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Showing results 617-623 / 623

Other shift catalysts

Medium temperature shift (MTS) and isothermal shift (ITS) catalysts are becoming more common in use.


Methanation catalysts

Methanation is the reaction by which carbon oxides and hydrogen are converted to methane and water. The reaction is catalysed by nickel catalysts. In industry, there are two main uses for methanation, to purify synthesis gas (i.e. remove traces of carbon oxides) and to manufacture methane.


Catchment/Getter gauze

We supply palladium nickel catchment gauzes for recovering lost volatilised platinum from catalyst gauzes.


Analysis of catalysts

Our highly trained technicians and scientists investigate weight loss, gas flow distribution and contamination sources of gauzes. Using world class analytical techniques we then refine new gauze designs to reduce metal losses in future campaigns.


Nitrous oxide abatement catalyst

Through our co-operation with Yara International ASA, we supply high performance secondary nitrous oxide abatement catalysts.


Precious metal recovery

We offer innovative solutions for effective cleaning of plant components through onsite and offsite aggressive and non-aggressive techniques.


Process optimisation

Through our exclusive partnership with ProSim we can enhance plant performance through diagnostics and optimisation of the entire nitric acid process.
