At Johnson Matthey, we are committed to creating a culture where all employees can fulfil their potential regardless of gender. By 2030, our goal is to have at least 40% female representation across all management levels.
Partnerships & recognition
JM works with a number of external partners and have signed several initiatives to demonstrate our commitment to gender inclusion. We continuously look beyond our business to measure ourselves against the high standards set by experts and industry benchmarks so that we can continuously develop and improve.
Employee Resource Groups
Key achievements
Although there is room for progress still to be made, throughout the years JM has already accomplished a tremendous amount when it comes to gender inclusion.
Female development programme
JM has partnered with LHH to launch a female development programme aimed at empowering our female talent and supporting them to reach their full potential. The Elevating Women in Leadership Programme launched in 2023 with 20 participants from the US and UK, and a second cohort launched in 2024 with 40 participants from the US, UK, India, Mexico, and Sweden.
Gender Pay Gap Report
Each year, JM publishes our annual gender pay gap report. The gender pay gap is the difference between the average hourly pay rate of all men and all women in an organisation. You can find out more about our gender pay gap, the drivers for it, and some of the key areas JM is currently focusing on to address this by reading our full gender pay gap report.
Inclusive personal protective equipment (PPE) catalogue
Our procurement team has joined forces with several of our ERGs to ensure male, female, trans, and non-binary colleagues alike can find PPE that they are comfortable in. We have been working closely with our suppliers to get these inclusive catalogue measures in place not only for JM, but as the industry standard.
Sanitary products
Awareness and education
Our ERGs, ambassadors, and the DI&B team regularly host several educational webinars on various topics relating to gender inclusion, including the “Women in JM achievement awards”, the “Why Equity Matters” panel session with female leaders at JM, and the “Women’s health through the life course” session.
International Women's Day
Tent Mentorship Initiative
Johnson Matthey is mentoring refugee women in the UK, Sweden and Germany as part of Tent's Mentorship Initiative.
Community Investment
- Wellbeing of Women, a charity which saves and changes the lives of women, girls, and babies. From period problems and starting a family, to menopause and gynaecological cancers, they are here for women’s gynaecological and reproductive health.
- VIHAAN, an organisation that works at the grassroots level to fight human trafficking and other forms of abuse and exploitation.