Plugging into a greener future with hydrogen power
Hear from Johnson Matthey’s CEO, Liam Condon and Plug Power’s CEO, Andy Marsh on a new long-term strategic partnership.

Accelerating the hydrogen economy

Our world needs to decarbonise in order to address the challenge of climate change, and hydrogen is going to play a pivotal role in the journey towards net zero carbon.  

To help meet growing demand for fuel cells and electrolysers, and to accelerate the green hydrogen economy, JM has entered into a long-term strategic partnership with Plug Power, a leading provider of turnkey hydrogen solutions. Bringing our security of supply of precious metals and unique recycling capabilities, we’ll become an important strategic supplier of MEA components, providing a substantial portion of Plug’s demand for catalysts, membranes, and catalyst coated membranes (CCM). 

Plug and JM will co-invest in what is expected to be the largest (5GW scaling to 10GW over time) CCM manufacturing facility in the world. The facility will be built in the United States and likely begin production in 2025. 


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Fuelling change: the power of hydrogen
Learn more about catalyst coated membranes (CCMs), which sit at the heart of both green hydrogen electrolysers and hydrogen fuel cells.

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