Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals came into force across the EU on 1 June 2007. This section outlines key elements of Johnson Matthey's programme covering EU-REACH, including recent updates resulting from the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. 

It is intended to help our customers and supply chain partners understand our compliance approach, and to answer some frequently asked questions. You can find information here on how we are supporting our products and ensuring regulatory compliance with REACH. The content covers specifics of interest to both EU and non-EU customers and also our suppliers.

Johnson Matthey is a company with diverse sectors and businesses spanning catalysts, chemical products, battery materials and pharmaceutical intermediates and ingredients. Statements concerning REACH compliance will be issued from individual operating unit as appropriate.

More on REACH

Compliance and supply chain support

REACH applies to all companies within the EU which manufacture, import, formulate or use chemical substances. Therefore, the complete supply chain shares responsibility for implementing the measures which are intended to improve safety in the production and use of substances.

Brexit and EU-REACH impacts

As a result of the UK leaving the European Union, Johnson Matthey has appointed Only Representatives (OR) to act on behalf of our UK-based entities supplying particular substances into the EU. It is important to note that our appointment of an OR means our customers importing these substances will be treated as downstream users in respect of REACH registration obligations. Such customers may remain responsible for submitting the CLP notifications for these substances, per Article 40 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. To support customers in preparing their CLP notifications, the following downloads provide hazard classifications and justifications of the substances covered by OR registrations.

Supporting our products through REACH

Johnson Matthey has established a management framework to ensure effective coordination of EU-REACH (and REACH-like regulations) compliance across the company. This systematic approach networks our Product Stewardship Centre of Expertise, consisting regulatory and toxicology specialists at corporate level, with product specialists at business unit level. Together they are responsible for aligning and assuring regulatory compliance across Johnson Matthey, taking individual product support actions and interacting with our supply chain.

We have successfully completed EU-REACH registrations in line with the tonnage and hazard classification driven deadlines in 2010, 2013 and 2018 to cover our portfolio of products, unless exemptions apply. As new products are introduced, or our supply chains alter, we may initiate additional registrations. Our customers and suppliers can of course contact the business level groups if they need specific REACH information. However, to try and save you effort in this area, a number of resources exist on this REACH section of the website which should provide answers to many of the routinely raised questions.

In order to maximise the level of product support to our customers we have built up significant levels of technical expertise covering regulatory aspects of REACH, compliance pathways, and on efficient ways to conduct substance assessment and testing programmes. This is integrated as part of the product stewardship package provided with our products.

Johnson Matthey is active in a number of industry consortia working with our peers to deliver robust chemical safety assessments to underpin substance registrations and their evaluations. We have a system to check with our upstream supply chain partners that substances sourced from them for incorporation into our products are in turn covered by their registration programmes. This will ensure that all our key raw materials are compliant with applicable chemicals control legislation and that our manufacturing processes will not be adversely affected by REACH.

Hazard classifications and justifications

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Cr - chromium
K - potassium hydroxide
Na - aluminium sodium dioxide
Ni - nickel
Pd - diamminedichloropalladium
Pd - diammonium hexachloropalladate
Pd - dihydrogen tetrachloropalladate(2-)
K - dipotassium oxide
K - potassium carbonate