NOx storage catalyst (NSC)
Johnson Matthey’s NSC technology removes NOX from a lean gas stream and converts it to N2.
NOX is adsorbed (lean) and then reduced (rich) → N2.
The NSC can be regenerated thermally or under a rich condition. During lean operation, the NSC can also oxidise carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) in a similar fashion to that of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC).
Composition: Precious metals (Pd, Pt or Rh) with rare earth oxide (REO) and alumina oxide, coated on a flow-through monolith.

Our NOX storage catalysts…
- Store NOX in low temperatures and lean conditions, and these storage properties can be tuned to suit individual vehicles and specific applications and systems
- Have high durability against temperature, poisons and rich operation
- Enable effective storage and reduction of NOX, and efficient removal of CO and HC.
- Can condition the ratio of NO:NO2 for a downstream SCR device
- Have superior activity and tuneable temperature windows.