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Clean air solutions: Johnson Matthey’s SINOx® mixed oxide catalysts can be used alone or in combination with precious metal oxidation catalysts for more efficient and economical catalyst systems.
Clean air solutions: Johnson Matthey's MODULEX and DUALOX® catalytic converters for stationary engines were developed to satisfy the increasing demand for clean air technology combined with silencing.
Clean air solutions: our SCRT® technology combines the diesel particulate filter system, incorporating an oxidation catalyst, to control CO, HC and PM, and a SCR catalyst to reduce NOx emissions.
Clean air solutions: Johnson Matthey's HAPGUARD temperature and pressure monitor ensures that your catalytic converter remains in compliance with RICE NESHAP for clean air.
Clean air solutions: SINOX® honeycomb SCR and plate SCR catalyst are pre-installed in element frames or modules for durability and easy handling.
Clean air solutions: Johnson Matthey SCR systems prevent air pollution from stationary diesel and natural gas engines for cleaner energy and cleaner air.
Diesel particulate filter systems / engines
Clean air solutions: our integrated SCRT® technology for US EPA Tier 4 diesel engine compliance.
Showing 21 to 28 of 28 entries.