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Showing results 261-270 / 615

Environmental oxidation process

Environmental concerns about industrial emissions to air and water have been continually growing. In response, Johnson Matthey has targeted key issues by applying our expertise in catalysts and catalytic technology.


Ruthenium chloride solution

Ruthenium(III) chloride solution | CAS: 10049-08-8



CAS Number: 95464-05-4


Methylamines process

Johnson Matthey's DAVY™ methylamines (MA) flowsheet is the most extensively licensed process of its kind in the world. As such, it is well-proven through extensive use across a majority of operating MA plants. We have continued to improve our process and today offer an improved derivative of our original design.


Diesel particulate filter

Mobile emission controls: a diesel particulate filter (DPF) removes particulate matter from diesel exhaust by physical filtration.


EPA Tier 4 compliance

Stationary emissions control: our integrated SCRT® technology for US EPA Tier 4 diesel engine compliance.


Custom catalysts

Our custom catalyst programmes deliver products suitable for reliable scale up from gram to kilo and kilo to tonne for customers worldwide. This makes us a desirable catalyst partner in today’s chemical industry.




Methanation catalysts

Methanation is the reaction by which carbon oxides and hydrogen are converted to methane and water. The reaction is catalysed by nickel catalysts. In industry, there are two main uses for methanation, to purify synthesis gas (i.e. remove traces of carbon oxides) and to manufacture methane.


SILVER-FLO filler metals

SILVER-FLO™ products can be used to join the common engineering metals such as copper, copper alloys (brass, bronze, nickel silver, aluminium bronze, copper nickel), nickel alloys, steel, stainless steel and tungsten carbide.
