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Showing results 621-628 / 628

Imine reductases enzymes

Imine reductases (IREDs) biocatalysts are used to produce enantiopure primary, secondary and tertiary amines


Ene reductase enzymes

Ene reductase enzyme catalyse the reduction of C=C double bonds


Cofactor regeneration enzymes

NADP and NAD regeneration enzymes


Lactate dehydrogenase enzymes

Lactate dehydrogenase catalyses the reduction of pyruvate to either (R)- or (S)- lactate


Alanine dehydrogenase enzyme

Alanine dehydrogenase catalyses the reductive amination of pyruvate to L-alanine


Synthesis technology

Johnson Matthey's DAVY™ synthesis technologies convert syngas (CO, CO2 & H2) to methanol creating exothermic reactions that have a limited conversion rate, so several passes through a reactor are required to produce sufficient methanol.


Choline chloride process

Our DAVY™ choline chloride technology includes a continuous single-stream process in which ethylene oxide, hydrochloric acid, trimethylamine (TMA) are reacted under moderate conditions to produce choline chloride.


Amination technology

Amines are compounds derived from ammonia and contain a nitrogen atom with a lone electron pair. Amination is the process by which an amine group is added to an organic compound.
