Johnson Matthey Plc - Board Changes
05 June 2013
Johnson Matthey Plc announces that, after a long and distinguished career, Bill Sandford will retire as an executive director of the company on 9th October 2013. Bill is Executive Director, Precious Metal Products, a position he has held since 2009. Prior to this, Bill held a number of senior management positions within Precious Metal Products Division. He joined the company in 1977.
Commenting on Bill’s retirement, Tim Stevenson, Chairman of Johnson Matthey, said: “On behalf of all of us at Johnson Matthey, I would like to thank Bill for his great contribution to the company over many years and wish him all the very best for his retirement. Bill has made a wide ranging and consistently strong contribution to Johnson Matthey's business over many years. His wise counsel and depth of experience of our business will be greatly missed at the board.”
Concurrent with Bill’s retirement, we are pleased to announce the appointment of John Walker as an executive director of the company also with effect from 9th October 2013.
John, aged 53, has been with Johnson Matthey since 1984 and has held senior management positions within Emission Control Technologies (ECT) in the USA, Asia and Europe before becoming Division Director, ECT in 2009. John will have board level responsibility for ECT.
There are no other disclosures required in respect of John Walker pursuant to Rule 9.6.13 of the Listing Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority.
Commenting on John’s appointment, Tim Stevenson said: “We are delighted to welcome John Walker as an executive director to the board of Johnson Matthey. John has a wealth of experience and knowledge of our Emission Control Technologies business. I look forward to his contribution to the work of the board."