Policies and disclosures
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Our global anti-bribery and corruption policy supports our zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. It states how our employees should behave and what they should do if confronted with bribery or corruption.
The policy is available in several languages, visit the page below to select your language.
Board Diversity Policy Statement
This document sets out the policy of Johnson Matthey Plc (the company) in respect of board diversity.
Competition Law Policy
Conflict Minerals Policy
At JM, the integrity of our supply chain is crucial to how we do business and we aim to ensure we are responsibly sourcing all raw materials and services. Our Conflict Minerals Policy supports JM's businesses globally in complying with all relevant conflict minerals laws and to further strengthen the integrity of our supply chain.
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Data Protection Policy
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Policy
Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy
Johnson Matthey is firmly committed to managing its activities throughout the group so as to protect the environment and safeguard the health and safety of its employees, customers, the community and all other stakeholders.
The company’s Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) policies provide the guiding principles necessary to ensure that high standards are achieved at all sites around the world. They also afford a means of promoting continuous improvement based on risk assessment and comprehensive EHS management systems, against which all sites are audited.
Employee Leave Policy
Export Controls and Sanctions Policy
Financial Crime Policy
Gifts, Hospitality and Charitable Donations Policy
Human Rights Policy
Intellectual Property and Innovation Policy
Procurement Policy
Speak Up Policy
Tax Policy
Position statements
Animal testing
Code of Ethics
Nature Strategy Statement
Platinum and Palladium Supply Chain Statement
Supplier Code of Conduct
CDP Information Request
Climate Change
Conflict Minerals Annual Disclosure
Alongside our Conflict Minerals Policy we have published our annual Conflict Minerals Disclosure . The Disclosure includes the steps the group has taken to ensure JM is responsibly sourcing tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (3TGs) in financial year 2021/22.
Gender Pay Gap Report
Johnson Matthey is committed to developing a truly inclusive culture that supports diversity within our company. This is hugely important for us as we want everyone who works for us to feel included. In addition, leveraging that diversity will enhance our innovation, enabling us to create better products for our customers and a cleaner, healthier world today, and for future generations.
GRI Index
Modern Slavery Statement
Johnson Matthey recognises that we are responsible for the impact of our business activities on the people who work for or with us and the people within the communities where we operate. We act on this responsibility by using our influence to promote and protect the human rights of all those we work with and alongside.
View our Modern Slavery Statement
Visit the page below to learn more about JM’s approach to tackling modern slavery.
Poland atomic law declaration
Acting in accordance with the requirements set out in Article 32c (2) of the act of 29 November 2000 atomic law (consolidated text Journal of laws 2023, item 1173), in the last 12 months there have been no impacts on human health and the environment, and there have been no releases of radioactive substances into the environment in connection with the activities.
Responsible Platinum & Palladium Guidance (RPPG) Compliance Reports
Sustainability Performance Databook
UN Global Compact
Johnson Matthey continues to support the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Ten Principles of the UNGC on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.