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Johnson Matthey's low carbon solutions: Decarbonising the installed asset base with ready-now solutions



Methanol is an important and highly versatile chemical used to produce hundreds of every-day products which improve our quality of life, such as plywood, paint and adhesives. It is also a clean-burning and safe alternative to conventional fuels and a potential enabler for decarbonization.


Mercury removal absorbents

Johnson Matthey is the market leader in the production of mercury removal adsorbents for the gas processing industry. Our PURASPEC range of adsorbents is tailored for effective and complete mercury removal from hydrocarbon streams.


FORMOX formaldehyde process

Johnson Matthey license the FORMOX™ formaldehyde process, with plant capacities ranging from 70 MTPD to nearly 840 MTPD. The process enables the production of concentrations up to 55%, which means reduced costs of downstream production, storage and transport.


Purified terephthalic acid (PTA) process

A successful collaboration between Johnson Matthey and Dow has achieved a breakthrough PTA process offering improved economics, competitiveness and reliability while delivering a quality PTA product.


Oxidation technology

In terms of organic chemistry, oxidation is defined as a reaction which causes carbon to lose electron density. This can be caused by a carbon atom forming a bond with a more electronegative atom (e.g. oxygen, nitrogen), or breaking a bond with a less electronegative atom (e.g. hydrogen).


PURACARE service

PURACARE tailored service is designed to take care of all aspects of operation, maintenance and absorbent/catalyst recycling for our global customers in the Gas Processing industry.


Oxo alcohols process

Johnson Matthey offers oxo-alcohol processes and a complete range of catalysts suitable for oxo-alcohol manufacture. The LP OxoSM technology is the world’s leading technology for use in the manufacture of oxo alcohols from olefins.


Propylene glycol process

Our DAVY™ glycerol to propylene glycol (GPG) process is a perfect fit for our DAVY biodiesel process as the by-product, glycerol, can be fed to an adjoining GPG plant.


Dehydrogenation technology

While various dehydrogenation pathways exist for different compounds, Johnson Matthey's DAVY™ technology focusses on alcohol dehydrogenation to yield an ester product.


Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) process

Johnson Matthey offers a well-established VCM technology which is recognised by industry as the most advanced acetylene-to-VCM process worldwide.


Fischer Tropsch technology

Johnson Matthey have collaborated with BP to produce our proprietary fixed-bed Fischer Tropsch (FT) technology – a simple and robust system which forms the heart of our gas-to-liquids (GTL) process.


Substitute natural gas (SNG) process

With over 20 years' experience, Johnson Matthey is the market leader in the supply of SNG catalysts and technology, with our DAVY™ licensed plants providing more than half of global SNG production.


Methanation catalysts

Methanation is the reaction by which carbon oxides and hydrogen are converted to methane and water. The reaction is catalysed by nickel catalysts. In industry, there are two main uses for methanation, to purify synthesis gas (i.e. remove traces of carbon oxides) and to manufacture methane.


Methylamines process

Johnson Matthey's DAVY™ methylamines (MA) flowsheet is the most extensively licensed process of its kind in the world. As such, it is well-proven through extensive use across a majority of operating MA plants. We have continued to improve our process and today offer an improved derivative of our original design.
