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Ahir Pushpanath
28 Oct 2019
The elements of life: catalysing pharmaceutical innovation
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Nick Shackley
04 Jul 2018
Driving pharmaceutical innovation

JM's Nick Shackley discusses advanced catalytic activity, combining technologies with collaborations and more. Read more...

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04 Nov 2021
How a circular economy and nanotech save us from a clean energy bottleneck

The transition to clean energy is increasing demand for precious metals. JM experts explain the innovations in nanotechnology and recycling that are enabling a carbon-neutral future. Read more...

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Andy Walker Technology Market Insights Director
19 May 2023
Five reasons clean air legislation still matters as we journey to net zero

Andy Walker, JM’s Technology Market Insights Director, explains why emission control legislation is key to protecting people and the planet as we transition to net zero. Read more...

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28 Sep 2023
Why sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is gaining altitude: five key drivers of sustainable aviation fuel production

Discover the drivers behind sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production. From passenger pressure to technology advancements, find out why SAF adoption is accelerating towards a decarbonised future. Read more...

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Jane Toogood Ex Chief Executive, Catalyst Technologies
11 Sep 2023
Net zero needs hydrogen: Let's not be blinded by colours

Jane Toogood, Chief Executive for Catalyst Technologies, discusses this essential part of the pathways to decarbonisation. Read more...

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Andy Walker Technology Market Insights Director
23 Nov 2023
Harmonising hydrogen: the need for global alignment in low carbon hydrogen regulation

To enable the hydrogen economy to grow at pace and facilitate trade, Andy Walker, JM's Technical Market Insights Director, calls for global alignment in low carbon hydrogen standards. Read more...

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Eugene McKenna Commercial & Strategy Director, Hydrogen Technologies
17 Feb 2023
Electrolyser technologies: do we need a winner?

There’s more than one way to make electrolytic (green) hydrogen, but is there a right way? Eugene McKenna, JM’s Commercial and Strategy Director, reviews current electrolyser technologies. Read more...

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Maurits van Tol Chief Executive, Catalyst Technologies
01 Nov 2022
If hydrogen is the answer to energy security, let's talk carbon, not colour

Maurits van Tol, Chief Technology Officer, calls for a change in language and the development of a global clean hydrogen market. Read more...

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Peter Ellis Technology Director, Green Hydrogen
20 Dec 2021
Striking a balance in clean hydrogen production

Peter Ellis, Technology Director for Green Hydrogen, discusses the decarbonisation of the hydrogen industry and the technological trade-offs and decisions that must be considered to achieve this goal. Read more...

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