Buchwald palladacycle kit

This kit contains a range of 2nd and 3rd generation Buchwald palladacycles that are air stable complexes and can be rapidly activated under mild conditions. They provide several advantages over the in-situ catalyst generation including lower catalyst loading and shorter reactions times. The kit contains 1 gram each of:

 Catalogue #  CAS #  Description
 BPC-201  1310584-14-5  XPhos Palladacycle 2nd Gen
 BPC-203  1375325-64-6  SPhos Palladacycle 2nd Gen
 BPC-302  Not assigned  tBuXPhos Palladacycle 3rd Gen
 BPC-304  1470372-59-8  BrettPhos Palladacycle 3rd Gen
 BPC-305  1536473-72-9  tBuBrettPhos Palladacycle 3rd Gen
 BPC-306  1445085-77-7  RuPhos Palladacycle 3rd Gen
 Pd-168  1375325-71-5  [P(tBu)3] Palladacycle 2nd Gen
 Pd-179  1375325-77-1  XantPhos Palladacycle 2nd Gen
 Pd-183  Not assigned  AmPhos Palladacycle 2nd Gen
 Pd-185  1353658-81-7  (PCy3) Palladacycle 2nd Gen


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