Supporting the hydrogen economy
How fuel cell technologies can shape the UK's future
09 July 2018
Rapidly growing demands on the world's energy resources is driving the need for new and innovative solutions to achieve more sustainable energy generation and storage. Hydrogen can be part of this mix; acting as an energy carrier in fuel cells it can be directly converted into electricity, moving, storing and delivering energy produced by other sources. And because the only byproduct of the process is water, it's an attractive solution for countries faced with ever stronger legislation to ensure cleaner air and a healthier world.
As a leader in the research and development of fuel cell technologies, JM maintains relationships with industry experts and collaborates with them to ensure we're ready to meet environmental and our customers' demands.
The UK is investing in hydrogen technology in a bid to boost productivity, employment and its economy. Below, industry experts have their say on the role that fuel cell technologies may have in shaping the UK's future.
Article contributors
Articles below originally appeared in the 15th June edition of the New Statesman.