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Clean air solutions: Johnson Matthey's three-way catalysts prevent air pollution from rich-burn and stoichiometric gas engines.
Clean air solutions: our system offers cost-effective, low-temperature oxidation of methane from active and abandoned coal mines.
Clean air solutions: Johnson Matthey’s SINOx® mixed oxide catalysts can be used alone or in combination with precious metal oxidation catalysts for more efficient and economical catalyst systems.
Clean air solutions: Johnson Matthey's MODULEX and DUALOX® catalytic converters for stationary engines were developed to satisfy the increasing demand for clean air technology combined with silencing.
Clean air solutions: our SCRT® technology combines the diesel particulate filter system, incorporating an oxidation catalyst, to control CO, HC and PM, and a SCR catalyst to reduce NOx emissions.
Clean air solutions: Johnson Matthey's HAPGUARD temperature and pressure monitor ensures that your catalytic converter remains in compliance with RICE NESHAP for clean air.
Clean air solutions: SINOX® honeycomb SCR and plate SCR catalyst are pre-installed in element frames or modules for durability and easy handling.
Clean air solutions: Johnson Matthey SCR systems prevent air pollution from stationary diesel and natural gas engines for cleaner energy and cleaner air.
Diesel particulate filter systems / engines
Clean air solutions: our integrated SCRT® technology for US EPA Tier 4 diesel engine compliance.
GDH enzymes catalyses the oxidation of D-glucose to D-glucolactone, while reducing in turn NAD+ or NADP+ to NADH and NADPH.
Aldolization is a key part of the oxo alcohols process where two aldehydes combine to produce a larger aldehyde which is then converted to an alcohol by hydrogenation.
View Johnson Matthey’s PURASPEC CLEAR chloride absorbents for the oil and gas industry.
The removal of COS is carried out by a two stage process which involves the hydrolysis of the COS and the subsequent absorption of the H2S which is produced by this reaction.
PROTELEC getter materials are used to ensure a hermetic (sealed) environment is available within electronics packages such as source lasers, gyroscopes, microwaves and medical packaging, to prevent premature device failure.
We can provide a full range of products to ensure an economic purification solution.
Johnson Matthey is the market leader in the production of mercury removal adsorbents for the gas processing industry. Our PURASPEC range of adsorbents is tailored for effective and complete mercury removal from hydrocarbon streams.
The PURASPEC product range contains a specially designed absorbent which is selective for the removal of arsine from natural gas streams. PURASPEC material is proven in the field for the last 15 years for arsine removal from natural gas streams.
PURACARE tailored service is designed to take care of all aspects of operation, maintenance and absorbent/catalyst recycling for our global customers in the Gas Processing industry.
CAS Number: 1798782-25-8 | [tBuXPhos Pd(allyl)]OTf
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