Minimise our environmental footprint


We are committed to protecting the ecosystems around our sites and minimising all our potentially harmful interactions.

Our global environmental, health and safety (EHS) policies, processes and management system help us to maintain a high level of environmental performance. All our sites are assessed against these standards by our centralised EHS audit team at least once every three years. 

Minimising waste: reduce, reuse, recycle

We are committed to minimising waste generation and recycling as much as possible. Our operations create waste, which is always treated in line with local regulations. But beyond that we are committed to disposing of it responsibly and in a safe manner, working with specialist treatment companies. 

We continue to work with third-party waste providers, looking for opportunities to divert our waste away from disposal.

We have established processes to recover PGMs from our production waste and subsequently recycle in our own refineries.

Our manufacturing processes produce different types of waste, some of which is hazardous. We have set ourselves a target to reduce our hazardous waste by 50% by 2030 (on baseline 2019/20 value).

Using water responsibly

We use water as a raw material to make some of our products and to heat and cool our operations.

Water is one of our planet’s most precious resources and we endeavour to use it in a responsible, sustainable way. To reaffirm our commitment to sustainable water management in our operations, we have a target to reduce our net water usage by 25% by 2030 (on baseline 2019/20 value).

Reducing emissions to air 

As well as greenhouse gases (GHGs) some of our operations produce other air emissions, including nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These emissions arise when we burn fuels in our furnaces to generate heat and are also produced as byproducts in some of the chemical reactions that are involved when we make our products.

All our permitted sites monitor these emissions to ensure that they comply with local regulations. 

We don’t produce ozone-depleting substances (ODS) through our operations, however, any small leaks of refrigerant gases are reported in our Scope 1 GHG emissions.

Annual Report

View the 'Sustainability' section in our latest Annual Report.

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