Our PGM market report reviews and forecasts demand and supply developments in the PGM markets, and is published annually in May. It gives an insight into each of the platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium and iridium markets and many include special feature articles. It is free and publicly available, but please read the disclaimer before downloading the report.

Disclaimer for market reports

The PGM Market Report (The “Report”), and the information and materials contained therein, is provided for information only and is not, and should not be interpreted as, financial or other professional advice, or advice that any precious metal related transaction is appropriate or suitable for any investment objective of financial situation. Further, the Report is not and should not be interpreted as an offer to buy or sell or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, any precious metal or precious metal related products. A decision to invest in any precious metal, precious metal related products, securities or investments should not be made in reliance on any of the information or materials contained in the Report and Johnson Matthey accepts no liability whatsoever in this regards. The information and materials contained in the report are used expressly at your own risk. Before making any investment decision, you should take independent professional advice from appropriate financial, legal, tax and accounting advisers.


PGM market report May 2024

Special report: The PGM opportunity


PGM market report May 2023


PGM market report May 2022


PGM market report May 2021

PGM market report February 2021


PGM market report May 2020

PGM market report February 2020


PGM market report May 2019

PGM market report February 2019


PGM market report May 2018

PGM market report February 2018