Doug Webb
Independent Non-Executive Director

Skills and experience
Doug was Chief Financial Officer at Meggitt plc from 2013 to 2018, and was previously Chief Financial Officer at London Stock Exchange Group plc and QinetiQ Group plc. Before that, he held senior finance roles at Logica plc. Doug began his career at Price Waterhouse’s audit and business advisory team. He is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
Doug has a strong background in corporate financial management and a deep understanding of the technology and engineering sectors. Doug chaired the Audit Committee at SEGRO plc for nine years until April 2019, making him ideally suited to chairing JM’s Audit Committee and acting as its financial expert.
External appointments
Non-Executive Director of United Utilities Group PLC.
Appointed to the board
September 2019
Committee membership
Audit Committee (Chair), Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee, Investment Committee