£ 15.7 bn
revenue, +8%
£ 3922 m
sales, -5%
£ 504 m
underlying operating profit, -5%
70 p
ordinary dividend per share
"COVID-19 tested us all last year, but we surpassed even our own expectations of what we’re capable of.
These are exciting times for Johnson Matthey. While our products are essential in helping the world achieve its net zero ambitions, we’re also setting our own tough new sustainability targets."
Robert MacLeod, Chief Executive

1 in 3
new cars carries one of our emission control catalysts
211 k tonnes
CO2 equivalent avoided by our battery materials and fuel cell technology in 2020/21
10 s of MW
green hydrogen capacity enabled by our products - enough to power several thousand homes
2.5 m tonnes
pollutants prevented from getting into the air by our catalysts every year
£ 194 m
gross R&D expenditure
11 %
employees in R&D roles
87.3 %
R&D spend contributing to four priority UN SDGs
> 1600
R&D employees
84.7 %
sales from products contributing to our four priority UN SDGs
£ 37 m
cost savings from transformation programme in 2020/21
8.1 /10
customer satisfaction, +0.1
£ 194 m
gross R&D expenditure
£ 504 m
underlying operating profit, -5%
£ 3922 m
sales, -5%
182 p
underlying earnings per share, -9%
57 days
average working capital days (excl. precious metals)
tonnes CO2 eq. Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions, -1%
total recordable injury and illness rate (2019/20: 0.79)
27 %
female representation in management (2019/20: 30%)
65 %
employee engagement (2019/20: 63%)
Annual report sections
Sustainability reporting