Argo-braze™ filler metals and brazing pastes

ARGO-BRAZETM products are most commonly used for brazing cemented tungsten carbide and tungsten carbide faced PCD tips. The manganese and/or nickel in them improve wetting of the filler metal.

Tri-foils are composite materials with the brazing filler metal shown above on either side of a central copper core. They are designed to artificially thicken a joint, relieving stress and reducing the incidence of cracking. Tri-foils are commonly used for brazing of large tungsten carbide segments (>20mm) and in cases where residual stress from cooling is a factor.

ARGO-BRAZE alloys are also available which can be used in vacuum applications and to prevent interfacial corrosion.

For Tungsten Carbide and PCD


Ag Cu Ni Mn In Melting Range
64 26 2 2 6 730 - 780oC


ARGO-BRAZE 64 was developed principally for brazing tungsten carbide tipped components which have to be subsequently treated with a PVD (physical vapour deposition) coating such as titanium nitride. It does not contain elements, such as cadmium or zinc, which can be volatile under coating conditions depending on the process used. ARGO-BRAZE 64 has reasonable melting and flow characteristics.


Ag Cu Zn Ni ISO 17672 Melting Range
50 20 28 2 Ag 450 660 - 705oC


ARGO-BRAZE 502 is particularly recommended for brazing small to medium sized tungsten carbide pieces between 10-20mm in any dimension. The nickel in the filler metal improves wetting on carbide, whilst the absence of manganese gives it preferable flow and appearance when compared to ARGO-BRAZE 49H. This factor can make it a preferred option with brazing operators. The optimum joint gap is 0.1 - 0.25mm.

4788, BAg-24


Ag Cu Zn Ni Mn ISO 17672 Melting Range
49 16 23 4.5 7.5 Ag 449 680 - 705oC


ARGO-BRAZE 49H filler metal is recommended for brazing small to medium sized tungsten carbide pieces between 10-20mm in any dimension. The manganese and nickel in the alloy improve wetting on difficult to wet grades of tungsten carbide. Argo-braze™ 49H is also widely used for the brazing of poly-crystalline diamond pieces. The optimum joint gap is 0.1 - 0.25mm.




Ag Cu Zn Ni ISO 17672 Melting Range
40 30 28 2 Ag 440 670 - 780oC


ARGO-BRAZE 40 can be used for the brazing of tungsten carbide provided that the higher liquidus of 780˚C can be tolerated without causing post braze cracking. This filler metal is a good general purpose gap-filler that is also used to braze steel components where joint gaps cannot be tightly controlled. It is a more economical product compared to the 49% and 50% silver products above. The optimum joint gap is 0.1 - 0.25mm.


Tri-foil range

ARGO-BRAZE 502 tri-foil

Ag Cu Zn Ni Melting Range
50 20 28 2 660 - 705oC


ARGO-BRAZE 502 Tri-foil is a composite material with the brazing filler metal on either side of a central copper core. ARGO-BRAZE 502 Tri-foil is ideal for brazing large carbide pieces of more than 20mm in any dimension. Tri-foil is designed to artificially thicken a joint, relieving stress and reducing the incidence of cracking. The absence of manganese in this filler metal gives it a preferable appearance when compared to ARGO-BRAZE49 LM and allows the tungsten carbide to float more easily during positioning.

ARGO-BRAZE 49LM tri-foil

Ag Cu Zn Ni Mn Melting Range
49 27.5 20.5 0.5 2.5 670 - 710oC


ARGO-BRAZE 49 LM Tri-foil is a composite material with the brazing filler metal on either side of a central copper core. ARGO-BRAZE 49 LM Tri-foil is ideal for brazing large carbide pieces of more than 20mm in any dimension. Tri-foil is designed to artificially thicken a joint, relieving stress and reducing the incidence of cracking. The addition of manganese improves wetting on difficult to wet grades of carbide.

ARGO-BRAZE 40 tri-foil

Ag Cu Zn Ni Melting Range
40 30 28 2 670 - 780oC


ARGO-BRAZE 40 Tri-foil can be used for the brazing of tungsten carbide provided that the higher liquidus of 780˚C can be tolerated without causing post braze cracking. ARGO-BRAZE 40 has a longer melting range than Argo-braze™ 502 and ARGO-BRAZE 49 LM so it is not as free flowing, however, the lower silver content makes it a more economical option.

For stainless steel


Ag Cu Ni In Melting Range
56 27.25 2.25 14.5 600 - 711oC


ARGO-BRAZE 56 was formulated to overcome potential problems of interfacial corrosion on stainless steel components exposed to wet conditions in service. It contains nickel, which has been found to promote resistance to this type of corrosion whilst excluding zinc, which may promote it. ARGO-BRAZE 56 contains indium, which reduces the melting temperature making it somewhat easier to use than ARGO-BRAZE 632. It has a long melting range and poor flow characteristics giving rise to large fillets around the joints.



Ag Cu Ni Sn ISO 17672 Melting Range
63 28.5 2.5 6 Ag 463 691 - 802oC


ARGO-BRAZE 632 was formulated to overcome potential problems of interfacial corrosion on stainless steel components exposed to wet conditions in service. It contains nickel, which has been found to promote resistance to this type of corrosion whilst excluding zinc, which may promote it. It has a long melting range and poor flow characteristics giving rise to large fillets around the joints. The relatively high brazing temperature and poor flow make it more difficult to use than conventional silver brazing filler metals.

4774, BAg-21

Vacuum applications


Ag Cu Ni Melting Range
71.5 28 0.5 780 - 795oC


ARGO-BRAZE 72NiV is a modified version of the silver-copper brazing filler metal ARGO-BRAZE 72V. It has a nominal 0.5% addition of nickel that improves the filler metal's wetting characteristics on ferrous and nickel based parent metals and somewhat reduces the alloy's flow properties making it more sluggish.

Like ARGO-BRAZE 72V this filler metal can be manufactured to meet vacuum tube grade requirements with low and controlled levels of volatile impurities. Consequently it can be used on vacuum tube devices that operate at moderate temperatures, and where the presence of volatile elements might otherwise be detrimental to the performance of the component.

Where ceramics are being brazed to a low expansion nickel alloy care should be taken (nickel plating / stress relieving) to prevent inter-granular penetration (liquid metal stress cracking) of the nickel alloy.


Ag Cu ISO 17672 Melting Range
72 28 Ag 272 V1 778oC


ARGO-BRAZE 72V is a silver-copper brazing filler metal with a eutectic composition, and has a melting point of 778°C unlike most other brazing filler metals that have a melting range.

It is manufactured to meet vacuum tube grade requirements with low and controlled levels of volatile impurities. Consequently it can be used on vacuum tube devices that operate at moderate temperatures and where volatile elements might be detrimental to the performance of the component.

Having a single melting temperature of 778˚C makes the alloy very free flowing and able to penetrate narrow joint gaps. On silver and copper parent materials the flow of the alloy is reduced and the re-melt temperature is increased due to the filler metal taking silver or copper into solution when molten. Exercising careful control of the brazing cycle brazing temperatures and time at temperature can reduce this effect.

ARGO-BRAZE 72V shows only limited wetting on iron and nickel base metals and on cemented tungsten carbides.

Where ceramics are being brazed to a low expansion nickel alloy, care should be taken (nickel plating / stress relieving) to prevent inter-granular penetration (liquid metal stress cracking) of the nickel alloy.

ARGO-BRAZE 72V is supplied as standard as EN 1044 vacuum grade V1, but it can also be supplied in the vacuum grade V2, both of which are suitable for vacuum tube applications. The alloy can also be supplied as the non-vacuum tube grade material EN 1044 AG401.

ARGO-BRAZE 72V was formerly known as Silver-Copper Eutectic™.




Ag Cu In Melting Range
63 27 10 685 - 730oC


ARGO-BRAZE 63V is a silver-copper-indium brazing filler metal. It is manufactured only as a vacuum tube grade material with low and controlled levels of volatile impurities. The indium content of this filler metal reduces the alloy's melting temperature and gives it improved wetting on ferrous parent metals over the straight silver-copper filler metal ARGO-BRAZE 72V. 

The alloy is intended for use in fluxless atmosphere (reducing or inert gas) or vacuum brazing applications. ARGO-BRAZE 63V is, however, prone to liquate (separate into low and high melting constituents) if it is heated slowly through its melting range. For this reason rapid heating methods should be employed wherever possible.

This filler metal is typically used for brazing vacuum tube type components and for the brazing of metallised ceramics in vacuum tube devices or in the production of ceramic to metal seals. Where ceramics are being brazed to a low expansion nickel alloy care should be taken (nickel plating / stress relieving) to prevent inter-granular penetration (liquid metal stress cracking) of the nickel alloy.

ARGO-BRAZE 63V can be used as the last stage in a multi-step, sequential brazing operation with high melting point filler metals like ARGO-BRAZE 72V, PALLABRAZE™ 810 etc.

Formerly this filler metal was called IN10.


Ag Cu In Melting Range
61.5 24 14.5 630 - 705oC


ARGO-BRAZE 61V is a silver-copper-indium brazing filler metal. It is manufactured only as a vacuum tube grade material with low and controlled levels of volatile impurities. The indium content of this filler metal reduces the alloy's melting temperature and gives it improved wetting on ferrous parent metals over the straight silver-copper filler metal ARGO-BRAZE 72V. 

ARGO-BRAZE 61V is intended for use in fluxless atmosphere (reducing or inert gas) or vacuum brazing applications, however, it is prone to liquate (separate into low and high melting constituents) if it is heated slowly through its melting range. For this reason rapid heating methods should be employed wherever possible.

This filler metal is typically used for brazing vacuum tube type components and for the brazing of metalised ceramics in vacuum tube devices or in the production of ceramic to metal seals. Where ceramics are being brazed to a low expansion nickel alloy care should be taken (nickel plating / stress relieving) to prevent intergranular penetration (liquid metal stress cracking) of the nickel alloy.

ARGO-BRAZE 61V can be used as the last stage in a multi-step, sequential brazing operation with high melting point filler metals like ARGO-BRAZE 72V, PALLABRAZE™ 810 etc.

This filler metal was formerly called IN15.


Ag Cu Sn ISO 17672 Melting Range
60 30 10 Ag 160 602 - 718oC


ARGO-BRAZE 60 is a specialised cadmium free and zinc free silver brazing filler metal which makes it suitable for flux-less brazing in reducing or inert gas atmospheres as well as vacuum.

ARGO-BRAZE 60 is also available as vacuum tube grade material with low and controlled levels of volatile impurities. 

Being zinc free the alloy is suitable for the brazing of components in applications where dezincification of zinc containing filler metals might occur, such as exposure to salt water. 

The tin content of this filler metal depresses the melting temperature and improves its wetting on ferrous parent metals over the silver-copper filler metal ARGO-BRAZE 72V. It is, however, prone to liquate (separate into low and high melting constituents) if it is heated slowly through its melting range. For this reason rapid heating methods should be employed wherever possible.

Joint gaps should be between 0.075mm and 0.2mm at brazing temperature.

This filler metal was formerly called RTSN™.



Aerospace and miscellaneous


Ag Mn ISO 17672 Melting Range
85 15 Ag 485 960 - 970oC


ARGO-BRAZE 85 is a highly specialised free flowing silver-manganese brazing filler metal. The product is suitable for brazing joints that will continuously operate at temperatures up to 260°C or in applications involving short time exposure to service temperatures of 425°C.

Being a copper free filler metal it is also suitable for use in applications involving contact with ammonia, such as the brazing of steel pipe joints in refrigeration systems.

It can be used to braze a wide range of materials - carbon steels, stainless steel, nickel alloys, cobalt based hard / wear resistant metals and tungsten carbide. It should be noted that joints produced by the alloy on stainless steel may not be resistant to attack by interfacial corrosion.

4766, BAg-23



Ag Cu Ni ISO 17672 Melting Range
56 42 2 Ag 456 771 - 893oC


ARGO-BRAZE 562 is a specialised, cadmium free, zinc free silver brazing filler metal. Thus it has been used for furnace brazing operations where the evolution of zinc fume would not be acceptable. Its principle use is for the fluxless brazing of stainless steel in dry, high hydrogen content reducing atmospheres. Joints brazed with ARGO-BRAZE 562 exhibit good elevated temperature properties up to 425°C. 

ARGO-BRAZE 562 has a long and high melting range and produces large fillets. It is consequently prone to liquate (separate into low and high melting constituents) if it is heated slowly through its melting range. For this reason rapid heating methods should be employed wherever possible.



Ag Cu Zn Ni ISO 17672 Melting Range
54 40 5 1 Ag 454 718 - 857oC


ARGO-BRAZE 54 is a specialised cadmium free silver brazing filler metal. It is mainly used for brazing austenitic stainless steel joints that will be required to work at elevated temperatures, such as jet engine components.

It can be used to join both ferrous and non-ferrous metals and due to its low zinc content can be used in furnace brazing applications. 

It has a long melting range and is useful as a gap-filling alloy producing large fillets. It is, however, prone to liquate (separate into low and high melting constituents) if it is heated slowly through its melting range. For this reason rapid heating methods should be employed wherever possible. 

The long melting range of the filler metal can prove useful when faced with joints having large and variable joint clearances as the very sluggish flow properties of the filler metal facilitate the bridging of the large gaps. 

ARGO-BRAZE 54 will fill joint gaps of between 0.1mm and 0.25mm at brazing temperature.

4772, BAg-13


Ag Cu Zn Melting Range
25 52.5 22.5 675 - 855oC


ARGO-BRAZE 25DHE is a cadmium free silver brazing filler metal. It has a long melting range and is useful as a gap filling filler metal producing large fillets. It is, however, prone to liquate (separate into low and high melting constituents) if it is heated slowly through its melting range. For this reason rapid heating methods should be employed wherever possible.

ARGO-BRAZE™ brazing pastes

ARGO-BRAZE 502 brazing paste

Ag Cu Zn Ni ISO 17672 Melting Range
50 20 28 2 Ag 450 660 - 705oC


ARGO-BRAZE 502 brazing paste is a specially formulated paste product intended for use in semi or fully automated brazing processes, or where the use of a paste offers other advantages. It combines Argo-braze™ 502, a filler metal particularly suitable for tungsten carbide and PCD, in powder form with a flux-binder system selected to match an individual application. The resulting product is a fully dispensable, custom-made brazing paste ideal for brazing tungsten carbide and PCD segments.

4788, BAg-24

ARGO-BRAZE 56 brazing paste

Ag Cu Ni In Melting Range
56 27.25 2.25 14.5 600 - 711oC


ARGO-BRAZE 56 brazing paste was developed to provide a paste solution for brazing of stainless steel where potential problem from interfacial corrosion on stainless steel components exposed to wet conditions in service might otherwise occur.

ARGO-BRAZE 632 brazing paste

Ag Cu Ni Sn ISO 17672 Melting Range
63 28.5 2.5 6 Ag 463 691 - 802oC


ARGO-BRAZE 632 brazing paste was as formulated provide a paste solution for brazing of stainless steel where potential problem from interfacial corrosion on stainless steel components exposed to wet conditions in service might otherwise occur.

4774, BAg-21

ARGO-BRAZE 72 brazing paste

Ag Cu ISO 17672 Melting Range
72 28 Ag  778oC


ARGO-BRAZE 72V Brazing Paste is a specially formulated paste product. The product consists of ARGO-BRAZE 72V, a silver-copper brazing filler metal and a binder system which is normally not flux containing so suitable for furnace brazing applications.



Get in touch

Jacob Benstead


Elmar Braeuning

Switzerland, Austria and Germany