Bronze filler metals

JM BRONZE™ filler metals are a range of special products designed for high temperature brazing of steel and carbide components. The JM BRONZE products which contain nickel and or manganese can show improved wetting on tungsten carbide.

C BRONZE™ has good gap-bridging properties (0.025 to 0.75 mm) and offers excellent resistance to interfacial corrosion when used on ferritic or austenitic stainless steels. F BRONZE™ is used to used to braze rock drills. It shows good wetting, strength and an ability to allow heat treatment of the drill shank during brazing. Induction brazing is used in air with TENACITY™ No. 125 flux.

JM BRONZE copper based brazing filler metals


Cu Ni B ISO 17672 Melting Range
97 3 0.03 Cu 186 1081-1101oC


B BRONZE is a copper-nickel brazing filler metal with a controlled addition of boron. It was developed by Johnson Matthey for furnace brazing of stainless steel and mild steel under reducing atmospheres where the joint gaps involved cannot be closely controlled. It demonstrates resistance to interfacial corrosion on ferritic and austenitic stainless steels.



Cu Sn P Melting Range
91.75 8 0.25 882 - 1027oC


P BRONZE is a copper-tin bronze alloy used for the brazing of mild steels where the gaps are too large for the use of copper (i.e. over 0.025 mm) or where a lower temperature than the melting temperature of copper is required, for example when brazing copper to steel components.


Cu Ni Mn Melting Range
86.85 2.15 11 965 - 995oC


C BRONZE is a copper-manganese-nickel brazing filler metal. It demonstrates resistance to interfacial corrosion on ferritic and austenitic stainless steels. C BRONZE is also used for brazing tungsten carbide tools in a reducing atmosphere showing good wetting and producing strong joints.


Cu Mn Co Melting Range
86 10 4 980-1030oC


D BRONZE is a copper-manganese-cobalt brazing filler metal that was developed for brazing tungsten carbide tipped rock drills. It shows good wetting, joint strength and allows for heat treatment of the drill shank during the brazing cycle. D BRONZE can be brazed with induction heating equipment.


Cu Mn Co Zn Melting Range
58 2 2 38 890 - 930oC


F BRONZE is used to braze tungsten carbide tips into tools and drills or tungsten carbide segments onto surfaces to improve cutting, impact or wear resistance. It is harder than D BRONZE and is used where the heat treatment of the steel drill shank is temperature critical. It can be brazed in air with TENACITY No.125 Flux.


Cu Ni Mn Melting Range
52.5 9.5 38 880 - 920oC


H BRONZE is a specialised copper-manganese-nickel brazing filler metal. It is designed for use on cemented tungsten carbide components where it has been shown to produce very strong joints. It is suitable for elevated service temperature applications up to 400˚C.


Cu Ni Mn Melting Range
67.5 9 23.5 925 - 955oC


J BRONZE is a copper-manganese-nickel brazing filler metal. It is designed for use on tungsten carbide to steel where it has been shown to produce very strong joints. J BRONZE is favoured where it’s brazing temperature matches the heat treatment temperature of the steel being brazed.

Get in touch

Jacob Benstead

UK and Rest of World

Elmar Braeuning

Switzerland, Austria and Germany