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Showing results 81-84 / 93

Ethyl acetate process

This Johnson Matthey DAVY™ process is a breakthrough in ethyl acetate (EA) production. We have developed a process that is ideally suited for use with bio-based ethanol feeds and so offers an EA production route that is almost 100% carbon neutral.


Dehydrogenation technology

While various dehydrogenation pathways exist for different compounds, Johnson Matthey's DAVY™ technology focusses on alcohol dehydrogenation to yield an ester product.


Monoethylene glycol (MEG) process

Our new process using proprietary catalyst developed by Johnson Matthey and East­man enables the production of MEG from methanol via formaldehyde. This offers a unique and exciting opportunity for methanol and/or formaldehyde pro­ducers who are interested in diversifying their product slate.


Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) process

Johnson Matthey offers a well-established VCM technology which is recognised by industry as the most advanced acetylene-to-VCM process worldwide.
