s Key Performance Indicator for the reduction of its Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas
emissions and are among the first sustainability-linked financing in the market from a UK
corporate issuer.
During the financial year the group also drew down in full and extended the maturity date of
its £407 million sustainable financing agreement through UK Export Finance (UKEF). These
facilities now have maturity dates in March 2028.
Expiring in more than one year 1,000 1,403
Undrawn committed bank facilities 1,000 1,403
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
28 Financial risk management continued
Interest rate risk
The group’s interest rate risk arises from fixed rate borrowings (fair value risk) and floating
rate borrowings (cash flow risk) as well as cash deposits and short term investments. Its policy
is to optimise interest cost and reduce volatility in reported earnings and equity. The group
manages its risk by reviewing the profile of debt regularly and by selectively using interest rate
swaps to maintain borrowings at competitive rates. At 31
March 2023, 67% (2022: 66%) of
the group’s borrowings and related swaps was at fixed rates with an average interest rate of
3.1% (2022: 3.5%). The remaining debt is floating rate. Based on the group’s borrowings and
related swaps at floating rates, after taking into account the effect of the swaps, a 1% change
in all interest rates during the current year would have a £5 million impact on the group’s
profit before tax (2022: £4 million).
The group has designated three (2022: four) fixed rate to floating interest rate swaps as fair
value hedges as they hedge the changes in fair value of bonds attributable to changes in
interest rates. All hedging instruments have maturities in line with the repayment dates of the
hedged bonds and the cash flows of the instruments are consistent. All critical terms of the
hedging instruments and hedged items matched during the year and, therefore, hedge
ineffectiveness was immaterial.
Carrying value of hedging instruments at 31
(15) (1)
Amortised cost (147) (256)
Fair value adjustment 17 3
Carrying value of hedged items at 31
(130) (253)
Change in carrying value of hedging instruments recognised in profit
or loss during the year (14) (13)
Change in fair value of hedged items during the year used to
determine hedge effectiveness
14 13
1. The hedged items in the current year are the 1.40% €77 million Bonds 2025 and 1.81% €90 million Bonds 2028. In the prior year there was
also the 3.26% $150 million Bonds 2022, Interest rate swaps have been contracted with aligned notional amounts and maturities to the
bonds with the effect that the group pays an average floating rate of six-month LIBOR plus 0.64% on the US dollar bonds and six-month
EURIBOR plus 0.94% on the euro bonds.
Price risk
Fluctuations in precious metal prices have an impact on the group’s financial results. Our
policy for all manufacturing businesses is to limit this exposure by hedging against future price
changes where such hedging can be done at acceptable cost. The group enters into forward
precious metal price contracts for the receipt or delivery of precious metal. The group does not
take material price exposures on metal trading. A proportion of the group’s precious metal
inventories are unhedged due to the ongoing risk over security of supply.
Liquidity risk
The group’s funding strategy includes maintaining appropriate levels of working capital,
undrawn committed facilities and access to the capital markets. We regularly review liquidity
levels and sources of cash, and we maintain access to committed credit facilities and debt
capital markets. At 31
March 2023, the group had borrowings under committed bank
facilities of £nil (2022: £nil). The group also has a number of uncommitted facilities and
overdraft lines at its disposal.
The group has a £1 billion revolving credit facility with a maturity date of March 2027 which
includes Environmental, Social and Governance KPIs which provides the group with a nominal
interest saving or cost depending on our performance.
In June 2022 the group drew down on its first three sustainability-linked private placements
(€225 million £35 million and $50 million). The notes have interest rates linked with Johnson
Matthey’s Key Performance Indicator for the reduction of its Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas
emissions and are among the first sustainability-linked financing in the market from a UK
corporate issuer.
During the financial year the group also drew down in full and extended the maturity date of
its £407 million sustainable financing agreement through UK Export Finance (UKEF). These
facilities now have maturity dates in March 2028.
Expiring in more than one year 1,000 1,403
Undrawn committed bank facilities 1,000 1,403
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
28 Financial risk management continued
Liquidity risk continued
The maturity analyses for financial liabilities showing the remaining contractual undiscounted
cash flows, including future interest payments, at current year exchange rates and assuming
floating interest rates remain at the latest fixing rates, are:
At 31
March 2023
Within 1
1 to 2 years
2 to 5 years
After 5
Bank overdrafts 13 13
Bank and other loans – principal 155 104 809 542 1,610
Bank and other loans – interest payments 52 49 112 24 237
Lease liabilities - principal 9 9 12 10 40
Lease liabilities - principal - classified as held
for sale 1 1 2 6 10
Lease liabilities - interest payments 2 1 3 8 14
Financial liabilities in trade and other
2,316 2 2,318
Financial liabilities in trade and other
payables classified as held for sale 14 14
Total non-derivative financial liabilities 2,562 166 938 590 4,256
Forward foreign exchange contracts –
322 27 5 354
Forward foreign exchange contracts –
receipts (310) (25) (5) (340)
Currency swaps – payments 1,026 1,026
Currency swaps – receipts (1,012) (1,012)
Cross currency interest rate swaps -
payments 5 5 139 81 230
Cross currency interest rate swaps - receipts (7) (7) (154) (81) (249)
Interest rate swaps – payments 5 5 78 81 169
Interest rate swaps – receipts (2) (2) (73) (80) (157)
Total derivative financial liabilities 27 3 (10) 1 21
At 31
March 2022
Within 1
1 to 2 years
2 to 5 years
After 5
Bank overdrafts 37 37
Bank overdrafts classified as held for sale 8 8
Bank and other loans – principal 264 142 412 348 1,166
Bank and other loans – interest payments 29 25 47 13 114
Lease liabilities - principal 10 8 13 19 50
Lease liabilities - principal - classified as held
for sale 2 2 1 4 9
Lease liabilities - interest payments 2 2 3 916
Financial liabilities in trade and other
payables 2,290 2 2,292
Financial liabilities in trade and other
payables classified as held for sale
23 23
Total non-derivative financial liabilities 2,665 181 476 393 3,715
Forward foreign exchange contracts –
payments 473 45 26 544
Forward foreign exchange contracts –
(466) (43) (25) (534)
Currency swaps – payments 2,050 2,050
Currency swaps – receipts (2,053) (2,053)
Cross currency interest rate swaps - payments 2 65 67
Cross currency interest rate swaps - receipts (2) (65) (67)
Interest rate swaps – payments 1 1 67 77 146
Interest rate swaps – receipts (2) (2) (71) (79) (154)
Total derivative financial liabilities 3 1 (3) (2) (1)
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
28 Financial risk management continued
Offsetting financial assets and liabilities
The group offsets financial assets and liabilities when it currently has a legally enforceable
right to offset the recognised amounts and it intends to either settle on a net basis or realise
the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. The following financial assets and liabilities are
subject to offsetting or enforceable master netting arrangements:
At 31
March 2023
assets /
set off
Net amounts
in balance
not set off
Non-current interest rate swaps 20 20 (5) 15
Other financial assets – current 47 47 (11) 36
Other financial liabilities – current (27) (27) 11 (16)
Non-current borrowings and
related swaps
(1,460) (1,460) 5 (1,455)
At 31
March 2022
assets /
set off
Net amounts
in balance
not set off
Non-current interest rate swaps 11 – 11 (3) 8
Cash and cash equivalents 392 (1) 391 391
Other financial assets – current 27 – 27 (24) 3
Cash and cash equivalents – bank
(38) 1 (37) – (37)
Other financial liabilities – current (44) – (44) 24 (20)
Non-current borrowings and
related swaps (899) – (899) 3 (896)
1. Agreements with derivative counterparties are based on an ISDA Master Agreement. Under these arrangements, whilst the group does not
have a legally enforceable right of set off, where certain credit events occur, such as default, the net position receivable from or payable to a
single counterparty in the same currency would be taken as owing and all the relevant arrangements terminated.
29 Fair values
Fair value hierarchy
Fair values are measured using a hierarchy where the inputs are:
Level 1 – quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2 – not level 1 but are observable for that asset or liability either directly or indirectly.
Level 3 – not based on observable market data (unobservable).
Fair value of financial instruments
Certain of the group’s financial instruments are held at fair value. The fair value of a financial
instrument is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an
orderly transaction between market participants at the balance sheet date.
The fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts, interest rate swaps, forward precious
metal price contracts and currency swaps is estimated by discounting the future contractual
cash flows using forward exchange rates, interest rates and prices at the balance sheet date.
The fair value of trade and other receivables measured at fair value is the face value of the
receivable less the estimated costs of converting the receivable into cash.
The fair value of money market funds is calculated by multiplying the net asset value per share
by the investment held at the balance sheet date.
There were no transfers of any financial instrument between the levels of the fair value
hierarchy during the current or prior years .
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
28 Financial risk management continued
Offsetting financial assets and liabilities
The group offsets financial assets and liabilities when it currently has a legally enforceable
right to offset the recognised amounts and it intends to either settle on a net basis or realise
the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. The following financial assets and liabilities are
subject to offsetting or enforceable master netting arrangements:
At 31
March 2023
assets /
set off
Net amounts
in balance
not set off
Non-current interest rate swaps 20 20 (5) 15
Other financial assets – current 47 47 (11) 36
Other financial liabilities – current (27) (27) 11 (16)
Non-current borrowings and
related swaps
(1,460) (1,460) 5 (1,455)
At 31
March 2022
assets /
set off
Net amounts
in balance
not set off
Non-current interest rate swaps 11 – 11 (3) 8
Cash and cash equivalents 392 (1) 391 391
Other financial assets – current 27 – 27 (24) 3
Cash and cash equivalents – bank
(38) 1 (37) – (37)
Other financial liabilities – current (44) – (44) 24 (20)
Non-current borrowings and
related swaps (899) – (899) 3 (896)
1. Agreements with derivative counterparties are based on an ISDA Master Agreement. Under these arrangements, whilst the group does not
have a legally enforceable right of set off, where certain credit events occur, such as default, the net position receivable from or payable to a
single counterparty in the same currency would be taken as owing and all the relevant arrangements terminated.
29 Fair values
Fair value hierarchy
Fair values are measured using a hierarchy where the inputs are:
Level 1 – quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2 – not level 1 but are observable for that asset or liability either directly or indirectly.
Level 3 – not based on observable market data (unobservable).
Fair value of financial instruments
Certain of the group’s financial instruments are held at fair value. The fair value of a financial
instrument is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an
orderly transaction between market participants at the balance sheet date.
The fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts, interest rate swaps, forward precious
metal price contracts and currency swaps is estimated by discounting the future contractual
cash flows using forward exchange rates, interest rates and prices at the balance sheet date.
The fair value of trade and other receivables measured at fair value is the face value of the
receivable less the estimated costs of converting the receivable into cash.
The fair value of money market funds is calculated by multiplying the net asset value per share
by the investment held at the balance sheet date.
There were no transfers of any financial instrument between the levels of the fair value
hierarchy during the current or prior years.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
29 Fair values continued
Fair value
Financial instruments measured at fair value
Investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
49 45 1
Interest rate swaps – assets 20 12 2
Other financial assets
48 2 18
Interest rate swaps – liabilities (15) (2) 2
Borrowings and related swaps (5) (2) 2 20
Other financial liabilities
(12) 2 18
Trade receivables
329 492 2 17
Other receivables
21 44 2 17
Cash and cash equivalents - money market funds 521 137 2
Other financial assets
47 27 2 18
Other financial liabilities
(27) (44) 2 18
Financial instruments not measured at fair value
Borrowings and related swaps (1,455) (897) 20
Lease liabilities (31) (40) 12
Trade and other receivables 57 17
Other payables (2) (2) 19
Amounts receivable under precious metal sale and repurchase agreements 222 114 17
Amounts payable under precious metal sale and repurchase agreements (838) (793) 19
Cash and cash equivalents - cash and deposits 129 254
Cash and cash equivalents - bank overdrafts (13) (37)
Borrowings and related swaps (155) (265) 20
Lease liabilities (9) (10) 12
Trade and other receivables 1,075 972 - 17
Trade and other payables (1,478) (1,497) - 19
1. Investments at fair value through other comprehensive income are quoted bonds purchased to fund pension deficits (£36 million) and investments held at fair value through other comprehensive income (£13 million).
2. Includes forward foreign exchange contracts, forward precious metal price contracts and currency swaps.
3. Trade receivables held in a part of the group with a business model to hold trade receivables for collection or sale. The remainder of the group operates a hold to collect business model and receives the face value, plus relevant interest, of its trade receivables from the counterparty without otherwise
exchanging or disposing of such instruments.
4. Other receivables with cash flows that do not represent solely the payment of principal and interest.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
The fair value of financial instruments, excluding accrued interest, is approximately equal to book value except for:
US Dollar Bonds 2023, 2025, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 (648) (618) (688) (662)
Euro Bonds 2023, 2025, 2028, 2030 and 2032 (368) (340) (176) (179)
Sterling Bonds 2024, 2025 and 2029 (145) (137) (110) (107)
KfW US Dollar Loan 2024 (40) (39) (38) (36)
The fair values are calculated using level 2 inputs by discounting future cash flows to net present values using appropriate market interest rates prevailing at the year end.
30 Share-based payments
The total expense recognised during the year in respect of equity-settled share-based payments was £18 million (2022: £15 million). The expense recognised in respect of equity-settled share-
based payments for continuing operations was £18 million (2022: £13 million), and £nil (2022: £2 million) for discontinued operations.
The group currently operates various share-based payment schemes; a Performance share plan (PSP), a Restricted share plan (RSP), a Long-term incentive plan (LTIP), a Deferred bonus scheme
and a Share Incentive Plan (SIP). Further details of the directors’ remuneration under share-based payment plans are given in the Remuneration Report.
From 2017, shares are awarded to certain of the group’s executive directors and senior managers under the PSP based on a percentage of salary and are subject to performance targets over a three-
year period. The performance targets are based on underlying EPS growth, and Total Shareholder Return.
Awards to the executive directors are also subject to a deferred release whereby a third is released on the third anniversary of the award date and the remaining vested shares are released in equal
instalments on the fourth and fifth anniversaries of the award date. The Remuneration Committee is entitled to claw back the awards to the executive directors in cases of misstatement or
From 2017, shares are awarded to certain of the group’s executive directors and senior managers under the RSP based on a percentage of salary. Awards under the RSP are not subject to
performance targets. The shares are subject only to the condition that the employee remains employed by the group on the vesting date (three years after the award date).
Prior to 2017, shares were awarded to approximately 1,300 of the group’s executive directors, senior managers and middle managers under the LTIP based on a percentage of salary and were
subject to performance targets over a three-year period.
Awards to the executive directors are subject to a deferred release whereby a third is released on the third anniversary of the award date and the remaining vested shares are released in equal instalments
on the fourth and fifth anniversaries of the award date. The Remuneration Committee is entitled to claw back the awards to the executive directors in cases of misstatement or misconduct.
All outstanding awards on this scheme were released in August 2021.
Deferred bonus
A proportion of the bonus payable to executive directors and senior managers is awarded as shares and deferred for three years. The Remuneration Committee is entitled to claw back the deferred
element in cases of misstatement or misconduct or other relevant reason as determined by it.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
The fair value of financial instruments, excluding accrued interest, is approximately equal to book value except for:
US Dollar Bonds 2023, 2025, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 (648) (618) (688) (662)
Euro Bonds 2023, 2025, 2028, 2030 and 2032 (368) (340) (176) (179)
Sterling Bonds 2024, 2025 and 2029 (145) (137) (110) (107)
KfW US Dollar Loan 2024 (40) (39) (38) (36)
The fair values are calculated using level 2 inputs by discounting future cash flows to net present values using appropriate market interest rates prevailing at the year end.
30 Share-based payments
The total expense recognised during the year in respect of equity-settled share-based payments was £18 million (2022: £15 million). The expense recognised in respect of equity-settled share-
based payments for continuing operations was £18 million (2022: £13 million), and £nil (2022: £2 million) for discontinued operations.
The group currently operates various share-based payment schemes; a Performance share plan (PSP), a Restricted share plan (RSP), a Long-term incentive plan (LTIP), a Deferred bonus scheme
and a Share Incentive Plan (SIP). Further details of the directors’ remuneration under share-based payment plans are given in the Remuneration Report.
From 2017, shares are awarded to certain of the group’s executive directors and senior managers under the PSP based on a percentage of salary and are subject to performance targets over a three-
year period. The performance targets are based on underlying EPS growth, and Total Shareholder Return.
Awards to the executive directors are also subject to a deferred release whereby a third is released on the third anniversary of the award date and the remaining vested shares are released in equal
instalments on the fourth and fifth anniversaries of the award date. The Remuneration Committee is entitled to claw back the awards to the executive directors in cases of misstatement or
From 2017, shares are awarded to certain of the group’s executive directors and senior managers under the RSP based on a percentage of salary. Awards under the RSP are not subject to
performance targets. The shares are subject only to the condition that the employee remains employed by the group on the vesting date (three years after the award date).
Prior to 2017, shares were awarded to approximately 1,300 of the group’s executive directors, senior managers and middle managers under the LTIP based on a percentage of salary and were
subject to performance targets over a three-year period.
Awards to the executive directors are subject to a deferred release whereby a third is released on the third anniversary of the award date and the remaining vested shares are released in equal instalments
on the fourth and fifth anniversaries of the award date. The Remuneration Committee is entitled to claw back the awards to the executive directors in cases of misstatement or misconduct.
All outstanding awards on this scheme were released in August 2021.
Deferred bonus
A proportion of the bonus payable to executive directors and senior managers is awarded as shares and deferred for three years. The Remuneration Committee is entitled to claw back the deferred
element in cases of misstatement or misconduct or other relevant reason as determined by it.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
30 Share-based payments continued
All employee share incentive plan (SIP) – UK and overseas
Under the SIP, all employees with at least one year of service with the group and who are employed by a participating group company are entitled to contribute up to 2.5% of base pay each month,
subject to a £125 per month limit. The SIP trustees buy shares (partnership shares) at market value each month with the employees’ contributions. For each partnership share purchased, the group
purchases two shares (matching shares) which are awarded to the employee.
In the UK SIP, if the employee sells or transfers partnership shares within three years of the date of award, the linked matching shares are forfeited.
In the overseas SIP, partnership shares and matching shares are subject to a three-year holding period and cannot be sold or transferred during that time.
During the year, 311,260 (2022: 287,320) matching shares under the SIP were awarded to employees. These are nil cost awards on which performance conditions are substantially completed at
the date of grant and, consequently, the fair value of these awards is based on the market value of the shares at that date. Activity in the year in relation to these share plans is shown below:
Year ended 31
March 2023 Year ended 31
March 2022
PSP RSP LTIP Deferred Bonus PSP RSP LTIP Deferred Bonus
Outstanding at the start of the year 1,434,911 1,258,698 149,136 1,267,198 680,364 23,808 113,084
Awarded during the year 798,488 320,907 102,961 588,027 761,954 75,964
Forfeited during the year (243,093) (130,601) (420,314) (95,172)
Released during the year (261,372) (452,814) (40,787) (88,448) (23,808) (39,912)
Outstanding at the end of the year 1,728,934 996,190 211,310 1,434,911 1,258,698 149,136
Year ended 31
March 2023 Year ended 31
March 2022
PSP RSP Exceptional RSP
Deferred Bonus PSP Exceptional PSP RSP Exceptional RSP Deferred Bonus
Fair value of shares awarded (pence) 1,916.8 1,916.8 2,059.6 1,849.1 2,767.7 1,652.5 2,767.7 1,839.7 2,703.4
Share price at the date of award (pence) 2,135.0 2,135.0 2,135.0 2,135.0 2,970.2 1,813.5 2,970.2 1,962.5 2,970.2
Dividend rate 3.61% 3.61% 3.61% 3.61% 2.36% 3.86% 2.36% 3.92% 2.36%
1. The group awarded an exceptional RSP scheme on 17
December 2021, and an exceptional PSP scheme on 1
March 2022 all other schemes have grant dates on 1
August each year.
The fair value of shares awarded was calculated using a modified Black Scholes model based on the share price at the date of award adjusted for the present value of the expected dividends that will
not be received at an expected dividend rate.
At 31
March 2023, the weighted average remaining contracted life of the awarded PSP shares is 1.4 years (2022: 1.2 years) and 1.0 years (2022: 1.4 years) for the awarded RSP shares.
31 Commitments
ital commitments - future ca
ital ex
enditure contracted but not
Group Parent company
Property, plant and equipment 106 68 32 23
Other intangible assets 25 21 25 11
At 31
March 2023, precious metal leases were £138 million (31
March 2022: £140 million) at year end prices.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
32 Contingent liabilities
The group is involved in various disputes and claims which arise from time to time in the course of its business including, for example, in relation to commercial matters, product quality or liability,
employee matters and tax audits
. The group is also involved from time to time in the course of its business in legal proceedings and actions, engagement with regulatory authorities and in dispute
resolution processes. These are reviewed on a regular basis and, where possible, an estimate is made of the potential financial impact on the group. In appropriate cases a provision is recognised
based on advice, best estimates and management judgement. Where it is too early to determine the likely outcome of these matters, no provision is made. Whilst the group cannot predict the
outcome of any current or future such matters with any certainty, it currently believes the likelihood of any material liabilities to be low, and that such liabilities, if any, will not have a material
adverse effect on its consolidated income, financial position or cash flows.
Following the sale of its Health business in May 2022, the group has been engaged in correspondence with the purchaser of the Health business, Veranova Bidco LP regarding certain warranties in
the sale and purchase agreement (the “SPA”) dated 16
December 2021. The purchaser has issued a claim against the group entities in connection with: i) certain alleged representations said to
have been made during the course of the negotiation of the SPA; and, ii) certain warranties given in the SPA at the time of signing. Having reviewed the claim with its advisers, the group is of the
opinion that it has a defensible position in respect of these allegations and if required, it will vigorously defend its position. The outcome of any legal proceedings relating to this matter is not
certain, nor is the group able to make a reliable estimate of the possible financial impact at this stage, if any.
1. A previously disclosed contingent liability relating to failures in certain engine systems for which the group supplied a particular coated substrate as a component for that customer’s emissions after-treatment systems was settled on mutually acceptable terms with no admission of fault, see note 4.
33 Transactions with related parties
The group has a related party relationship with its associate, its post-employment benefit plans (note 24) and its key management personnel (below). Transactions between the Company and its
subsidiaries, which are related parties of the Company, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note.
During the year the group recharged transition related costs of £8 million (2022: £nil) to related parties. The amounts owed by related parties were £3 million at 31
March 2023 (31
March 2022: £nil).
The key management of the group and parent company consist of the Board of Directors and the members of the Group Leadership Team (GLT). During the year ended 31
March 2023, the GLT
had an average of 12 members (2022: 9 members). The only transactions with any key management personnel was compensation charged in the year which was:
Short term employee benefits 10 7
Share-based payments 1 2
Termination benefits 1
Non-executive directors' fees and benefits 1 1
Total compensation of key management personnel 12 11
There were no balances outstanding as at 31
March 2023 (31
March 2022: £nil). Information on directors’ remuneration is given in the Remuneration Report.
Guarantees of subsidiaries’ liabilities are disclosed in note 47.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
32 Contingent liabilities
The group is involved in various disputes and claims which arise from time to time in the course of its business including, for example, in relation to commercial matters, product quality or liability,
employee matters and tax audits
. The group is also involved from time to time in the course of its business in legal proceedings and actions, engagement with regulatory authorities and in dispute
resolution processes. These are reviewed on a regular basis and, where possible, an estimate is made of the potential financial impact on the group. In appropriate cases a provision is recognised
based on advice, best estimates and management judgement. Where it is too early to determine the likely outcome of these matters, no provision is made. Whilst the group cannot predict the
outcome of any current or future such matters with any certainty, it currently believes the likelihood of any material liabilities to be low, and that such liabilities, if any, will not have a material
adverse effect on its consolidated income, financial position or cash flows.
Following the sale of its Health business in May 2022, the group has been engaged in correspondence with the purchaser of the Health business, Veranova Bidco LP regarding certain warranties in
the sale and purchase agreement (the “SPA”) dated 16
December 2021. The purchaser has issued a claim against the group entities in connection with: i) certain alleged representations said to
have been made during the course of the negotiation of the SPA; and, ii) certain warranties given in the SPA at the time of signing. Having reviewed the claim with its advisers, the group is of the
opinion that it has a defensible position in respect of these allegations and if required, it will vigorously defend its position. The outcome of any legal proceedings relating to this matter is not
certain, nor is the group able to make a reliable estimate of the possible financial impact at this stage, if any.
1. A previously disclosed contingent liability relating to failures in certain engine systems for which the group supplied a particular coated substrate as a component for that customer’s emissions after-treatment systems was settled on mutually acceptable terms with no admission of fault, see note 4.
33 Transactions with related parties
The group has a related party relationship with its associate, its post-employment benefit plans (note 24) and its key management personnel (below). Transactions between the Company and its
subsidiaries, which are related parties of the Company, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note.
During the year the group recharged transition related costs of £8 million (2022: £nil) to related parties. The amounts owed by related parties were £3 million at 31
March 2023 (31
March 2022: £nil).
The key management of the group and parent company consist of the Board of Directors and the members of the Group Leadership Team (GLT). During the year ended 31
March 2023, the GLT
had an average of 12 members (2022: 9 members). The only transactions with any key management personnel was compensation charged in the year which was:
Short term employee benefits 10 7
Share-based payments 1 2
Termination benefits 1
Non-executive directors' fees and benefits 1 1
Total compensation of key management personnel 12 11
There were no balances outstanding as at 31
March 2023 (31
March 2022: £nil). Information on directors’ remuneration is given in the Remuneration Report.
Guarantees of subsidiaries’ liabilities are disclosed in note 47.
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
34 Non-GAAP measures
The group uses various measures to manage its business which are not defined by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The group’s management believes these measures provide
valuable additional information to users of the accounts in understanding the group’s performance. Certain of these measures are financial Key Performance Indicators which measure progress
against our strategy.
All non-GAAP measures are on a continuing operations basis.
Measure Definition Pur
Revenue excluding sales of precious metals to customers and the
precious metal content of products sold to customers.
Provides a better measure of the growth of the group as revenue
can be heavily distorted by year on year fluctuations in the market
prices of precious metals and, in many cases, the value of precious
metals is passed directly on to customers.
Underlying operating profit
Operating profit excluding non-underlying items.
Provides a measure of operating profitability that is comparable
over time.
Underlying operating profit margin
1, 2
Underlying operating profit divided by sales. Provides a measure of how we convert our sales into underlying
operating profit and the efficiency of our business.
Underlying profit before tax
Profit before tax excluding non-underlying items. Provides a measure of profitability that is comparable over time.
Underlying profit for the year
Profit for the year excluding non-underlying items and related tax
Provides a measure of profitability that is comparable over time.
Underlying earnings per share
1, 2
Underlying profit for the year divided by the weighted average
number of shares in issue.
Our principal measure used to assess the overall profitability of
the group.
Return on invested capital (ROIC)
Annualised underlying operating profit divided by the 12 month
average capital employed (net debt plus equity), excluding
average post tax pension net assets.
Provides a measure of the group’s efficiency in allocating the
capital under its control to profitable investments.
Average working capital days (excluding precious metals)
Monthly average of non-precious metal related inventories, trade
and other receivables and trade and other payables (including
any classified as held for sale) divided by sales for the last three
months multiplied by 90 days.
Provides a measure of efficiency in the business with lower days
driving higher returns and a healthier liquidity position for the
Free cash flow
Net cash flow from operating activities after net interest paid, net
purchases of non-current assets and investments, proceeds from
disposal of businesses, dividends received from joint ventures and
associates and the principal element of lease payments.
Provides a measure of the cash the group generates through its
operations, less capital expenditure.
Net debt (including post tax pension deficits) to underlying
Net debt, including post tax pension deficits and quoted bonds
purchased to fund the UK pension (excluded when the UK
pension plan is in surplus) divided by underlying EBITDA for the
same period.
Provides a measure of the group’s ability to repay its debt. The
group has a long-term target of net debt (including post tax
pension deficits) to underlying EBITDA of between 1.5 and 2.0
times, although in any given year it may fall outside this range
depending on future plans.
1. Key Performance Indicator.
2. Underlying profit measures are before profit or loss on disposal of businesses, gain or loss on significant legal proceedings, together with associated legal costs, amortisation of acquired intangibles, major impairment and restructuring charges, share of profits or losses from non-strategic equity
investments and, where relevant, related tax effects. These items have been excluded by management as they are not deemed to be relevant to an understanding of the underlying performance of the business.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
34 Non-GAAP measures continued
Underlying profit measures exclude the following non-underlying items which are shown separately on the face of the income statement:
Profit on disposal of businesses, The group recognised £12 million profit on the disposal of businesses (2022: £106 million), see note 27.
Amortisation of acquired intangibles, Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets which arose on the acquisition of businesses totalled £5 million (2022: £6 million).
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings, The group recognised a loss on significant legal proceedings of £25 million (2022: £42 million gain).
Major impairment and restructuring charges, The group recognised £41 million in major impairment and restructuring charges (2022: £440 million), see note 6.
Share of losses of associates,
The group recognised £1 million for its share of losses of associates (2022: £nil), see note 15.
Reconciliations to GAAP measures
Revenue (note 3) 14,933 16,025
Less: sales of precious metals to customers (note 3) (10,732) (12,247)
Sales 4,201 3,778
Underlying profit measures
Year ended 31
March 2023
Operating profit
Profit before tax
Tax expense
Profit for the year
Underlying 465 404 (78) 326
Profit on disposal of businesses 12 12 (1) 11
Amortisation of acquired intangibles (5) (5) 1 (4)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings (25) (25) 5 (20)
Major impairment and restructuring charges (41) (41) (7) (48)
Share of losses of associates (1) (1)
Reported 406 344 (80) 264
Year ended 31
March 2022
Operating profit
Profit before tax
Tax expense
Profit for the year
Underlying 553 493 (86) 407
Profit on disposal of businesses 106 106 (4) 102
Amortisation of acquired intangibles (6) (6) 1 (5)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings 42 42 (6) 36
Major impairment and restructuring charges (440) (440) 16 (424)
Reported 255 195 (79) 116
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
34 Non-GAAP measures continued
Underlying profit measures exclude the following non-underlying items which are shown separately on the face of the income statement:
Profit on disposal of businesses, The group recognised £12 million profit on the disposal of businesses (2022: £106 million), see note 27.
Amortisation of acquired intangibles, Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets which arose on the acquisition of businesses totalled £5 million (2022: £6 million).
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings, The group recognised a loss on significant legal proceedings of £25 million (2022: £42 million gain).
Major impairment and restructuring charges, The group recognised £41 million in major impairment and restructuring charges (2022: £440 million), see note 6.
Share of losses of associates, The group recognised £1 million for its share of losses of associates (2022: £nil), see note 15.
Reconciliations to GAAP measures
Revenue (note 3) 14,933 16,025
Less: sales of precious metals to customers (note 3) (10,732) (12,247)
Sales 4,201 3,778
Underlying profit measures
Year ended 31
March 2023
Operating profit
Profit before tax
Tax expense
Profit for the year
Underlying 465 404 (78) 326
Profit on disposal of businesses 12 12 (1) 11
Amortisation of acquired intangibles (5) (5) 1 (4)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings (25) (25) 5 (20)
Major impairment and restructuring charges (41) (41) (7) (48)
Share of losses of associates (1) (1)
Reported 406 344 (80) 264
Year ended 31
March 2022
Operating profit
Profit before tax
Tax expense
Profit for the year
Underlying 553 493 (86) 407
Profit on disposal of businesses 106 106 (4) 102
Amortisation of acquired intangibles (6) (6) 1 (5)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings 42 42 (6) 36
Major impairment and restructuring charges (440) (440) 16 (424)
Reported 255 195 (79) 116
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
34 Non-GAAP measures continued
Underlying earnings per share
2023 2022
Underlying profit for the year (£ million) 326 407
Weighted average number of shares in issue (number) 183,012,301 191,568,756
Underlying earnings per share (pence) 178.6 213.2
Return on invested capital (ROIC) - unaudited
Underlying operating profit 465 553
Average net debt 1,267 877
Average equity 2,524 2,467
verage capital employed 3,791 3,344
Less: Average pension net assets (312) (221)
Less: Average related deferred taxation 84 48
verage capital employed (excluding post tax pension net
assets) 3,563 3,171
ROIC (excluding post tax pension net assets) 13.1% 17.4%
ROIC 12.3% 16.5%
Average working capital days (excluding precious metals) - unaudited
Inventories 1,702 1,549
Trade and other receivables 1,882 1,796
Trade and other payables (2,497) (2,563)
1,087 782
Working capital balances classified as held for sale 22
Total working capital 1,109 782
Less: Precious metal working capital (622) (562)
Working capital (excluding precious metals) 487 220
verage working capital days (excluding precious metals) 42 36
Free cash flow from continuing operations
Net cash inflow from operating activities 291 605
Interest received 28 32
Interest paid (94) (111)
Purchases of property, plant and equipment (253) (358 )
Purchases of intangible assets (63) (95)
Purchases of investments held at fair value through other
comprehensive income
Government grant income 7
Net proceeds from sale of businesses 187 160
Proceeds from sale of non-current assets 8 1
Proceeds from sale of investment in joint ventures 2
Principal element of lease payments (14) (14)
Less: Free cash (inflow) / outflow from discontinued
operations (8) 1
Free cash flow 74 221
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
34 Non-GAAP measures continued
Net debt (including post tax pension deficits) to underlying EBITDA
Cash and deposits 129 254
Money market funds 521 137
Bank overdrafts (13) (37)
Bank overdrafts transferred to liabilities classified as held for sale (8)
Cash and cash equivalents 637 346
Less: Cash and cash equivalents - bank overdrafts from discontinued
operations 8
Cash and cash equivalents from continuing operations 637 354
Interest rate swaps - non-current assets 20 12
Interest rate swaps – non-current liabilities (15) (2)
Borrowings and related swaps - current (155) (265)
Borrowings and related swaps - non-current (1,460) (899)
Lease liabilities - current (9) (10)
Lease liabilities - non-current (31) (40)
Lease liabilities - current - transferred to liabilities classified as held
for sale (1) (2)
Lease liabilities - non-current - transferred to liabilities classified as
held for sale (9) (7)
Less: Lease liabilities relating to discontinued operations 3
Net debt (1,023) (856)
Increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 287 (205)
Less: (Increase) / decrease in cash and cash equivalents from
discontinued operations (8) 3
Less: (Increase) / decrease in borrowings (391) 131
Less: Principal element of lease payments 14 14
Less: Principal element of lease payments from
discontinued operations (1)
Increase in net debt resulting from cash flows (98) (58)
New leases, remeasurements and modifications (13) (9)
Less: New leases, remeasurements and modifications from
discontinued operations
Exchange differences on net debt (53) (24)
Other non-cash movements (3) 2
Movement in net debt (167) (86)
Net debt at beginning of year (856) (770)
Net debt at end of year (1,023) (856)
Net debt (1,023) (856)
Add: Pension deficits (21) (29)
Add: Related deferred tax 2 4
Net debt (including post tax pension deficits) (1,042) (881)
Underlying operating profit 465 553
Add back: Depreciation and amortisation excluding amortisation of
acquired intangibles 182 171
Underlying EBITDA 647 724
Net debt (including post tax pension deficits) to underlying EBITDA 1.6 1.2
Underlying EBITDA 647 724
Depreciation and amortisation (187) (177)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings (25) 42
Major impairment and restructuring charges (41) (440)
Profit on disposal of businesses 12 106
Finance costs (110) (101)
Investment income 49 41
Share of losses of associates (1)
Income tax expense (80) (79)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 264 116
35 Events after the balance sheet date
On 3
May 2023, the group agreed to sell its Diagnostic Services business to Sullivan Street
Partners and Souter Investments.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
34 Non-GAAP measures continued
Net debt (including post tax pension deficits) to underlying EBITDA
Cash and deposits 129 254
Money market funds 521 137
Bank overdrafts (13) (37)
Bank overdrafts transferred to liabilities classified as held for sale (8)
Cash and cash equivalents 637 346
Less: Cash and cash equivalents - bank overdrafts from discontinued
operations 8
Cash and cash equivalents from continuing operations 637 354
Interest rate swaps - non-current assets 20 12
Interest rate swaps – non-current liabilities (15) (2)
Borrowings and related swaps - current (155) (265)
Borrowings and related swaps - non-current (1,460) (899)
Lease liabilities - current (9) (10)
Lease liabilities - non-current (31) (40)
Lease liabilities - current - transferred to liabilities classified as held
for sale (1) (2)
Lease liabilities - non-current - transferred to liabilities classified as
held for sale (9) (7)
Less: Lease liabilities relating to discontinued operations 3
Net debt (1,023) (856)
Increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 287 (205)
Less: (Increase) / decrease in cash and cash equivalents from
discontinued operations (8) 3
Less: (Increase) / decrease in borrowings (391) 131
Less: Principal element of lease payments 14 14
Less: Principal element of lease payments from
discontinued operations (1)
Increase in net debt resulting from cash flows (98) (58)
New leases, remeasurements and modifications (13) (9)
Less: New leases, remeasurements and modifications from
discontinued operations
Exchange differences on net debt (53) (24)
Other non-cash movements (3) 2
Movement in net debt (167) (86)
Net debt at beginning of year (856) (770)
Net debt at end of year (1,023) (856)
Net debt (1,023) (856)
Add: Pension deficits (21) (29)
Add: Related deferred tax 2 4
Net debt (including post tax pension deficits) (1,042) (881)
Underlying operating profit 465 553
Add back: Depreciation and amortisation excluding amortisation of
acquired intangibles 182 171
Underlying EBITDA 647 724
Net debt (including post tax pension deficits) to underlying EBITDA 1.6 1.2
Underlying EBITDA 647 724
Depreciation and amortisation (187) (177)
Gains and losses on significant legal proceedings (25) 42
Major impairment and restructuring charges (41) (440)
Profit on disposal of businesses 12 106
Finance costs (110) (101)
Investment income 49 41
Share of losses of associates (1)
Income tax expense (80) (79)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 264 116
35 Events after the balance sheet date
On 3
May 2023, the group agreed to sell its Diagnostic Services business to Sullivan Street
Partners and Souter Investments.
Parent Company Statement of Financial Position
as at 31
March 2023
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 37 350 322
Right-of-use assets 5 7
Goodwill 38 113 113
Other intangible assets 39 247 233
Investments in subsidiaries 40 2,074 1,921
Other receivables 41 1,040 1,598
Interest rate swaps 20 12
Other financial assets 42 48
Deferred tax assets 2
Post-employment benefit net assets 43 196 351
Total non-current assets 4,093 4,559
Current assets
Inventories 44 821 566
Taxation recoverable 1 31
Trade and other receivables 41 2,012 1,941
Cash and cash equivalents 540 200
Other financial assets 42 51 27
Assets classified as held for sale 17
Total current assets 3,425 2,782
Total assets 7,518 7,341
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 45 (3,747) (4,258)
Lease liabilities (2) (3)
Cash and cash equivalents - bank overdrafts (3) (34)
Borrowings and related swaps 46 (151) (255)
Other financial liabilities 42 (33) (46)
Provisions 47 (91) (162)
Liabilities classified as held for sale (5)
Total current liabilities (4,027) (4,763)
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings and related swaps 46 (1,460) (899)
Lease liabilities (4) (7)
Deferred tax liabilities (4)
Interest rate swaps (15) (2)
Employee benefit obligations 43 (7) (27)
Other financial liabilities 42 (12)
Provisions 47 (12) (16)
Trade and other payables 45 (489) (268)
Total non-current liabilities (1,991) (1,231)
Total liabilities (6,018) (5,994)
Net assets 1,500 1,347
Share capital 48 215 218
Share premium 148 148
Treasury shares (19) (24)
Other reserves 48 71 (19)
Retained earnings
1,085 1,024
Total equity 1,500 1,347
1. The parent company's profit for the year is £314 million (2022: £334 million).
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Parent Company Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31
March 2023
(note 48)
At 1
April 2021 221 148 (29) 4 900 1,244
Profit for the year
– – – – 334 334
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities
– – – – 156 156
Amounts charged to hedging reserve
– – – (34) (34)
Tax on other comprehensive income / (expense)
– – – 8 (30) (22)
Total comprehensive income
– – – (26) 460 434
Dividends paid (note 48)
– – – – (139) (139)
Purchase of treasury shares (note 48)
(3) – 3 (200) (200)
Share-based payments
– – – – 11 11
Cost of shares transferred to employees
– – 5 – (8) (3)
At 31
March 2022 218 148 (24) (19) 1,024 1,347
Profit for the year 314 314
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities (143) (143)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (8) (8)
Amounts credited to hedging reserve 114 114
Tax on other comprehensive (expense) / income (27) 37 10
Total comprehensive income 87 200 287
Dividends paid (note 48) (141) (141)
Purchase of treasury shares (note 48) (3) 3 (1) (1)
Share-based payments 13 13
Cost of shares transferred to employees 5 (10) (5)
t 31
March 2023 215 148 (19) 71 1,085 1,500
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Parent Company Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31
March 2023
(note 48)
At 1
April 2021 221 148 (29) 4 900 1,244
Profit for the year – – – – 334 334
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities – – – – 156 156
Amounts charged to hedging reserve – – – (34) (34)
Tax on other comprehensive income / (expense) – – – 8 (30) (22)
Total comprehensive income – – – (26) 460 434
Dividends paid (note 48) – – – – (139) (139)
Purchase of treasury shares (note 48) (3) – 3 (200) (200)
Share-based payments – – – – 11 11
Cost of shares transferred to employees – – 5 – (8) (3)
At 31
March 2022 218 148 (24) (19) 1,024 1,347
Profit for the year 314 314
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit assets and liabilities (143) (143)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (8) (8)
Amounts credited to hedging reserve 114 114
Tax on other comprehensive (expense) / income (27) 37 10
Total comprehensive income 87 200 287
Dividends paid (note 48) (141) (141)
Purchase of treasury shares (note 48) (3) 3 (1) (1)
Share-based payments 13 13
Cost of shares transferred to employees 5 (10) (5)
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
36 Accounting policies - parent company
Significant accounting policies
The group’s and parent company’s accounting policies have been applied consistently during
Basis of accounting and preparation - parent company
the current and prior year, other than where new policies have been adopted (see note 1).
The accounts are prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with Financial Reporting
The group’s and parent company’s significant accounting policies are consistent (see note 1)
Standard (FRS) 101, Reduced Disclosure Framework, issued in September 2015 and the
with the exception of the following parent company accounting policies:
Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under FRS 101. The parent company
applies the recognition, measurement and disclosure requirements of international
Investments in subsidiaries
accounting standards in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006, but
Investments in subsidiaries are stated in the parent company’s balance sheet at cost less any
makes amendments where necessary to comply with the Act and has set out below the FRS
provisions for impairment. If a distribution is received from a subsidiary, the investment in that
101 disclosure exemptions taken by the parent company:
subsidiary is assessed for an indication of impairment.
the requirements of paragraphs 45(b) and 46 to 52 of IFRS 2, Share-based Payment;
Provisions and contingencies
the requirements of IFRS 7, Financial Instruments: Disclosures;
Where the parent company enters into financial guarantee contracts to guarantee the
the requirements of paragraphs 91 to 99 of IFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement;
indebtedness of other companies within its group, these guarantee contracts are considered
the requirements of the second sentence of paragraph 110 and paragraphs 113(a), 114,
to be contingent liabilities until such time as it becomes probable that the company will be
115, 118, 119(a) to (c), 120 to 127 and 129 of IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with
required to make a payment under the guarantee.
the requirement in paragraph 38 of IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements, to present
Sources of estimation uncertainty and judgements made in applying
comparative information in respect of: paragraph 73(e) of IAS 16, Property, Plant and
accounting policies
Equipment; and paragraph 118(e) of IAS 38, Intangible Assets;
The group’s and parent company’s sources of estimation uncertainty and judgements made in
the requirements of paragraphs 10(d), 38A, 38B, 40A, 40B, 40C, 40D, 111 and 134 to
applying accounting policies are consistent – see note 1 for further information.
136 of IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements;
the requirements of IAS 7, Statement of Cash Flows;
the requirements of paragraphs 30 and 31 of IAS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in
Accounting Estimates and Errors;
the requirements of paragraph 17 of IAS 24, Related Party Disclosures;
the requirements in IAS 24, Related Party Disclosures, to disclose related party transactions
entered into between two or more members of a group, provided that any subsidiary which
t 31
March 2023 215 148 (19) 71 1,085 1,500
is a party to the transaction is wholly owned by such a member; and
the requirements of paragraphs 130(f)(ii), 130(f)(iii), 134(d), 134(f) and 135(c) to
135(e) of IAS 36, Impairment of Assets.
The accounts are prepared on the historical cost basis, except for certain assets and liabilities
which are measured at fair value as explained below.
The parent company has not presented its own income statement, statement of total
comprehensive income and related notes as permitted by Section 408(3) of the Companies
Act 2006. Profit for the year is disclosed in the parent company statement of financial position
and statement of changes in equity.
In the parent statement of financial position, businesses acquired from other group
companies are recognised at book value at the date of acquisition. The difference between the
consideration paid and the book value of the net assets acquired is reflected in retained
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
37 Property, plant and equipment
and buildings
Plant and
Assets in
the course of
At 31
March 2022 126 3 658 130 917
Additions 6 66 72
Transfers from assets in the course of
construction 3 32 (35)
Disposals (1) (13) (3) (17)
Disposals of businesses (1) (1)
At 31
March 2023 129 2 683 157 971
ccumulated depreciation and
At 31
March 2022 84 2 509 595
Charge for the year 2 31 33
Impairment losses 1 3 4
Disposals (7) (3) (10)
Disposals of businesses (1) (1)
At 31
March 2023 86 2 534 (1) 621
Carrying amount at 31
43 149 158 350
Carrying amount at 31
March 2022 42 1 149 130 322
Finance costs capitalised were £1 million (2022: £1 million) and the capitalisation rate used
to determine the amount of finance costs eligible for capitalisation was 4.0% (2022: 4.2%).
38 Goodwill
At 1
April 2021, 31
March 2022 and 31
March 2023 123
At 1
April 2021 8
Impairment losses 2
At 31
March 2022 and 31
March 2023 10
Carrying amount at 31
March 2023 113
Carrying amount at 31
March 2022 113
Carrying amount at 1
April 2021 115
The parent company’s goodwill balance of £113 million relates to the Catalyst Technologies
cash-generating unit. Refer to note 5 for further information on the impairment testing
39 Other intangible assets
and licences
research and
At 31
March 2022 382 19 5 13 419
Additions 45 2 47
Disposals (1) (1)
At 31
March 2023 427 20 5 13 465
ccumulated amortisation and
At 31
March 2022 149 16 4 17 186
Charge for the year 29 29
Impairment losses 3 3
At 31
March 2023 181 16 4 17 218
Carrying amount at 31
March 2023 246 4 1 (4) 247
Carrying amount at 31
March 2022 233 3 1 (4) 233
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
37 Property, plant and equipment
and buildings
Plant and
Assets in
the course of
At 31
March 2022 126 3 658 130 917
Additions 6 66 72
Transfers from assets in the course of
construction 3 32 (35)
Disposals (1) (13) (3) (17)
Disposals of businesses (1) (1)
At 31
March 2023 129 2 683 157 971
ccumulated depreciation and
At 31
March 2022 84 2 509 595
Charge for the year 2 31 33
Impairment losses 1 3 4
Disposals (7) (3) (10)
Disposals of businesses (1) (1)
At 31
March 2023 86 2 534 (1) 621
Carrying amount at 31
43 149 158 350
Carrying amount at 31
March 2022 42 1 149 130 322
Finance costs capitalised were £1 million (2022: £1 million) and the capitalisation rate used
to determine the amount of finance costs eligible for capitalisation was 4.0% (2022: 4.2%).
38 Goodwill
At 1
April 2021, 31
March 2022 and 31
March 2023 123
At 1
April 2021 8
Impairment losses 2
At 31
March 2022 and 31
March 2023 10
Carrying amount at 31
March 2023 113
Carrying amount at 31
March 2022 113
Carrying amount at 1
April 2021 115
The parent company’s goodwill balance of £113 million relates to the Catalyst Technologies
cash-generating unit. Refer to note 5 for further information on the impairment testing
39 Other intangible assets
and licences
research and
At 31
March 2022 382 19 5 13 419
Additions 45 2 47
Disposals (1) (1)
At 31
March 2023 427 20 5 13 465
ccumulated amortisation and
At 31
March 2022 149 16 4 17 186
Charge for the year 29 29
Impairment losses 3 3
At 31
March 2023 181 16 4 17 218
Carrying amount at 31
March 2023 246 4 1 (4) 247
Carrying amount at 31
March 2022 233 3 1 (4) 233
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
40 Investments in subsidiaries
Cost of
investments in
At 31
March 2022 2,183 (262) 1,921
Additions 202 202
Disposals (49) (49)
t 31
March 2023 2,336 (262) 2,074
The parent company’s subsidiaries are shown in note 49.
41 Trade and other receivables
Trade receivables 160 141
Contract receivables 23 16
Amounts receivable from subsidiaries 1,479 1,604
Prepayments 37 26
Value added tax and other sales tax receivable 49 23
Amounts receivable under precious metal sale and repurchase
agreements 222 114
Other receivables 42 17
Trade and other receivables 2,012 1,941
Amounts receivable from subsidiaries 1,015 1,598
Advance payment to customers 25
Other receivables 1,040 1,598
Of the parent company’s amounts receivable from subsidiaries, £140 million is impaired
(2022: £441 million). The parent company recognised an impairment during the year of £2
million in respect of amounts receivable from the remaining Health business and £1 million in
relation to amounts receivable from the Battery Systems business, Future expected credit
losses on intercompany receivables are immaterial.
Trade receivables and contract receivables are net of expected credit losses.
42 Other financial assets and liabilities
The parent company non-current other financial assets and non-current other financial
liabilities are consistent with the group balances - see note 18.
Current assets
Forward foreign exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges 15 5
Forward precious metal price contracts designated as cash flow
hedges 30
Forward foreign exchange contracts and currency swaps at fair value
through profit or loss 6 22
Other financial assets 51 27
Current liabilities
Forward foreign exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges (19) (11)
Forward precious metal price contracts designated as cash flow
hedges (20)
Forward foreign exchange contracts and currency swaps at fair value
through profit or loss (14) (15)
Other financial liabilities (33) (46)
43 Post-employment benefits
The parent company is the sponsoring employer of the group’s UK defined benefit pension
plan and the UK post-retirement medical benefits plan. There is no contractual agreement or
stated policy for charging the net defined benefit cost for the plans to the individual group
entities. The parent company recognises the net defined benefit cost for these plans and
information is disclosed in note 24.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
44 Inventories
Raw materials and consumables 46 45
Work in progress 729 488
Finished goods and goods for resale 46 33
Inventories 821 566
45 Trade and other payables
Trade payables 236 222
Contract liabilities 53 35
Amounts payable to subsidiaries 2,340 2,869
Accruals 170 220
Amounts payable under precious metal sale and repurchase
agreements 813 684
Other payables 135 228
Trade and other payables 3,747 4,258
Amounts payable to subsidiaries 488 267
Other payables 1 1
Trade and other payables 489 268
46 Borrowings and related swaps
The parent company's non-current borrowings and related swaps are consistent with the
group balances with the exception of the cross currency interest rate swaps of £5 million
(2022: £2 million) which are designated as fair value hedges instead of net investment
hedges - see note 20.
€166 million EIB loan 2022 (140)
3.26% $150 million Bonds 2022 (115)
2.99% $165 million Bonds 2023 (133)
2.44% €20 million Bonds 2023 (18)
Borrowings and related swaps (151) (255)
47 Provisions
At 1
April 2021 33 172 205
Charge for the year 7 3 10
Net sale of metal (28) (28)
Utilised (7) (7)
Released (2) (2)
At 31
March 2022 31 147 178
Charge for the year 17 17
Net sale of metal (77) (77)
Utilised (15) (15)
t 31
March 2023 33 70 103
Current 91 162
Non-current 12 16
Total provisions 103 178
The restructuring provisions are part of the parent company’s efficiency initiatives.
The other provisions include provisions to buy metal to cover short positions created by the
parent company selling metal to cover price risk on metal owned by subsidiaries. Amounts
provided reflect management's best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the
obligations at the balance sheet date.
The parent company also guarantees some of its subsidiaries’ borrowings and its exposure at
March 2023 was £4 million (2022: £4 million).
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
44 Inventories
Raw materials and consumables 46 45
Work in progress 729 488
Finished goods and goods for resale 46 33
Inventories 821 566
45 Trade and other payables
Trade payables 236 222
Contract liabilities 53 35
Amounts payable to subsidiaries 2,340 2,869
Accruals 170 220
Amounts payable under precious metal sale and repurchase
agreements 813 684
Other payables 135 228
Trade and other payables 3,747 4,258
Amounts payable to subsidiaries 488 267
Other payables 1 1
Trade and other payables 489 268
46 Borrowings and related swaps
The parent company's non-current borrowings and related swaps are consistent with the
group balances with the exception of the cross currency interest rate swaps of £5 million
(2022: £2 million) which are designated as fair value hedges instead of net investment
hedges - see note 20.
€166 million EIB loan 2022 (140)
3.26% $150 million Bonds 2022 (115)
2.99% $165 million Bonds 2023 (133)
2.44% €20 million Bonds 2023 (18)
Borrowings and related swaps (151) (255)
47 Provisions
At 1
April 2021 33 172 205
Charge for the year 7 3 10
Net sale of metal (28) (28)
Utilised (7) (7)
Released (2) (2)
At 31
March 2022 31 147 178
Charge for the year 17 17
Net sale of metal (77) (77)
Utilised (15) (15)
t 31
March 2023 33 70 103
Current 91 162
Non-current 12 16
Total provisions 103 178
The restructuring provisions are part of the parent company’s efficiency initiatives.
The other provisions include provisions to buy metal to cover short positions created by the
parent company selling metal to cover price risk on metal owned by subsidiaries. Amounts
provided reflect management's best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the
obligations at the balance sheet date.
The parent company also guarantees some of its subsidiaries’ borrowings and its exposure at
March 2023 was £4 million (2022: £4 million).
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
48 Share capital and other reserves
Share capital and dividends
The group and parent company disclosures relating to share capital, dividends and purchase of treasury shares are the same. Refer to note 25 for further information.
Other reserves
Fair value through
income reserve
Hedging reserve
At 1
April 2021
7 – 5 – (8) 4
Cash flow hedges – (losses) / gains taken to equity
– – (12) 3 (31) (40)
Cash flow hedges – transferred to revenue (income statement)
Cash flow hedges – transferred to foreign exchange (income statement)
– – – (3) (3)
Cash flow hedges – transferred inventory (balance sheet) 7 7
Cancelled ordinary shares from share buyback
3 3
Tax on items taken directly to or transferred from equity
At 31
March 2022
10 – (5) (24) (19)
Cash flow hedges – (losses) / gains taken to equity (9) 9 72 72
Cash flow hedges – transferred to revenue (income statement) 4 38 42
Cash flow hedges – transferred to cost of sales (income statement) 7 7
Cash flow hedges transferred to foreign exchange (income statement) (7) (7)
Cancelled ordinary shares from share buyback 3 3
Tax on items taken directly to or transferred from equity (1) (26) (27)
t 31
March 2023 13 (3) 1 60 71
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
49 Related undertakings
A full list of related undertakings at 31
March 2023 (comprising subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates) is set out below. Those held directly by the parent company are marked with an asterisk
(*) and those held jointly by the parent company and a subsidiary are marked with a cross (
). All the companies are wholly owned unless otherwise stated. All the related undertakings are involved
in the principal activities of the group. Unless otherwise stated, the share class of each related undertaking comprises ordinary shares only.
Entity Registered address
ohnson Matthey Argentina S.A. Tucumán 1, Piso 4, C1049AAA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tracerco Argentina S.A.U.
Edificio Republica, Tucumán 1, Piso 3 Ciudad Autanoma de Buenos Aires, C1049AAA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
ohnson Matthey (Aust.) Ltd 64 Lillee Crescent, Tullamarine VIC 3043, Australia
ohnson Matthey Holdings Limited 64 Lillee Crescent, Tullamarine VIC 3043, Australia
ohnson Matthey Belgium Pegasuslaan 5, 1831 Diegem, Belgium
Tracerco Europe BV Zone 3, Doorneveld 115, 1731 Zellik, Brussels, Belgium
The Argent Insurance Co. Limited Rosebank Centre, 5th Floor, 11 Bermudiana Road, Pembroke HM 08, Bermuda
ohnson Matthey Brasil Ltda Avenida Macuco, 726, 12th Floor, Edifício International Office, CEP04523-001, Brazil
Tracerco do Brasil - Diagnosticos de Processos Industriais Ltda Estrada dos Bandeirantes, 1793, Curicica, Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Tracerco Radioactive Diagnostic Services Canada Inc. 8908 60 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB, T6E 6A6, Canada
ohnson Matthey Argillon (Shanghai) Emission Control
Technologies Ltd.
Ground Floor, Building 2, No. 298, Rongle East Road, Songjiang Industrial Zone, Shanghai 201613, China
ohnson Matthey Battery Materials (Changzhou) Co., Ltd. A10 Building, No.2 Xinzhu Road, Xinbei District, Changzhou, China
ohnson Matthey Chemical Process Technologies (Shanghai)
Company Limited
Room 1066, Building 1, No 215 Lian He Bei Lu, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China
ohnson Matthey (China) Trade Co., Ltd 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floor, Building 2, No. 598 Dongxing Road, Songjiang Industrial Zone, Shanghai, China
ohnson Matthey Clean Energy Technologies (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Unit 01/14th Floor, Pacific Century Place, 2A Gong Ti Bei Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Ti Bei Lu, Chaoyang
District, Beijing, China
ohnson Matthey (Shanghai) Catalyst Co., Ltd. 586 Dongxing Road, Songjiang Industry Zone, Shanghai, 201613, China
ohnson Matthey (Shanghai) Chemicals Limited 588 and 598 Dongxing Road, Songjiang Industry Zone, Shanghai, 201613, China
ohnson Matthey (Shanghai) Trading Limited Room 1615B, No. 118 Xinling Road, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, China
ohnson Matthey (Tianjin) Chemical Co., Ltd. Room 2007, No. 16, Third Avenue, Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Zone, Tianjin, China
ohnson Matthey (Zhangjiagang) Environmental Protection
Technology Co., Ltd
No. 9 Dongxin Road, Jiangsu Yangtze River International Chemical Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, China
ohnson Matthey (Zhangjiagang) Precious Metal Technology Co., Ltd. No. 48, the west of Beijing Road, Jingang Town, Yangtze River International Chemical Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China
ohnson Matthey A/S c/o Lundgrens Advokatpartnerselskab, Tuborg Boulevard 12, 4., 2900 Hellerup, Denmark
AG Holding Ltd 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
Cascade Biochem Limited
5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
Ilumink Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
MEPS Trustees Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey Battery Systems Engineering Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey Battery Materials Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey Davy Technologies Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
49 Related undertakings
A full list of related undertakings at 31
March 2023 (comprising subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates) is set out below. Those held directly by the parent company are marked with an asterisk
(*) and those held jointly by the parent company and a subsidiary are marked with a cross (
). All the companies are wholly owned unless otherwise stated. All the related undertakings are involved
in the principal activities of the group. Unless otherwise stated, the share class of each related undertaking comprises ordinary shares only.
Entity Registered address
ohnson Matthey Argentina S.A. Tucumán 1, Piso 4, C1049AAA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tracerco Argentina S.A.U.
Edificio Republica, Tucumán 1, Piso 3 Ciudad Autanoma de Buenos Aires, C1049AAA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
ohnson Matthey (Aust.) Ltd 64 Lillee Crescent, Tullamarine VIC 3043, Australia
ohnson Matthey Holdings Limited 64 Lillee Crescent, Tullamarine VIC 3043, Australia
ohnson Matthey Belgium Pegasuslaan 5, 1831 Diegem, Belgium
Tracerco Europe BV Zone 3, Doorneveld 115, 1731 Zellik, Brussels, Belgium
The Argent Insurance Co. Limited Rosebank Centre, 5th Floor, 11 Bermudiana Road, Pembroke HM 08, Bermuda
ohnson Matthey Brasil Ltda Avenida Macuco, 726, 12th Floor, Edifício International Office, CEP04523-001, Brazil
Tracerco do Brasil - Diagnosticos de Processos Industriais Ltda Estrada dos Bandeirantes, 1793, Curicica, Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Tracerco Radioactive Diagnostic Services Canada Inc. 8908 60 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB, T6E 6A6, Canada
ohnson Matthey Argillon (Shanghai) Emission Control
Technologies Ltd.
Ground Floor, Building 2, No. 298, Rongle East Road, Songjiang Industrial Zone, Shanghai 201613, China
ohnson Matthey Battery Materials (Changzhou) Co., Ltd. A10 Building, No.2 Xinzhu Road, Xinbei District, Changzhou, China
ohnson Matthey Chemical Process Technologies (Shanghai)
Company Limited
Room 1066, Building 1, No 215 Lian He Bei Lu, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China
ohnson Matthey (China) Trade Co., Ltd 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floor, Building 2, No. 598 Dongxing Road, Songjiang Industrial Zone, Shanghai, China
ohnson Matthey Clean Energy Technologies (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Unit 01/14th Floor, Pacific Century Place, 2A Gong Ti Bei Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Ti Bei Lu, Chaoyang
District, Beijing, China
ohnson Matthey (Shanghai) Catalyst Co., Ltd. 586 Dongxing Road, Songjiang Industry Zone, Shanghai, 201613, China
ohnson Matthey (Shanghai) Chemicals Limited 588 and 598 Dongxing Road, Songjiang Industry Zone, Shanghai, 201613, China
ohnson Matthey (Shanghai) Trading Limited Room 1615B, No. 118 Xinling Road, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, China
ohnson Matthey (Tianjin) Chemical Co., Ltd. Room 2007, No. 16, Third Avenue, Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Zone, Tianjin, China
ohnson Matthey (Zhangjiagang) Environmental Protection
Technology Co., Ltd
No. 9 Dongxin Road, Jiangsu Yangtze River International Chemical Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, China
ohnson Matthey (Zhangjiagang) Precious Metal Technology Co., Ltd. No. 48, the west of Beijing Road, Jingang Town, Yangtze River International Chemical Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China
ohnson Matthey A/S c/o Lundgrens Advokatpartnerselskab, Tuborg Boulevard 12, 4., 2900 Hellerup, Denmark
AG Holding Ltd 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
Cascade Biochem Limited
5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
Ilumink Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
MEPS Trustees Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey Battery Systems Engineering Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey Battery Materials Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey Davy Technologies Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
49 Related undertakings continued
Entity Registered address
ohnson Matthey Davy Technologies International Limited
(in Liquidation)
30 Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1AG, England
ohnson Matthey Hydrogen Technologies Limited
5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey Investments Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey (Nominees) Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey Precious Metals Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey South Africa Holdings Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey Tianjin Holdings Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey UK Holdings Limited
5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
Matthey Finance Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
Matthey Holdings Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
Tracerco Global (Topco) Limited
5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
Tracerco Limited 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, England
ohnson Matthey Battery Materials Finland Oy Unioninkatu 22, Helsinki, 00130, Finland
ohnson Matthey Finland Oy (in liquidation) William Ruthin Katu 1, Kotka, 48600, Finland
ohnson Matthey SAS Les Diamants - Immeuble B, 41 rue Delizy, 93500 Pantin, France
ohnson Matthey Battery Materials GmbH Ostenriederstrasse 15, 85368 Moosburg a.d. Isar, Germany
ohnson Matthey B.V.
Otto-Volger-Strasse 9b, 65843 Sulzbach, Germany
ohnson Matthey Catalysts (Germany) GmbH Bahnhofstrasse 43, 96257 Redwitz an der Rodach, Germany
ohnson Matthey Chemicals GmbH Wardstrasse 17, D-46446 Emmerich am Rhein, Germany
ohnson Matthey Deutschland GmbH
Otto-Volger-Strasse 9b, 65843 Sulzbach, Germany
ohnson Matthey GmbH & Co. KG
Otto-Volger-Strasse 9b, 65843 Sulzbach, Germany
ohnson Matthey Holding GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 43, 96257 Redwitz an der Rodach, Germany
ohnson Matthey Management GmbH Otto-Volger-Strasse 9b, 65843 Sulzbach, Germany
ohnson Matthey Redwitz Real Estate (Germany) B.V. & Co. KG
Bahnhofstrasse 43, 96257 Redwitz an der Rodach, Germany
ohnson Matthey Pacific Limited
Room 803-6, 909 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
ohnson Matthey Process Technologies Room 803-6, 909 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
ohnson Matthey Tracerco Holdings Hong Kong Limited Room 802-6, 909 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Macfarlan Smith (Hong Kong) Limited Room 803-6, 909 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
ohnson Matthey Chemicals India Private Limited Plot No 6A, MIDC Industrial Estate, Taloja, District Raigad, Maharashtra 410208, India
ohnson Matthey India Private Limited Regus Business Centre, 5th Floor, Caddie Commercial Tower - Aerocity, New Delhi, 110037, India
ohnson Matthey Limited 13-18 City Quay, Dublin 2, D02 ED70, Ireland
ohnson Matthey Italia S.r.l. Corso Trapani 16, 10139, Torino, Italy
Tracerco Italia S.r.l.
Via Campo Bratela, N. 119 - 20069, Aprio D'adda, Milano, Italy
ohnson Matthey Fuel Cells Japan Limited 5123-3 Kitsuregawa, Sakura-shi, Tochigi, 329-1412, Japan
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
49 Related undertakings continued
Entity Registered address
ohnson Matthey Japan Godo Kaisha 5123-3 Kitsuregawa, Sakura-shi, Tochigi, 329-1412, Japan
ohnson Matthey Sdn. Bhd. Suite 16-03, Level 16, Wisma UOA II, 21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ohnson Matthey Services Sdn. Bhd. Suite 16-03, Level 16, Wisma UOA II, 21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tracerco Asia Sdn. Bhd. Suite 16-03, Level 16, Wisma UOA II, 21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tracerco Asia Services Sdn. Bhd. Suite 16-03, Level 16, Wisma UOA II, 21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ohnson Matthey de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. c/o Cacheaux, Cavazos and Newton, No. 437 Col. Colinas del Cimatario, CP 76090 Queretaro, Mexico
ohnson Matthey Servicios, S. de R.L. de C.V. c/o Cacheaux, Cavazos and Newton, No. 437 Col. Colinas del Cimatario, CP 76090 Queretaro, Mexico
Intercat Europe B.V. Gelissendomein 8, Office KB103, 6229GJ, Maastricht, Netherlands
ohnson Matthey Holdings B.V
Gelissendomein 8, KB 103, 6229 GJ Maastricht, Netherlands
ohnson Matthey International Management Services B.V.
Gelissendomein 8, KB 103, 6229 GJ Maastricht, Netherlands
ohnson Matthey Netherlands 2 B.V. Gelissendomein 8, KB 103, 6229 GJ Maastricht, Netherlands
Matthey Finance B.V.
Fregatweg 38, 6222 NZ Maastricht, Netherlands
ohnson Matthey DOOEL Skopje TIDZ Skopje 1, 1041 llinden, North Macedonia
Tracerco Norge AS Kokstadflaten 35, 5257 Kokstad, Norway
ohnson Matthey Battery Systems Spólka z ograniczoną
Ul. Alberta Einsteina 6, 44-109, Gliwice, Poland
ohnson Matthey Poland Spólka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnocścią Ul. Alberta Einsteina 6, 44-109, Gliwice, Poland
ohnson Matthey Battery Materials Poland spółka z ograniczoną
Ul. Hutnicza 1, 62-510 Konin, Poland
Macfarlan Smith Portugal, Lda Largo de São Carlos 3, 1200-410 Lisboa, Portugal
ohnson Matthey Catalysts LLC 1 Transportny Proezd, 660027 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
ohnson Matthey Arabia for Business Services
PO Box 26090, Riyadh 11486, Saudi Arabia
ohnson Matthey General Partner (Scotland) Limited 10 Wheatfield Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH11 2QA, Scotland
ohnson Matthey (Scotland) Limited Partnership
10 Wheatfield Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH11 2QA, Scotland
ohnson Matthey Singapore Private Limited 50 Raffles Place, #19-00, Singapore Lane Tower, Singapore 048623
ohnson Matthey (Proprietary) Limited Corner Henderson and Premier Roads, Germiston South Ext 7, Gauteng, South Africa
ohnson Matthey Research South Africa (Proprietary) Limited Corner Henderson and Premier Roads, Germiston South Ext 7, Gauteng, South Africa
ohnson Matthey Salts (Proprietary) Limited Corner Henderson and Premier Roads, Germiston South Ext 7, Gauteng, South Africa
ohnson Matthey Catalysts Korea Limited A-dong 2906-ho, 13 Heungdeok 1-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
ohnson Matthey Korea Limited 101-2803, Lotte Castle, 109, Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu Seoul, South Korea
ohnson Matthey AB Viktor Hasselblads gata 8, 421 31 Västra Frölunda, Göteborg, Sweden
ohnson Matthey Formox AB SE-284 80, Perstorp, Sweden
ohnson Matthey & Brandenberger AG Glatttalstrasse 18, 8052 Zurich, Switzerland
ohnson Matthey Finance GmbH Hertensteinstrasse 51, 6004 Lucerne, Switzerland
ohnson Matthey Finance Zurich GmbH Glatttalstrasse 18, 8052 Zurich, Switzerland
LiFePO4+C Licensing AG Hertensteinstrasse 51, 6004 Lucerne, Switzerland
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
49 Related undertakings continued
Entity Registered address
ohnson Matthey Japan Godo Kaisha 5123-3 Kitsuregawa, Sakura-shi, Tochigi, 329-1412, Japan
ohnson Matthey Sdn. Bhd. Suite 16-03, Level 16, Wisma UOA II, 21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ohnson Matthey Services Sdn. Bhd. Suite 16-03, Level 16, Wisma UOA II, 21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tracerco Asia Sdn. Bhd. Suite 16-03, Level 16, Wisma UOA II, 21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tracerco Asia Services Sdn. Bhd. Suite 16-03, Level 16, Wisma UOA II, 21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ohnson Matthey de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. c/o Cacheaux, Cavazos and Newton, No. 437 Col. Colinas del Cimatario, CP 76090 Queretaro, Mexico
ohnson Matthey Servicios, S. de R.L. de C.V. c/o Cacheaux, Cavazos and Newton, No. 437 Col. Colinas del Cimatario, CP 76090 Queretaro, Mexico
Intercat Europe B.V. Gelissendomein 8, Office KB103, 6229GJ, Maastricht, Netherlands
ohnson Matthey Holdings B.V
Gelissendomein 8, KB 103, 6229 GJ Maastricht, Netherlands
ohnson Matthey International Management Services B.V.
Gelissendomein 8, KB 103, 6229 GJ Maastricht, Netherlands
ohnson Matthey Netherlands 2 B.V. Gelissendomein 8, KB 103, 6229 GJ Maastricht, Netherlands
Matthey Finance B.V.
Fregatweg 38, 6222 NZ Maastricht, Netherlands
ohnson Matthey DOOEL Skopje TIDZ Skopje 1, 1041 llinden, North Macedonia
Tracerco Norge AS Kokstadflaten 35, 5257 Kokstad, Norway
ohnson Matthey Battery Systems Spólka z ograniczoną
Ul. Alberta Einsteina 6, 44-109, Gliwice, Poland
ohnson Matthey Poland Spólka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnocścią Ul. Alberta Einsteina 6, 44-109, Gliwice, Poland
ohnson Matthey Battery Materials Poland spółka z ograniczoną
Ul. Hutnicza 1, 62-510 Konin, Poland
Macfarlan Smith Portugal, Lda Largo de São Carlos 3, 1200-410 Lisboa, Portugal
ohnson Matthey Catalysts LLC 1 Transportny Proezd, 660027 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
ohnson Matthey Arabia for Business Services
PO Box 26090, Riyadh 11486, Saudi Arabia
ohnson Matthey General Partner (Scotland) Limited 10 Wheatfield Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH11 2QA, Scotland
ohnson Matthey (Scotland) Limited Partnership
10 Wheatfield Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH11 2QA, Scotland
ohnson Matthey Singapore Private Limited 50 Raffles Place, #19-00, Singapore Lane Tower, Singapore 048623
ohnson Matthey (Proprietary) Limited Corner Henderson and Premier Roads, Germiston South Ext 7, Gauteng, South Africa
ohnson Matthey Research South Africa (Proprietary) Limited Corner Henderson and Premier Roads, Germiston South Ext 7, Gauteng, South Africa
ohnson Matthey Salts (Proprietary) Limited Corner Henderson and Premier Roads, Germiston South Ext 7, Gauteng, South Africa
ohnson Matthey Catalysts Korea Limited A-dong 2906-ho, 13 Heungdeok 1-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
ohnson Matthey Korea Limited 101-2803, Lotte Castle, 109, Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu Seoul, South Korea
ohnson Matthey AB Viktor Hasselblads gata 8, 421 31 Västra Frölunda, Göteborg, Sweden
ohnson Matthey Formox AB SE-284 80, Perstorp, Sweden
ohnson Matthey & Brandenberger AG Glatttalstrasse 18, 8052 Zurich, Switzerland
ohnson Matthey Finance GmbH Hertensteinstrasse 51, 6004 Lucerne, Switzerland
ohnson Matthey Finance Zurich GmbH Glatttalstrasse 18, 8052 Zurich, Switzerland
LiFePO4+C Licensing AG Hertensteinstrasse 51, 6004 Lucerne, Switzerland
Notes on the Accounts continued for the year ended 31
March 2023
49 Related undertakings continued
Entity Registered address
ohnson Matthey Services (Trinidad and Tobago) Limited Queen's Park Place, 17-20 Queens Park West, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Stepac Ambalaj Malzemeleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
(in liquidation)
Güzeloba Mah. Rauf Denktaş Cad., No.56/101, Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
ohnson Matthey Holdings, Inc. Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington DE 19808, USA
ohnson Matthey Hydrogen Technologies, Inc.
Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington DE 19808, United States
ohnson Matthey Inc.
Corporation Service Company, 2595 Interstate Drive, Suite 103 PA 17110, USA
ohnson Matthey Medical Device Components LLC Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington DE 19808, USA
ohnson Matthey Process Technologies, Inc. Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington DE 19808, USA
ohnson Matthey Stationary Emissions Control LLC Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington DE 19808, USA
ohnson Matthey USA Holdings Inc.
Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington DE 19808, USA
Red Maple LLC (50.0%).
Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington DE 19808, USA
Tracerco US LLC
Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington DE 19808, USA
Veranova Parent Holdco L.P. (30.0%)
1209 Orange Street, New Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware, 19801
In some jurisdictions in which the group operates, share classes are not defined and in these instances, for the purpose of disclosure, these holdings have been classified as ordinary shares.
1. Ordinary and preference shares.
2. Limited partnership, no share capital.
3. Ordinary and non-cumulative redeemable preference shares.
4. Ordinary and series A preferred stock.
5. Incorporated during current financial year.
6. Joint Venture/Associate.
7. Name change in the year.
8. Merged with another Johnson Matthey subsidiary in the year.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Other information
Performance data covers all sites that are under the
financial control of the group, including all manufacturing,
research and warehousing operations of Johnson Matthey
Plc and its subsidiaries. Joint ventures where we have
aminority share are not included.
For the purposes of reporting, separate businesses resident
at the same location are counted as separate sites.
Datafrom 76 sites was included in this report, 45 are
manufacturing sites, 15 are R&D sites and 16 are offices.
Data from new facilities is included from the point at
whichthe facility becomes owned by JM and operational.
Selected non-financial data has been third-party limited
assured to ISAE 3000 (Revised) standard as described on
page 228-230. Certain employee data is included in the
financial accounts and is also subject to the financial data
third-party audit described on page 133.
Rebaselining of previous years’ data
During the year we divested several businesses as going
concerns, including our Health, Advanced Glass
Technologies and our Battery Materials businesses.
In accordance with the recommendations of the
greenhouse gas (GHG) Protocol and SECR reporting
guidance, we have removed their historical contribution
toour operational KPIs for all years from 2019/20, which
isour baseline for our 2030 sustainability targets.
Thisspecifically includes our historical data for Scope 1,
2and 3 GHG emissions, water consumption, waste and
emissions to air.
This report contains only rebaselined numbers.
In this section
Basis of reporting – non-financial data 222
Externally assured selected information
Independent Limited Assurance Statement
toJohnson Matthey Plc
Shareholder information 231
Company details Back
Basis of reporting
– non-financial data
This integrated report has been prepared in accordance
with the GRI Standards for the period 1
April 2022
March 2023. Our last annual report was published
inJune 2022. All non-financial performance data is
reported on a financial year basis unless otherwise stated.
Johnson Matthey compiles, assesses and discloses non-
financial information to demonstrate to its stakeholders
that it conducts its business in an ethical, responsible and
sustainable manner and where there is a legal obligation
todo so (for example, in accordance with the UK
Companies Act, UK Stream-lined Energy and Carbon
reporting (SECR) regulations, UK Modern Slavery Act).
This report has been developed to incorporate the group’s
significant economic, environmental and social impacts
and is set within the context of the United Nations
Brundtland definition of sustainability (1987) and our own
sustainable business goals to 2030. The principles of
inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness help to shape
thestructure of the report and to set priorities for reporting.
The report also explains how we continue to build
sustainability into our business planning and decision-
making processes and how, through our governance
processes, we manage social, environmental and ethical
matters across the group.
Restatements of previous years’ data
In addition to rebaselining, there have been some
restatements of data to account for improvements
inmethodology, coverage and quality of available data.
JM’smateriality threshold for variance is 5%. We have made
restatements of environmental performance data for the
following KPIs this year:
Scope 3 emissions from investments has been restated
following the inclusion of our pension-related
investments where JM has appointed a trustee.
emissions to Air has been restated following a review
of the methodology to calculate this KPI.
Recycled PGMs restated due to calculation refinements
post 2021/22 ARA publication.
Following a review of the methodologies for calculating
process CO
emissions and process N
0 emissions the
values have been restated for all years from base year
Material Topics
In July 2022 we partnered with a third party to refresh
ourmateriality assessment. They reviewed public domain
opinions of our investors, customers and social media users,
as well as interviewing leaders inside JM. Our material
topics were identified as:
Climate Change
Air Emissions
Water and wastewater
Waste management
Circularity and product innovation
Health and Safety
Human rights
Diversity and inclusion
Community impact
Responsible sourcing
Governance and risk management
These were approved at the SVC meeting in
For each qualifying JM technology solution, we first determine its functional unit.
Thefunctional unit is used to determine the boundary of the analysis, to ensure that the
scope ofthe calculation covers the relevant life-cycle stages leading to the avoided emissions.
Performance comparisons for our technology solution scenario are then made against
identified reference scenarios, which represent current day, conventional technologies
dominant in the market, which our emerging technologies are seeking to improve upon.
The following table gives examples of the JM technology solution families included in this
KPIand the reference scenarios used for the calculations.
JM’s technology solution Functional unit Reference scenario Solution scenario
Sustainable Aviation
tonnes CO
e /
tonne jet fuel
Conventional fossil-based
jet fuel
Jet fuel produced from municipal waste
using Fisch Tropsch technology
Low Carbon
Solutions (LCS)
tonnes CO
e /
tonne syngas
Syngas plant without LCS
(powered by fossil fuels)
Syngas plant with LCS (powered
byfossil fuels)
Low Carbon
tonnes CO
e /
TWh produced
Energy generated by
natural gas combustion
Energy generated in the form of
hydrogen from facility with carbon-
capture and storage (CCS) enabled
tonnes CO
e /
TWh produced
Energy generated by
natural gas combustion
Energy generated by electrolysers
(in form of hydrogen) powered by
100% renewable electricity
Stationary electricity
tonnes CO
e /
TWh produced
Energy generated from
fossil fuel sources (in US)
Energy generated from hydrogen
combustion (steam reforming process)
Automotive – heavy
and light duty
tonnes CO
e /
Internal combustion
engine – diesel vehicle
Fuel cell electric vehicle powered
byaverage China electricity grid mix
Planet: Protecting the climate
Our goal: Drive lower global GHG emissions
This KPI is a measure of the tonnes of GHG emissions avoided during the year by our customers’
technologies which incorporate JM’s products and solutions, compared to conventional
The KPI captures one year’s impact for all qualifying technologies that have been operational
during the year, as sold since 2020/21.
Our methodology for calculating avoided GHG emissions was developed in-house and
independently verified by EcoAct
for all product families contributing towards our target
toensure it complies with industry best practice. EcoAct concluded that our approach
complied with recognised public guidelines and considered our calculations to be both fairly
stated and representative of a balanced view of our contribution in enabling avoided
emissions through relevant technologies. EcoAct also determined that our calculations follow
industry best practice for measurement. Their full statement is available on request.
Basis of reporting – non-financial data continued
Definition of employees and contractors
These definitions are used when reporting the Health and Safety KPIs on pages 33-34 of this report. For Employee headcount numbers, only Permanent and Temporary employees are counted
as“Employees“ pages 37 and 173.
Reported as “Employees” Reported as “Contractors”
Permanent employees Temporary employees Agency employees Outsourced function Specialist service Projects
Continuously site based Continuously site based Continuously site based Continuously or regularly
site based
One-off project or regularly
based on site
One-off project
Contract signed directly
between JM and individual
and paid regular salary and
other benefits by JM
Fixed term contract signed
directly between JM and
individual. Paid regular salary
and other benefits by JM
Person employed by an
agency performing tasks that
would normally be expected
to be undertaken by a
Facility management –
catering, cleaning or grounds
maintenance; IT; and
occupational health, where
Small scale building or ground
works; repairing specialist
plant or equipment; low level
maintenance; small scale
repairs to offices or other
buildings; stack monitoring
Construction work, capital
project work, major
maintenance activities
Work is directly supervised
by JM
Work is directly supervised
by JM
Work is directly supervised
by JM
Work is supervised by contractor
and monitored by JM
Work is supervised by contractor
and monitored by JM
Work is supervised by contractor
and monitored by JM
Calculation methodologies for Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) relating
to our sustainability targets for 2030
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Basis of reporting – non-financial data continued
The lifetime of the technology is also considered to discount any impacts from the sale
ofprevious years’ technologies if these are no longer operational and, where applicable,
adjustments to capture changing performance over time are made.
No allocation between value chain partners is applied, since there are no established
guidelines for this. However, our products and solutions are vital to realising the benefits
ofthe technologies being used, and our KPI aims to accurately reflect JM’s role, in that
weenable avoided GHG emissions via the use of such technologies.
Technologies that were previously included in this metric from businesses that have been
divested during the year (Battery Materials) have been removed from the calculation and
historical years’ performance re-baselined.
SASB Resource efficiency indicator
We have also identified revenues aligned to the SASB Chemicals Sustainability Accounting
Standard definition of products designed for use-phase resource efficiency, which includes
products that “through their use – can be shown to improve energy efficiency, eliminate or
lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reduce raw materials consumption, increase product
longevity, and/or reduce water consumption”. Qualifying products are those that either:
increase the efficiency of a product during its use phase (for example, our battery materials
and fuel cell components); or
increase the efficiency of the manufacturing process used to make a product (for example,
our catalysts and additives for the chemical, oil and gas industries).
Products beyond the scope of this assessment include those specifically designed to meet
environmental regulatory requirements, and any product where a use-phase resource
efficiency benefit is unclear. Revenues aligned to the use-phase resource efficiency criteria
represent sales excluding precious metals.
Our goal: Achieve net zero by 2040
Our operational carbon footprint is reported in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO
according to the GHG Protocol corporate standard 2015 revision, www.ghgprotocol.org and
in with the UK Stream-lined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) April 2019 requirements
ofthe UK Companies Act 2006 (Strategic and Directors’ Reports) Regulations 2013.
Scope 1 GHG emissions
Our Scope 1 GHG emissions are generated by the direct burning of fuel (predominantly
natural gas), performing chemical reactions in our manufacturing processes and driving
company-owned or leased vehicles. They are calculated in tonnes CO
e using conversion
factors for each energy source as published by Defra in June 2022 and subsequently amended
in September 2022 – we have used the amended version. We include carbon dioxide (CO
nitrous oxide (N
O), refrigerant and methane (CH
) process emissions to air in our Scope 1
calculations. We don’t believe we have any material Scope 1 GHG emissions of PF5 and SF6
Scope 2 GHG emissions
Our Scope 2 GHG emissions arise from the use of electricity and steam procured from third
parties for use at our facilities. They are calculated using the ‘dual reporting’ methodology
outlined in the GHG Protocol corporate standard 2015 revision.
For the location-based method of Scope 2 accounting, for all facilities outside the US, we use
national carbon intensity factors related to the consumption of grid electricity in 2020 made
available in the 2022 edition of the world CO
emissions database of the International Energy
Agency. They were purchased under licence in February 2022 for sole use in company
reporting. For US facilities we use regional carbon factors published by the Environmental
Protection Agency in January 2023 edition of, eGRID data 2021.
For the market-based method of Scope 2 accounting, we have applied the hierarchy of
sources for determination of appropriate carbon intensity factors, as outlined in table 6.3
onpage 48 of the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. We have successfully obtained carbon
intensity factors directly from our grid electricity suppliers in the EU, US and Australia.
However, it has not been possible to obtain this information from suppliers in China, India,
South Africa and non-OECD Europe.
Scope 3 GHG emissions
Our annual Scope 3 GHG emissions are reported according to the methodology of the GHG
Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard. A variety
ofaccounting techniques were used depending on the availability of data. All value chain
emissions over which JM has financial control are included; therefore our scope 3 reporting
does not include raw materials where JM is a toll manufacturer i.e. when raw materials being
used in our factories remain in the financial ownership of our customer at all times.
When calculating the GHG footprint of each Scope 3 category, our principle of using the most
accurate data sources was applied in the following order:
GHG footprint data obtained directly from value chain partners
Mass based calculations using carbon intensity factors from respected databases, such
asDefra’s GHG reporting conversion factors and EcoInvent
Financial allocation using Avieco’s proprietary Input-Output (EEIO) model. Thiscombines
economic data from central banks and treasury departments with research data from the
World Bank, OECD and other leading environmental agencies
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Basis of reporting – non-financial data continued
Scope 3 GHG category as defined by GHG Protocol Calculation methodology
1. Purchased goods and services Where mass of purchased goods was available, this was used in combination with GHG intensity factors obtained either from
suppliers or EcoInvent. For the remaining goods and for purchased services a financial allocation (EEIO model) was used
2. Capital goods Financial allocation (EEIO model) using geographical breakdown of data shown in Accounting note 11 “Property, plant &
equipment” onpage 175
3. Fuel- and energy-related activities Defra’s GHG reporting conversion factors 2022 were used to calculate well-to-tank GHG emissions from fuel usage, transmission
anddistribution losses from purchased electricity, and well-to-tank and transmission and distribution losses of energy from steam
4. Upstream transportation and distribution Emissions data was provided by our suppliers where available. Otherwise, a financial allocation was made based on spend and
intensity factors from the EEIO model
5. Waste generated in operations Where GHG footprints were available from waste service providers they were used, otherwise Defra’s GHG reporting conversion
factors 2022 were used according to mass of waste disposal by destination see page 31
6. Business travel Footprint business travel for air and rail was obtained from our business travel service providers. Where available mileage
forpersonal car, taxi and public transport use was used in combination with Defra’s GHG reporting conversion factors 2022.
Intheabsence of mileage, afinancial allocation was made based on expenses spend and intensity factors from the EEIO model.
Accounting is by date of financialtransaction
7. Employee commuting Data is obtained by employee survey of miles travelled per week by modes of transport. Defra’s GHG reporting conversion factors
2022 are used to calculate the GHG intensity of each transport type
8. Upstream leased assets Financial allocation (EEIO model) using floor space and geographical location
9. Downstream transportation and distribution Where JM takes responsibility for the downstream distribution of goods, it was included in the upstream category calculation.
Whereour customers takes responsibility, no data is available
10. Processing of sold products No quantitative data available, but not expected to be material based on our knowledge of how our customers use our products
11. Use of sold products We have removed Use of sold products from our footprint by agreement with SBTi, as it determined that the emissions we reported
in this category were ‘indirect’ and should not, therefore, be included.
12. End of life treatment of sold products Many of JM’s products are returned to the company for recovery of the precious metals and thus end of life treatment is included
inour Scope 1 and Scope 2 footprint. JM does not have visibility of other end of life treatments
13. Downstream leased assets Included in Upstream leased assets category
14. Franchises JM does not have any franchises
15. Investments
GHG footprints from our Pensions trustee providers were used, where available, and scaled to represent JM's global employee count.
Financial allocation (EEIO model) using geographical breakdown of investment revenues from each entity
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Basis of reporting – non-financial data continued
Planet: Protecting nature and advancing
the circular economy
Our goal: Advancing the circular economy to conserve
scarce resources
Our KPI to monitor how we are advancing the circular economy is a measurement of all %
recycled platinum group metals in our manufactured goods on a mass basis.
We include use of five PGMs – platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium and iridium in our
target. This is defined as the weighted global average of all goods manufactured in our plants
over the course of the reporting year and includes metal that is both sourced and funded
byJM and metal sourced and funded by our customers.
We define primary metal as metal from a mine or originating outside of the refining loop.
This is measured by recording the amount of metal matching this description that has been
used in product manufacturing over the given time-period.
We define secondary or recycled metal as platinum-group metal-bearing material that has
come from an end use (including post-consumer product scrap and waste materials) and
hasnot come to JM in the form of ingot, concentrate or matte directly from a mining process.
This makes up the balance of metal that has been used in product manufacturing over the
given time-period.
Our goal: Minimising our environmental footprint to
protect nature
Total hazardous waste produced
This KPI is a record of how much hazardous waste we generate from our operations that can
no longer be used by Johnson Matthey and has to be sent off site for treatment. We define
hazardous waste in line with local regulatory requirements in the particular territory where
the waste is generated. For example, in Europe we consider the EU Waste Framework
Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council). We measure
the amount of solid and liquid hazardous waste and report in metric tonnes of material.
Wemeasure the total weights sent off site, including any entrained water, and we consider
allmaterial waste no longer of use to Johnson Matthey. We categorise its destination in the
following ways:
Sent outside JM for beneficial reuse.
Sent outside JM for recycling.
Sent outside JM for incineration with energy recovery.
Sent outside JM for incineration or treatment without energy recovery.
Sent outside JM for landfill disposal.
Net water usage
This KPI is a record of how much water we withdraw through our operations.
The KPI includes all freshwater sources – mains supplied water that we receive from
municipalities, public or private utility companies, ground water that is extracted from below
the earth’s surface and fresh surface water that we extract from rivers, wetlands, lakes etc.
Wedo not include rainwater or any brackish surface water. We subtract any water that
isreturned to the source from which it is extracted at the same or better quality
Nitrogen Oxide (NO
) emissions
This KPI is a record of direct emissions of harmful nitrogen oxides to the environment from
our manufacturing facilities. NO
is a generic term which includes nitric oxide (NO) and
nitrogen dioxide (NO
), but excludes nitrous oxide (N
We measure this KPI in metric tonnes. The value is derived from continuous monitoring
equipment where present, or from stoichiometric calculations based on our knowledge
generation from our chemical processes. We consider all sources of NO
from the
combustion of fuel in steam boilers to the gaseous output of our processes that emit NO
Wereport the value after any abatement or treatment has taken place within our
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Basis of reporting – non-financial data continued
Our goal: Keep people safe
Total recordable injury and illness rate (TRIIR) is defined as the number of recordable cases
per 200,000 hours worked in a rolling year and includes cases affecting both our employees
and contractors.
A recordable case (as defined under the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) Regulations) is defined as a work related accident or illness that results in one or
more of the following: absence of more than one day; medical treatment beyond first aid;
death; loss of consciousness and restricted work or transfer to another job.
The OSHA severity rate is a calculation that gives a company an average of the number
oflost days and restricted days per recordable incident.
The process safety event severity rate (PSESR) is measured according to the methodology
approved by International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). The metric first requires
adetermination that the event is to be included in the process safety event severity rate
(PSESR) calculation and then determining the severity using the severity table.
In determining this rate, 1 point is assigned for each Level 4 incident attribute, 3 points
foreach Level 3 attribute, 9 points for each Level 2 attribute, and 27 points for each Level 1
attribute. The PSESR is recorded as a 12 month rolling number. Total worker hours include
employees, temporary employees and contractors.
Theoretically, a process safety event could be assigned a minimum of 1 point (i.e. the incident
meets the attributes of a Level 4 incident in only one category) or a maximum of 135 points
(i.e. the incident meets the attributes of a Level 1 incident in each of the five categories).
A Tier 1 Process Safety Event (T-1 PSE) is a loss of primary containment (LOPC) with the
greatest consequence as defined by American Petroleum Institute recommended practice
(RP) 754.
Our goal: Create a diverse, inclusive and engaged company
Employee Engagement
All permanent and fixed term contract employees are invited to voluntarily complete an
employee survey at regular intervals to determine the engagement and wellbeing of staff
using a standard methodology defined by Workday Peakon – an independent third party
usedby companies globally. All responses are submitted confidentially to Workday Peakon
and results are independently analysed and shared with all managers who met the minimum
response threshold of five responses from their team. Through the survey we measure
attributes on a scale of 0 to 10.
The survey measures employee engagement through three questions:
1) to what extent they would recommend JM as employer to others,
2) to what extent they intend to stay with JM,
3) in general how satisfied they are with their employment at JM.
Gender diversity
Our target KPI counts the percentage of all management level employees (permanent and
temporary) who are registered female on the 31
March in the reporting year.
For this purpose, an employee’s gender is determined based on their registered gender at birth
or otherwise legally recognised gender as disclosed by the employee.
Our goal: Invest in our local communities
Our target KPI is an annual record of the total number of employee volunteering days undertaken
by permanent employees within their local communities, in accordance with JM’s global
Employee Volunteering Policy. The volunteering is recorded in days, assuming that the standard
full-time equivalent employee day is 8 hours. The recorded volunteering days may have been
completed either on company time or on paid company leave. Volunteering done on unpaid
leave, or outside normal working hours, is not included in the reported numbers. In determining
the in-kind contribution of employees’ volunteering we take the number of volunteering days
reported in the year and multiply it by the group average cost of one day of employee time.
Calculation for indirect expenditure in
community investment
Number of working days in a year is five days per week for 50 weeks per year.
Average cost of one day of
employee time
Total employee benefits expense in year
Number of working days in year x Average
number of permanent employees
OSHA severity rate = Total lost days and restricted days in the year
x 200,000
Total hrs worked during the year
ICCA process safety severity rate (Level 1 to Level 4) =
Total severity score for all events per 200,000 hrs worked during the year
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
ERM Certification and Verification Services Limited (“ERM CVS”) was engaged by Johnson Matthey PLC (“Johnson Matthey”) to provide limited assurance in relation to the selected information
setout below and presented in the Johnson Matthey Annual Report and Accounts 2023 (the “Report”).
Externally assured selected information by ERM CVS
Metric name Unit of Measure 2022/23 total figure
Total Scope 1 GHG emissions tonnes CO
e 233,300
Total Scope 2 GHG emissions (market-based) tonnes CO
e 130,386
Total Scope 2 GHG emissions (location-based) tonnes CO
e 204,848
Total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emission (market-based) tonnes CO
e 363,686
Total Scope 1 and 2 carbon intensity (market-based) tonnes CO
tonne sales
Year on year change in Scope 1 and 2 carbon intensity % -8%
Total Scope 3 (Category 3) Fuel and Energy-related GHG
tonnes CO
e 41,018
Total energy consumption MWh 1,185,612
Total non-renewable energy consumption kWh 986,948,044
Total renewable energy purchased or generated kWh 198,664,193
Certified renewable electricity consumption % 41%
Total Scope 3 (Category 1) Purchased Goods and Services
GHG emissions
tonnes CO
e 2,495,475
Total freshwater withdrawal (all sources) m
Total water discharged back to original source m
Net freshwater consumption 000's m
Average direct Chemical Oxygen Demand of wastewater
mg/L 242
Coverage for COD reporting % 75%
Metric name Unit of Measure 2022/23 total figure
Freshwater consumed in regions of high or
extremely high baseline water stress
000's m
Total waste sent off site tonnes 62,885
Total waste disposed off site to landfill tonnes 4,347
Total solid waste disposed off site tonnes 4,369
Total solid waste generated for treatment off site tonnes 17,307
Total solid waste sent off site to be reused or recycled tonnes 12,938
Total hazardous waste sent off site for treatment tonnes 41,860
Nitrogen oxides (NO
) emissions to air tonnes 336
Sulphur oxides (SO
) emissions to air tonnes 31
Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) emissions to air tonnes 42
Coverage for NO
reporting % 86%
Coverage for SO
reporting % 36%
Coverage for VOCs reporting % 57%
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) employees n/million hrs 1.16
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) contractors n/million hrs 1.37
Occupational Illness Frequency Rate (OIFR) n/million hrs 0.08
Tier 1 Process Safety events rate Tier 1 events/
1,000,000 hrs
Total Recordable Injury and Illness Rate(TRIIR)
employees + contractors
n/200,000 hrs 0.47
ICCA Process Safety Event Severity Rate (PSESR) PSESR/200,000 hrs 1.02
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent Limited Assurance Statement to Johnson Matthey PLC
ERM Certification and Verification Services Limited (“ERM CVS”) was engaged by Johnson Matthey PLC (“Johnson Matthey”) to provide limited assurance in relation to the selected information
setout below and presented in the Johnson Matthey Annual Report and Accounts 2023 (the “Report”).
Engagement summary
Scope of our assurance
Whether the 2022/23 selected information as presented on page 228 of the Report are fairly presented, in all material respects, in accordance with the
Our assurance engagement does not extend to information in respect of earlier periods or to any other information included in the Report.
Reporting period 1
April 2022 – 31
March 2023
Reporting criteria WBCSD/WRI GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (2004, as updated January 2015) and GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance
Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) regulations
Johnson Matthey’s Basis of reporting – non-financial data found in the ‘other information’ section of the Report.
Assurance standard
and level of assurance
We performed a limited assurance engagement, in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements ISAE 3000 (Revised) ‘Assurance
Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information’ issued by the International Auditing and Standards Board.
The procedures performed in a limited assurance engagement vary in nature and timing from, and are less in extent than for a reasonable assurance engagement
and consequently, the level of assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is substantially lower than the assurance that would have been obtained had
areasonable assurance engagement been performed.
Johnson Matthey is responsible for preparing the Report and for the collection and presentation of the information within it, and for the designing, implementing
and maintaining of internal controls relevant to the preparation and presentation of the Report.
ERM CVS’ responsibility is to provide conclusions to Johnson Matthey on the agreed scope based on our engagement terms with Johnson Matthey, the assurance
activities performed and exercising our professional judgement. We accept no responsibility, and deny any liability, to any party other than Johnson Matthey for the
conclusions we have reached.
Our conclusion
Based on our activities, as described below, nothing has come to our attention to indicate that the 2022/23 selected information presented on page 228 of the Report, are not fairly stated,
inallmaterial respects in accordance with the reporting criteria.
Our assurance activities
Considering the level of assurance and our assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the Report a multi-disciplinary team of sustainability and assurance specialists performed a range
ofprocedures that included, but was not restricted to, the following:
Assessing the appropriateness of the reporting criteria for the selected information.
Interviews with management representatives responsible for managing the selected issues.
Interviews with relevant staff to understand and evaluate the relevant management systems and processes (including internal review and control processes) used for collecting and reporting
theselected disclosures.
A review at corporate level of a sample of qualitative and quantitative evidence supporting the reported information.
An analytical review of the year-end data submitted by locations included in the consolidated group data for the selected disclosures which included testing the completeness and mathematical
accuracy of conversions and calculations, and consolidation in line with the stated reporting boundary.
In-person site visits to Bawal (India), Skopje (North Macedonia) and West Deptford Chemicals, NJ (USA), as well as virtual site visits to Brimsdown (UK) and Clitheroe (UK) and desktop reviews
ofEmmerich (Germany) and Savannah, GA (USA) to review local reporting processes and consistency of reported annual data with selected underlying source data.
Confirming conversion and emission factors and assumptions used.
Reviewing the presentation of information relevant to the scope of our work in the Report to ensure consistency with our findings.
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Independent Limited Assurance Statement to Johnson Matthey PLC continued
The limitations of our engagement
The reliability of the assured information is subject to inherent uncertainties, given the
available methods for determining, calculating or estimating the underlying information.
Itisimportant to understand our assurance conclusions in this context.
Our independence, integrity and quality control
ERM CVS is an independent certification and verification body accredited by UKAS to ISO
17021:2015. Accordingly we maintain a comprehensive system of quality control, including
documented policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical requirements,
professional standards, and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Our quality
management system is at least as demanding as the relevant sections of ISQM-1 and
ERM CVS applies a Code of Conduct and related policies to ensure that its employees maintain
integrity, objectivity, professional competence and high ethical standards in their work.
Ourprocesses are designed and implemented to ensure that the work we undertake is
objective, impartial and free from bias and conflict of interest. Our certified management
system covers independence and ethical requirements that are at least as demanding as
therelevant sections of Parts A & B of the IESBA Code relating to assurance engagements.
The team that has undertaken this assurance engagement has extensive experience in
conducting assurance on environmental, social, ethical and health and safety information,
systems and processes, and provides no consultancy related services to Johnson Matthey
inany respect.
Gareth Manning
Partner, Corporate Assurance
London, United Kingdom
18 May 2023
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Key shareholder facts
Johnson Matthey share price as at 31
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
3,042p 3,142p 1,798p 3,013p 1,879p 1,983p
By size of holding
Number of
Percentage of
of issued
1 – 1,000 3,929 74.05% 0.65%
1,001 – 10,000 1,049 19.77% 1.65%
10,001 – 100,000 192 3.62% 3.74%
100,001 – 1,000,000 97 1.83% 18.63%
1,000,001 – 5,000,000 33 0.62% 36.65%
5,000,001 and over 6 0.11% 38.68%
Total 5,306 100.00% 100.00%
Dividend – pence per share
2018 2019 2020 2021 2023
Interim 21.75 23.25 24.50 20.00 22.00 22.00
Final 58.25 62.25 31.125 50.00 55.00 55.00
Total ordinary 80.0 85.5 55.625 70.00 77.00 77.00
1. Issued share capital balances exclude treasury shares of 10,136,428
2. The size of holding figures as a percentage of the issued share capital are approximate due to the liquidity of the register
The Board is proposing a final dividend for 2022/23 of 55.00 pence, to take the total for the
year to 77.00 pence.
By location
of shares
UK and Eire 112,046,998 61.08%
USA and Canada 30,772,579 16.77%
Continental Europe 29,918,105 16.31%
Asia Pacific 4,612,414 2.51%
Rest of World 702,934 0.38%
Unidentified 5,400,387 2.94%
Total 183,453,417 100.00%
By category
of shares
Investment and unit trusts 95,338,887 51.97%
Pension funds 21,393,579 11.66%
Individuals 67,278 0.04%
Custodians 17,611,620 9.60%
Insurance companies 11,051,044 6.02%
Sovereign wealth funds 4,718,398 2.57%
Charities 333,464 0.18%
Other 32,939,147 17.96%
Total 183,453,417 100.00%
Shareholder information
Johnson Matthey | Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Electronic communications
We’re encouraging our shareholders to receive their shareholder information by email and via
our website. This allows us to provide you with information quicker and helps us to be more
sustainable by reducing paper and printing materials.
To register for electronic shareholder communications, visit our registrar’s website
Dividends can be paid directly into shareholders’ bank or building society accounts. Thisallows
you to receive your dividend immediately and is cost-effective for your company. Totake
advantage of this, please contact Equiniti via shareview.co.uk or complete the dividend
mandate form you receive with your next dividend cheque. A Dividend Reinvestment Plan
isalso available which allows shareholders to purchase additional shares in the company.
You can find information about the company quickly and easily on our website matthey.com.
Here you will find information on the company’s current share price together with copies
ofthe group’s full-year and half-year reports and major presentations to analysts and
institutional shareholders.
Shareholders who wish to contact Johnson Matthey Plc on any matter relating to their
shareholding are invited to contact the company’s registrars, Equiniti. Their contact details
are included below. Equiniti also offer a share dealing service by telephone: 0345 603 7037
or online shareview.co.uk/dealing.
By phone: +44(0)371 384 2344 Please use the country code when calling from outside
theUK. When you call, please quote your 11-digit Shareholder Reference Number.
Telephone lines are open 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays
inEngland and Wales.
By post: Equiniti, Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex BN99 6DA
Online: shareview.co.uk
Shareholders may also contact the company directly using the details below.
By phone: +44 20 7269 8000
By email: jmir@matthey.com
By post: The Company Secretary, Johnson Matthey Plc, 5
Floor 25 Farringdon Street,
LondonEC4A 4AB
American Depositary Receipts
Johnson Matthey has a sponsored Level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programme
which BNY Mellon administers and for which it acts as Depositary. Each ADR represents two
Johnson Matthey ordinary shares. The ADRs trade on the US over-the-counter (OTC) market
under the symbol JMPLY. When dividends are paid to shareholders, the Depositary converts
those dividends into US dollars, net of fees and expenses, and distributes the net amount
toADR holders.
For enquiries, BNY Mellon can be contacted on 1-888-BNY-ADRS (1-888-269-2377) toll
freeif you are calling from within the US. Alternatively, they can be contacted by e-mail
atshrrelations@cpushareownerservices.com or via their website at www.adrbnymellon.com.
Financial calendar 2023
Ex dividend date
Final dividend record date
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Payment of final dividend subject to the approval of shareholders at the AGM
Announcement of results for the six months ending 30
September 2023
Shareholder information continued
We have chosen to print on Edixion Offset, a primary material paper which
is independently certified according to the rules of the Forest Stewardship
Council® (FSC®) and from responsible sources. We continue to educate
ourselves and evolve our thoughts in this area as well as search for a
secondary material paper which can offer the same consistency in colour,
robustness and print quality to produce a clear, crisp report for our
stakeholders. We kindly ask that once you have finished with this report to
share it with someone who it may be of interest to or to recycle this as we
acknowledge that primary fibres from sustainably managed forests are
critical to maintain the paper cycle.
More on paper sustainability: twosides.info
Designed and produced by Black Sun Global.
Printed in the UK by Pureprint, aCarbonNeutral
Both manufacturing paper mill and the printer are registered to the
Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004 and are Forest
Stewardship Council® (FSC) chain-of-custody certified.
Registered Office
Johnson Matthey Plc
25 Farringdon Street
London EC4A 4AB
Johnson Matthey Plc is a public company
limited by shares registered in England and
Wales with the registered number 33774.