Mercury removal is critical to prevent risks to health and environment, improve process safety and meet product specifications.
The high toxicity of mercury and its ability to accumulate in the food chain can pose very significant and long-term damage to human health and the environment. Process equipment corrosion due to liquid metal embrittlement or alloying may cause catastrophic plant loss of containment.
Johnson Matthey is offering our market leading mercury removal absorbents, in line with our vision for cleaner and healthier world.

Our PURASPEC™ range of absorbents are tailored for effective and complete mercury removal in gas and liquid phase duties. PURASPEC mercury absorbent portfolio combines decades of industry experience with the newest innovations in manufacturing technology.
PURASPEC fixed bed absorbents are suited for a range of applications within the gas processing, refining and petrochemical markets. These are also suitable for use in emerging sustainability and decarbonisation driven technologies such as renewable and recyclable feeds, and CCUS.
Johnson Matthey is proud to present our latest innovations in mercury removal, combining enhanced protection against mercury contamination with more efficient use of its active components. As a result, the next generation of PURASPEC absorbents have significantly improved mercury removal capacity, faster kinetics and higher resistance to process upsets.
These impressive benefits give our customers operational flexibility, better management of their capital and operational expenditure, and less waste:
Best mercury removal performance (PURASPEC 1198/1199/5198/5199):
Lowest absorbent volume for a given duty, reducing the CAPEX for new projects
Longer absorbent lives, giving the best lifecycle cost
Short-fill options for existing facilities, reducing OPEX
Most versatile in operation (PURASPEC 1193/1194/5193/5194):
High capacity, reliable performance and long predictable life in "fit-and-forget" system
Can safely be loaded in air or oxygen-containing atmosphere without loss of performance
Robust formulations that withstand plant upsets such as the carryover of free liquids
Maintain physical integrity for unloading at the end of life
PURASPEC absorbents are designed to remove wide range of elemental mercury concentrations from natural gas, condensate/NGL, LNG, vent and shale gases and CO₂ but the list is not exclusive. PURASPEC mercury removal absorbents operate flexibly within any flowsheet (e.g. upstream/downstream of driers, acid gas removal units etc). Thus, Johnson Matthey’s PURASPEC absorbent bed provides protection for much of the plant and avoids the problems and costs associated with widespread plant contamination and mercury emissions that have been encountered by many operators.
Johnson Matthey’s representatives should be consulted to determine which product is most appropriate for any given application/duty and how to maximise its utilisation. All our products are supported by dedicated regional teams and are fully re-processable at the end of life.