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Our amination catalysts are used for a variety of speciality amines production and downstream of our oxo-alcohol catalysts.
The latest products in our low temperature shift range combine high activity and poisons resistance with excellent selectivity to give low methanol by-product formation.
Read about our high temperature shift catalysts. Our latest high activity products are the result of extensive catalyst development in high temperature duties.
Johnson Matthey is the world's leading supplier of sour shift catalysts with the KATALCO K8-11 series of products.
Medium temperature shift (MTS) and isothermal shift (ITS) catalysts are becoming more common in use.
CAS Number: 64536-78-3
EASY-FLO™ products are general-purpose silver brazing fluxes. They can be used on the common engineering metals including copper, copper alloys, nickel alloys, steel, stainless steel and tungsten carbide.
STOP-FLO™ No.1 and STOP-FLO No.2 are two stop-off or ‘parting’ compounds formulated to prevent the flow and wetting of molten brazing filler metal across the surface of a component during the brazing process.
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