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Showing results 33-36 / 95

Other shift catalysts

Medium temperature shift (MTS) and isothermal shift (ITS) catalysts are becoming more common in use.


Monoethylene glycol (MEG) process

Our new process using proprietary catalyst developed by Johnson Matthey and East­man enables the production of MEG from methanol via formaldehyde. This offers a unique and exciting opportunity for methanol and/or formaldehyde pro­ducers who are interested in diversifying their product slate.


New processes

Expansion of our DAVY™ process portfolio is a key element of our business strategy, and this is accomplished by a combination of in-house developments, acquisition and collaborative programmes.


De-aromatisation catalysts

Depending on feedstock, operating conditions and desired end product specification, our experienced technical specialists will advise you on the most appropriate HTC type - or a combination thereof.
