Sinead Lynch
Sinead Lynch
Independent Non-Executive Director

Skills and experience
From 2021 to 2024, Sinead was Senior Vice President of Shell’s Low Carbon Fuels business, developing technologies and investing in projects to produce sustainable renewable fuels at scale. She held the role of UK Country Chair at Royal Dutch Shell (“Shell”) from 2016 to 2021. Following Shell’s acquisition of BG Group (“BG”), Sinead was appointed as Executive Vice President Integration and led the Joint Integration Planning team for BG to successfully merge the two businesses. She had previously led the Safety and Sustainability division of BG. From July 2020 until August 2021, Sinead was co-chair of the UK Hydrogen Advisory Council. She began her career as a Geophysicist.
Sinead has extensive knowledge and experience of the low carbon fuel sector with a particular interest in sustainability and the energy transition pathway. She has deep experience across commercial operations, organisational change and multidisciplinary integration.
External appointments
Trustee of the Shell Foundation, Trustee of BG Group Pension Trustees Limited.
Appointed to the board
January 2025
Committee membership
Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee, Societal Value Committee, Investment Committee