Johnson Matthey reacts to European Commission delay to Euro 7 proposals
Johnson Matthey reacts to European Commission delay to Euro 7 proposals
01 July 2022
As the European Commission delays Euro 7, regulations designed to tighten emission limits for petrol and diesel vehicles, Liam Condon, CEO of JM says:
“Further delay to the EU Commission’s proposal for emission standards could risk delays to implementation timings for Euro 7 and negatively impact European air quality and the health of European citizens.
"Alongside Johnson Matthey's commitment to catalysing the net zero transition for our customers, we will continue to play a significant role in delivering cleaner Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs), including for hybrid vehicles, and realising the health benefits this will bring.
"That’s why Johnson Matthey and the industry are working with our customers on improving commercial autocatalysts and bringing innovation to emissions control, which is a key part of our vision for a world that’s cleaner and healthier, today and for future generations.”
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