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Methanation technology

Our methanation technology, utilising our CRG catalysts , performs the key chemical transformation of syngas into SNG, and ensures the final product is of a suitable quality for injection into gas distribution networks.


Methanation catalysts

Methanation is the reaction by which carbon oxides and hydrogen are converted to methane and water. The reaction is catalysed by nickel catalysts. In industry, there are two main uses for methanation, to purify synthesis gas (i.e. remove traces of carbon oxides) and to manufacture methane.


Dimethyl ether process

DME is an alternative automotive fuel solution and can be used as fuel in diesel engines, gasoline and gas turbines. Johnson Matthey offers the DAVY™ DME process, which uses methanol feed, as an extension to our methanol flowsheet.


Methylamines process

Johnson Matthey's DAVY™ methylamines (MA) flowsheet is the most extensively licensed process of its kind in the world. As such, it is well-proven through extensive use across a majority of operating MA plants. We have continued to improve our process and today offer an improved derivative of our original design.
