“The demand for hydrogen right now is growing exponentially. It’s seen as a critical piece of the puzzle for decarbonising some of the heaviest industries out there in the world.” - Priyan Mistry, Business Development Manager

Electrolytic (green) hydrogen has the potential to transform energy systems. As a fuel, it creates no carbon emissions, and if the electricity used to produce it comes from renewable sources, the environmental benefits are tremendous.

At the heart of a hydrogen electrolysers are catalyst coated membranes (CCMs), the performance-driving components that we develop and manufacture at Johnson Matthey.

“An electrolyser works much like a fuel cell in reverse. JM’s helping meet the future demand for hydrogen by using its decades of experience in fuel cells to help develop CCMs for electrolysers.” - Andrew Cornish, R&D Scientist

In our manufacturing, we’re ramping up production for fuel cell and electrolyser CCMs to meet the demand. And we’re partnering with other leaders in the hydrogen value chain to accelerate the hydrogen economy.

“Through our partnership with Plug Power, we’re developing a new facility over in the USA. This is a huge step change for us. It’s going to be immense.” - Liz Nixon, Production Manager

Case study

Platinum group metals: a circular solution for a net zero future

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Read more about JM's hydrogen offer

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